
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership trainer. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Being who you are and love

 Thank you to all who support and follow me on this truly a wonderful journey regarding leadership. Leadership is all about being yourself and demonstrating personal authenticity. True leadership is therefore much more than a demonstration of strengths. Real leaders acknowledge their shortcomings and may even make them work for them.

Good leaders always rely on their ability to read situations. They develop a feel for an environment, and interpret soft data without having to be told. They know when team morale is patchy or when complacency needs shaking up.  

Effective leaders use their differences and move on to distinguish themselves through personal qualities such as sincerity, loyalty, creativity, or sheer expertise. Using these differences is a critical leadership skill. I always say, there is a danger – too much distance makes it impossible to sense situations properly or to communicate effectively.

 Genuine concern is difficult because it always involves some personal risk showing some part of yourself and your most strongly held values can seem quite scary. It may also take some detachment the ability to stand back, see the whole picture and sometimes take tough decisions. Leadership never was a popularity contest. 
#leadership #evanstyle #people #disruptors #respect #inspire

Sunday, September 10, 2017


In life my friends there will be those who will envy you, your skills,potential but you must go beyond all that and create the life you want to live for yourself and those you love.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Leadership Today And Yesteryear"s Leadership Is It Different Or Not Really

Every day I ask myself a few questions such as: Is what leaders need to learn today anything new? I always come up with the same answer NO!!.

You see my friends we believe that because we have not been around for hundreds of years and perhaps thousands of years that leadership is something new and the fact is that it is not anything new.

There are many names that people come up with to make it sound different but it is the same. Design Thinking sounds like such a fancy name for (Thinking outside the box). I would like you to think about this.

 Throughout my years as a problem solver, I’ve found that the most effective and life-transforming ideas aren’t found in what’s UNIQUE… but rather in what was discovered thousands of years ago.

Leaders in today's world and technology times need to guide and support in making the transition from a life that doesn't work for them to one aligned with passion, connected to purpose, filled with richness and meaning.

 Leaders have to have the expertise to transform a slacker type of  life into one that creates excitement.If a leader can do this the employees and friends or significant others will gain a profound level of clarity and useful skills they can use to help others, and they will become part of a team that can actually change the environment around them. 
Think about it, every day our lives are becoming more and more fast paced and hectic, we spend half of our lives glued to a screen or rushing around trying to get things done. And from the day you are born…to the day you die, life feels like a continuous rat race.
 Do we not design change every day in our lives because  our lives are so fast paced? Yes we do why? simple really because if we do not try new things then we will fail or die or who knows what can happen. I know a bit blunt but sometimes people need to hear what they do not want to hear but know that is the truth but afraid to face it!!

When you start to design a new way that has not been tried before and you have to go through the trial and tribulations of perhaps failing and then going back to the drawing board and starting over that is design thinking in the past it is called thinking outside the box or thinking and doing something that has not been tried before. Whether you would like to call it design thinking or thinking outside the box the result will be the same my friends.

You see whether you design a new way to sell a product or a new way to communicate a service you have to be able to lead the implementation or the execution and if you are a leader and cannot do this then you and your new idea is dead in the water. Wars have been won because of proper execution negotiations are won because of execution companies are made successful because of execution and correct implementation with the ability to get followers to follow and buy into the companies vision.

People have asked me why I like to write and I say because I enjoy helping people see what they do not see. Sometimes leaders will ask me questions like: How do I get this person who never listens do what I ask them to do? I say ask them why they do not listen to you and you will get your answer but only if you are willing to listen and learn the truth because you will get the truth only if you are willing to listen. If you are not willing to sit there and take the truth then do not ask because then you will be disappointed and frustration will get the better of you.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Passion To Serve Others Is A Must In Business-Luciano The Key Santini (SSDE)

Hello and good morning to everyone who continues to believe in my skills and also who read my posts. Thank you for the continuous support. Today I would like to continue talking a bit more on partnerships. I received some great feedback and some great questions from readers. Here are some questions that were sent to me: I will do my best to answer them as we go. remember this before going into any type of partnership!!! You must a have a love, and a passion to serve others.

People do not leave organizations-People leave bad leadership!!

