
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Knowing Who You Are Will Open Up Doors You Never Knew Existed"--Luciano Santini

Hello and good morning my friends it has been a few days since I started writing on my blog again. This time I would like to start out by saying thank you to all who read my blog it is because of you that I continue to write.

I was talking to some people this past weekend regarding the issues with interviewing and resume writing and the problems that most people perhaps you may be facing either during the interview or writing your resume.

As a professional resume writer and interviewing coach which means I get you prepared for both the resume and interviewing skills so you can get the job you have in mind. 

I find the most people think they know what goes into a resume or what really happens during an interview. People get nervous and then the nervousness becomes fear and the what happens well then you tank the interview and you do not get the job though you know you have what it take to fulfill the company's needs.

The resume is a critical part of your life especially when job searching. I place it up with the social security card. You see without a great resume you are just  like everyone else it looks the same and has no meaning because what employers are looking for is a well written resume that tells a story.

I can tell you my friends from experience that when a human resources manager looks at your resume they are looking for mistakes and the format that you might have used for this position whatever that position might be.

It become apparent real fast whether you actually took the time to create a well written piece of paper that tells them what you are looking for in a company because after all you are searching and they are searching for a good fit.

Most people believe that a resume is just a piece of paper with no real meaning behind it,but the truth of the matter is that in fact is a very important paper because that is what represents you when you are not there.

As a Life Coach it is very imperative that you the individual know yourself very well because questions will be asked of you that no one has asked you in a long time. 

These questions will pertain to you and only you as a person with a goal to reach and accomplish. You see when a person wants to reach a a goal it become very difficult to focus on the end result.

"Knowing Who You Are Will Open Up Doors You Never Knew Existed"--Luciano Santini

Saturday, November 26, 2011

LUCIANO the key SANTINI-motivational dvd on EBAY NOW

I love this title!! My wife said it would be a good title so I used it. Some people will not like it but oh well it is what the wife says LOL. You know many people had asked me about a DVD and when would it ever come out and to be honest like most people I was reluctant to making one. 

I thought about it for a long time and was hoping and waiting for the right time, One day I woke up and said to myself today would be a great time as any to start that DVD and I did----not!!. I did not started because I felt it was not the right time. I waited and kept on waiting for the right time.

"One Cannot Wait For The Prefect Time To Reach A Goal Because If You Do! You may Never Find That Perfect Timing But One Thing For Sure That You Will Find Is The End Of Time"--Luciano Santini

I spoke about never waiting for the right time if you wanted to do something on the radio and to all my friends and family and yet I found myself stuck and then it happened and it hit me like a ton of bricks a voice just said to me (Mr. You need to go for it and just take the leap now!!) 

I did what the voice said and here it is done my first DVD and to be honest it is not perfect but the content is life changing and it can help anyone who may be going through some hard times like all of us on this earth are.

As a certified life coach I find that when people need help it is because they have tried all they have but the thing I find which to me is very interesting is that people wait until they are hanging on a thread and they start complaining which makes the situation worse instead of reaching out for help or just find someone to talk about the issue at hand can make all the difference in the world.

Do not wait till it gets to that point because it will make life miserable for you and all those around you and guess what is next you are looked upon as the negative person.

As a Business coach I find almost the same scenario business owners wait till they are on their last leg though they have known they have been in trouble for a while. Why? I ask !! Why have you waited so long? Of course they have no immediate answer. One of the problems that I have is and because I have spoken to many business coaches this past year is the following; 

When either people in general or business owners ask for help is when they waited for so long and when they ask for either a life coach or a business coach they expect miracles. I have to tell you from experience that sometimes we can do some amazing things in both real life and business but it can be extremely difficult.

"Reading A Good Book And Finding A Nugget One Can Use In Real Life Is Why Authors Wright Because It Worked For Them Perhaps It Can Work for You The Reader"--Luciano Santini
When our world moves quicker and quicker, becoming crazy and competitive... Having me by your side can be a plus.

Napoleon Hill Puts this in perfect perspective.
Mutual confidence is the foundation of all satisfactory human relationships.
Copyright (C) 2011 Napoleon Hill World Learning Center All rights reserved.
Most of us have two basic questions about others when we enter into a relationship. They are: Can I trust you? And, do you really care about me? Depending upon our previous success in partnerships with others -- personal or business -- the answers may be slow in coming. Confidence in another is often developed gradually as those involved in the relationship commit themselves to each other’s success and happiness. 

