
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Work,Promotions and Politics -What Not At Work!!! -Luciano The Key Santini--SSDE

Good morning everyone and thank you for allowing me to be part of your life. Life is and can be a funny thing at times. We are challenged every day and we will always continue to face challenges each and everyday simply because that is life. I believe life would be pretty boring if we did not have the challenges we face each day whether at home or work. The thing is that we must have the right attitude and create a positive one to takes through the rough times in life.

I will ask all those who read my blog as a business owner or a manager it really does not matter who you are but the answer will matter much in my continued research on the subject of leadership;

In a well-managed business, all promotions are self-made. The employer’s only part in the transaction is to check carefully to make sure the promotion was earned. The question is how many time do people get promoted in organizations and all staff roll their eyes way into the back of their heads and say-here we go again.

I find that there is a science and a formula to really and truly destroy the morale in an organization and that is The perfect formula for destroying morale in any organization is to create a working environment that leads employees to believe that the only way to get ahead is by playing politics. The best-managed businesses are those in which every promotion is earned and every qualified person has an equal opportunity to compete for it.

 If you’re a manager, weigh all decisions involving your employees on the basis of fairness. And if you aspire to be a manager, choose to work for a company that is fair in its treatment of workers. When you’ve earned your position through skill and effectiveness, you have the best job security.

Sound character is our greatest asset because it provides the power with which we may ride the emergencies of life instead of going down under them.
Without Positive Mental Attitude, life might be described as long periods of uncertainty punctuated by occasional emergencies that shake you to the very core of your being. The emergencies may be financial, personal, or health related, but each must be dealt with separately and swiftly. The surest way to deal with any crisis is to focus on solutions, not on the probable cause of the problem or who should be blamed for it. 

Conduct a quick damage assessment, take the time to think through the alternatives and their consequences, and then act to implement the best solution. If you deal with life’s emergencies as they occur — on your own terms — you will be a stronger, better person for having looked them in the eye and conquered them. 

How about at work? I know that sometimes facing issues or conflict can be pretty taunting with some people.
Conflict will happen when you work with people each and every day simply because of the differences we all have. It could be because we call come from different backgrounds or different cultures and we do not have an understanding of that individual.

As a leader on Leadership and Organizational Psychology I can tell you that most people focus on the persons personality instead of the behavior thus for will cause issues because they are to focused on the person and not the event or behavior so say there is an issue state something like next time when this happens and not when you do this! the latter becomes the perspective of someone telling an adult not to do like one would a child thus condescending causing conflict.

Begin with the importance of the issue  and focus on the future and create a plan of action to resolve the conflict.The most important hing to try to accomplish is to keep or create a collaborative attitude of lets make this work.

What about a contingency planning?
Cindy Phillips, Demand Media

First of all what is this plan well it is a  backup plan, activated in the event of a disaster that disrupts a company's production and puts employees in danger. The goal of the plan is to safeguard data, minimize disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible. A company may never have occasion to use a contingency plan, but it is important to have one, keep it updated and train employees what to do if the need arises.You know the old saying if you fail to plan the you are planning to fail.

Minimizes Loss

When a business experiences a disruption, whether it is a power outage or a natural disaster, a contingency plan helps minimize the loss of production. A contingency plan may consist of rerouting data, emergency generators for power, escape routes for employees and supervisory duties for contingency team members. Plans to get production up and running in spite of unforeseen circumstances can be the difference between a company that survives a disaster and one that folds. 

There may be a cost associated with devising a contingency plan and maintaining it, but when measured against the cost of production loss, it will be minimal.

Good communication and leadership skills are essential if you want to be a productive, effective manager. It’s not enough to be knowledgeable about what you do; you must also be able to share your knowledge with the people you manage. Developing your communication and management skills will help ensure that you are providing the type of leadership your employees need to help them succeed. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014


 I would like to start the conversation with the following wisdom from Napoleon Hill

If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what “they” say if you meet with temporary defeat, for “they,” perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.

Defeat we all have experienced it at one time or another in our lives and if you are one of the lucky ones who has not as of yet my friend you will. There will be times in your life when we all have to go through a difficult situation and then it will be how we interpret the issue or situation and how we handle it as well.

How we handle the situation will allow others to see our character of who we are and also whether we deal with anger or not. Defeat sucks and causes other issues internally. What you need to do is simply find a role model to guide you  and teach you what they know and how they understand defeat.

Organizational Psychology provides knowledge and expertise in the ways individual, group and organizational factors influence organizational performance, problem solving and decision-making.

 INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS. All managers wish it was a simple task to keep all employees motivated and stress free but the question becomes what are the drivers to make this happen and what do managers or top level executives need to have a clear understanding of.

I believe them to be personality issues and culture clashes. What happen when a manager has a person from a different part of the world and the language that is spoken is not understood but misunderstood. There are clashes between the new employee and the old employees. The manager does not understand what is going on simply because they are not trained in diversity in cultures. I find that most organization will give a one or two hour PowerPoint presentation on diversity and truly believe that that will give a clear understanding and so I laugh yes!! I said I have laughed in such classes to myself of course and then the worst part is that I have to say it was a great presentation AHHHGGGGGG!!!!!

That is not diversity training it is a power point presentation and all were here because they were told to be here!!!


By University Alliance
  • Self-assessment:  IF YOU ARE A GREAT LEADER YOU MUST BE ABLE TO ASSESS YOURSELF!! You must know and understand that though you are great at what you do you are not perfect so you must take a good look withing and figure out your shortcomings and then understand your weaknesses.Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human.
 Sharp perception: Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and their peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perception of you can be as simple as observing their behavior. Are your co-workers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room?

If you really want to know what people think, just ask them. You may receive feedback that you’re not listening or showing appreciation as well as you could be. If you’ve established an environment of honest and open communication, you should be able to ask about your good qualities and the areas you need to improve on. Your staff will appreciate your effort.

  • Responsive to the group’s needs: Being perceptive can also help a leader be more effective in knowing the needs of the team. Some teams value trust over creativity; others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer. Building a strong team is easier when you know the values and goals of each individual, as well as what they need from you as their leader.
  • Knowing the organization: Effective leaders know the organization’s overall purpose and goals, and the agreed-upon strategies to achieve these goals; they also know how their team fits into the big picture, and the part they play in helping the organization grow and thrive. Full knowledge of your organization – inside and out – is vital to becoming an effective leader.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Do You Face A Challenge- I Do Every Day People-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

 People of all walks of life have asked this one simple question and if you ever have this asked try to answer it the same if possible;

The question is how do you handle working with such people that do not believe in education or the future?

My answer:

 Always think of you and that you are the creator of your career and your life- that is what will keep you going and will build a protective covering strong enough to protect you from the dolts and evil ones in the workplace.

Hello all everywhere around the world!! What a weekend it has been already and yes it is only Saturday afternoon. The day started with a surprise visit from a family member and his family to congratulate me on a longtime coming achievement. Friends started to call my phone to do the same and it was a great morning and of course it has kept going all day long and yes I am a bit tired now!!!!

The achievement has been that I have completed my Doctorate after 8 long years after my Masters degree was done. Life is a challenge in itself and well it is all about how you deal with those challenges. In life they will always come our way and we as individuals will always have a different perspective on any one situation.

In business I always ask leaders what are your challenges that you face;The comments that I get sometimes really surprise me because then I say without insulting -How in the hell did you end up a leader!!! Then they tell me that the biggest challenge are the people who make the new implementations so  what leaders and managers need are new skills and or to improve interpersonal influence skills these new skills will and can really help leaders at all levels feel more confident and be able to demonstrate a bias for action and results when dealing with organizational challenges.

Every leader faces “ challenges.”   The top challenge always is and will always be people either at a staff level or at senior management level because they will make the new procedures and policies without having a clear understanding of the difficulties that will occur such as the affects of morale and employee accountability. There are other issues that may arise such as ensuring employees how to avoid problems behaviors. The most important challenge that needs to be addressed is the one that most top and senior management seems to care the least about is motivation and engagement. 

I believe the reason to be is simple really. It is because they have no idea what it is to work at this level. They simply believe to create bigger and better procedures and policies and expect lower level managers to implement  but the reality is that lower managers have no idea what to do because they were never involved in the creation of the changes thus for never really engage staff.

How can leaders address these challenges and help employees become more involved and engaged in their work?  We suggest;
  • Show people they are valuable to the organization as often as possible
  • Build a connection between work and priorities
  • Offer the staff freedom to think outside the box
  • Create a balance between direction and empathy
If you have a role as a leader you need to be aware and also realistic of the challenges you face on a day to day routine.If you are a leader then you need to be proactive to make the changes needed to move the organization forward.

