
Saturday, October 26, 2013

When Communication Fails Us-Luciano "The Key" Santini

Good morning my friends and how are we doing on this beautiful Saturday morning perhaps Sunday somewhere else or close to being Sunday. Today I am going to talk about communication and what it means to a corporation  when communication fails between staff and management or for that matter between CEO"S.

Let me start with some motivation clips of myself speaking to all people and trying to change the world to a better place one mind at a time;

Before I go on let me share some wisdom with you from a great teacher and mentor.Please enjoy.

A bull may have good qualities, but you will never bring them out by waving a red flag in his face.

Arousing others is easy — if you don’t care what kind of action you inspire. If you wish to create a positive response in others, you do so by example and through the art of gentle persuasion, not by daring them to attack. When you work with others, concentrate on their positive attributes, not on the things they dislike or fear.

 When you take the time to get to know your associates, to learn about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, you can determine what motivates them. You can then show them how they can align their goals with yours to work together for your mutual advantage. When you do, everybody wins. 

 Communication is essential to any business to both clients and staff members
Luciano Santini

When communication fails or lack of it in the workplace can occur in any size company large or small between management and employees, or what about between individual employees. When people fail to communicate effectively then it often will move to some irrational thinking or conflict. Poor communication will most likely cause some type of failure with any organization and can lead to some serious changes.

When management does not communicate properly new policies or procedures rumors can go out which in turn can create a hostile environment. If management fails to communicate any type of change correctly morale will be affected. The worst that can happen is the employees will begin to go into quiet mode or silence and say or do nothing like completing their tasks or projects.

One of the biggest issues in companies large or small is that sometimes if not all the time is poor training. I have found that when change occurs proper training was never put into action correctly. Inadequate training can result in the worker having difficulty in adapting to your work environment as well as mistakes while performing a task due to miscommunication. 

Communication issues can and will cause profit loss and morale loss which in turn will cause management headaches galore.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

DISRUPTION WHAT IS IT!!--Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Hello and good day to all my friends and follower who read my blog posts. I truly appreciate all of your feedback because it makes me a better writer and am able to bring important issues to light as I am going today. Today I am going to talk to you about disruption.

What is disruption? Well it is a disturbing word to begin with but also a life changing word depending on how you look at a situation;

tr.v.dis·rupt·ed, dis·rupt·ing, dis·rupts
1. To throw into confusion or disorder: Protesters disrupted the candidate's speech.
2. To interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or procedure of: Our efforts in the garden were disrupted by an early frost.
3. To break or burst; rupture.
Imagine you are in what you might think to be in the perfect business or the perfect job or the perfect situation and suddenly your boss throws a wrench into your perfect situation that is a disruption in your life,because now you have to make adjustments in your life and you have to make new adaptations to your daily routines and if you have a family they have to make the adaptations and the changes as well.
Read again the above because the other truth of the matter is that your boss will probably not care about the changes you have to make and guess what that is just the way it is.
 This type of behavior is called changing someone life because you as the boss can make it so simply because you are in a position of power and there is some hidden benefit for them whatever that might be.
Let elaborate a bit more on this subject;
 Managers regularly acquire and use power. They do so deliberately and consciously as well as intuitively and unconsciously. Power-oriented behavior has an impact on managerial career progress, on job performance, on organizational effectiveness, and on the personal lives of employees. It involves the combined topics of power, influence, authority, and organizational politics. By John P. Kotter. AMACOM, 1979
What I have in bold is very important too understand because it really does impact people lives and though most manager do see it or they choose to look the other way and ignore it.
Let us say that you are this type of manager and you have a great relationship with another manager but you are at a higher level of manager and you make a change; The questions to ask are; 
How will this impact me personally and they way I run my organization?
How will this impact our staff? 
How will this hurt the relationship?
How will this change the persons life and his/her family?

When someone makes those type of choices for someone else and in all truth they can talk and gripe but will not be able to change it. You see you also have a choice and that choice is either make the change and adapt or move on, but if you love to do what you do then adapt and make the needed changes for you and your family.

In a business environment it is the same thing one cannot control the changes in the economy or who moves into our neighborhood meaning new businesses and so what do you do well the same thing adapt and make the needed changes that need to be made so that you can survive that simple.

These are called disruptions and so we as individuals must make the needed changes to be able to survive and in business you have to do the same thing make the changes and adaptations whether it means to hire someone with a new skill that you may need to make your customer service better then you do it.

"To Do The Right Thing Takes A Special Person To Do What Others Tell You To Do Is Easy Simply Because You Can Blame Them If It Does Not Work"--Luciano Santini

To throw into confusion or disorder:  (Example)Protesters disrupted the candidate's speech. I like that to throw into confusion or disorder well this goes on and on all the time. Make the changes and adapt and it will pass my friends in both business and in your daily life.

 There is something about truth that makes it easily recognizable by all who are searching for it with open minds.

