
Showing posts with label Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What Kind Of World Do We Live In

Hello my friends and what a beautiful Saturday morning. I believe that life is an adventure and every day is a blessing from all sides of the world and our minds well that is one powerful tool. The mind is one giant muscle because .the more you use it the stronger it becomes.

The other night I fell to sleep and had this strange dream about life,yes it was about my life. I am still picking it apart to find the meaning but so far my only ideal solution that somehow the dream meant to better be prepared: Let me explain. Perhaps just perhaps you have been through a similar situation.

In this dream I met a mentor of mine and he stated to me that I must prepare for this great speech I was to make in a coliseum with perhaps ten thousand people. In this dream I was in a dream in other words a dream within a dream. I woke up in the dream within my dream and started to laugh and stated to myself yea sure ten thousand people OK!!!

Then I find myself sitting in the crowed in the coliseum where I am supposed to speak and I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt!!. I stood up and Zig Ziglar was speaking and as I was walking out to the door I picked up the announcement and list of speakers and guess what my name was in capital letters and gold as the main speaker on life. I ran out the door with paper in hand and I was now walking with my suit and tie over my shoulder to the hotel room.

I placed my clothes neatly on the bed and walked out to see more of the coliseum and suddenly realized that I had half an hour to get ready and be at the podium to speak. I rushed back to the hotel and could not find my room and though I am not a person to panic ever I found myself in a frantic panic. 

I could not find the room so I made the choice to go ahead and look like a fool and get up there in front of the audience in shorts and a T-shirt . On my way up there I totally forgot what my speech was all about.

 I run into my son Quentin and he says ( Dad I have been looking for you and they just called your name and why did you not change) I looked at him and smiled and said Son I have no idea and on top of that I have no idea what my speech was all about) He said WOW DAD! what kind of world do we live in!!

 I said you are a genius that is my speech What kind of world do we live in!! I made my speech on that and then I woke up.

Well my friends in life we will have and face challenges at times that are unexpected and this is a crazy world we live in: High unemployment-Young kids dying and killing themselves families falling apart what a world!!

I guess the moral of this dream is to be prepared at all times for whatever comes your way and deal with the issue at hand and with the truth in mind you will come to a solution and feel like a million bucks doing it. Sometimes we will make fools of ourselves

My son in the dream has always been an inspiration to me ever since he was a child and now as he is growing up I want to be his.Life! what a crazy world we live in!!

Our youth incarcerate why must it be this way when there is always a solution to avoid it. I speak to them from the heart and they understand me and I understand them. Their face of disgust and pain and shame you can see and feel it but if one can come up to me and ask me to help them find that solution to change then guess what I have done my job!!

I have a dream too! To be able to change the world one mind at a time!!!

My friends who own businesses guess what you too will face many challenges may it be in marketing, management, customer service issues, staff issues and guess what there is always a solution for your problems as well: So look me up for your personal needs or your business needs and I am here to serve you that is my business:

My friends connect with me on:

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Monday, January 28, 2013

"By taking the first step in the right direction and getting out of your comfort zone"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

"By taking the first step in the right direction and getting out of your comfort zone"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The voice-No Action Equals Comfort--Comfort Equals No Growth"--Luciano (The Key) Santini

Think of us as your personal solutions provider
The Voice
Hello and good morning. Well it is morning as I am writing this post. Today I am going to talk a little about that self talk you hear in the back of your mind and keeps you from moving forward and then we will talk a little about business as well.

I call it the voice; it is the voice you hear when you want to accomplish a goal or a project you have never done before. That voice starts to kick in and it begins like this; What are you doing? You cannot do this, you have no skills for this project!!

What are you thinking? So what is happening here, well let us see; It is called self doubt. The voice begins by giving you the feeling of self doubt. You start doubting your ability to do this new project or keep you from accomplishing the goals you are so hard trying to reach.

Ways to get rid of the voice:
1) Replace the voice with a song and sing when the voice begins.
2) Start a puzzle to keep the mind occupied
3) Play with your dog
4) Watch your favorite video
5) Tell a joke and start laughing

As trivial as these examples are they work. try it and let me know.

"If You Want Growth You Must Take Action--No Action Equals Comfort--Comfort Equals No Growth"--Luciano (The Key) Santini

We are your solutions provider
Today I would like to talk about capacity training and the importance of it. Many companies will say they have it in place but they do not. Many companies will say they do it all the time and they do not and the worst part of it is they they have no idea what it is  and if they know what it is they have no idea how to implement it.

