
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Desire for Change And Transformation For The Future-Luciano The Key Santini --SSDE

Hello and good day to all who read my blog postings. I always appreciate the comments made on my blog postings and that is what gives me more ideas to write about so thank you for all the comments.

Today I would like to talk about the feelings we go through when thing do not go our way. The frustrations one goes through when other doubt our potential not because we cannot achieve or reach our goals but because those with doubt know that we can and thus we the frustrations take over. So how does all this begin and the truth is I have no idea but what I do know is the following;

Napoleon Hill says best;

Everything you create or acquire begins in the form of desire.
In order to act, you must have a purpose. If you want to act successfully in all but the most mundane affairs, you must embrace that purpose with a burning desire. Many people think they want to be successful, but since they do not back that thought with an intense drive, they never achieve success. Cultivate your desire. Feed it with thoughts of yourself enjoying whatever it is you seek. It’s like stoking the furnace of a steam engine. You need to build up enough pressure to carry yourself over hills; if your desire doesn’t burn hotly enough, you’ll find yourself stalled and rolling backwards. The secret to action is a red-hot desire. 

So if you have someone tear down down your dreams look the other way and just go for it!! 

How may time have you or anyone you may know has gone through something like this and they have believed what they were told and they are upset and just want to give up and they talk about and at the end they give up. My friends I have seen many people go through these things and never find their potential so to you I say never ever listen to anyone who tells you to stop because it cannot be done instead ask yourself why not?

Let us talk a little about emotional intelligence;
 The topic of emotional intelligence has grown in popularity in the business world. But exactly what is it?  We all have encountered someone who is extremely smart but is unsuccessful due to poor relationship skills. At times most of us have engaged in behavior that we later regretted. Such behavior often reflects a lack of emotional intelligence (EQ).


Emotional intelligence, like many psychological terms has multiple definitions.  According to psychologist John Mayer who helped coin title in 1990, the scientific definition of emotional intelligence is, “the ability to accurately perceive your own and others’ emotions; to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships; and to manage your own and others’ emotions.” Simmons and Simmons defined it as, “the emotional needs, drives, and true values of a person and guides all overt behavior” (p. 11).  

Author Daniel Goleman who popularized emotional intelligence with his book of the same title described EQ as the abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and in others, which entails: Knowing what you are feeling and being able to handle those feelings without having them swamp you. Being able to motivate yourself to get jobs done, be creative and perform at your peak, and Sensing what others are feeling, and handling relationships effectively.  

I have question for all those who work day in and day out to accomplish any goal each and every day.
Would it be nice to have leaders who truly understand the meaning of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is about learning about others, understanding, and valuing the feelings of staff and others and then responding appropriately. They acknowledged that many individuals are uncomfortable with discussions about emotions – their own or those of others - and either ignore them or discount their importance.  However, failing to appreciate emotions as, a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence will likely thwart  personal and professional effectiveness thus not cool. 

I find that many leaders in many organizations fail in this department simply because they have no idea what emotional intelligence really is and means. Imagine if all leaders or managers in retail stores or in non profit organizations. 

The other is the failures that I have seen in the past and in the now with transformational change. Leaders want to implement the changes but the issue is they have no idea how to implement it and to be honest it is actually funny to watch this transpire and develop into a huge failure.
Most organizations have untold numbers of change efforts occurring at once, in all parts of the organization, large and small—all making demands on people. Employees know they are being asked or pressured to change, but they often do not know why in terms that are meaningful to them. This makes it difficult for them to personally commit to the organizational change. Leaders often experience this lack of commitment as resistance, but actually, it is simply a lack of understanding about why the changes are essential to the success of the business.
This is usually NOT an employee issue, but a leadership issue. Smart people, like the ones you have hired into your organization, commit to what they believe in. And to believe in anything, people must see its relevance and meaning. Without perceiving relevance and meaning, there is no commitment.
- See more at:

Most organizations have to make changes continuously just to survive and sometimes calls for integration. So called leaders constantly making demands on people which makes it difficult from the start.The issue here is that most of the time people have no idea why the changes are taking place or why they are need all they are told is they need to be made no matter the cost.  What comes next is of course R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E

The problem is not the staff members the real issue is the leadership that is trying to implement something that they in fact have no idea what it is. The people need to know who is leading them and why and when people do not see any of that chaos!!!

