
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Organizational Transformation and Development and Leadership-Luciano Santini

Good morning to all around the world who continue to motivate me to keep writing my articles. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mostly enjoy reading the feedback that receive on my articles which is great because it makes me want to write every day which I would if I did not have any kids hahahahahahah!!!!!!

Part of life is managing our time to the fullest each and every day which at times can become difficult to do.
I find that sometimes we find ourselves in self pity and guess what happens we get sucked into this black hole of hell? I find that self pity can become like a drug and you can become addicted to it. Have you ever been to the doctor with a severe pain? 

I know you have at one point or another and the doctor say well you will have to take these pain pills for a while as needed to ease the pain. The pain continues and the medicine does not work anymore because you have built a tolerance for it thus you will go back to the doctor and he will prescribe a stronger medicine. The same is true with self-pity. The more you let yourself to live in it, the more you will require. 

After a while, self-pity will create a habit, one so overwhelming that it will rob you of all the potential you possess.I have found when I work one on on with someone that the issues that have caused the self pity in the first place have been problems created by the same person. I then find that after talking more about the issues the same person becomes the only person to remedy the situation.

Now let speak on Organizational Transformation what it 
means to so many out there: To me it means :

Having a  leader with a strong character who can communicate a strong new vision
 from top to bottom.
First let me start by saying that they are extremely costly. Transforming organizations into proactive entities reduces costs and eliminates duplication and non value-added processes, which is key to improving the bottom line and improving product and/or service delivery at the same time.I have worked in restructuring  systems and processes with  a few organizations and I have found that the issues is usually never with the vision or the mission but with the people who have no idea how to implement the procedures.
 I have found that you have your top management and then your lower level managers and then your supervisors who simply pass along the information and the new processes that need to take place. I find myself laughing inside when they in turn turn around and expect their staff to just have a full understanding on what to do.

One of my mentors once told me a simple way to run an operation. He said to me usually the plan is in lace and usually it is a good plan however what happens during implementation is that they (Top Management) try to re-invent the wheel and you do have to do that just make the wheel roll better-Brian Card.
The techniques to implement vary of course on the needs of any company at the moment but one for sure which should be a given is that employees need to have the proper training by the proper people who actually have a good understanding on the change and is able to convey that information in a way that people do not take it the wrong way such as making them feel dumb-I could have used the word incompetent but let us use simple words which I find much easier to understand myself. 
I will however use the word incompetent for top players in any organization and please I do not mean all top level management because I have learned from some great leaders and they are out there. 
The problem comes when you have a bright leader who is great in operations and creates some great ideas for change but by the time it gets to the lower managers it becomes a joke because they only read the directions but have no ideas how to implement to their staff so they pass along the procedures and directions but never follow up or pass along specifics. 
The other issue is of course the strategic plan and how it pertains to the rest of the company once it has been created. The alignment between the human resources department and the rest of the organization must be aligned with the end results. 
Communication with both internal and external customers however I find that it is paramount that the communication with internal customers is clear and specific and should always be the primary concern making sure the understanding of the strategic plan is understood. 
I have seen so many strategic plans come and go to staff and they read it and will tell you that they understand it so you can leave them alone because they know that you as the leader have no idea what it means and they know that you will not follow up and so the organization will continue into a down spiral direction until doors close and customers go elsewhere.
 Drifting, without aim or purpose, is the first cause of failure.

Without a plan for your life, it is easier to follow the course of least resistance, to go with the flow, to drift with the current with no particular destination in mind. Having a definite plan for your life greatly simplifies the process of making hundreds of daily decisions that affect your ultimate success. When you know where you want to go, you can quickly decide if your actions are moving you toward your goal or away from it. Without definite, precise goals and a plan for their achievement, each decision must be considered in a vacuum.

 Definiteness of purpose provides context and allows you to relate specific actions to your overall plan.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Change Is Difficult When There Is No Purpose-Luciano Santini-SSDE

Hello and good day to everyone around the world who follow me and read my blog posts. It has been a great week. I have spent so much time with family and it is these times that you realize what you have really been up to in life.

I have had this vision of completing this journey for a long long time and it has finally arrived. The vision for whatever you may see in the future whether in a small business or a large organization or in life will arrive as long as you never ever give up.  

I have seen many visions statements framed on real pretty painted walls pushed on to people in fancy workshops on power points and yet something is missing. Well what most miss to provide is real guidance or worse has nothing to do with the real world and how life really works outside of the office of the so called leaders who sat for months thinking up how to write this mission statement and well it simply pisses people off.

I finally completed something special which I will announce in a month or so depending when I receive it. It was a journey in itself and it finally happened and well it has been one of those journeys that at one point I wanted to just give up on it but something inside me kept pushing me forward and to never ever quit until this journey had been completed.

It will be a surprise to many and not so much to others either way I did for me for my own satisfaction that it could be done and that I would be the first in my family to do so.

Many people will say now or in the future what a lucky guy. I have to tell you though that if working harder than a dog day and night and raising a family of four and working two jobs and nearly causing you to loose your entire family because you were never around and either on the road or on the computer studying and writing and calling and constantly in another world until my journey was completed then I guess it was luck but you can be the judge of that my friends.

I have many friends that taught me one thing including never giving up until your journey whatever that may be a small or large goal had been reached. 

 All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships.
Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, in our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. 

When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts. Know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. 

