
Saturday, November 19, 2011

"If We Fall Into Our Past We Will Never Progress We Will Instead Regress"--Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends and here we are on a beautiful but cold Saturday. I love the cold weather. I think it is because it brings back memories of when I was a kid and played outside in the snow with my brothers and I also realize that those memories are well long gone and will I ever have them again meaning will I ever get to do it again perhaps yes and perhaps no.

I want you to think about this because we carry memories with us forever and sometimes the memories we carry can hurt us without realizing it. You see sometimes I can be in a great mood and suddenly I remember a great thought from the past and it brings a smile to my face and I can feel it from ear to ear.

Then there are those memories that we never forget but simply learn to live either with the disappointments or just a bad memory and when it enters the mind I get frustrated or angry not at anyone in particular but at myself for letting that thought take control of my mind.

Please do not misunderstand me though I am a very positive person I share this with you because I am also human and I am just like you. People are always asking me how is it that I am always so positive and what I say is this; It is not that I am always positive it is that I always look for the positive in everything that I do.

I believe that is where people fail in their thinking. We carry bad memories or failures in your minds and when they enter our minds and believe me these thoughts can enter at the most inopportune times.Again I am just like you no better.

My friends the best thing to do is this when that thought comes to mind replace it immediately with a positive thought or simply change the thought into whatever comes to mind at the same time but do not let take over your mind. I find that when you do that technique it works and your day will be much better.

"The World Holds Our Deepest Memories In A Folder Called Life They May Not Start  Great But You Can Start Creating The Greatest Ending"--Luciano Santini

Remember my friends that when we fall back into the past we will regress and never progress. I really want you to think about that when we fall into the past we will never progress but regress into what we once were or worst yet let the past take over our present.

"If We Fall Into Our Past We Will Never Progress We Will Instead Regress"--Luciano Santini

As a certified life coach I try to inform people and clients as much as possible regarding the issues in life that can almost guarantee failure. You see though it can only make you fail if you let take over your mind. 

I always ask questions like; What is it in your life that you would change? Or If you could go back in time what would you do different? You see these are simple questions but extremely damaging when you think about them .

You might ask yourself how are they damaging? Because you start to think about the frustrations from the past the failures from the past and what happens; well simply it brings you down. The worst part of it is that it was in the past and you are reliving it there is where the damage lies. 

It is time to let it go and start living in the present because there is nothing you can do about yesterday but you can do something today from this point on.

As a Business coach well life is different because now it is no longer just your life involved it includes everyone around you whether they are employees or loved ones and life becomes more complicated.
We will elaborate more on that issue on the next blog.

Check this video on human potential.

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