The right partners will usually make great organizations. The wrong partners will usually not work out and will destroy a great idea and at the end the organization.
How do you see decisions being made? By whom? How will we resolve conflicts?

I think that when choices or decisions need to be made they need to be made by the person who is the leader or manager of the operation, however I also believe that before making any choices or decisions staff needs to be involved so they are aware of the changes that may be coming and why the changes are going to take place. 

On conflict resolution, I believe that any conflict that may arise from the choices you as a leader makes needs to be taken care of immediately  because if it is not addressed immediately it will grow to the size of a mountain and will be much more difficult to resolve. I also believe that if there are issues that involve service or employees they need to be brought into a meeting room and hash it out between people so there are no questions left unanswered.

I believe this is a very good question because it asks straight forward and so I will try to give you the best answer I know from experience.

Have you ever been in a partnership before? What happened?

This is a question to ask the partner to be, because if they have never been a partner before they will need to really think about what it means and how it will change their way of thought and how they will manage people and themselves. If they have been partners before what happened and have them explain their experience as a partner. If they had been a partner they need to be honest and explain why it did not work out or why it was a great partnership.

 If you remember previously I had stated in my last posting that sometimes a business partnership is like a marriage. If there is no commonality then there will be a rocky marriage which could end in a divorce (yes). If the answer is yes they had been in a partnership but did not work out or was not working out then ask why and what did they learn from that and did they make the changes needed for it to work.When this conversation is taking place you will be able to assess the truth  and you can a wiser choice whether to go into a partnership or not.

I will now talk about leadership and motivation one of my favorite subjects to talk about. I believe that as a leader a person needs to really be aware of the people they manage and to motivate them. The biggest issue is what i ask? well I sat that the biggest issues is this and really it is the biggest question.

I always ask the leader How do you motivate yourself? AAAAHAAA and that is where the problem lies because when I ask the question they have no idea what motivates them to begin with!!! It is a problem simply because if you the leader has no idea what motivates them,then how do they expect to motivate their staff hellloooo!!! I find this to a very big issue with organizational leadership. 

I also have found that sometimes it is not their fault because the organization has no intention to keep people for a long ting but what about the organizations that preach vision and mission and well being for their employees but have no idea what or how to do it!! 

When you have motivated leaders you will have motivated employees it is really that simple but so difficult to acquire. It is also a choice that needs to be made by the individual to be or not to be motivated!!!!!

Please continue to send me your most hear burning questions and I will continue to serve you with the best answers that I can come up from my experiences in business and with people in general.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

 Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

For myself, if you remove the car I drive which is old and pretty ugly (Commuter), the place I live or the titles I hold or have held in the past, I will still be a person driven by my passion which is serving my fellow man/woman to make a positive impact in this world. I am not defined by my skills sets, titles or intellectuality, I am defined by how I utilize those tools and how I serve the world and make changes in people lives.

We all are loyal to our beliefs, aren't we? It's difficult to be understood by others when a new way of thinking comes our way  or we meet someone who challenges our norms, which we think define who we are.

Sometimes people will make mistakes and believe that this will define a person whether intentional or non-intentional it will not make difference.

 My friends here is what I have to say to all those people. People tend to like fitting other people in boxes. It probably makes it easier for them to figure out their place in society and the world even though their perceptions of others may not be as accurate. But honestly, I don't think we can truly define ourselves in a few sentences or paragraphs. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a general description that lacks depth. 

As individuals we will always come across those who are afraid of who you are as a person simply because they never give you the opportunity to know you thus will only know you partially which is sometimes if not always a mistake on them.People will always think of a person from a certain perspective whatever that might be and thus they will judge or profile. 

In the past I have held positions of power though you would have never known unless I told you about it simply because titles have never meant much to me and always have been very transparent whether as a leader or as a friend.

If you are true leader people will realize it and know it without you having to push it on them or making sure they know who you are by showing what I call positional power AGGGGAAAAGGG makes me want to gag.

 I have seen this by so many people who really are just insecure about who they are which is sad because they hold positions that can change or destroy someones life and I have seen that as well.

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities.
The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today. In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip. And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

 Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.