
Saturday, April 16, 2016

‘My Mind Is Where My Dreams Begin My Soul Will Bring Them Forthfront Together We Will Make It A Reality’ Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and here we are again. I have tried to talk so much regarding leadership that sometimes it just makes sense to talk about leadership so much because it is one pf the most needed within every organization.

I have found that within each organization leadership somewhere in the line of the hierarchy someone does not know how to lead but is in a position where they need to lead and yet meaning the top management who placed them in that specific position gave it to them simply because they liked them and so there they are doing a job they have no idea how to do.  Pretty sad would you not say and yet we see it each and every day.

I find the quote to be a great one because when the so called leaders find that they are in fact incompetent to do their job they always find an escape goat to blame Wow WHAT!!! you have never seen or heard of that oh yes it exists. People seem not to see it at first because they were their friends and now they are the enemy.

People in general my friends know more about leadership because they are not the one leading they are the ones who will decide whether to follow you as the leader or not and if it is a NOT then you will be simply going through the motions until the people get you out of the organization.

The other side to poor leadership is that when an organization gives someone a position to lead and they find that they are incompetent then they have given that position to an amateur thus making it very costly.

One other thing that is worth talking about today that when you get int a disagreement with your boss though you know and everyone else knows that they are incompetent ask yourself one question and when you ask it make sure you understand one thing. That you understand who is in charge of your position before you you answer! My friends read this passage from Napoleon Hill:

If you cannot agree with others, you can at least refrain from quarreling with them.

When you are involved in a dispute with someone else, it may be the only time doing nothing is better than doing something. There’s a practical reason for this: When you quarrel with others — even if you win the argument — you place a great deal of unnecessary stress upon yourself. It is impossible to maintain a Positive Mental Attitude when you allow negative emotions such as anger or hate to dominate your thoughts. 
No one can upset you or make you angry unless you allow them to do so. Instead of arguing with others, try asking nonthreatening questions, such as, “Why do you feel this way? What have I done to make you angry? What can I do to help?” You may find that the entire situation has resulted from a simple misunderstanding that can be quickly rectified. Even if problems are more serious, your positive behavior will go a long way toward helping resolve them.

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