The reasons why this happens is that 9 out of 10 it meant for executives only and send out the email for implementation which is then implemented on blind fury because no one knows why the changes are needed.
The so called leaders tell you here are the changes and here is what we have to do but fail to teach and show because they have no idea what it means to begin with.

    Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intelligent followers.

    How many friends can you share this post with?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Imagination and the Possibilities Lie Within Your Mind-Luciano The Key Santini--SSDE

Good morning my friends and how are we doing on this beautiful weekend?

Today I would like to invite you into my world of imagination. Read that again my world of IM-AGINATION and I say my world because I am going to talk about my world of imagination ha ha. OK now that may sound funny but I have to say that imagination is the most powerful tool we have simply because we can be or do whatever it is that we want to do or be. Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow rich stated the following;

Napoleon Hill wrote, "You will never have a definite purpose in life; you will never have self confidence; you will never have initiative and leadership unless you first create these qualities in your imagination and see yourself in possession of them." He went on to say that, "... imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known." I love this guy and his way of thinking.

You see my friends I want you to think about the following questions.
How many times has your imagination tricked you into thinking something that was never there?
How many times did you think of an idea no else did?
How many times has your imagination made you crazy?

I can only tell you that it has happened to me and so I have learned to create positive thoughts in my mind which I call my own world of imagination. An example of imagination was when President Kennedy stated that there would be a man walking on the moon. People thought yea and wow! what an imagination and yet it came true,!! What about the technology our computers and phones and email HELLO----- IMAGINATION MY FRIENDS ALL IMAGINATION.


Here is another big one!!

 You must get busy doing something about going the extra mile.
It’s well and good to feel as though you have changed the attitude with which you render extra service, but if that service is in truth no more than anyone else’s, then you aren’t doing yourself much good. You need to examine your co-workers and competitors to understand just what it is that will make you stand out. If there are job performance standards, exceed them. If you’re fulfilling a contract, make sure you offer more than you promised. You cannot confine extra-mile service to your work alone. You must make it part of your philosophy for dealing with every person you encounter. Imagine how others will be delighted to find that you are the type of person who not only does what is promised but even delivers more. The true benefit of going the extra mile is in teaching yourself to strive always for better and greater achievement in all that you do.

One of my other favorite people of all time who was an amazing person was no one else the Mr. Benjamin Franklin he said and I quote;

 “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” – Ben Franklin 

Of course on other favorites of mine:
“If some people are so hungry for a feeling of importance that they actually go insane to get it, imagine what miracle you and I can achieve by giving people honest appreciation this side of insanity.” – Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends & Influence People  

Here I am bringing people together through motivation and techniques on a radio show. It was awesome and lots of fun and I realized that when you talk on things that interest people or looking at things and situations and issues from a different perspective people listen.

Kyle Wilson shares a story here which is so important i all phases of life and business check it out;
This story is close to me for many reasons but hey that is another story for another blog posting in the near future!!!

Everything is Possible!
A few days ago I had a 2 hour Skype call with two amazing guys. One is a lead member in a world renowned rock and roll band and the other has trained 5 world champion MMA fighters (and is a former champion himself). There will certainly be more developing on this story.
But the part I wanted to share was a follow-up email from one of the guys. His P.S. at the end said:

As Jim Rohn says, "when 2 or 3 agree on the same purpose, everything is possible". Jim Rohn said when he heard this for the first time, he underlined the word EVERYTHING :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Life Is Only Great When We Choose It To Be Great) Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano (The Key) Santini

First things first
 "Life Is Only Great When We Choose It To Be Great)
Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano (The Key) Santini
Good morning my friends and yes it is Memorial Weekend!! On this day  we at Santini Self Development Enterprises would like to give thanks to all those who served this great country to keep us safe from all those who want to harm us. This is the day we give thanks and remember all those who served and fallen in the past for each one of us to wake up each morning walk outside your door and see the daylight one more time. To give thanks to all those who dies to keep our children safe. Thank you Thank you Thank you one million times and that my friends is still not enough thank yous.