So what is capacity training. capacity training is
Capacity building is the blood of growth, now more than ever. Read this section to learn more about what capacity building can accomplish for your company.
There is a startling lack of awareness about what capacity building is, especially when our society depends so heavily on the service to bring value that you or your company is offering.

Capacity building is whatever is needed to bring a company to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity, in order to more effectively and efficiently fulfill its mission. Management must have a need to understand the logic behind this critical thinking process and start to implement it as soon as possible if the company needs to grow or in the process of learning new ideas to having staff members understand and believe the mission statement and the vision of the company.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Good morning my friends and how is everyone doing on this beautiful morning? You see I wake up each morning and give thanks for all that I have and realize that life is a great thing to look forward to each day. Each morning I give thanks for many things about life and in turn the world gives me thanks for being who I am.
I know that might sound a bit selfish but think about it.

 A leader should always remain focused and concentrate on his/her ability to adapt to all situations in the work place.  A position of power gives an individual certain tasks that must be performed in a mutually beneficial way - both to the company and to the employee, the parent or the child. 

I find that sometimes it's interesting to look over and observe peoples behaviors and to think about what the underlying causes of their actions truly are.  Sometimes the results can be astonishing!

For example; when a person finds they've been placed in a position of power it can be an undaunting experience - because it's a change and more often than not - it's a big change.  And change is one of the things that is hard to adapt to - and when this type of change happens in a persons life - the outcome and a persons behavior can become unpredictable - it is precisely this unpredictability that leads to confusion, harsh judgement or speedy judgement on the part of the person in a newly found position of power.  And this is how people who become leaders tend to make mistakes when taking on the new role of a power position.  As a leader one should strive to understand those individuals that you mean to direct or manage - a leader should understand human behavior and really consider - as a leader - what makes his subordinates tick.  And as a leader one should always display compassion to every person around them ; most especially those that he/she leads or manages.

 I am fortunate enough to have a show where I attempt to help other people via radio - so my audience grows on a daily basis and I'm sometimes inundated with questions about peoples behavior or lack their of - in both the work place and at home.  My method of extracting the details I find to be important is a simple one.  Truth.  One must always speak the truth not only about what a person thinks of others but also the truth of the actions that he/she may be undertaking.

In speaking about compassion in the work place or even at home; I sometimes find myself at odds with certain individuals because it is these "Truths" that are sometimes very difficult to accept.  When a person looks at a situation from the outside in , it's usually from a very clear and unbiased view of a situation.  And when my analysis is presented to an individual, it can sometimes become an abrasive discussion - at least temporarily.  

But this is never my intention; this is simply a result of a simple process - a mechanism as it were - that helps to identify where any individual can improve their behavior in the work place or at home by understanding and developing their analytical skills, their personal behavior towards others and their ability to manage their own actions when responding a subordinate.  

In other words; being the boss can sometimes give people a big head and so one must bring themselves back down to Earth and realize that although you are in a position of power - this power has been presented to you for many, many reasons and most of those reasons have to do with how your boss views you and your capabilities to perform a good job as a "good" leader of the company.  It's hardly ever the case that person is presented with a position of power so that they can abuse said power.  The job ultimately is presented to person because at the end of the day - as an owner looking for a manager or leader for my company - it boils down to the bottom line.  But remember that the bottom line shouldn't mean you place those you lead or manage at the bottom.  In fact they are standing right along side you.  It's your team!

 Thank you for reading!  
Luciano Santini

Here is a quote or an article written by one of my favorite people in the world and mentor.
Time and again we hear stories about ordinary people who do seemingly impossible things when they find themselves in an emergency situation. They perform Herculean feats of strength and endurance, things they never dreamed they were capable of doing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could harness that strength and make it available anytime you need it? You can — if you believe you can. 

No doubt you can remember a time in your life when you were exceptionally focused on your objective, a time when you achieved more in less time than ever before. 

Perhaps it was an impending vacation that motivated you to get everything done before you departed, or perhaps it was a “must pass” exam that helped you focus your concentration. The intensity that you developed in those situations is always available to you when you have a Positive Mental Attitude.  

