
Saturday, October 25, 2014

"In all of reality stands one mind that will break you or make you and that is your very own mind" Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning everyone around the globe who follow ad and read my sometimes disturbing blog posts-ha just kidding. Thank you and thank you.

Today I was really thinking about what to talk about and then this idea comes to mind-What about people and how they think and believe regarding rumors. I find that people are somewhat of a mystery to me and I suppose they will always be. You see the mind will see and believe what you tell it to believe or to see and guess what it will see and believe what you tell it.

 Why is that? Well because the brain has no idea what is real and what is not real therefore whatever you tell it it will abide cooool right well not really because it can and will get you into some hot water.

Rumors can create an image or images of what is not or never was there but because what you thought to be there is not there then you will fill in with what you believe to be real and or true when in reality it is only your reality and only your truth. The mind can be as malleable as you want it to be. This type of behavior can be dangerous in  so many ways and so easy to fall into.

Success attracts success and failure attracts failure because of the law of harmonious attraction.

In physics, positives attract negatives and vice versa, but in human relationships the opposite is true. Negative people attract only other negative people, while positive thinkers attract like-minded individuals. You will find that when you begin to achieve success more successes will follow. 

This is the law of harmonious attraction. When riches begin to come your way, you’ll be amazed how quickly they accumulate. Train your mind to visualize yourself acquiring a specific amount of wealth or achieving a certain goal — whatever you most desire. Then use self-suggestion to persuade your subconscious mind that you can achieve your goal, and put your plan into action. 

When you use the tools that you have at your disposal to prepare yourself for success and visualize yourself as having already reached your objective, you can achieve any reasonable goal that you set for yourself. 

Business management has so many facets of characteristics and so many thoughts on any one model out there and sometimes that can be daunting. I am not talking about the business models what I am talking about here my friends is people's behaviors.

The old adage that "People are hired for their talents and fired for their behavior" This is a true statement in business or as I like to put it in the real world-however it all depends on who you work for. Government though it is a great place to work for becomes pretty difficult to get rid of someone due to all the intricacies involved therefore people will suffer and usually the person showing and sometimes acting out the bad behavior will be the person to get rewarded Dam!!! that can be extremely frustrating!!!

The question then becomes what does it take to be in good business with clients and staff and I say the following and it is OK if some of you do not agree simply because we all have in our minds what is and is not important.
I believe that:

Being in the now meaning to be able to make choices at a snap of a finger not only takes strong leadership but a strong mind.

Being real meaning that if come off as a fake person most people will eventually see it and well no more followers.

Being strong both in mind and reality meaning that as leaders become challenged by both staff members and clients sometimes being rumored about and standing their grounds seem to be great hallmarks for a strong leader. 

Showing emotions for others or empathy meaning that as a leaders you have to show you care.

Timing and prioritizing meaning that many times as a leader you will be challenged with time constraints and decision making and how well you manage time and priorities will make you or break you as a leader.

Motivation meaning as leaders how do you motivate your staff. As a leader you have to be able to get staff and partners to buy into your goals without using power of position but having them to follow you. 

"In all of reality stands one mind that will break you or make you and that is your very own mind"
Luciano The Key Santini

Saturday, October 18, 2014

We all want peace on earth and we all want to be happy however we first need to let go of the pieces that make us unhappy - Luciano The Key Santini

Your Solutions Provider In Life And In Business
We all want peace on earth and we all want to be happy however we first need to let go of the pieces that make us unhappy -Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning and how is everyone around the globe who join me each Saturday to read my posts. I hope each one of you is doing well.I would like to say thank you to all of you for reading and following me on my journey to change the world one mind at a time with a real perspective of the real world and to look at the world for what it really is and not for what we as individuals would like it to be.

How many times have we been told that knowledge is power? You can acquire all the knowledge there is to acquire my friends but if you have no idea how to implement that knowledge guess what!! It does you no good at all. Here is an article that two of my friends and mentors wrote a while back and would like to share,

The accumulation of great fortunes calls for power and power is acquired through highly organized and intelligently directed specialized knowledge, but that knowledge does not necessarily have to be in the possession of the man who accumulates the fortune.

We all recognize (at least I hope most of us) that knowledge is instrumental to value-creation and that knowledge as an asset is far more important than traditional assets such as equipment, real estate or buildings. And to a great extent, every organization must become a knowledge organization and that every employee must become a knowledge professional.
However, knowledge can be very messy – trying to turn tons of data into knowledge, not to mention the fact that the value of knowledge diminishes over time. Additionally, knowledge has little power in the workplace if no one shares it. Therefore, knowledge often lacks power. For example, knowledge is very inter-related; i.e. one part adds value to another part and when combined, knowledge has much more power as opposed to restricting knowledge to certain select areas.