You can find this photo at

In all reality there will never be words to describe how we grateful we are to each soldier and their families for the ultimate sacrifice they gave. Those that are with us and yet feel abandoned we are here for you. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GIVEN AND STILL CONTINUE GIVING.

During hard times and obstacles and challenges that we will face each and every day can be difficult but the truth of the matter is that we need to dace any challenge head on and make the best choices to help any situation and the most important thing at this point is to stay positive. Sunday is a day to relax and get all your thoughts together and ready yourself for the coming week.

Business Section:
I cannot miss this from Napoleon Hill
The chances are that your job likes you precisely as much as you like it, but no more.

You are the world’s greatest expert on your job, and you can make it into what you choose. You may have a job description, but there are few jobs in the world that come with detailed instructions. A job description simply provides a foundation upon which you may build the perfect job for yourself. When you give generously to it, a job responds with a full measure of satisfaction, personal growth, financial rewards, and promise for the future. If you are in a job you absolutely hate, and you have considered all the alternatives and decided that you will never like your job, find something else. But if you, like most people, dislike a few things about your work, but on balance believe you have a pretty good position, get busy making it the greatest job in the world. In your career, as in life, you get in direct proportion to what you give. 

Business obstacles and Challenges

 Despite this encouraging progress, a confluence of global environmental challenges is putting more pressure on corporate environmental sustainability strategies to get to scale quickly. Not enough non-profit businesses have integrated with each other into their long-term decision-making. And, as it stands today, existing practices are not enough to protect the resources that society and businesses depend on.

The obstacles facing most nonprofits is to look beyond working with each other—to build sustainable, long-term relation-ships that fundamentally change the way they function as organizations. Statistics show  that nonprofits are exploring mergers, consolidations, and joint ventures with increasing frequency. Each of these options goes beyond the cur-rent definition of working as one. Where working with each other instead of against each other implies coordination of service, strategic restructure-ING requires changes to the corporate structure and, frequently, a change in the organization’s locus of control.
No nonprofit organization can long survive and succeed in advancing its mission while living independent of of other nonprofits. Nonprofits gain information, political power, and personal and professional support from and in concert with other nonprofits. Thus, close working relationships, partnerships, and even joint ventures between nonprofit organizations are a fairly natural occurrence.

In life and especially in business we all have many opportunities to collaborate or partner with others, In In my line of work I've done many, especially with my history of being a speaker/trainer,coach and I have to tell you that when something seems to good to be true let go and walk away. Sometimes all seems great and looks awesome but then again do your research and find that if this is the right company and the right person to do business with.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Common Sense Is no Longer common Sense --Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano Santini

Good afternoon to all my friends who follow me and read my blog postings, I thank every single one of you and you are greatly appreciated.

Today I was busy early this morning and thus not able to post early so sorry for that but here is my post better late then never right right. Today I would like to talk about management. Why is is that certain people believe bad manage by power. What do I mean by that well let me explain.

I find that people who are very insecure about their position and in all honesty do not have the skills to manage efficiently will manage by power of position meaning that they are in a higher position then the staff members and thus will push them to do their will. I believe that this type of people should never have a position of any power at all. 

There are so many organizations who will promote persons who have no idea how to manage people at all and yet they get the positions why is that?