"To Believe In Ourselves Is The Key To Individual Success"-Luciano Santini

  Be so good that they can’t ignore you. This is the key to attracting genuine interest, from the right kind of people.  If you want to change your life then do something about it. Take a risk at life or at what your passion is or might be. If you do not know what your passion is or might be then start thinking real hard about who you are and what you want out of life.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Life,Business And Our Children Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning to all my friends. How are we doing on this beautiful morning? Today is a special day. It will be my son's birthday and we are preparing for his little friends to come over and enjoy a day of fun.

Here I am on my show that comes on every Saturday morning at 10:30 am for a half hour. I mostly talk about motivation because it seems that in these economical times people need to hear some hope. I know that when we feel down on our selves, for what ever reason, we need to hear some words of hope. I believe my show gives that to the world.

We live in a chaotic world do we not? Of course we do; our daily routine is nothing more then a variation of daily chaos. I'm not saying that life is not wonderful, because it truly is. What I am saying to you is that we need to stop and look for the beauty each day of our lives and feel it, enjoy it at every moment that we live.

Remember that we all have something special; you have something unique that no one else has but you. You need to learn what that is and be able to share it with the world. If we can learn to share our thoughts and our unique specialties, the world will surely be a very special place for each of us.

As a Business Coach there is so much to teach business owners, but the problem is simply that every owner feels they know everything about their business. What is the truth? The truth is that they do not. I may know lots of things but I never claim that I know everything because I am always learning something new at every moment in my life.

Life Coaching
This reminds me of a story I read a few days ago;

In 1972, Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel concocted an ingenious experiment involving young children and a bag of marshmallows. He put a marshmallow on the table and told each child that if he (or she) could wait 15 minutes to eat it, they would get a second one as a reward.

Two-thirds of the kids flunked miserably. Some caved in at once; videotapes show others struggling to discipline themselves - some even banging their little heads on the table.

But the surprising results of the study came years later. Researchers followed up on the children to see how their lives progressed. Turns out the kids who exercised forbearance rather than eating the marshmallows at once had SAT scores 210 points higher. They were also more likely to finish college, enjoyed significantly higher incomes, were far less likely to go to jail and suffered fewer drug and alcohol problems.

What does this mean? It means we should love our kids. Our kids should have a good understanding that they need to treat other as they would like to be treated with respect and dignity.But if we really want them to succeed in life, we should also teach them the benefits of working hard and staying focused on their goals and their dreams..

Education takes time and persistence. Professional attainments require concentrated effort. Saving and investing - instead of spending - takes discipline. Successful parenting means sacrifice and commitment.

The world stands aside and makes room for the person who knows where he is going and is on his way.

When you have a vision for what you wish to achieve in your life, not only will others stand aside and let you pass, but they will join you in your quest as well. They will instinctively recognize your enthusiasm and zest for living. 

When you speak of your passion in life, your definite major goal, they will see the intensity of your desire, and they will respond with encouragement and assistance or they will stand aside. It will be apparent to all who know you that you will succeed. 

I read this about ten times because it has a such a deep meaning to me and because it is so true. go ahead a read it a few times for yourself my friends.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Luciano Santini on Life and Business Live Now Learn How

Good morning my friends and here we are again on a beautiful day Saturday morning to be specific and ye sit is a beautiful cool morning. Here is the Capricorn Horoscope for all my Capricorn friends and readers.

"I See life For What It Is But I Also See Life For What It Can Be"--Luciano Santini

September 08, 2012
CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
Casual conversations don't have to be vapid conversations -- that would just be a waste of your time. So make sure any small talk you're forced to have today is very brief! Don't just yak about the weather or the latest sports scores -- cut to the chase about what is really on your mind right now. Not only will it interest the person you're talking to a lot more, it will also help you get a better handle on what has been bugging you. You have a lot to say, so why not say it already?

This little guy is one of my biggest inspirations of my life.  I have three more but he is something else. He knows when my days are not going so well and he always comes to me and says how much he loves me.
It is funny thing what we can learn from a child. Watch your children if you have any and see what you will learn. For starters you will learn how to live life now in the now!! because they will have fun when they play they will not give you a false sense of fun as we adults do daily.

They will cry when they want and need to cry they will not keep it in until we ask them to as we adults do all the time. Do you agree of course you do because you know it is true.

We can learn so much from our children believe me I know I have learned or been inspired for some of my best speeches that I have given from my children or children I see at the park. Watching them play with their parents or playing with my kids I sit back and watch how they truly know how to have fun and live life in the moment. Watch them and learn you will be surprised the lessons they can teach us adults.

