
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

 Who defines us? What defines us as individuals?

For myself, if you remove the car I drive which is old and pretty ugly (Commuter), the place I live or the titles I hold or have held in the past, I will still be a person driven by my passion which is serving my fellow man/woman to make a positive impact in this world. I am not defined by my skills sets, titles or intellectuality, I am defined by how I utilize those tools and how I serve the world and make changes in people lives.

We all are loyal to our beliefs, aren't we? It's difficult to be understood by others when a new way of thinking comes our way  or we meet someone who challenges our norms, which we think define who we are.

Sometimes people will make mistakes and believe that this will define a person whether intentional or non-intentional it will not make difference.

 My friends here is what I have to say to all those people. People tend to like fitting other people in boxes. It probably makes it easier for them to figure out their place in society and the world even though their perceptions of others may not be as accurate. But honestly, I don't think we can truly define ourselves in a few sentences or paragraphs. Otherwise, it's pretty much just a general description that lacks depth. 

As individuals we will always come across those who are afraid of who you are as a person simply because they never give you the opportunity to know you thus will only know you partially which is sometimes if not always a mistake on them.People will always think of a person from a certain perspective whatever that might be and thus they will judge or profile. 

In the past I have held positions of power though you would have never known unless I told you about it simply because titles have never meant much to me and always have been very transparent whether as a leader or as a friend.

If you are true leader people will realize it and know it without you having to push it on them or making sure they know who you are by showing what I call positional power AGGGGAAAAGGG makes me want to gag.

 I have seen this by so many people who really are just insecure about who they are which is sad because they hold positions that can change or destroy someones life and I have seen that as well.

It is always safe to talk about others as long as you speak of their good qualities.
The old adage, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all,” is especially valid today. In any organization, regardless of size, the rumor mill works overtime when it comes to negative gossip. And you can be sure that unkind things you say about others will very quickly find their way to them, for it is also a truism that those who talk about others to us talk about us to others.

 Not only should you not speak badly of others — you should not participate in conversations in which others do. Spend your time with those who focus on important things, and you will never have to apologize for an unkind word uttered in a moment of weakness.

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