
Showing posts with label Your Solutions Provider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Your Solutions Provider. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Human Brain, Bad Leadership, and Mental Health: Unraveling the Impact on Individuals and Organizations



The Human Brain, Bad Leadership, and Mental Health: Unraveling the Impact on Individuals and Organizations

The human brain is a marvel of complexity, capable of extraordinary feats of cognition, emotion, and adaptation. However, this intricate organ is also susceptible to the influence of external factors, particularly the quality of leadership within an organization. When confronted with poor leadership, the brain's delicate balance can be disrupted, leading to significant repercussions for mental health, inclusion, diversity, and even personal life beyond the workplace.

Understanding the Brain's Response to Bad Leadership

The brain's response to bad leadership is multifaceted and deeply rooted in evolutionary mechanisms designed to ensure survival. When individuals perceive their leaders as ineffective, hostile, or unsupportive, the brain's stress response system is activated. This triggers the release of cortisol and other stress hormones, which can have a detrimental impact on cognitive function, emotional well-being, and physical health over time.

Moreover, the brain's capacity for social processing makes it highly attuned to interpersonal dynamics within the workplace. Negative interactions with leaders can activate regions of the brain associated with threat detection and social rejection, triggering feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and isolation.

Effects on Mental Health and Well-being

The effects of bad leadership on mental health are profound and far-reaching. Individuals subjected to toxic leadership may experience a range of psychological symptoms, including:

  1. Stress and Anxiety: Constant exposure to dysfunctional leadership styles can lead to chronic stress and heightened levels of anxiety, contributing to burnout and diminished resilience.
  2. Depression: Prolonged exposure to negative leadership behaviors can erode self-esteem, motivation, and a sense of purpose, increasing the risk of depression and mood disorders.
  3. Low Self-Efficacy: In an environment characterized by micromanagement or lack of support, employees may develop a diminished sense of self-efficacy, impacting their belief in their ability to succeed and thrive.
  4. Decreased Job Satisfaction: Poor leadership can undermine trust, morale, and job satisfaction, leading to disengagement and decreased productivity among team members.

Impact on Inclusion and Diversity

The presence of bad leadership can also have detrimental effects on inclusion and diversity within an organization. When leaders fail to cultivate an environment of psychological safety, fairness, and respect, marginalized groups may experience heightened levels of discrimination, bias, and exclusion. This not only undermines individual well-being but also stifles creativity, innovation, and collaboration across diverse teams.

Furthermore, ineffective leadership can perpetuate systemic inequalities and reinforce power imbalances within the organizational hierarchy. Employees from underrepresented backgrounds may face additional barriers to advancement, further exacerbating feelings of alienation and disillusionment.

Carrying Home the Burden

The consequences of bad leadership often extend beyond the confines of the workplace, infiltrating the personal lives of affected individuals. Chronic stress, emotional turmoil, and dissatisfaction at work can spill over into family dynamics, social relationships, and overall quality of life. The strain of navigating toxic work environments can lead to increased conflict at home, diminished emotional availability, and a pervasive sense of unease that permeates every aspect of daily existence.

Conclusion: Nurturing Positive Leadership for Flourishing Minds and Organizations

In conclusion, the impact of bad leadership on mental health, inclusion, diversity, and personal well-being cannot be overstated. As stewards of organizational culture and guardians of employee welfare, leaders bear a profound responsibility to cultivate environments that foster psychological safety, empowerment, and belonging. By prioritizing empathetic leadership, effective communication, and a commitment to equity and fairness, organizations can safeguard the mental health of their workforce, promote diversity and inclusion, and create thriving communities both within and beyond the workplace.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

OOPS So Called Leadership

Hello my friends.

Today I would like to mention "Change" What happens when top so called experienced so called leaders place someone in a position of power to lead an organization and they do a poor job;who do you blame?

Well they will blame them for sure because they will never admit their wrong doing or their mistake. The problem could have been the other person but the reality and the truth is that the so called experienced so called leadership chose the wrong person to begin with and never took the time to train them properly simply because the other truth is that they have no idea what relationship building is or how to do it.

Relationships take hard work and a long time to build think of it like a marriage, it takes hard work to keep one together does it not; Take a look at this country's divorce rate- Healthy marriages are good for couples' mental and physical health. ... However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Standing Alone

Is it true that one message can change the direction of an organization?

Leave your comments below.