Although trust and confidence are the basic underpinnings of all successful relationships, they are fragile. A relationship that has endured for months or even years can be irreparably damaged by a few unkind words or a single thoughtless act. Don’t allow yourself to act in haste or to lose control of your emotions in important relationships.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Living A Great Life Does Not Mean Being Wealthy

Good morning my friends how are we doing this beautiful morning. I remember when I was but a young man when I thought about what it would be like to be a motivation for other people. I remember reading so any books starting with The Richest Man in Babylon and few others. Now I was trying to figure it out because I loved to read but cared very little to make sense of it all.

"Living A Great Life Does Not Mean Being Wealthy But Creating Wealthy Could Mean Living A Great Life"--Luciano Santini

Motivating people has to be the most difficult thing to do actually my friends it is the hardest thing to accomplish. There has been many times when I meet someone who is always so negative and I ask them why? They never have a real answer other then they blame everyone else for their misfortune or their current situation.

You see it so much easier to blame others when we find ourselves in a sticky situation. I want to say it is human nature but the truth is that it is a choice we make. It is all about choices.

We all make choices and when they are good we are happy but when we make a bad or wrong choice oh man!! it was that guys fault or he/she made me do it. I love it because it proves that it is all about the choices we make. So simple and yet we do not have a true understanding of it all.

Today started like any other day. Woke up did my yoga and meditations and then wake the kids up get them ready to drop them off and then to work. I arrived at our destination like every morning to find out that we had received the wrong information last week.

I found that the place was closed and not opened like I had been told. I had to call in to work and ask them for the day off due to my kids and of course there was not an issue. I spent the whole day with them.

I took them to the park and played all day long well OK OK three hours straight. It was so much fun. There was some teens playing soccer and asked me to play but because of a groin injury I declined but my ten year old son screamed out well since my day cannot play I will play.

I have to tell you I was so impressed by this ten year old who actually played with these teens and some adults. He played really well.He has impressed me many times before but this time was different I saw a bit of myself in my son and it made me feel really proud. Never give up never surrender. He was pushed around and knocked down but he kept getting up and playing.

In business well I find that sometimes people feel like they have reached their final round in the fight of business and I am here to tell you that that is just the beginning of the journey. I have assisted many businesses and I always seem to find the same problems. What must I be speaking of well let us see;

To much time at work making sure all is well:
Employees do not understand my clients;
My clients are complaining to much;
My employees cannot work as a team;

My friends I am here for you and I am here to serve you whether  as a life coach or a business coach just call me or facebook me or find me on Linkd-in.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"If We Fall Into Our Past We Will Never Progress We Will Instead Regress"--Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends and here we are on a beautiful but cold Saturday. I love the cold weather. I think it is because it brings back memories of when I was a kid and played outside in the snow with my brothers and I also realize that those memories are well long gone and will I ever have them again meaning will I ever get to do it again perhaps yes and perhaps no.

I want you to think about this because we carry memories with us forever and sometimes the memories we carry can hurt us without realizing it. You see sometimes I can be in a great mood and suddenly I remember a great thought from the past and it brings a smile to my face and I can feel it from ear to ear.

Then there are those memories that we never forget but simply learn to live either with the disappointments or just a bad memory and when it enters the mind I get frustrated or angry not at anyone in particular but at myself for letting that thought take control of my mind.

Please do not misunderstand me though I am a very positive person I share this with you because I am also human and I am just like you. People are always asking me how is it that I am always so positive and what I say is this; It is not that I am always positive it is that I always look for the positive in everything that I do.

I believe that is where people fail in their thinking. We carry bad memories or failures in your minds and when they enter our minds and believe me these thoughts can enter at the most inopportune times.Again I am just like you no better.

My friends the best thing to do is this when that thought comes to mind replace it immediately with a positive thought or simply change the thought into whatever comes to mind at the same time but do not let take over your mind. I find that when you do that technique it works and your day will be much better.

"The World Holds Our Deepest Memories In A Folder Called Life They May Not Start  Great But You Can Start Creating The Greatest Ending"--Luciano Santini

Remember my friends that when we fall back into the past we will regress and never progress. I really want you to think about that when we fall into the past we will never progress but regress into what we once were or worst yet let the past take over our present.

"If We Fall Into Our Past We Will Never Progress We Will Instead Regress"--Luciano Santini

As a certified life coach I try to inform people and clients as much as possible regarding the issues in life that can almost guarantee failure. You see though it can only make you fail if you let take over your mind. 

I always ask questions like; What is it in your life that you would change? Or If you could go back in time what would you do different? You see these are simple questions but extremely damaging when you think about them .

You might ask yourself how are they damaging? Because you start to think about the frustrations from the past the failures from the past and what happens; well simply it brings you down. The worst part of it is that it was in the past and you are reliving it there is where the damage lies. 

It is time to let it go and start living in the present because there is nothing you can do about yesterday but you can do something today from this point on.

