
Showing posts with label Trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trainer. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Do More For People With Passion And Empathy and They Will Follow-Dr.Luciano Santini

In a world where people are loosing touch with reality, it now is becoming a world of lost children in a great big field of lies, manipulation and no leadership. I know that sometimes people do not want to hear the truth that is called reality. I also know that people are afraid of what is not known,but at the same time people can make that change if each individual decides to see what sometimes perhaps is not seen by the naked mind not just by the naked eye.

Start going the extra mile and opportunity will follow you.

Going the extra mile can give you insight and a good reputation, both of which attract opportunity. Many obvious opportunities are found in places no one else has bothered to venture. If you put in the extra effort to make a good project an even better one, or you get to know your equipment better than anyone else on your shift, you will see things others overlook and be in a position to make use of them. Leaders who need a job done think first of people they know who will do it well. If other people respect you for the quantity and the quality of your work, you will find yourself advancing past others who regard their jobs as drudgery. For all the extra service that you’ve rendered, you’ll find yourself more than amply compensated by opportunities others never grasp. 

I love this quote regarding leadership because sometimes I find that leaders fall short of leadership skills. I also find that when so called leaders believe they are leading because they sit or are given a position of leadership. These people really believe they are leaders because a position was given to them. I find that these people do not know how to measure their skills and strengths.

I know that there are some great leaders out there that are overshadowed by people who believe they are leaders only because they sit in a position of power and manipulation. I know for a fact and most of you who are true leaders out there will understand that this a true drama that goes on in the real world.

One leadership style that deal with in most cases where people lead by position of power seems to be the 

Bureaucratic Leadership
Bureaucratic leaders work “by the book”, ensuring that their staff follow procedures exactly. This is a very appropriate style for work involving serious safety risks (such as working with machinery, with toxic substances or at heights) or where large sums of money are involved (such as cash-handling).

In other situations, the inflexibility and high levels of control exerted can demoralize staff, and can diminish the organization's ability to react to changing external circumstances. This becomes an issue because in most cases there is no money involved but they seem to manage and use this style which in turn kills morality.

I believe more in the Democratic Leadership or Participative Leadership because though it is sometimes a slower process you can speed up by streamlining any process and yet have everyone involved that needs to be involved in the change.

Although a democratic leader will make the final decision, he or she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or team members in what’s going on, but it also helps to develop people’s skills. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward.

As participation takes time, this style can lead to things happening more slowly than an autocratic approach, but often the end result is better. It can be most suitable where team working is essential, and where quality is more important than speed to market or productivity.

This type of leaderships ties in really well with another style called  Servant Leadership

This term, coined by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, describes a leader who is often not formally recognized as such. When someone, at any level within an organization, leads simply by virtue of meeting the needs of his or her team, he or she is described as a “servant leader”.

In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making.

Supporters of the servant leadership model suggest it is an important way ahead in a world where values are increasingly important, and in which servant leaders achieve power on the basis of their values and ideals. Others believe that in competitive leadership situations, people practicing servant leadership can find themselves "left behind" by leaders using other leadership styles such as using their position power which will start contradictions and sometimes creates conflict among peers with different styles of leadership.

Saturday, August 29, 2015



Hello everyone and today I would like to talk to you regarding the biggest fear that people face today and have for ever. What is the one thing that all l businesses fear? What is the one thing that people fear in their lives? The answer may or may not surprise you and in all reality it would not really matter. The biggest fear in both sides is CHANGE! I know that most people will tell you that in fact they are not afraid of change however the truth is they are and it does not matter who you are. In business and it does not matter who you are or how big you are in the business world.

So what is it about change that really scares everyone? What is it about the thought of any change that starts the fear factor taking over the mind. You see folks it is not that change that starts up the fear factor it is your mind that the individual allows to accept fear of change that causes the fear factor to creep in.

If one person can take over their emotions and be able to control them then change can be adapted pretty easy. If we but look at the future for just one bit of can be instead of what changes are going to affect me then change will not be so difficult. I have found that any small deviation from a normal routine in a person attracts fear. I will give you an example that I believe most have experienced: Say going to work and you stop every day to buy a cup of coffee at your local cafe and all is well when suddenly you arrive and their is an unusual long line what happens to the mind at that instant?