Hello to all my friends, supporters and followers thank you for believing in my skill sets as a leader. I learn from every comment you write me.

Leadership is not about who you are or where you come from. Leadership is about seeing ahead just enough to make a turn in a different direction for the better.

Leadership is about allowing your staff to change direction on their own to create efficiency. Leadership is about having an open mind to the future.

Leadership is about understanding that at one point or another you will be standing alone when  everyone else will turn their back on you and yet you will perceive and persist on doing  what you know is the right thing to do.

Friday, February 23, 2018

What is true leadership

True leaders know to adapt to different situations.
True leaders know when to shut up and listen!!

True leaders see what is coming!
True leaders know when to give warnings!!

True leadership know and understand the differences with people in their organizations!
True leaders understand the difference between collaboration and cooperation!!.

True leaders understand when to be empathetic to others!

The most important thing a true leader must understand is how to build a relationship.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sunday, January 29, 2017

To All Those Wanna Be Leaders

Here we are again and here is a great Quote and poster for you to share with those wannabee leaders that sit on leadership positions and have no idea how to lead!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

"Believe In Your Own Skills and Know Who You Are In Both Mind And Soul And You Will Succeed"-Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello my friends and here we are once again dealing with a world where everyone is freaking out because of the voting going on and who will be our next president and on and on with the chaos all around us. I always say to people live each day with a smile and let those crazy things around roll off your shoulders and I say this only because you cannot change the world but you can sure make a change within yourself and who are at any time that you choose to do so.

It is difficult enough trying to make it in this world much less having to deal with those people close to you or those you have to work with on a daily basis. I always look for my mentors whether they are still walking this earth or not to guide my thought when my thought are all over the place. They bring me back to reality and to a sigh of relief.

Your job will never be any bigger than your imagination makes it.

Daniel Burnham, the turn-of-the-century architect and civic planner whose plan for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair had an enormous influence on contemporary civic design, was quoted as saying, “Make no little plans.” He knew that to achieve great things we must have grand ideas. If you can imagine it, you can create it. And if you can create in your imagination the job that you would like to have, it is possible to create it in the real world. 

I find that so many people are always rushing to get to work or to the store or wherever they need to get to and once they arrive they do nothing but take their time doing what a little while ago was paramount--WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!

I have no idea but what I can tell you is this that if you need to get somewhere and you are in such a hurry that you might hurt someone or yourself along the way then my friend you!! need to take a big breath and relax because at the end of the day you will realize that it was not that important 

Some people in this world think and believe that if they hurry something that it will get done faster and it might but the thing to think about is at what cost! You see people will try to make you think that you are wrong or that you do not understand certain things like policies or procedures in their world and so they will try to manipulate your mind and you as a person.

 If this ever happens to you then dig into what they are telling you that you are wrong about and then smile back at them because you will find that they are just people that have low self esteem and insecure.

people who try this on other people will eventually be seen for who they really are and well you can look at them with sad eyes and smile and let them know that you have always known who they are and what they tried to do but because you have a strong mind you will win the bullying fight and they will be crushed and then they will slowly crawl back into reality.

These type of people are every where perhaps in your own family. These people will only try to isolate you from who you really are that special and smart person whom they have known all along but you made them afraid and thus they will try to crush you and your dreams.

In many organizations they have these type of people who will try to keep you in a box as they say "Out of sight out of mind" meaning the longer they keep you away from the real action well then people will tend to forget what you have done whether great or small they eventually will forget.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Do More For People With Passion And Empathy and They Will Follow-Dr.Luciano Santini

In a world where people are loosing touch with reality, it now is becoming a world of lost children in a great big field of lies, manipulation and no leadership. I know that sometimes people do not want to hear the truth that is called reality. I also know that people are afraid of what is not known,but at the same time people can make that change if each individual decides to see what sometimes perhaps is not seen by the naked mind not just by the naked eye.

Start going the extra mile and opportunity will follow you.

Going the extra mile can give you insight and a good reputation, both of which attract opportunity. Many obvious opportunities are found in places no one else has bothered to venture. If you put in the extra effort to make a good project an even better one, or you get to know your equipment better than anyone else on your shift, you will see things others overlook and be in a position to make use of them. Leaders who need a job done think first of people they know who will do it well. If other people respect you for the quantity and the quality of your work, you will find yourself advancing past others who regard their jobs as drudgery. For all the extra service that you’ve rendered, you’ll find yourself more than amply compensated by opportunities others never grasp. 