 This is why competitive intelligence can be important since competitive intelligence pulls the pieces together for a “strategic” view of things, giving knowledge enormous power.
“It is evident that knowledge is rapidly becoming the firm's primary instrument of progress and competitiveness. Existing knowledge defines our productivity and competitive skill in the present; new knowledge determines our productivity and competitive skill in the future.”
- Information, Organization, and Power: Effective Management in the Knowledge Society by Dale E. Zand

Even little things deflate the power behind knowledge – people are denied access to it, people are unable to use it or people fail to learn from it. Knowledge comes alive when everyone collects it, shares it, and learns from it. The internet provides an excellent example of how knowledge gains power – everyone can easily tap knowledge at the click of a mouse, making knowledge a common commodity just like water or electricity. Everyone uses the stuff to improve their quality of life.

In order to advance knowledge, barriers must be removed, allowing people access to it and communicating it in such a way that people can easily take advantage of it. By simplifying knowledge, we give people the power of knowledge since they can now execute on it.

“Companies survive on their ability to adapt when necessary, and it is increasingly necessary for them to do so. Successful adaptation is not, however, a chameleon-like response to the most immediate stimuli – a quick switch to a new enterprise or an impulse acquisition. Rather, successful adaptation seems to involve the thoughtful, incremental redirection of skills and knowledge bases so that today's expertise is reshaped into tomorrow's capabilities.”
- Wellsprings of Knowledge: Building and Sustaining the Sources of Innovation by Dorothy Leonard-Barton

Knowledge becomes very powerful given the right kind of culture. For example, people are responsive to what is required within an organization based on the culture and authority that is superimposed by management. Knowledge becomes powerful when people share what they know so that collectively everyone is moving in the right direction. This requires a culture that rewards and recognizes learning and ideas. Additionally, people usually equate knowledge with some form of training, but the best forms of knowledge tend to be informal, whereby people increase their knowledge in an open learning environment (and this gets back to the culture of the organization).

Finally, you can assess if knowledge has power within the workplace. For example, it is important for people to understand the “big picture” behind an organization. Many employees are unclear on basic organizational things – strategy, organizational structure, who the competition is, and other overall facts related to the company. Therefore, a good starting point on your knowledge journey is to make sure people have knowledge about the fundamentals of the organization.

“Attempting to build a knowledge organization, however, is neither a short-term effort nor a one-off project. The process of becoming a knowledge organization can be visualized as traveling along the knowledge organization path. Some organizations are not even on the path, others are just starting on the path, and still others are further along.

 The underlying assumption is that those companies on the knowledge organization path envision and behave differently from the more 20th century companies. Those with knowledge orientation focus on ideas, creativity, and knowledge. They speak of ‘intellectual capital' as opposed to traditional assets. Most important, the leaders of knowledge organizations fully realize that their most important assets walk out the door every night. Whether those assets show up the next day is of vital importance to the future of the knowledge organization.”
- Leading with Knowledge: The Nature of Competition in the 21st Century by Richard C. Huseman, Ph.D. and Jon P. Goodman, Ph.D 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Persisting in what you believe which should always be to find the good in all people-Quentin Santini 13 Years Old

Hello and good morning to all who read my blog I truly appreciate your comments and suggestions because it give me a much better idea regarding what to write next or any specific subject thank you thank you.

Did you know that most sickness and ill hearten thoughts come from a negative way of thinking. The negativity will perform ill thinking and before you know it you are a sick person.If you constantly think negative you will become sick. Something to really think about today.

Today I would like to start with some motivation for yourself and something you may share with anyone that might need a lift in life. In life I know from experience that because of what we want and what we are searching for always seems to be to make more and more money. The question I have is why is that? I believe it is because we are always wanting what others may have and that to makes a miserable life to be living in. 

I would like you to think about this because it is a reality check for yourself and I know it was for me. I have made the thousands and thousands of dollars and I have had some great and high paying positions but one day came a realization that I needed to stop focusing on money and begin to focus on what was really important which was my family.