The answer is simple really: It is because the person placing the next person in charge can be manipulated by the higher ups WOW makes all the sense in the world!! great you understand and now the problems that could and will eventually arise from this are;
1) Staff becomes rigid and hard to to work with.
2) Staff will give everyone a hard time regarding work issues.
3) Management becomes micro management teams.
4) Managers in charge have no idea how to deal with their staff.
5) Managers become angry and seek revenge.
6) Managers begin to hinder work environment. ETC............. and it goes on until the business is ruined.

When is there value by making small choices

 Sometimes as small business owners we get caught in trying to make large choices and we so many mistakes, instead we should break those big choices into smaller ones and eventually get to our end result which will be that big goal we started with in mind if not many times we will fail.

If you go and ask the successful businesses in your area you will find that that is the only to to success.
If they decide to teach and train you: You will see that they never get excited over any changes that might come their way.


Today Napoleon Hills says:
Don’t blame children who are bad. Blame those who failed to discipline them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” Although children doubtless do not recognize it at the time, they crave discipline, particularly during their formative years. Discipline defines boundaries for them, provides security, and is an active expression of a parent’s love. Most important, it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. 

If your childhood was less than perfect, you are in good company. Most of us have experienced difficulties at one time or another, and we all make mistakes from time to time. 

The good news is that while your environment as a child will have a profound influence upon the person you become, it is not the sole determinant. The person you choose to be is entirely up to you. Only you can decide who and what you will become in life.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Good morning to all my friends. How are we doing this wonderful Thursday morning. I went outside and WOW it was freezing. OK it was a bit cold and not freezing. Now lets talk a bit about your old habits:
Sure, your old habits are nice and comfortable, but they are old  you need to make some changes and perhaps make that changes quick before they settle into your blood system and you are stuck.

Today you should make a small change in your routine and see what happens. make a small turn on your way top work that you would normally not do. Go to a different store for your groceries that normally you would not go to. In other words my friends make the changes that are needed to make a new habit-just do it today try it go for it and stop procrastinating. 

Criticism I dislike that word why? Simple really because people are quick to make judgements on others and never take a look within themselves because if they did WOO-HOO would they make some great and awesome discoveries about the type of people they really are and then they would read the top section of this blog and make some changes. I KNOW YOU AGREE AND IF YOU DO NOT AGREE LET ME KNOW WHY YOU DO AND  OR WHY YOU DO NOT VIA FACE BOOK OR LINKED IN. Have a wonderful day to all my readers and friends around the world.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Goals Are Like Ideas We All Have Them We Just Never Put Enough Effort Into Them To Make Them Worthwhile"--Luciano The Key Santini

 "Goals Are Like Ideas We All Have Them We Just Never Put Enough Effort Into Them To Make Them Worthwhile"--Luciano The Key Santini
In a world where no one really cares whether you survive as a business, what and how do you look at the your customers,family and friends? You see as a business solutions provider those are questions I will always ask you as an individual or business owner. The reason why is because of the following:

What are some of the real issues a small business owner is facing today.

Let look at some such as. Lack of marketing this is a big one though we as small business owners do not take a serious look at this we really should. We need t ask for help when we needed it the most. We need to reach out a to someone who can guide you through t hep process of marketing. 

We need to find someone who can walk us through the entire search for the right techniques that will meet our needs in our specific business that we are running.

What about budgeting? We need money to make money so everyone says right well the truth of the matter is that you do some pretty tight budgeting with little money as long as the little money you may have you spend it in the right areas that are needed the most and make the most sense in other words use some common sense.

How about managing your time as an owner correctly  oh yes time is money right well it can be if you manage it correctly and that takes some serious thinking yes critical thinking on how you are going to use your time. 

One must also learn the techniques that are out there right and if you cannot find the right way to utilize your time efficiently then hire someone to teach you immediately.There is more then meets the ye when it comes to managing your time and business.