Your progress in life begins in your own mind and ends in the same place.

Every great accomplishment began with the germ of an idea in the mind of a great person, then was shaped for practical usefulness and finally transformed into reality. Make your mind a fertile ground for ideas through constant study and learning, and condition through constant practice to discipline yourself to follow through on your good ideas.

 The most brilliant concept in the world is only a dream unless you take action. Even a mediocre idea that is put into practice is far more valuable than a flash of genius that languishes in a fallow, undisciplined mind. 

As a Business Coach I have to tell you that small businesses are being knocked down every day and not because of love or passion for what they do or are but because of lack of information. 

I see it every day and I try to help but they see only the cost and not the value form a Business coach. I explain to those that are afraid to spend a few dollars of what the outcome may be or could be if they do not get some help.

I have had business owners call me after they have decided to close their business but not their doors expecting a miracle and I ask one question. When did you decide to close your business and why? The answers are crazy. Example:

 My money is running out; My customers stopped coming in: My employees seem lost: These are just a few of them. My answer is if you have decided to close your business knowing that these issues existed prior to the choice you have made now the your expecting a miracle and I am not a miracle worker and I would be taking your money. 

You see when you know issues exist such as bad management running your business or bad customer service or simply bad  money management that is when you call someone to help restructure your areas of concern not when you have decided to close your doors. Think about that my friends and shoot me and email or a Facebook message and I will answer your questions.

Join My blog if you are a follower it is easy.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Luciano Santini Life Can Be A Challenge Only If You Make It So

Good morning everyone and it has a few weeks since I have written on my blog but it has been a crazy month with seminars and speeches on life itself.Here I am on this beautiful Saturday waiting for the sunrise to start so I can go outside and sit with a good cup of coffee and watch the sun rise. 

You should do that make it a habit of doing so if you are not yet. OK so here is what my Zodiac says for today:But first I start with my quotes and short video please enjoy.

"Life Can Be A Challenge Only If You Make It So And If You Make It So Then You Know That You Are Progressing"--Luciano Santini

September 01, 2012

CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
Creative writing doesn't just describe poems and stories. Anything that involves the written word is open to your special brand of flair, so there's no excuse not to inject your personality into every email, text and memo you write. Choose your words carefully and don't shy away from using humor. People love to laugh, and love people who make them laugh even more! If you have been itching to get closer to someone, the perfect note today might do the trick. 

Studying Napoleon Hill is not an easy task but I will tell you that when you begin to understand what he discovered and wrote about your life begins to change.

 Examine most carefully the things you desire most.

Far too many people spend more time planning their weekends than their lives. Then they suddenly realize that life has passed them by and they weren’t even aware it was happening. When you intently study what you most desire in life, you begin to focus your mind and concentrate your energy upon that which you wish to achieve. 

One of the great advantages of having a definite goal for your life is that it helps you prioritize your activities. When your major purpose is clear in your mind, it is unnecessary to analyze each individual situation. You know automatically whether your actions will move you toward your goal or away from it. You can then use all of your resources — time, money, and energy — to best advantage. 

When I facilitate a workshop or do a seminar I always ask people the same question: Why is it that most people plan out their vacation down to the last cent and yet they do not take the time to plan their lives. Why is that? I always wondered about that myself. I believe that people in general are lost in the midst of the chaos that we live in and we try to facilitate our lives the best we can and yet we find ourselves lost in our insanity we call life.

I believe that if we were to sit down for a few minutes a day and kind of just think about how the day is going we would discover that we need to make changes in our routine every day. Take a few minutes tomorrow and do that and write me your comments and let me know how it went for you. You will discover just how wonderful life can be when you take control of your thinking and your life just do it!!!

I find that we can change our lives by making better choices on a daily basis because this would give you better control of what and how think about your life each and every day. My friends live life to the fullest !! Do not just exist!!