Cookie mogul Wally Amos is fond of quoting the saying, “The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when opened.” When you open your mind to the possibilities, objectively analyze information, and refuse to allow your personal preferences and biases to influence your judgment, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. A closed mind, though, will cause you to miss out on some of life’s greatest offerings. If you find yourself disputing the facts, or if you keep attempting to revise them to support your beliefs, ask yourself, “Why am I so unwilling to accept this information? Am I being logical, or am I simply allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment?” The worst mistake you may ever make is trying to persuade yourself to accept a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you fool yourself, disaster is sure to follow.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How Are You Doing? An Important Question To Ask Yourself.

Good morning everyone and how are we doing on this beautiful day? I have been thinking that this should be a question we should ask ourselves every morning when we wake up. It is a great question to ask because sometimes we just do not think about how we are doing. We need to take some time and think where we are at this moment be early in this morning or midday or evening. We just need the time to perhaps discover something new within ourselves and make it great make ourselves great why!! because we are great You my friend are great.

Discovery I love that word because it makes me want to go out and start discovering the world all over again.


The secret to which I refer has been mentioned no fewer than a hundred times throughout this book. It has not been directly named, for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in sight, where those who are ready and searching for it may pick it up.

My friends and fellow business owners what happens when you discover something new in life that perhaps makes a bit of change in your daily routine? Do you get excited? Or do you find yourself in a situation where you have no idea what to do!

What happens when your leadership gets questioned?
 What happens when you are told that you have no idea what you are doing?
What happens when a customer tells you that you need better communication Skills?
Better yet what happens when your employees tell you what they think and quit?

These are perhaps some of the most eye opening questions a leader or a business owner can and have faced sometime in their career as a business owner. My friends I can tell you that sometimes you need to take the time discover your true talents and actually put them to work.

In my own personal experience I have found and discovered many talents that I knew I had but was afraid to take action because of fear of failure. I found that if I did not even try I was failing so what did I do!!! I at least tried and if I failed well I earned from my mistakes and then tried again and again.

 "Reach Out To A New Venture Take The Risk You Might Discover Something New About Yourself"--Luciano The Key Santini

If your business is continually changing, introducing new ideas, it's important to keep track of what's vital. It is also extremely important to know your staff and who is leading them. If it is you then you need to make sure that you are aware of all the changes in your industry and be prepared to adapt quickly to them. Change is Inevitable. Change will all always be happening whether we want to take place or not it will so might as well keep up and change.

Change is beneficial when change requires people throughout an organization to learn new behaviors and skills. By formally setting expectations, employing tools to improve communication and proactively seeking ways to reduce misinformation, stakeholders are more likely to buy into a change initially and remain committed to the change throughout any discomfort associated with it.
by Margaret Rouse

I believe in what Margaret explains in the above article she wrote back in 2009. If you are able to decipher the meaning between the lines we can learn so much from this paragraph.

SSDE is here to serve you and your needs. If you are an individual or an enterprise give us a call and we can sit down and share a cup of coffee and we can think about strategic ways together to better you or your business.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Business Sense And Communication--Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Well hello everyone and here we are on a beautiful morning that I have been waiting for all week.  Last week on Thursday I was asked to speak at a business school. The Santa Barbara Business School in Santa Maria. It was a real pleasure to do so and it was fun.

I find that solely speaking to people in general about a subject and not about their dreams and goals well to me personally show that we as individuals do not care for other human beings. I opened up the class with having the students allow me to ask certain questions about their dreams and goals.

I was so surprised as how they opened up  about their dreams and I said WOW!!! I explained to the students why I do this and of course they asked me why. I asked each one of them- How many times have you been asked about your dreams in the last month or less and for that matter any of you in the class.

Guess what the answer was-The answer was NONE!!!

You see whether as an employer or an employee we need to ask our employees about their dreams and their goals and if we can help that process to get them in the right track then we do it we just do it and it can be as simple as getting them to think about them ( Dreams) 

We then spoke about human resources and the business side of that course. It was a fun class to speak to.

Now let us talk a bit about business and how sometimes creating requirements instead of meeting the needs of clients become an issue.Oftentimes those who develop requirements for collaboration platforms aren’t the same people who are going to be using them. Requirements are usually put together in the form a big list which someone can go down and check off. 
The problem with this is that it is created but never tested or tried out before implementing.
Then if any issues arise in the future such as employees not using the tools, those who developed the requirements can say, “we checked off everything you asked for, it’s not our problem.” I have seen this before and well the creators brush it off and just blame others when in fact it was created by top management individuals.

This is a situation I have seen many times and the problem is that many of those responsible for these initiatives aren’t looking at the big picture, they are purely focused on the  requirements instead of actually understanding the problems that these ideas need to solve and how employees are going to use them.

 When top management does not communicate the issues to employees to inform them of any new developments then they are kept in the dark thus causing resent and resistance. 

Communication is crucial.

In other words when something is created without in put of the actual people who are the front lines OOOPS you are on your own that will be the answer you will get from top management.