If you are a leader or inspire to be one you must remember that:
A closed mind stumbles over the blessings of life without recognizing them.
To the untrained eye, a geode looks pretty much like an ordinary rock. But a trained geologist knows that inside the geode there is a beautiful crystal lining. The story is the same for those who refuse to examine new possibilities because their minds are closed. Life’s greatest opportunities, like the geode, often come in ordinary packaging. 

Do not allow yourself to become such a creature of habit that you simply go through the motions and let life happen to you. Just taking a new route to work, putting together a jigsaw puzzle, reading a newspaper instead of watching television, or visiting a museum at lunchtime will stimulate your thought processes and may help you open your mind to new possibilities

As a leader we must try to stay out of the gossip circles and yes you know exactly what I am speaking of because we spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't, and we need to sit back and find the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Desire for Change And Transformation For The Future-Luciano The Key Santini --SSDE

Hello and good day to all who read my blog postings. I always appreciate the comments made on my blog postings and that is what gives me more ideas to write about so thank you for all the comments.

Today I would like to talk about the feelings we go through when thing do not go our way. The frustrations one goes through when other doubt our potential not because we cannot achieve or reach our goals but because those with doubt know that we can and thus we the frustrations take over. So how does all this begin and the truth is I have no idea but what I do know is the following;

Napoleon Hill says best;

Everything you create or acquire begins in the form of desire.
In order to act, you must have a purpose. If you want to act successfully in all but the most mundane affairs, you must embrace that purpose with a burning desire. Many people think they want to be successful, but since they do not back that thought with an intense drive, they never achieve success. Cultivate your desire. Feed it with thoughts of yourself enjoying whatever it is you seek. It’s like stoking the furnace of a steam engine. You need to build up enough pressure to carry yourself over hills; if your desire doesn’t burn hotly enough, you’ll find yourself stalled and rolling backwards. The secret to action is a red-hot desire. 

So if you have someone tear down down your dreams look the other way and just go for it!! 

How may time have you or anyone you may know has gone through something like this and they have believed what they were told and they are upset and just want to give up and they talk about and at the end they give up. My friends I have seen many people go through these things and never find their potential so to you I say never ever listen to anyone who tells you to stop because it cannot be done instead ask yourself why not?

Let us talk a little about emotional intelligence;
 The topic of emotional intelligence has grown in popularity in the business world. But exactly what is it?  We all have encountered someone who is extremely smart but is unsuccessful due to poor relationship skills. At times most of us have engaged in behavior that we later regretted. Such behavior often reflects a lack of emotional intelligence (EQ).


Emotional intelligence, like many psychological terms has multiple definitions.  According to psychologist John Mayer who helped coin title in 1990, the scientific definition of emotional intelligence is, “the ability to accurately perceive your own and others’ emotions; to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships; and to manage your own and others’ emotions.” Simmons and Simmons defined it as, “the emotional needs, drives, and true values of a person and guides all overt behavior” (p. 11).  

Author Daniel Goleman who popularized emotional intelligence with his book of the same title described EQ as the abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and in others, which entails: Knowing what you are feeling and being able to handle those feelings without having them swamp you. Being able to motivate yourself to get jobs done, be creative and perform at your peak, and Sensing what others are feeling, and handling relationships effectively.  

I have question for all those who work day in and day out to accomplish any goal each and every day.
Would it be nice to have leaders who truly understand the meaning of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is about learning about others, understanding, and valuing the feelings of staff and others and then responding appropriately. They acknowledged that many individuals are uncomfortable with discussions about emotions – their own or those of others - and either ignore them or discount their importance.  However, failing to appreciate emotions as, a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence will likely thwart  personal and professional effectiveness thus not cool. 

I find that many leaders in many organizations fail in this department simply because they have no idea what emotional intelligence really is and means. Imagine if all leaders or managers in retail stores or in non profit organizations. 

The other is the failures that I have seen in the past and in the now with transformational change. Leaders want to implement the changes but the issue is they have no idea how to implement it and to be honest it is actually funny to watch this transpire and develop into a huge failure.
Most organizations have untold numbers of change efforts occurring at once, in all parts of the organization, large and small—all making demands on people. Employees know they are being asked or pressured to change, but they often do not know why in terms that are meaningful to them. This makes it difficult for them to personally commit to the organizational change. Leaders often experience this lack of commitment as resistance, but actually, it is simply a lack of understanding about why the changes are essential to the success of the business.
This is usually NOT an employee issue, but a leadership issue. Smart people, like the ones you have hired into your organization, commit to what they believe in. And to believe in anything, people must see its relevance and meaning. Without perceiving relevance and meaning, there is no commitment.
- See more at:

Most organizations have to make changes continuously just to survive and sometimes calls for integration. So called leaders constantly making demands on people which makes it difficult from the start.The issue here is that most of the time people have no idea why the changes are taking place or why they are need all they are told is they need to be made no matter the cost.  What comes next is of course R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E

The problem is not the staff members the real issue is the leadership that is trying to implement something that they in fact have no idea what it is. The people need to know who is leading them and why and when people do not see any of that chaos!!!