The difference between a success and a failure for many small businesses could be the way we look at the way we manage people and look at our clients or customers at any given time.
 However one of the seldom talked about factors on why a business might fail is because it grows too fast and can’t keep up with the demands that come along with growth. 
The way to take care of this issue is to see a bit in the future. A business coach is your best tool to utilize if this is the case where your business is growing and you have no idea what to do! This will bring failure to your business and to your clients because you will not be able to keep them satisfied with great customer service and your managers will be left behind because they will become overwhelmed.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Luciano Sanitni On Why We Struggle

Good morning to all my friends and followers on both my blog and Face book,As always I like to start with a great quote and now my Zodiac sign just to get the day rolling;

"The World Is Just Waiting To Give You What You Want Just Focus And Take The First Step Towards Your Dream"--Luciano Santini

Here is a short video that I just completed to use as an advertisement for my services please enjoy and go to you tube and find it and make your comments.

August 26, 2012

CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
Add more structure to your life, today, and you will see some amazing results. Any problem you've been struggling with will fade away once you get yourself more disciplined and better focused. Do you have a set bed time? If not, pick a time that will always give you at least 8 hours of sleep. How are you doing with your savings account? Set up a real budget that requires you to deposit a set amount each month -- it doesn't have to be a huge amount, it just has to be something. Letting yourself go is not wise.

I was asked to speak at the MLK anniversary of the I have a Dream Speech and there was so many people with questions about life and our youth and I was like WOW this is insane, Many of the speakers spoke about why there is such a struggle with them reaching their goals and dreams.

When it was my turn to speak I spoke about the realities of life and the reason that most people struggle is not because they want to  but because they do not have any idea of how life u=in general works. I explained that if you as a person do not have any idea how life works and you are not prepared then you will struggle then i was asked to explain deeper and of course I did.

I explained that we must have an understanding about life and know that stuff happens and when it does we were not able to control it. I explained that the trick is to know and understand that there will be tines when obstacles and different situation s will come our way. The question then becomes how do we react to it whatever that situation or issue may be.

Things will happen and how we react will determine the outcome. We need to understand if we were at fault and if we are but perhaps forgot what we did then deal with it and admit fault and take responsibility.
You see sometimes we do things and forget them because we simply decided that it was not important to deal with it at the time and so we take the easy way out MMMMM. Think about that when you do that there will always be a consequence perhaps not immediate but it will come.
I love and have studied Napoleon Hill for over 14 years and the wisdom from this man is incredible.

Your own mental attitude is your real boss.

While your time and your labor may be subject to the demands of your employer and others, your mind is the one thing that cannot be controlled by anyone but you. The thoughts you think, your attitude toward your job, and what you are willing to give in exchange for the compensation you are paid are entirely up to you. It is up to you to determine whether you will be a slave to a negative attitude or the master of a positive one. Your attitude, your only master in life, is entirely within your control. When you control your attitude toward events, you control the eventual implication of those events.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Luciano Santini No Regrets

"I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like 
if I'd just been myself." 
- Brittany Ren

I love this quote because it places thought into the heart. It  makes you think and at the same time creates emotion. You see in life we need to create an emotion towards our goals and the end result. I have an example for a while now I had been working on a DVD that I wanted to create and finally it is completed;

It is hard work and sometime that is all we have to offer the world but at the same time the world sometimes needs to see how hard it is to conquer it. You see in our minds sometimes we get caught up with life and the chaos that comes with it daily. My friends I can tell you that many times in my life I wanted to just give up on my dreams but in the back of my mind the thought of what if?

In life we find that we cannot accomplish anything alone and sometime it takes a life time to figure that out and then of course people just give up not knowing that they can start fresh again and again. I say never ever give up on your dreams because sometimes that is all we have to drive our emotions to the end result in spite of all the naysayers and those that do not see past their arms length.

IN this video you see that yes I'm human just like you and I place one leg into my pants just like you do and I wear beanie hats just like some of you do so you see I'm just like you. The point here is that one person can change the world and my mission is (Changing The World One Mind At A Time)--Luciano Santini
Yes that is correct one mind at a time.

My friend Chris Spicher is the proud owner of Antelope Valley Florist in The Antelope Valley Area and I am proud to call myself a friend of his and have him as a mentor in life and in business. Remember one thing for sure that holds true and always will in life and forever. Take a good look at your friends and see where they are, and if you do not want to be there perhaps it is time to find new friends. Sometimes we need to take our life into a whole new direction!!!!

Please follow me on Facebook @;

Monday, March 26, 2012

Luciano Santini On Business and Life

Good morning my friends it has been a long while since I have written anything on  my blogs. There are reasons behind all that though let me explain. You see I sometimes cannot think about what my audience would like to hear or read so I take some time and do some research  on new ideas and I talk to my friends and ask them what it is that they would like to read.