I love this quote regarding leadership because sometimes I find that leaders fall short of leadership skills. I also find that when so called leaders believe they are leading because they sit or are given a position of leadership. These people really believe they are leaders because a position was given to them. I find that these people do not know how to measure their skills and strengths.

I know that there are some great leaders out there that are overshadowed by people who believe they are leaders only because they sit in a position of power and manipulation. I know for a fact and most of you who are true leaders out there will understand that this a true drama that goes on in the real world.

One leadership style that deal with in most cases where people lead by position of power seems to be the 

Bureaucratic Leadership
Bureaucratic leaders work “by the book”, ensuring that their staff follow procedures exactly. This is a very appropriate style for work involving serious safety risks (such as working with machinery, with toxic substances or at heights) or where large sums of money are involved (such as cash-handling).

In other situations, the inflexibility and high levels of control exerted can demoralize staff, and can diminish the organization's ability to react to changing external circumstances. This becomes an issue because in most cases there is no money involved but they seem to manage and use this style which in turn kills morality.

I believe more in the Democratic Leadership or Participative Leadership because though it is sometimes a slower process you can speed up by streamlining any process and yet have everyone involved that needs to be involved in the change.

Although a democratic leader will make the final decision, he or she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or team members in what’s going on, but it also helps to develop people’s skills. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward.

As participation takes time, this style can lead to things happening more slowly than an autocratic approach, but often the end result is better. It can be most suitable where team working is essential, and where quality is more important than speed to market or productivity.

This type of leaderships ties in really well with another style called  Servant Leadership

This term, coined by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, describes a leader who is often not formally recognized as such. When someone, at any level within an organization, leads simply by virtue of meeting the needs of his or her team, he or she is described as a “servant leader”.

In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making.

Supporters of the servant leadership model suggest it is an important way ahead in a world where values are increasingly important, and in which servant leaders achieve power on the basis of their values and ideals. Others believe that in competitive leadership situations, people practicing servant leadership can find themselves "left behind" by leaders using other leadership styles such as using their position power which will start contradictions and sometimes creates conflict among peers with different styles of leadership.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hello and how are all my friends from around the globe? I was thinking this morning what was I going to write about and well honestly today I am only going to talk about motivation and engagement in general terms.

I always think about people in General and I also  watch people though out the week wondering what they are thinking in terms of motivation. I took one week to talk to many strangers and just asked them straight forward one question.

What are your dreams? 

I have to tell you that though this is a very simple question it is a very hard one to answer. The answer that I got from people in general were-

I'm working and I have children there is no more dreams.
I have no idea anymore.
No one has asked me about my dreams since I was a kid.
I am married I have to work.
The dreams I had are long gone.
I am working on them still after 40 years--Probably the best answer I got from over 150 strangers.

I do not know about you but I think if I had spoken to more people the answers would have been pretty much the same or similar to the ones above. I do not know but I am not a dream weaver nor a dream analyzer but I can say from these answers that most people get caught up on daily routines or in a job that they hate to begin with. I believe that we all start life with big dreams but somewhere down the line we are taught to conform and become like everyone else in the world around us. I want to you to notice that I said the world around us and I also want you to notice that at one time people said that the world was one giant square and if we went straight we would fall off.
I do now about you but I believe that most people believe that once they have children or grow up that their dreams are over and that is really really d\sad because it is those people that give up on themselves and end up getting stuck doing something they hate and end up being miserable and worst yet making others around them just as miserable. You know the old saying misery loves companionship" this is a true statement my friends.

The one who tries to get something for nothing generally winds up getting nothing for something.

Those who think they can get by in life without providing the same amount of value for value received will eventually find themselves working harder than ever to deceive others and receiving very little in return. Life has a funny way of evening the score. In the long run, you will get in the same measure you give. Spend your time on productive, positive efforts; give generously of your time and talents, and you will stand out from the great multitudes whose primary goal in life seems to be to get something for nothing. 

You see my friends life is not an easy thing to maneuver through
it takes know how and it takes effort to get up each morning and go to work and most people do this every day and every day out the difference with those that are successful in both work and relationships I that those that tend not to conform with the daily routines nor do they buy that their they are stuck in a job they hate because these individuals will go farther and push harder then those that believe their dreams are over.

