
Saturday, April 2, 2016

"Be happy courageous to reach your goals whatever they may be"-Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello to all my friends around the world who continue to support both my skills and knowledge regarding leadership development and staff development along with continued support for my speaking abilities. It has been a great year so far. I always say any day that you open your eyes to a beautiful day is a great day.

I find that sometimes we forget that though you may not have that great job that pays you a six figure salary does not mean that you are not happy and that life has not given you what you want. I find that people in general want to be happy and do a good job at their respective jobs and positions whatever they may be.

I also find that leadership falls under so much scrutiny and yet the people doing the scrutinizing have no idea how to lead themselves so they find their scapegoats early in their career so it becomes easy to delegate fault when things go wrong.I have had so many mentors in my life and many of them are no longer with us but I will tell you this; that some of the lessons you learn from good mentors will always stay with you.

All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships. Napoleon Hill

Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, in our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others.

 When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts. Know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. 

I find that when leaders ignore their staff and do not take the time to listen or simply ask: How is your day going so far today miss the human touch and the opportunity to be human and earn a little something about another human being. I always ask leaders one simple question which seems to be difficult to answer for most. 

What do you want to conquer in life? Most leaders will say their staff and to get them to do what they want them to do. I giggle every time I here this because my answer is a human being must conquer their own mind first and then find the skill set that will bring people together,learn to listen to people and then be able to communicate to them. I believe that these are the main characteristics of a great leader. A leader must conquer their fear of others first; then conquer their fear that other want their positions because honestly I find that most people do not want to lead but do a great job and feel needed and wanted and the biggest of all appreciated!!!!.

One of the biggest issues I have found when I do research with staff when I coach or have to restructure processes for any small or large organization is that leaders fail big when it comes to criticizing staff for their faults. I can tell you from experience that if someone tells me that I suck at one thing or another and I can tell you honestly that in my career and life have made mistakes and I mean big mistakes but I have also made some changes and I mean BIG changes in the lives of others whether staff or friends or people that I have never met in person and my friends that is the biggest satisfaction that anyone can accomplish.

I have also made some BIG changes in my life for example people ask why do I do what I do when I could be making over six figure salaries and my answer is yes I could be and have in the past but I found early in life and in my career that choices have to be made and sometimes those choices can be life changing as they were for me. early in my career I made the choice to leave the hospitality industry where six figure salaries were easy to make-hard work and extremely long hours but I was missing my kids grow up and so I made a choice a very difficult one at the time.

I resigned and took a much lower paying position but I was closer to home and was able to make that first birthday and well the rest is history. You see my friends sometimes the choices we make can either makes us a great leader or a horrible leader that holds a high position but has no idea about that human touch that most leaders do not have and will never ever have no matter how much they try simply because of that choice they made that one time that cause them to turn on friends and family and all for that might dollar.

My friends do not misconstrue the money here-MONEY is a good thing specially for businesses! What i am trying to say here is simple when you treat your staff with respect and allow them to say what they have to say without feeling afraid and give them the time of day to listen to them the money will roll in because your customers will be happy to give you their money because you care about your staff which in turn will care about them and it will show in their ability to relate to them.

With all that said my friends-
"Be happy courageous to reach your goals whatever they may be"-Dr. Luciano Santini

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