I had my monthly meeting with my mastermind group and I have to tell you that I am so glad that I have a mastermind group because they gave me some great ideas. I started to ask them as far as being a Motivational speaker I love to talk to mt audience and really show them my passion and guess what they told me that sometimes that was not what people wanted to see or hear. I said OK then lets come up with some ideas to make it better.

I realized that sometimes we believe that we know and understand everything about our business and in all reality we need help sometimes we need new ideas and I also found that there is no shame in admitting that especially in business. 

I find that when I train staff say in customer service they seem astonished at what they learn and when I ask them the answers I get are just well WOW!!! is all I can say.

What is even more surprising to me is that when I ask the owners of the business they tell me that they actually believed that the business was being operated as they trained their staff from the very beginning. 

I tell them that sometimes we need to make sure we become the customer to understand if one trained their staff correctly.

In business in this economy there are so many people you can bring in to assist you with strategies or knowledge but the problem then becomes if the person you bring to help or train actually has been there and trained people and understand the need of the client YOU!!.

Why a business coach:
There are so many reasons but I believe the most important ones are:

  1. Belieivng that you can make your business a great business.
  2. Understanding your competition.
  3. Understanding how your staff are treating your clients.
  4. Balance between life and business.
  5. Making sure there is a strategey for better customer service. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Focus - what does it mean?

Hello everybody and thank you for joining me here today on this most beautiful day.  Today I want to discuss the concept of what it means to truly focus.

Let me start by saying that we all have focus even if and most especially when we are under pressure and our lives seem chaotic.  You know - those days when it seems like one is lagging behind and we just can't seem to catch up and we get feelings of great anxiety as if one is about to experience a nervous breakdown?  I think we've all experienced those days.  Men and women experience these days as do young adults and yes even children.  Those are the days when "focus" becomes a great asset to us all.

But it's built in.  It's built in to our natural way of dealing with every day events in our lives - one might call it instinct.  Some of us might not be aware but when we are trying so hard to accomplish one thing or another and everything seems to keep falling down around you - that is when a person is really focused - when it seems like no matter how hard you try - things just keep coming back to the same feeling of helplessness and failure.  But I want assure you that this is simply not the case.  It is in these times when one seems destined to fail that we are actually at our best.  Because we are trying so hard - so, so hard to get to where we want to be and all of these obstacles keep popping up and yes these types of situations can be difficult - but guess what?  It's difficult to run the mile a minute faster than yesterday or score more touch downs on Sunday at the park than you normally do.  And yet playing at the park or keeping healthy is something that does not seem to stress us out.  Why?  Because there is no sense of urgency - unless,...unless we put it there ourselves.  It works exactly the same way with any other situations - be it marriage, job, family etc.  Just do what you are happy to do in the first place and everything else will just fall into place naturally.  So if one understands this one also understands that so long as you don't " give up "  you are focused and should remain so until your goals are met; don't let negativity inhibit your success.

Ask yourself - am I putting these extra feelings of insecurity and distress there myself?  Am I running late today because I didn't get up when the alarm sounded?  Is my child asking for things or time that I don't feel I have at the moment because I feel like I'm too busy?  Is my wife or husband angry with me today because I was short with them this morning because I was running late?  Did I miss putting out the trash this morning because I didn't get up in time?  Did I put these feelings of anxiety and distress in my mind myself?  You will find that the answer to all of these questions will undoubtedly be yes.

Yes, we tend to be our own worst critic.

The truth of the matter is that we create our own obstacles.  For example:  Say I want to lose 20 pounds; I go on a diet for a whole month and I only lose 2 pounds and so I feel like I have failed.  In fact I have not failed at all.  I've started to lose the weight but what I did fail to do was set a realistic goal - not because a person can't lose 20 pounds but because my goal may not have been realistic - or maybe I didn't account for external factors such as time - my own rate of metabolism or how other things just seem to have gotten in my way.  So it takes you 10 months to lose 20 pounds - so what?  Take your time, enjoy what you are doing and in 10 months you will see the results that you were looking for.  Do it for yourself - not because you can't be happy if you don't lost 20 pounds in 1 month - it may as well be 5 minutes.  That is definitely unrealistic right?