1) If I stop I could be late
2) If I do not get my coffee I will be a mess the rest of the day
3) I wonder why it is so busy this morning -It is never this busy!! Why today!
4) Dam it do I wait or do I just go to work!!

This is what is I call in the moment thinking which is normal,however the other issue here is that you have allowed your emotions to control your thinking and therefore you are not thinking rationally.Instead think positively.

1) If  I stop I could be late but I am curious to see what is going on so I will stop to find out why the crowed.
2) Once I see what is happening I can decide whether to stay or leave and not be late.
3) I can also ask why they are so busy today perhaps they are introducing a new drink for free and I can have one.
4) Once you use the above thinking you can decide whether to stay or leave and not feel afraid or stressed but allow yourself to make a choice safely.

The one thing that most of us do not seem to understand regarding fear is that when we find ourselves in a situation whatever that may be it does not matter we have to face the fear and allow our minds to accept the change and allow our minds to see with a different point of view of what that change would look like if we allow it to happen.The issue is that we do not allow our minds to see things from a different perspective because we feel comfortable the way we see the world and sometimes my friends that is not the right way!

I have to tell you that trying to explain change can be one the most difficult things to do. It is difficult enough trying to explain changes to adults but what about children. We think that any type of change kids will adapt and not worry regarding consequences. I have heard that so many times from parents who have to make changes. Once the change has taken place comes the problems with children or young adults. Why because they were never explained why the changes were needed and whether it would have been beneficial for them the changes were forced down their throats.

How often do you see this in business environments? I see it all the time. The worst part of it is that when it is decided then it is never explained but pushed down peoples throats and when it is not understood then change never happens instead chaos sits in slowly.

Here is a great exercise to use to face your fears try it. This an exercise used by a good friend in the business of motivation and coaching executives: 

Take out a piece of paper and a pen and turn the paper on its side so you’re writing across the long side.  Make five columns on your paper.  In the first column, make a list of the things that scare you the most.  Then in the second column, for each of those fears, write down what is the absolute worst thing that could happen if your fears came true.  In the third column, write down how likely the worst thing is to happen. 

 Then in the fourth column, write down how that fear is holding you back.  In the last column, for at least one of the fears you’ve listed, write down how you are going to face that fear. Make it tangible- give yourself an action to take and a date by which you will take that action. And follow through!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Truth,Trust and Communication-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

The truth WOW such simple words and yet so sought out for everywhere. What is it about truth that amazes human beings? Let us start with business partners in any organization. If one cannot be honest to the other disaster will surely follow. 

I have found out in my years of practice training and coaching executives that when I ask the question;Tell me what truth means to you? The stories I hear are crazy to me because a partnership in a business is like a marriage.

Many experts agree that trust is perhaps the most important element of a harmonious, synergistic and efficient work environment and personal relationships. 

 Organizations that have trust among employees are usually successful, those that don't frequently are not.
So, management often asks, "how can we build trust in the workforce, and how can we avoid losing it?" Well, it all starts at the very top, since trustfulness - and trustworthiness - can exist only if top management sets the example, and then builds that example into every department and unit.

The ingredients are as follows;

If anyone of those three are missing the relationship in business should end sooner then later simply because there is no trust or truth and somewhere down the lone it will end anyway and perhaps in a very unfriendly way.

If you look at organizations successful of both today and yesterday, we find their leaders fostered these three principles of creating trust. Look back at some of past histories leaders(Augustus Caesar, Oliver Cromwell and George Washington),  These great leaders built trust,truth and great communication among their superiors, peers and subordinates, and it was this that spurred success and greatness for themselves, their units, alliances and companies. 

Now of course lets go into one of my favorite mentors that I have studied for over  fourteen years now;

There is something about truth that makes it easily recognizable by all who are searching for it with open minds.
Cookie mogul Wally Amos is fond of quoting the saying, “The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when opened.” When you open your mind to the possibilities, objectively analyze information, and refuse to allow your personal preferences and biases to influence your judgment, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. A closed mind, though, will cause you to miss out on some of life’s greatest offerings. 
My son what an inspiration of truth and trust
 If you find yourself disputing the facts, or if you keep attempting to revise them to support your beliefs, ask yourself, “Why am I so unwilling to accept this information? Am I being logical, or am I simply allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment?” The worst mistake you may ever make is trying to persuade yourself to accept a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you fool yourself, disaster is sure to follow. 

