
Showing posts with label Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Leaders With Education And Practical Experience Are The Future To A Rapidly Changing World"-Luciano The Key Santini

Having a great day today, I hope you are because today is a day to celebrate the freedom we enjoy and to remember the memories from the past and the outings we have had with our families. Today is a day to think about where you are in life and where you would like to be in the near future before this year is over.

In life there is always something new to learn and so one must take the time to educate oneself. How important\t is education very!! Here is what one of our president's has stated regarding education.

What about Steve Jobs what did he have to say?

Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

I have a few things to say but the one that has actually affected me personally in the past is the following one and to the point where I had to explain my self to other people because they have no idea how to deal with life.

Self-confident—Don’t let yourself confuse self-confidence with egotistical. True self-confidence is simply someone who is secure in his or her own abilities. Such self-confidence exudes from them and motivates others to achieve the same.

Here's what 35th US President, John F. Kennedy had to say: “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.” 

In the world of Time Management and life especially at work there are things said to us that we accept as truth and we act accordingly.The problem is sometimes they are not truths.They are lies and as we believe them, they waste our time.

Does it seem like no matter what you do, there's always something or someone who takes up a lot more of your time than you had planned? I know that sometimes you get people who you want to help and eventually you do not want to talk to them anymore because all they do is waste your time.

There has been so many talk in many books and many seminars and I might as well add gurus on this list because you will have people who tell you that they have the answers to your problems and what do they do? They give you books to read or theories without anything behind what they say to be true sad I know!

one of my mentors always said to me that the keenest minds are the ones that have whetted by practical experience. What does this mean well here it is. 

The keenest minds are the ones that have been whetted by practical experience.

Theoretical knowledge without practical experience might be compared to a large mass of undirected energy. Until it is focused, it is difficult to direct the energy to a useful end. Practical experience is the lens through which the energy of knowledge may be focused and directed toward activities that will provide the greatest benefit. When you learn new concepts or have an idea that has not yet been tested, make it a practice to think through its application carefully before implementation. 
When you have considered the possibilities, and it still seems to be a good idea — get into action. The only way to get practical experience is to get to work executing your idea but the one thing all my mentors and successful business friends always seems to be one thing and one thing only-To know what and when and HOW to IMPLEMENT AND EXECUTE!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mistakes!! Admit Them And Learn And Grow-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Good morning my friends. It seems that everyone in the entire world is always looking for something that will change their world. I have a question for all of you out there who read this blog.

What is that you are looking for in this world that will change your life. I know for a fact that sometimes people have no idea who they are or what they need in their life to change the direction that they may be headed.

Here I am giving a motivational speech to the Veterans on finding the thing we are all looking for inside of us to motivate us to find that one thing that makes us move ahead when all is looking bleak. I find that when I coach individuals they all tell me the same thing regarding their past mistakes. I say to them do not worry about the past mistakes they were made and that is that and yes it is that simple.

The problem happens when the individual seems to hang on to that mistake for years and years and after a while it sinks in as fault. I tell you my friends sometimes it is our fault but at the same time every situation is different and lots of times plans change and one must make spontaneous choices and sometimes they are the wrong ones. The key to all this madness is did you learn something from that mistake and if you did then let go because you cannot change the past ever, you can only make it a learning experience that is it.

I have to tell that you have to understand that if you make a mistake that it will be difficult to admit that you made a mistake small or large. At this point you must understand that by admitting your mistake it will take you to a new level of understanding who you are and who yo will become.

Most people star by pointing fingers at someone else or make excuses and miss the lesson that should have been learned. Some people will screw someone over and then when asked why they will make every excuse and never admit their mistake and sooner or later it will comeback with a revenge.

If you fail a test, then you have become a failure. If you make a mistake then you are a mistake perhaps you have never ever felt this way but guess what!! Many people do.

Chickens come home to roost, and so do your thoughts. Be careful what sort of thoughts you send out.
The thoughts you send out to others will have a far greater impact upon you than upon them. Unlike a material possession, when you release a thought or give it to someone else, it also stays with you. It may remain buried in your subconscious long after your conscious mind has forgotten about it. Like chickens that return to the coop at night, such thoughts may flash into your consciousness when you least expect them.

 When your thoughts are positive, you never have to worry about the damage you may do to yourself through negative thinking. Cheerful, productive, happy thoughts that are buried in your subconscious bring positive results when they recur, and by their presence they encourage the maintenance of a positive attitude in all that you do.

Read this over and over and you will see that once you realize that the mistakes you have made in the past can be forgotten and perhaps give you a new start in life. You must learn from your mistakes

Saturday, August 10, 2013

It Takes Courage And Self Awareness To Be A Great Leader-Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Good morning everyone and how are we doing this beautiful morning. This past week was something that well made me realize why people are people and why they act and react to certain situations. 

You see sometimes change has to take place in life in your personal life or in your business change just has to take place in order for your life or your business or even an entire organization to survive.

Does your organization respond to change well or do they resist to creating a competitive environment, and workforce? 

 This is a question that really needs to be looked into in a different perspective then a normal look. I know that in the private industry is so much different then in the non-profit world. I find that management is different as well. In the non-profit you have to deal with the people that think they are untouchable due to the bureaucracy that come with a government job.

What about the leadership capacity? Does your organization have what it takes to move forward into the future?

This is another section organizations in both private and non-profit need to think about. I believe that sometimes there comes a time when someone will need to open their mouth and say HEY!!!! stop and take a look at our leaders they are no leaders they only tell people what to do and manage from their position status and not as true leaders.