We are always thinking about promising ourselves some downtime -- a few days or even hours when we cut back on our workload and give our self a chance to relax. So exactly when are do that? Today, can be that day take it cancel appointments and call and just relax we have to start some time might as well be've got to start.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"We Must Know When We Are Wrong And Be Ashamed To Ask For Help When We Needed Most"--Luciano (The Key) Santini

Remember what I said sometimes people do not like to hear what they need to hear because they continue to do all the same things over and over and expect a different result it will not ever happen ever!!It's wisest to give people some extra space just in case.  

As a solutions provider I must play nice but avoid even having to deal with people who can't take the cold, hard truth.My friends life does not always deals us the best hand we have to make with what we are given and develop our talents with what we have and move forward.

"We Must Know When We Are Wrong And Be Ashamed To Ask For Help When We Needed Most"--Luciano (The Key) Santini


Good morning friends and how are we doing  on this Thursday morning? I hope and wish that everyone who reads my blog posts will have a wonderful day today and find that life is worth living when you enjoy life in the now and not worry about the past and not worry about what you have no control over.

How do you get started in life in the right direction well as hard as that may sound you can do and make the changes instantly if you choose to do so yes my friends it is that easy and that simple. You have to make the changes if you choose to do so but you have to want to make the changes because if you do not then nothing will change believe me I know from experience.

I have a question for you business owners. Is your business where it needs to be and if not why not? You see this also comes as a surprise to many because they make so difficult when all you have to do is change the way way you look at your business and how you look at your staff and customers. I know you might be saying if it was that easy Luciano we all would have done it right!

The thing is not whether you would have done it. The real question is are you ready to make the changes needed to move your business forward.

You have to be a leader and what exactly is a leader well let us see.
 A leader is not just someone who tells people what to do is it? A leader is someone who takes hold of the issues and manages the outcome. You must be able to manage the outcome form any situation. You see a leader must take responsibility of the outcomes and carry that responsibility whether the outcome is good or not so good and continue to move forward with a smile. What I find is that instead they will blame others for the not so good outcomes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Know That You Don"t Know What You Don't Know And Admit It To yourself"--Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends and well it is Tuesday.
 How do you feel when you know you have a goal and it must  be done whether at work or in your daily routine what do you do and how do you do it?

You're hungry for analytical thinking right now, and your mind wants to see things in black and white terms. 
You see so many times one will not see things in black and white as one wants or believes that they are.

When  you are willing to see the other side of an argument, but you're not going to give people credit for sob stories. When the sob stories come into play you know you are in trouble if you start to believe them.
"Know That You Don"t Know What You Don't Know And Admit It To yourself"--Luciano Santini

Therefore, you will get along best with people who aren't interested in making small talk or being charming all day long. You are in the mood to get things done -- and you will.You need to believe that you can the things that need to get accomplished today and just get them done.

Some of the writing in bold comes from my astrology sign Capricorn on Y Astrology.
Copyright © 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Luciano (The Key) Santini on Life And Business

Good morning to all my friends and well it might be afternoon in some places around the world.

WOW!!!! I remember the post I did when we went into 2012 and now here is December the end of 2012. I ask myself questions like: What Have I done this year? Where is my Life this year? What have I accomplished this year? Where is my business this year? The most important question is: How am I going to end this yaer to prepare me for 2013.

The way we live our lives has changed dramatically and you know what I am talking about because the world is always turning this way and that way and sometimes we get caught up in the drama and we do not follow through on our dreams do we?

I find that both in life and business that this is a fact of reality. There are many questions that you need to ask yourself in silence and aswer them to yourself and yourself only. 

Many people have asked me why should they ask themselves such questions and I answer them like this: You need to answer these questions such as these because if you are going to lie to yourself then what do you Have to look forward to!!

In this video I read a poem I wrote on wasting time. enjoy it and perhaps you will have a better perspectiive on time. You see time is not a thing to take for granted because once that time is gone it is gone and you can never get it back. So it is essential that we take care of our time we are given on this earth to make the best of it whether in business or personal life.