 Here is a short video that will help you reach your goals. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Live A Life Of Fascination And Purpose

Good morning my friends and how are you doing this beautiful Saturday. Today we are going to talk about what it takes to reach your goals and what you need to look at them from a real perspective.

Reaching goals is not about just talking about them as of matter of fact the more you talk about them the less energy they will carry. What you have to do is stop talking and take action instead. What do I mean well my friends it is all in the mind and what your perspective of your goals. 

How important are they to you? What exactly do these goals mean to you as the individual? How are you going to approach these goals? 

These are questions that we all have every day in our minds the problem is that we just never take the time to really think about the questions above.

Take a look at this video so you can get some ideas on achieving your goals. You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution. Napoleon Hill, in his landmark book, Think and grow rich had it right. "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat." So, your first
  • step in goal setting and achieving your dreams is that you've got to really, really want to achieve the goal. I always say to everyone in all my seminars "Nothing Will Happen Unless You Take That First Step" Luciano The Key Santini

  • Visualize yourself achieving the goal. Lee Iacocca said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." What will your achievement feel like? How will your life unfold differently as a result? If the goal is a thing, some gurus of goal setting recommend that you keep a picture of the item where you see and are reminded of it every day. If you can’t picture yourself achieving the goal, chances are – you won’t.


Here we are my friends on another day of thinking. I always think about each and every day and how am I going to change my future. You see my friends we have to get out there and make some changes every day. How do I think? What do I know? How do I process my ideas? You see what do we do and how do we believe these questions to make a difference in our lives.

 We need to evaluate each one of these questions as an individual and then take a real good look at our answers and then move forward.

We all have to give something for something else that is just how life works though most of us do not see or understand that concept. I will give you an example if you decide to make a great living from speaking the you have to take the time read lots and lots of books and create some new ideas from the reading to make better and new ideas. What about the purpose for new ideas?

We make new ideas with purpose but with a new purpose we have to decide a new life and live differently than before. We have to live well and bring a new awareness to our new life and be prepared to take a whole new look on the road to where are we headed.

Think about a philosophy you believe in and live it. Be prepared for a live of vitality. Time comes and then disappears forever because that is one thing that you will never ever be able to get or buy back. The point here is to believe in who you are and then more time learning new things and believing that whatever goals you may have will be accomplishment never ever stop learning.

I will close with this; Prepare the good questions for yourself and make sure that you have a good understanding of each question that you ask yourself and then be real careful on the answers but that will make the big difference on your daily life. Live a life of purpose. You see I live of life of fascination is clearly different then just a living life.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving and Reality-SSDE Luciano Santini

Hello my friends and here we are on  another beautiful Saturday morning. You know I was thinking what can you be thankful on this Thanksgiving week. Well for me there are many things such as thanking every single one of you who cares to read my blogging that I am sure at times does not make sense ha ha ha. I am sure. All joking set aside really think about what you are thankful for in your life. It could be your kids or your job or your husband/wife/girlfriend/lover whoever it may be.

"Smile when you are in front of a challenge and tell yourself I can do this"-Luciano Santini

In life there will always be challenges and obstacles before us however the question becomes; How do we deal with them? Leaders have ways of doing this. But first lets ask a question.Can we change? I like this quote:

"The curious paradox is that when
         I accept myself just as I am, then
         I can change. The good life is a
         process, not a state of being."
                    Carl Rogers

I think that sometimes we are so afraid to make the changes that in in fact know we need to make so we can reach our goals and dreams but we are so afraid of change !! Why is that?
We can struggle with it every day but at the end guess what the truth will be staring at you again so why not just face it and deal with it now!

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

I love this saying which is well so true:
Baltasar Gracian, the insightful and pragmatic 17th century Jesuit priest, cautioned, "Truth is abhorred by the masses." Instead, they try to make true that which they love -- a self-delusive practice that virtually guarantees frustration and failure. 

When an individual is able to recognize the truth about life that individual will be able to be part of an elite group of people that does not chase lucid dreams but understands reality. I believe that when we do not face the truth we live in fantasies that perhaps we conjure up in our minds which in turn will create a false reality thus we will live in a fantasy world causing issues in dealing with real problems in our daily life.