You have to push harder if you have children!
You have to push harder if you feel stuck in life!
You have to see further then your hand reach!
You have to fight for what you want!
You cannot conform to the world around you!
You have to see your life as it should be!
You need to go after those dreams you have in the back of your mind!
Say nay! to all those nay sayers and prove them wrong!!
Life is to precious to let it go by you each and every day!!!


Saturday, May 7, 2016

"To Believe In Yourself is To Believe You Can Change The World When Everyone Else Is Looking Down on You"-Luciano Santini

 "To Believe In Yourself is To Believe You Can Change The World When Everyone Else Is Looking Down on You"-Luciano Santini

Hello to all my friends who continue to believe in my skill sets as a solutions provider. It is always a true pleasure to hear your comments and suggestions on what you want me to to write about and of course I love it !!!!

As most of you know that Napoleon Hill was a great writer and investigator in the art of wealth and well being. I began studying his books and writing many many years ago and have learned so much regarding human behavior of course studying human behavior from psychotherapists and other writers have also helped me understand why people do what they do and why they do not do what they should do.

The one one thing that has shown me what people are all about is listening,watching,speaking and most importantly the passion to to show empathy and compassion towards people no matter where they come from or who they are.

Those who create good fellowship among others will never be short of friends.

If you have a friend who goes out of his way to help cement friendships between others, consider yourself fortunate indeed. In today’s frantic, mobile, throwaway society, such individuals are exceedingly rare. With the demands placed upon us by our careers, our families, and the hectic pace of daily life, most of us have little time for ourselves, and even less for our friends. Yet we know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. 

I believe that people need to take some time out of their busy day each and every day sit back and see what the day gave them such joy,sorrow or challenges then take a look at each one of those and see what went wrong or what went right.

Did the challenge caused you to stop and think or did you just react to the situation? These are questions that we need to think about during our busy day.

I always talk about motivation and how one can self motivate if they simply ask themselves their why? 
Why do I do what I do? Do I have a passion for what I do?
The one key to realizing this is that motivation is only about exciting oneself. The rest of the deal is that you have to create urgency and goals to stay motivated. Sometimes people will get so excited that they have no goals and thus will fail reaching any goal because they did not have a plan in place to reach the goals intended.

Focus on the goal of course is also a big part of the achievement one wants, however one needs to be real careful on the number of goals set. While there are people who can focus on more than one goal my suggestion to all of you out there is to focus on one at a time.

Life is all about the legacy you want to leave behind after you are gone. We focus to much on what other people think and we fail to think for ourselves. We fail as a society today because we have allowed to conform to ideologies that do not work anymore. The past was awesome in different time areas, however times change constantly and until we all realize that time will never ever stop for anyone but continue moving forward only then will we be able to change the world.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

"Be A Rebel Challenge The Status Quo Change Is Constant"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and here we are  on another day of frustration among our society. I find it to n\be more frustrating among the younger generations due to old school way of thinking and the resistance to change.
I tell to all of you younger people out there go for it and challenge the status quo because I do and yes you will get your hands slapped and perhaps at time loose jobs but the question to always ask yourself is: Would it be worth to challenge my organization to make a change and the answer will always be YES if it is worth fighting for after all-Who are you if you do not fight for what you believe to be the right thing to do?

I love this quote;

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Rob Siltanen
I know that sometimes in life we will always face challenges and sometimes we need to make some vary hard choices as to whether to go forward and challenge. I know and I can tell you from experience and working with bosses that always want to stay conformed to the old way of thinking and resist to change basically will tell you they are all about change and yet their actions of course show otherwise because behind the scenes they resist change. So what do I do well I follow my mentors advise as follows;
 Napoleon Hill says;

The quality and quantity of service you render fixes your wages and determines what sort of experience you are getting.

The only constraints that you have on your income and advancement potential are those you place upon yourself. If you don’t like your position, or if you are unhappy with your salary, do something about it. What can you do to make yourself more valuable to your department or your company? What tasks have not been completed because no one has the time or the inclination to take care of them? Look around and identify things that need to be done. 
Don’t wait to be asked. If you make it a habit to seek out opportunities, to take on new tasks, you will increase your knowledge about the organization and become such a valued employee that your company can’t afford to lose you. 