We need to look at life from a perspective of what has real meaning for me!! This is more then finding your purpose finding purpose is looking for why you are here on earth. Finding meaning means looking inside of yourself and meshing with what is outside of you and bring that together to a realization of who you are;

Written on wiki;
Some people find religious belief more than adequate to fill their lives with meaning. Being a "True Believer", however, will only result in giving up your identity for the identity of the collective. Conflicts and mid-life crisis inevitably arise when the adopted concept of self conflicts with the true self. If you are inquisitive and trusting of your own intelligence, the first step is to find your true self. Self revelation is not for the squeamish. Take the time to let go of societal and personal preconceptions, letting your identity emerge without construct.

My son is one of the most loving kids I have ever known because of the passion he has found in skateboarding

 He brings me a new way of thinking and seeing things from a different point of view I had never seen before which is; Persisting in what you believe which should always be to find the good in all people-Quentin Santini

When he made that statement to me it blew me away! I simply went WOW!!

The truth is that we will all have a different take on what we find to be meaningful but we have to find who we are and once we do well things will begin to fall into place in our paths of life.I like to believe that all people are rational and loving but is that the case. In my mind that is the the case I want to believe that however reality has shown me otherwise and well when I face that obstacle I change my way of thing for that moment and move on but never stay stuck thinking for one moment that all people are that way.

 Falsehood does evermore have a way of publishing itself.
It is virtually impossible to conceal the truth forever. It is the natural order of things that the truth will eventually come out. This single fact is the foundation of our judicial system and the basis on which all human relationships are formed. A business, professional, or personal relationship built upon a lie cannot long endure, but one that is founded on truth and equality of benefit for the participants is unlimited. 

Make it a practice to tell the truth in all that you do — even when it doesn’t matter — and you will form a habit of truthfulness. You will know instinctively that it is better to tell the truth and face the consequences than to launch a falsehood that will eventually make itself known to the world.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Hello and I hope that everyone around the world is having a beautiful day because that is what life should be all the time a beautiful day and if it is not then change your attitude!! there you have it I did say it YES I did ! Change your attitude and when you do your day will become much brighter.

One of the biggest issues in large organizations is that of trust. We are going to talk about trust on the organization whether it is going to treat people right. Will they continue training or will they offer training to those in need or will they just let them go? These are legitimate questions to ask a human resources manager. 

I will tell you to be prepared because these type of question most of the time they have no idea how to respond and this is why? They have no trust in the people they hire.

Trust in people that they will always try to do the right thing

True trust acknowledges imperfections, accepts them as part of our individual makeup, and focuses on our positive aspects instead of expounding upon our faults. Your friends don’t like you to comment upon their failings any more than you like them to criticize you. When your friends are discouraged or disappointed in themselves, a word of encouragement will serve much better than a sermonette. 

To be the kind of manager you would like to have, be a good listener, offer advice when you are asked for it, and treasure the trust that your staff have placed in you. Praise them for their achievements and sympathize when they fall short, but avoid offering “constructive criticism” or playing devil’s advocate. Most of us expect more from ourselves than anyone else ever would, and we are painfully aware of our shortcomings. We don’t need to be reminded of them by our managers.

 What about communication among people at work? This seems to be a huge problem in large organizations and it starts at the top.

Sometimes plain wrong information

Sometimes information will be sent down from the top and we think we understand it and may even look simple so we just pass it on to someone else to convey it to the rest of staff. Then they will put their spin on the information that was received and by the time it has reached staff it has a completely different meaning then what it originally was.Verify the information being conveyed before sharing it. If your information is unclear, confusing or flat out incorrect, the message sent will be wrong. Double-check information you plan to share in the workplace to ensure its authenticity, clarity and correctness. 

When you share information that is wrong or confusing, people will not receive the intended message. I believe that clarity and simplification works from the top to the bottom. Have it be so clear  that the understanding of the facts are simple to see, the order of information and its intended use before sending a message that can't be retracted.

Why the issues in communication? There are so many answers but which are correct? I have no idea but perhaps I have a few ideas;
Keep your employees informed of what is going on within the organization. Whether it is a meeting long enough to find out what is going on within the organization everyday or a daily or weekly email. Employees will have more drive because they feel they are contributing something to the organization’s success as a whole. 

 Many things can cause poor communication in the workplace. From personal conflict to low morale to lack of motivation, poor communication will often ensue. If you examine the personalities of the people and the workplace relationships between them, it is often easy to see where the problem may lay. For example:
  • If there are individuals who have a superiority complex this may attribute to poor communication.
  • If there is an ineffective exchange of information then there will be a breakdown in communication.

What about leadership?

According to Barbara White:
A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence ( Sometimes misconstrued as a big EGO) towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.