Last week during my special moment an old mentor of mine and I were speaking regarding change in life and in business and his response was:  
People are not afraid of change in business or in life they become afraid of change because they see no purpose or feel mistreated by their leaders if they are leaders.

I read that passage from Napoleon Hill above every day and it reminds me of the message that simply one alone cannot accomplish something great you just cannot in both life and business and I believe that is where so many business owners fail specially the smaller businesses but yes of course the larger ones as well due to not understanding human behaviors and relation building; they just do not get it.

A leader must understand people
 I believe that leaders in any organization sometimes get confused because of the positions they may hold and believe that simply by letting people know of any change can make it happen and well it is that easy nor is it correct for top management to believe that but they do every day. In many organizations specially in non profits organizations managers are taught to be responsive to their boss whoever that may be and guess what happens a real popular sport shows up in the offices called boss watching. 

One of the keys to develop people and to create a great office atmosphere is to catch people doing the right things and accentuate the positive at that moment and not let it come to pass!!!


What does this mean? Well it means that people get promoted to positions that they should never hold but it happens all the time. This does not do much for any organization because it does not accomplish their visions because the vision is one thing and the leaders do a totally different thing. At this point all promoted people do is try to protect themselves rather then move the organization in the right direction and never really help their people reach their goals.

You hold the key to life if you so choose
 I would like to elaborate a little on having a position in an organization  where the leaders operate because of their title and well it is the most recognized point as well. If you are this kind of person you believe that because your placard outside your office or the title on your business card indicates that you have the power to manage people or command resources. Ken Blanchard's dad says that the best leaders are those who have position power and never have to use it. 

Please Share with all your friends

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

 Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

For myself, if you remove the car I drive which is old and pretty ugly (Commuter), the place I live or the titles I hold or have held in the past, I will still be a person driven by my passion which is serving my fellow man/woman to make a positive impact in this world. I am not defined by my skills sets, titles or intellectuality, I am defined by how I utilize those tools and how I serve the world and make changes in people lives.

We all are loyal to our beliefs, aren't we? It's difficult to be understood by others when a new way of thinking comes our way  or we meet someone who challenges our norms, which we think define who we are.

Sometimes people will make mistakes and believe that this will define a person whether intentional or non-intentional it will not make difference.

 My friends here is what I have to say to all those people. People tend to like fitting other people in boxes. It probably makes it easier for them to figure out their place in society and the world even though their perceptions of others may not be as accurate. But honestly, I don't think we can truly define ourselves in a few sentences or paragraphs. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a general description that lacks depth. 

As individuals we will always come across those who are afraid of who you are as a person simply because they never give you the opportunity to know you thus will only know you partially which is sometimes if not always a mistake on them.People will always think of a person from a certain perspective whatever that might be and thus they will judge or profile. 

In the past I have held positions of power though you would have never known unless I told you about it simply because titles have never meant much to me and always have been very transparent whether as a leader or as a friend.

If you are true leader people will realize it and know it without you having to push it on them or making sure they know who you are by showing what I call positional power AGGGGAAAAGGG makes me want to gag.

 I have seen this by so many people who really are just insecure about who they are which is sad because they hold positions that can change or destroy someones life and I have seen that as well.

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities.
The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today. In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip. And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

 Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Change The World and Challenge Tradition Make A Difference--Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Good morning my friends. What happens when you put in the long hours and you get no results or minimum if any at all. It could be that you are missing one key techniques or many techniques or simply could be your mindset.What is your business is not up to date with the new ideas that have been coming up for your industry and you have been doing everything possible to make it up to date, it could simply mean you need a business coach to help you.

I have to tell you that I talk to many many business owners and staff members and what I have found is that most of the troubles we have is simply habits that we have picked up from the past and stay stuck in our comfort zones and because we are stuck there we do not see the signs of trouble coming our way. These old beliefs or habits will be what stops you from reaching your goals.

You have to be able to identify your WHY because as The American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker the late Jim Rohn often said the only real reason more people don’t succeed is because they don’t have enough reasons why.

 This for all the new entrepreneurs Build your own economy.  The truth of the matter is that no matter how hard you work within your organization or how loyal you are to the company will always leave you vulnerable an open to disaster simply because as long as you make them successful you will stay and receive accolades but the minute you get tired you will be called upon your mistakes.

 The people with character and think out of the box attitude will need to use their creativity and realize the value they can bring to the world and find the need and give to the world and the payback will be huge so go for it!!!

 What do you value your knowledge? That is a question that people rarely ask themselves.

You need to know what it is that you are really really good at. Take that thing you are good at and make it into a choice to change your life. You will need to take action and make a difference in the world and in the lives of those you care about.

Are you in the correct mindset to accomplish your goals?
 The truth of the matter is either you have the talent or you do not that is it!!! If you do not or feel you do not the create a growth mindset where you start to believe that you have what it takes to develop them.

 You will never be greater than the thoughts that dominate your mind.
If it’s true that you become what you think about most, it follows that the quantity and quality of success you achieve in your life will be in direct proportion to the size of your thoughts. If you allow your mind to be dominated by trivial matters, your achievements are likely to be unimportant. Discipline yourself to think about important things.

 Keep up with what’s new in your field and with what’s going on in the world. Make a list of good ideas that you can use anytime you are searching for a creative solution to a problem. Remember, small minds think about things; great minds think about ideas.