I agree to try and become as valuable as you can to your organization however if they seem to under value your talents and suggestions for change then you will know what you need to do Yes!! challenge them because that is the only way that change will happen. Will it be scary absolutely it will! but change is constant and guess what change has to take place sometime in every organization and so someone will make the challenge at one point or another it might as well be you!!.
Johnny Cash quotes inspirational bad ass. “

“I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It's still my symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others' ideas.”
Johnny Cash

Saturday, April 16, 2016

‘My Mind Is Where My Dreams Begin My Soul Will Bring Them Forthfront Together We Will Make It A Reality’ Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and here we are again. I have tried to talk so much regarding leadership that sometimes it just makes sense to talk about leadership so much because it is one pf the most needed within every organization.

I have found that within each organization leadership somewhere in the line of the hierarchy someone does not know how to lead but is in a position where they need to lead and yet meaning the top management who placed them in that specific position gave it to them simply because they liked them and so there they are doing a job they have no idea how to do.  Pretty sad would you not say and yet we see it each and every day.

I find the quote to be a great one because when the so called leaders find that they are in fact incompetent to do their job they always find an escape goat to blame Wow WHAT!!! you have never seen or heard of that oh yes it exists. People seem not to see it at first because they were their friends and now they are the enemy.

People in general my friends know more about leadership because they are not the one leading they are the ones who will decide whether to follow you as the leader or not and if it is a NOT then you will be simply going through the motions until the people get you out of the organization.

The other side to poor leadership is that when an organization gives someone a position to lead and they find that they are incompetent then they have given that position to an amateur thus making it very costly.

One other thing that is worth talking about today that when you get int a disagreement with your boss though you know and everyone else knows that they are incompetent ask yourself one question and when you ask it make sure you understand one thing. That you understand who is in charge of your position before you you answer! My friends read this passage from Napoleon Hill:

If you cannot agree with others, you can at least refrain from quarreling with them.

When you are involved in a dispute with someone else, it may be the only time doing nothing is better than doing something. There’s a practical reason for this: When you quarrel with others — even if you win the argument — you place a great deal of unnecessary stress upon yourself. It is impossible to maintain a Positive Mental Attitude when you allow negative emotions such as anger or hate to dominate your thoughts. 
No one can upset you or make you angry unless you allow them to do so. Instead of arguing with others, try asking nonthreatening questions, such as, “Why do you feel this way? What have I done to make you angry? What can I do to help?” You may find that the entire situation has resulted from a simple misunderstanding that can be quickly rectified. Even if problems are more serious, your positive behavior will go a long way toward helping resolve them.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

You Cannot Manage What You Do Not Understand--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello to all my friends who continue the support and believing in my skill sets to train and motivate your employees and your leaders in your organizations.

This last week has been a tough one as you know I am known for being very transparent and allowing people into my life for the simple fact that I believe that if you know that I am as much a human being as you are then we have a better understanding of where we stand in both business and personal. This last week has been one of those weeks where you wish you did not have to have it done but you know you must or it will get worst as time passes.

I had septoplasty surgery and those that have had it know how painful this surgery can be. The pain medicine well it is basically take it and sleep and when you wake up it feels like you have been under for much longer and you cannot drive anywhere so it has been painful and boring and finally I am able to get in front of the computer to write to all my friends.

Why am I telling you about this in my life? Well because it is just like your business because when you know as a leader or a business owner that you need to take care of something in your business because it is bringing it down and yet you let it go only to make it worst as time passes. I want you to think about that my friends. How many time in your business or career have you let things go because of whatever reason.

Reasons can be from not firing that person who upset your last client to an argument you had at home with your significant other and never resolved it instead you let it go in hopes that either it will be forgotten or never talked about again.

So before we worry about the issues we must take care of them before they get worst or one must deal with the future because we never took care of the issue from the past.

Before worrying about how to get more pay, try thinking how you can do a better job and you may not need to worry.

When you devote your time and efforts to doing your best at every job you do, instead of developing persuasive arguments why you should be paid more for what you do, the pay raises will take care of themselves. When you approach every job enthusiastically in a spirit of friendly cooperation, you distinguish yourself from the vast majority of people whose primary concerns include breaks, benefits, paychecks, and quitting time. Don’t complain about your status or your pay to anyone, not even to your best friend. Word will eventually get back to the boss. Which type of worker would you rather have on your team: one who complains constantly or one who is always helpful, cheerful, and reliable? 

I like what Leslie says below and only because it is so true. 