 What about the consequences that come by lying to ourselves because we choose to live in fantasy land. My friends please understand though a consequence does not arrive immediately you will not be prepared when it does arrive so be conscientious of what you do whether bad or good there will always be a consequence.

 Remember for every action there will be a reaction sometime. The issue is that when we do something and believe it to be right when in fact it is the wrong thing to do the consequence will eventually arrive and sometimes it may take a while but when it does finally arrive you will not be prepared because it has been a while and then you get confused and start to ask yourself many questions such as:

Why me?
I do not deserve this? blah blah!!!!

I love reality and I try to live in a real world but yes I do slip into fantasies and I have to tell you that I have paid my dues for doing so and they have been costly whether in relationships or business or friendships been there.

Most people create the world they live in from a perspective of what the world is in their minds eye and not the way the real world is and here is where the problem is my friends. Live in a world that is real and not a fantasy because this will help you live a more balanced life.

We create these stories in our heads and we start to believe them to be true and yet they are nothing more than a fantasy but in our minds they are real and then we start to believe them to be true and this is where we rarely catch ourselves until it is to late and we are facing the consequences.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Time Is Never Perfect Do It Now -Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends it has been a while since I wrote on my blog. The reason why is because we have had to move to a larger home due to my boys growing up. It has been a job just trying to make the time between my family and the move and keeping up with seminars and workshops whew!! But it was accomplished.
What I would like to talk about today is simple really. I would like to talk about how I was able to pull the move keep up with my work and family time during the move. You see when I am faced with an issue I welcome it because it is a new challenge that life brings. We can either become idle or do nothing or we can tackle it with vigor and beat it down until it is done.
I am not saying beat yourself down (laughing) what I am suggesting is that you take whatever issue you may be faced with and break it down to smaller goals and get them done one by one. My wife was upset that I did not hire someone to box our stuff and move them for us and I was like what!
I said let us look at this and perhaps a lesson can be learned and taught at the same time. She was opened to the thought so we moved on. We went to places to pick up boxes and took them home and had the boys tape them up to make them stronger.
The boys enjoyed doing this stuff and it was fun for me to actually see them do some work for themselves so there was the lesson for them and gave us something to really appreciate and smile about.
They are 12-7 and 4 years in age but to be honest they were so happy to do these things and help us and of course they were rewarded with some of their favorite dishes and hot chocolate and a few dollars here and there.
When you are faced with a problem that may seem you cannot do because it is to big well break it down to smaller ones and you will reach your goal.
Inn business my friend it is the same way, sometimes we are faced with issues that seem too big to do or face and guess what you take the above steps we talked about during the move and you can break them down into smaller pieces and get the situation or issue resolved. I understand that in business it is a more difficult task but it can be done.
               “Nothing Will Start Until You Take The First Step”-Luciano The Key Santini  

I have talked to so many business owners regarding this issue on facing issues such as customer service which seems to be the biggest issue with most businesses and why well it is simple (not Really) but it can be if the owner would take the time take an  inventory of his talent that he has employed and then make some tough choices that perhaps needed to have been made in the past so it would not affect his future of his business, but they do not do this because it has been to long or they have no idea how to that.
 The end result with not doing anything is that nothing will get done or accomplished and your customers both internal and external will suffer during this situation.
The other issue is how long has this been going on? If has been going on for a while the choices that need to be made become far more difficult because perhaps people have bonded or they have set in their ways and do welcome change. Sometimes one has to make some tough choices when it comes to family and business.

As you can see taking care of business is easy but you have to have a plan and a system in place to be able to figure out your issues and problems and resolve them. It can be and it will be difficult at times but they have to be made. The best way to accomplish this is either to hire a business coach to assist you with a plan or simply to take care of the issue for you.
Perhaps sometimes it can be daunting to capture this way of thinking but if you want your business to flourish then you have to make some tough choices.

We at Santini Self Development Enterprises will bring results to you whether in personal or business life so you can live the enriched life that you deserve.
Give us a call if you ever have a need for either personal or business assistance and let us bring you some results because after all is that not what you want!!
Phone: 818-970-5922 Email:
“Remember that one cannot wait for the perfect time to reach a goal because if you do you may never find the perfect timing but one thing for sure that you will find is the end of time”-Luciano Santini