Business well it is different because in business it is about making a profit and there is nothing wrong with that at all. The problem that I have found mostly when I train businesses on customer service or management skills or communication and organizational skills I find that they are not focused on their lives. 

There is so much turmoil within an organization because no one ever wants to be on a team and they may tell you to your face that they in fact do but the reality is that they are doing nothing more the having a conversation with you the owners.

If you want to have a great customer based staff you need to really understand human nature and figure out what they want and give it to them. What!!! do you mean Luciano? Well first of all you need have an understanding of what it is to be a human and what we all want which is a sense of security. 

The owners of a business cares about the bottom line and you should but at the same time how are you aquiring that botton line is what is really going to matter at the end.

Lets take a look at a few strategies that you can use to get you there:
 First of all have a  well rounded idea of your business and your need for training staff. I have to tell you that employee training and giving them proper support and not half training will get you the results you are looking for. 

I realize that it is a cost but sometimes we need to get over it and do it.Training is the first thing that suffers but will always remain a crtical element of your business.
 When a company's good intentions are to keep costs down and cut back on training it will undermine the company's to remain on top of the game of competition.

I know that sometimes small businesses fall short here however they need to see the future a bit and understand where they are in their training. As an owner I understand costs but when it all comes down sometimes you need that face to face coach or trainer to come in and show you hands on how to achieve your business goals.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks Luciano The Key Santini

This is for all my true friends and you know who you are On Living life through. This year l I’ve been super aware of the circle of life and of people’s ability to make it through issues and situations. 

There is much to give thanks for even those that have hurt you or made your life miserable. Today I give thanks for my beautiful kids and my beautiful wife who has had the chance to deal with my issues hahahahaha and there has a been a few. 

I also give thanks to all who read my blog and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

If it was not for my fans and business owners who have allowed me the opportunity to work with,this would not be possible so,a huge thank you.

Give thanks for those who feel in control of your life only because you will grow stronger and they will grow weaker. These happens to everyone though sometimes we will close our eyes and ignore certain issues and situations. Let it go and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day

 "Believing In Yourself Is The First Key To Individual Success"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

 This is a short video I made let me know what your thoughts are via comments or find me on facebook

This will be a short blog only because I have to help cooking in a few minutes. Remember that in life there will always be obstacles to overcome and challenges that need to be dealt with. Life is not an easy ride it will be a bumpy one but we can make easier simply by being thankful each and everyday that we breath.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Luciano Santini No Regrets

"I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like 
if I'd just been myself." 
- Brittany Ren

I love this quote because it places thought into the heart. It  makes you think and at the same time creates emotion. You see in life we need to create an emotion towards our goals and the end result. I have an example for a while now I had been working on a DVD that I wanted to create and finally it is completed;

It is hard work and sometime that is all we have to offer the world but at the same time the world sometimes needs to see how hard it is to conquer it. You see in our minds sometimes we get caught up with life and the chaos that comes with it daily. My friends I can tell you that many times in my life I wanted to just give up on my dreams but in the back of my mind the thought of what if?

In life we find that we cannot accomplish anything alone and sometime it takes a life time to figure that out and then of course people just give up not knowing that they can start fresh again and again. I say never ever give up on your dreams because sometimes that is all we have to drive our emotions to the end result in spite of all the naysayers and those that do not see past their arms length.

IN this video you see that yes I'm human just like you and I place one leg into my pants just like you do and I wear beanie hats just like some of you do so you see I'm just like you. The point here is that one person can change the world and my mission is (Changing The World One Mind At A Time)--Luciano Santini
Yes that is correct one mind at a time.

My friend Chris Spicher is the proud owner of Antelope Valley Florist in The Antelope Valley Area and I am proud to call myself a friend of his and have him as a mentor in life and in business. Remember one thing for sure that holds true and always will in life and forever. Take a good look at your friends and see where they are, and if you do not want to be there perhaps it is time to find new friends. Sometimes we need to take our life into a whole new direction!!!!

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