Think about the statement:  In my way.  That is a funny statement is it not?  What is in my way?  Well lets see,...nothing.  Nothing, unless I put it there.  Sure a roadblock might make me drive to the next street, but I do know how to get to the next street right?  So it isn't really a roadblock is it?  It's just a new route.  And that is how we should deal with any obstacle that may be blocking our path to attaining our goals.  Simply create those new routes.  That's what we do naturally every time havoc comes into our lives.  We naturally and instinctively create new routes.

In the middle of a hectic situation one realizes that they are light headed because they haven't had lunch and it's close to 3:00 and your stomach is growling and your stress jumps even more now because you know you have to stop to eat and you have somewhere you have to be at 3:30 and you make a stop so that you can eat something.  So it seems like you are failing or will fail in the end.  That feeling - as though you are failing or that you will fail in the end is the only obstacle in your path and guess what?  You put it there.  True we can't change what happens in the world, but we can most certainly limit how it affects our minds, our feelings and definitely our determination.

We put things in our own way all the time - we create obstacles which make normality seem like chaos in our own minds.  We inhibit what all of us already do in a natural and instinctual way.

Focus.  Don't think that because things are tough or you seem to be falling behind that you are failing.  Because in fact, you are at your best.  And you are very, very focused.  Just stay on track and drop the feelings of negativity - because that is the only thing in between you and your happiness and thus the only making you feel like a failure.  As long as we don't give in and give up to any obstacle - be they in our minds or in our world, we cannot fail.  Just focus!

Thank you for stopping by and have a very nice day.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The Mind Never Knows What direction To Go Until You Start The Motion"--Luciano Santini

Good morning everyone how are we doing today? Today is one of those days when the clouds are out covering the sky and it seems like a dreary day but if you look through the clouds you will find that the sky is still there blue as always. 

People see this and they feel like the day will be ruined for them why is that?
This questions as simple as it sounds which is really.

You see what I'm trying to make a point of here is the following: Life in general is the same and most people live a life that depends on their surroundings and if you are one of these people then you need to immediately start looking at life from a different perspective.

When the clouds fill the sky with clouds people think oh it will be a crappy day today just take a look at the sky and those dark clouds. Is it not funny and would you not agree that when you wake up and you stub a toe or drop some coffee on the way to work  you look at it and say oh no!! this is a sign of what my day is going to be. 

I have heard this so many times that I tend to laugh because that is not how you start your day ever and if you do then I bet you have had many crappy days.

The mind does not know whether it is a bad day or a good day nor will it tell you any different. You see what you feed your mind the mind will react accordingly MMMMMMMM does it make sense? Of course it does!!

As a Life Coach what I do is to make sure that those clouds are removed from your life, It is not easy and for some nearly impossible believe me I know I was one of those people for a very long time. I used to think the world was always against me, I believed that when anything did not go my way it was someone else doing it to me.

One day I realized that it was all me and that no one had anything to do with my issues and situations.

"The Mind Never Knows What direction To Go Until You Start The Motion"--Luciano Santini

I love this quote because it really does put life in a perspective that anyone can understand, try it think about the quote above.

"The World Will Give You everything You Ask For But First You Must Realize It Your Mind The You Have Every Right To It" --Luciano Santini

As a Business Coach, I focus on the mindsets of the owners first and then move on to the issues within the company why? Simple really because if the owner does not have a mindset that will move his company forward and willing to listen and make some changes then why take  the time and money it will be for nothing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Nothing Ever Happens Until you Take That First Step"--Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and I just literally walked back into my house from watching and inviting the new year and prosperity into my life. WELCOME 2012

A new year special go to EBAY and get my DVD for not $39.95 but $15.95 and start the year with a new outlook on life.
A few are left take advantage now.
I look forward to seeing old friends and making and working with both new and old friends. Thank you for last year and making life easy and successful. As always I take criticism and learn from it and make my teaching techniques and programs better for the people that I serve.


This year will be one of those years where once believed to have been the end of humanity and well that has been debunked as of last night. I saw the ball fall in NY city Time Square what a beautiful sight. My friends this year will be a good one for you, Just follow your dreams and never ever give up. 

There will be pitfalls like always but we learn and move forward each and everyday towards our goals until we reach them.

I will be starting an internet live show in February and through out the year every Saturday at 10am till 11am only a half an hour and you will be bale to call in and well I look forward to touching lives around the world.


"Nothing Ever Happens Until you Take That First Step"--Luciano Santini