You Cannot Manage What You Do Not Understand--Dr. Luciano Santini

 Hire slow, fire fast---Leslie Barber
Many people before me have recommended we hire slow, fire fast. Tony Hsieh, co-founder of, was the most recent employer that echoed these sentiments. He alleges that bad hires have cost over $100M. Wow, imagine what bad hires are doing for small businesses?

As small business owners, we often hire fast, fire slow. Business takes off and we need help right away, so we hire the first person who walks through the door. I get it -- been there. However, once business slows down, we sometimes realize that person might not actually be a good fit for our business. Then we’re faced with having an awkward conversation and owning up to our mistake. Take the time to know the role you need to fill and the culture you are trying to create. But in the end, pull off the Band-Aid with a bad hire. Yes, it stings at first but with a little time, it heals and you forget the Band-Aid was ever there.

I will leave all of you to think about millennials  and to get to know them and understand them before you make a judgement on anyone of them. Times are changing as we all know and of course the old saying has been around for thousands of years which is that time is constant change and we as owners must always be willing to change with the times or die in the business world because you will not survive unless you understand change.

The biggest issue that I find in most if not all organizations is that in today's fast paced world people are still trying to manage as opposed to leading. When you speak of Millennials you cannot manage them but you can lead them. These guys can be the greatest employees specially if you are a leader that teaches them their passion.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

" Leadership Is When You Make Others Better Simply By Listening"--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and well yesterday was day of driving all over town attending baseball games and there were some nail biters. I saw the leadership of one of my sons take over a game of course there was some coaching involved. There were down 17 to zero in the first inning. It was the first game of their season and what everyone saw unfold before their eyes to me was incredible.

The team began to speak and communicate with each other on the field. I heard my son telling the other team members "It is the first inning we have many more to go" I saw him cheering each member and then the rest followed the cheers and what happened next was unbelievable. In the second inning they scored 4 runs and held the other team through communication on the field.

The third inning the other team were held but scored one run. The fourth inning came along and at this point our team had to score three runs or it would be a mercy call and stop the game. The cheering started up louder then ever and just like that bases are loaded and one teammate smacks the ball out of the field and just like that the score is 17-8 and so the game continued.

 The fifth inning comes on and they hold the other team. They score one run. The sixth inning starts up the other team  gets two players on base third player comes to bat hits it to second and one out throws to first to my son and just like that double play and they hold them again no runs scored.

The bottom of the sixth inning comes up the cheering and by now of course the fans are screaming and cheering and bam! one gets on base the second hitter gets on base my son comes up and hits a triple two runs in and now 17-10 no outs. Then two more get on base and again a triple now it is 17-12 and no outs. Then a fly ball and one out bases loaded. One hitter comes up gets on base and then another bases loaded boom a triple not we are at 17-15 then two more hitters and two outs the end score was 17-15.

What I saw was a team that in the first inning were demolished and their coach was crushed to see their team like this but then the cheering the communication and the effort and the passion to win came through and all I can say was WOW!!!!!.

Now my question is how different is this from  leadership in organizations? I have seen it so many times where leadership just gives up on their staff and fires them because they have given up on them no cheering them along! no guidance nothing!!

A leader must have the capacity ti guide the vision of the organization! What does this mean well my friends this is what it means according to Warren Bennis-You must always be professional and know where you are leading your people to. You must have the knowledge and persistence to face issues and setbacks and perhaps even failures.  

You must have passion for what you believe in and yes you must love to do what you do and be able to show it.

I believe that this is the most important lesson to know. You as the leader must know your strengths and you must know tour weaknesses. You must always stick to your principles which by the way many leaders miss or do not have. A leader must learn from experience and be willing to learn from others.

Leaders must  earn peoples trust. A leader must be willing to take risks and be willing to try new things.
One thing that I have learned through experience is that you must be a great listener to the people you serve and to the people you are to lead but never ever become a prisoner of public opinion because a great leader is never ever defined by what other think or say.

There have been so many leaders through out the years and I have found through mush talking and much much research that the one thing they all had in common and I have said this many many times is that they have willing followers in other words people believe in them that they will do their best to dot he right thing in every situation.

There are many leaders out there that are well not leaders but they believe they are because they sit in a position of power which almost always will fail unless they are in a position where there is no way of having them removed. Why are these leaders great in their own mind but never with the people and have no willing followers well because simply put they focus on to much on systems and structure as apposed to focusing on people!!!