As a Business coach well life is different because now it is no longer just your life involved it includes everyone around you whether they are employees or loved ones and life becomes more complicated.
We will elaborate more on that issue on the next blog.

Check this video on human potential.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life Is Nothing More Then The Choices

Hello my friends and here we are again on a Thursday morning and what a beautiful day it is. I spoke at the South Valley Work-source Center today and it was a wonderful thing because it was for the unemployed and giving them some motivation and some hope that there is more then what we see as just a great feeling.

I spoke about the choices we make as individuals and the consequences that come from those choices we make and some are bad and some are good and we taker the good with stride but what happens to the bad? That is a question that everyone will struggle at one point or another. You see when we make a choice we may or may not realize the consequences that will be coming from that choice.

"Life Is Nothing More Then The Choices We Make They Can Be Bad Or Good if They Are Bad Then We Regret Them If They Are Good We Rejoice Life Is Nothing More Then The Next Choice We Make"--Luciano Santini

I believe that when we make a bad choice of course there will be a consequence and we may not like the outcome however my friends if we but learn from that experience  again we made the choice to learn and not repeat it again for our own good. Believe me I have made some well not so good choices in my life but trust me when I tell you that I learned my mistakes and never repeated them again.

Here is a great video on our minds. Check it out and post your comments;

In Business well once again choice play a big part whether we succeed or fail. Sometimes you will find that you hired the wrong person to operate your daily functions in your business. What do you do? Well there is always a solution for just about any business issue and sometime you might need a business coach to come in and just assist you with solving it and that where I would come in. 
You see I am here to serve you and I also mostly focus on small business because well the small businesses are the ones that are suffering the most in this economy.

So many areas that need repaired such as:
Staff Training in Customer service and what it really means.
Management Training on dealing with employees
Sales and Up selling your products and services
Life Skills

I'm an Answers Expert on MerchantCircle

Friday, November 11, 2011

It Is Our Friends That Will Carry Us When

Honoring All Who Served

Veterans Day

By , Guide

To commemorate the ending of the "Great War" (World War I), an "unknown soldier" was buried in highest place of honor in both England and France ( (in England, Westminster Abbey; in France, the Arc de Triomphe). These ceremonies took place on November 11th, celebrating the ending of World War I hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). This day became known internationally as "Armistice Day". 

In 1921, the United States of America followed France and England by laying to rest the remains of a World War I American soldier -- his name "known but to God" -- on a Virginia hillside overlooking the city of Washington DC and the Potomac River. This site became known as the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier," and today is called the "Tomb of the Unknowns." Located in Arlington National Cemetery, the tomb symbolizes dignity and reverence for the American veteran. 

In America, November 11th officially became known as Armistice Day through an act of Congress in 1926. It wasn't until 12 years later, through a similar act that Armistice Day became a national holiday.
"It Is Our Friends That Will Carry Us When We Are Down -Who Are They Becomes The Real Question"-Luciano Santini

If you are unemployed you do not need to be ashamed my friends It is part of life and also a true reality that so many people are facing today. I always tell people that when I speak to one person or one thousand people I speak the truth and never ever fluff it up to make you feel better. I will always tell you the truth in business and in real life. I will always show the difference between your dreams and and your realities that you may have to go through to find your strengths to pull you up and face the music.

Check this video out!!

I was told by an old friend once that real success does not come overnight and when someone says that they have made it overnight it is a lie. The truth of the matter is that it has taken many struggles and many years to Make it. Here you see receiving an award from the State of California for creating a workshop for learning on higher education. Did I do it alone absolutely not it takes people to bring new ideas together and it takes dedication on all that are involved.

We all have dreams and thoughts that run every second of our lives in our minds and yet never take them to fruition; I ask why is that? My guess we never take action and never make them a reality for whatever the reason may be I really do not know but what I do know is that FEAR plays a big part in hindering us to move forward. We cannot let fear stop us from reaching our dreams and goals no matter how small or how big they are!! they can be attained.

I can tell you that when the obstacles cloud my mind and the world seems like it is against me I go to a nice quiet place and meditate on whatever the problem may be.

 I always find a solution and it will not be easy I can tell you that it takes practice lots of practice but once you learn it is like riding a bicycle you never forget you just simply get better and better. Read some of my all time quotes and think about them and then see what they mean to you

Dr. Seuss
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
Dr. Seuss

Marilyn Monroe
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe

William W. Purkey
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”
William W. Purkey

Albert Einstein
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein
In Business I am pretty much the same guy who would tell you the truth about where you are in business and what you need to do make it better. I find that most of the time business owners find themselves stuck in a dream of which has been nothing but a fantasy In a dream where things are great but then fall so hard that they have the hardest time dealing with reality.
I am here to serve you in both personal life and in  business life.