The reasons why this happens is that 9 out of 10 it meant for executives only and send out the email for implementation which is then implemented on blind fury because no one knows why the changes are needed.
The so called leaders tell you here are the changes and here is what we have to do but fail to teach and show because they have no idea what it means to begin with.

    Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intelligent followers.

    How many friends can you share this post with?

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Good morning everyone that reads my sometimes crazy blog postings but hey I say! If I was conformed to the world I think I would be boring and just no fun so then I say never conform and what what you think is the right thing to do and then well just do it!!

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend over a cup of coffee and he said to me you know my friend I really want to be rich and I said yea me too! I asked do you have a plan and he said no. I sad well I do and I will share a portion of it with you. I have written many short stories or many saying from an old mentor who has been gone from this world for a while and yet his words ring true around the world. I seriously want you to read the following words of wisdom and yes create your own vision of what you want and how you want to get there.

Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches. 


In business and in many organizations believe that they have been prepared for change in this world today,however I find that they are not and so when I consult companies large or small I find that they are lost. They are lost because they simply do not have a clear understanding of their vision and or mission. I have seen the visions and mission statements on walls and plaques and yes they look real nice on the wall or their desks.

 I being me I will always ask so what does that mean and wow the answers I get are daunting to my ears because they have no understanding and these guys or gals are the leaders leading the departments.
So You Call Yourself A Leader HUH!

Organizational psychology is the section of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. Often referred to as I-O psychology, this field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related issues such as the physical and mental well being of employees. Industrial organizational psychologists perform a wide variety of tasks, including studying worker attitudes and behavior, evaluating companies, and conducting leadership training. 

The overall goal of this field is to study and understand human behavior in the workplace. The key to all this is simple really but you have to have a clear understanding of human behavior thus UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE AND THEIR NEEDS!!!

  • Employee Hiring: This area involves bringing new employees to the organization with the understanding first that people are looking for a job and second understanding their needs and how they will fit in the department and with current employees and not because they know how to fill out forms and read manuals. 
  • We can teach anyone to read manuals and fill out forms and be precise but what you cannot teach is what I call OT© Luciano Santini OWN Thinking is where an individual is asked a question and he/she answer the question but not the usual conformed answer but an out of the box answer and you the interviewer has no idea where that came from and so you pass this individual for someone else who gives you the conformed answer who everyone would know and answer and because you the interviewer have been conformed you go with it  and hire that person and well six weeks later you see the same cycle and wonder why there are no changes in the department helllloooooo. 
  • Performance Management: This where our fearless leaders are supposed to determine if employees are doing their jobs well.but if the leaders never get out from behind their desks and engage with employees and their clients how in the h@#$@%%@$ll are they supposed to know if their employees are doing well in there tasks.
  • Organizational Development: I believe to always work on how to improve the organizations, often  through taking a good look at how processes have been and how they should be and make the changes through streamlining improving the organizational structure.
Let Us Talk About Your Business
 During my research I found that Our world is in constant change to the extent that most people no longer have an open mind about it. Most people want it to stop. Many organizations when they feel that they are failing they will bring someone new and begin to place new changes and when the new changes begin to fail again well it become easy to blame the staff or outside constraints such as legislature or management.

What about transformational change the results from structural equation modelling reveal that the transformational leadership style influences followers’ attributes of work engagement. The direct relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement was found to be partially mediated by employees’perceptions of meaning in work. This means that if our leaders do not engaged with the clients and the employees their perception then becomes that of not caring and not knowing.

The first transformational change is to influence, which is a leader’s ability to build loyalty and a following without thinking for their own self-interest, however I also find that most people in leadership roles have no idea how to influence rather they lead by power of position which is the worst thing that a leader can do if they want staff to follow. thus staff will not  identify with them. 

The second change is inspirational motivation, which involves a supervisor’s ability to create a vision that appeals to followers and makes them a significant part of the organization what I find here is the it is a proven fact that self motivation is one of the most difficult things to achieve and so if the leader has no self motivation and he/she is expected to make the change it becomes a daunting experience for that individual.