Bottom line is that the bottom line is affected first and then the staff members and ultimately the doors close. What do you need to make the changes well you need to find someone that thinks outside the box outside the norm someone who knows change and has the know -how to implement the changes that need to take place.

You must remember the first thing about human nature: 

People automatically have resistance built in not to change. You as a manager or a leader must have the skills to change their perspective on  resistance before they can have an understanding of the need to adapt to new changes

Don’t ever admit that the world has not given you an opportunity.
Opportunities are never just handed to you; they must be created. Opportunities abound for every individual in every walk of life. They may not be the opportunities that you prefer, but each opportunity of which you take advantage leads to bigger and better opportunities. 

 Physical and mental handicaps may mean that you have to explore territories unknown to others, but they also mean you have opportunities those others will never find. Think of Stephen Hawking’s brilliant research on the nature of the universe despite the fact that a crippling disease makes writing and speaking, as we know it, impossible for him. Those who approach their jobs and careers with enthusiasm always find plenty of opportunities, while those who complain about no one ever giving them a chance are merely observers of life. 

When you are determined that you will not allow others to determine your future for you, when you refuse to allow temporary setbacks to defeat you, you are destined for great success. The opportunities will always be there for you. If there are adversities that you cannot overcome right now, remember to capitalize upon them at a later date by looking for the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

You know by now how important it is to offer service freely to your community without expecting anything specific in return. You know as well how important the intangible personal benefits of self-respect and inspiration that accompany such action are. But it is also true that by rendering a public service you have an effect on the values in your community.

Remember it takes someone who has the knowledge on what courage means and what fear means and the meaning behind it, but being a leader you have to face it in spite of the confusion that comes with any situation.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks Luciano The Key Santini

This is for all my true friends and you know who you are On Living life through. This year l I’ve been super aware of the circle of life and of people’s ability to make it through issues and situations. 

There is much to give thanks for even those that have hurt you or made your life miserable. Today I give thanks for my beautiful kids and my beautiful wife who has had the chance to deal with my issues hahahahaha and there has a been a few. 

I also give thanks to all who read my blog and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

If it was not for my fans and business owners who have allowed me the opportunity to work with,this would not be possible so,a huge thank you.

Give thanks for those who feel in control of your life only because you will grow stronger and they will grow weaker. These happens to everyone though sometimes we will close our eyes and ignore certain issues and situations. Let it go and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day

 "Believing In Yourself Is The First Key To Individual Success"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

 This is a short video I made let me know what your thoughts are via comments or find me on facebook

This will be a short blog only because I have to help cooking in a few minutes. Remember that in life there will always be obstacles to overcome and challenges that need to be dealt with. Life is not an easy ride it will be a bumpy one but we can make easier simply by being thankful each and everyday that we breath.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Live life now Luciano ( The Key) Santini

Good morning my friends on this beautiful Saturday; To all my Capricorn friends

September 15, 2012

CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
This is a great day for you and your people to plan the details of upcoming events or parties! Have everyone get out their calendars and search for overlapping free dates. It will be delightfully easy to get everyone together at the same time in the same place. 

While you're on this roll, you might want to consider making this thing an annual or monthly event. You can't get enough of the people who make you feel good about who you are and where you're going. 

"We Live And Then We Die That Is Life It Is What We Do While We Are Alive In Between Life And Death That Will Count --Luciano The Key Santini

Live life now !! Live as only you know how full of vigor and happiness because you have that right to do so ! we all do!! So do it my friends just live life every day and take in every moment each day and your life will change for the better.

Business!!! We all want to be successful but what cost. I want you to really think about this because sometimes we do not realize what we are doing to ourselves and our families when we are so busy trying to reach something that perhaps is impossible in our outside world.

I want you to notice that I stated in our outside world and never mentioned our minds why?? I never stated our minds because we all have the potential to accomplish any business desire we may have and any goal that we want to reach we do.

As a business coach I try to teach owners to see where they are and where they want to be and then start a plan on how to get there. Easier said then done believe me because what happens when you start planning more issues are uncovered and OH BOY!!! it becomes a mess and that is OK it can be fixed it will take a little longer.

Lack of information is the main cause why people fail in life and in business and in accomplishing goals and dreams. Yes it takes desire and takes planning but most of all it takes knowing what you want and where you want to get.

Now I know there are many other issues that need to be looked at closely so one can reach a level of business success. Focus is a big one it really is one has to be focus on life and family first because if you do not focus on family if you have especially if kids are involved one needs to make sure they understand that there will be lots of long nights and missed dinners and perhaps some soccer or baseball games missed that will be part of the process.

 I believe that if there is an understanding though they may not get it at the very least get it out there and have them listen to you. There seems to be a big misconception that people can multi-tasking and I'm here to tell you that we are not made for that maybe and perhaps chewing gum and walking  only because we are so used to doing that since we we children and it takes no real talent.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Luciano Santini On Admitting When You Are Wrong

Good morning and how are you on this Friday. I was reading my Zodiac and found a great lesson to be learned in this today. Let me know if you can see the lesson and Facebook me.

September 14, 2012

CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
If you think you can fake it when it comes to an intimidating situation today, you're way off base! You cannot bluff your way through things right now, so don't even try. It's wisest if you just admit to any anxieties or insecurities you have right up front. If you let everyone involved know that you feel like a fish out of water, they will respect you for it. A key mark of intelligence is knowing when you don't know something -- and admitting it.