
Showing posts with label Expert Customer Service and leadership Trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expert Customer Service and leadership Trainer. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making


In the articles that will follow this one, I will delve into some of the most popular leadership styles being used today in organizations. Evolving Leadership is a tricky thing for leaders in general. People can say they are leaders but deep inside they know otherwise.

In today’s rapidly changing world, leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making. It's about understanding, empathy, and fostering positive attitudes. One of the most prominent leadership styles that has gained traction in recent years is the EVAN leadership style, which emphasizes E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind. Developed by our company's renowned leadership expert Luciano Santini, the EVAN leadership style offers a holistic approach to leadership that not only enhances organizational effectiveness but also promotes mental well-being.

Understanding EVAN Leadership Style:

E - Empathy: Empathy lies at the heart of effective leadership. Leaders who practice empathy actively listen to their team members, understand their concerns, and are sensitive to their needs. By putting themselves in others’ shoes, empathetic leaders create a supportive environment where team members feel valued and understood.

V - Value: Values provide the moral compass for any organization. Leaders who uphold strong values inspire trust and loyalty among their team members. By demonstrating integrity, honesty, and a commitment to ethical principles, leaders create a culture of accountability and mutual respect.

A - Attitude against all negativity: Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges is a hallmark of great leadership. Leaders who confront negativity with optimism and resilience inspire their teams to overcome obstacles and work towards common goals. A positive attitude fosters creativity, collaboration, and a can-do spirit within the organization.

N - Nourishment of the mind: Mental well-being is a critical aspect of effective leadership. Leaders who prioritize mental health create an environment where employees can thrive. Encouraging continuous learning, providing opportunities for personal and professional development, and promoting a healthy work-life balance are essential components of nourishing the mind.

Enhancing EVAN Leadership with the EVAN Leadership Style:

Integrating the EVAN leadership style with the principles of the EVAN leadership style amplifies the positive impact of leadership practices. E-empathy teaches leaders to not only understand their team members’ perspectives but also to empathize with their emotional states. By valuing mental health and well-being, leaders can create policies and programs that support employees' mental health, such as offering counseling services, stress management workshops, and flexible work schedules.

V-value emphasizes the importance of aligning personal and organizational values. Leaders can enhance this by promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity. By respecting diverse perspectives and backgrounds, leaders can foster a sense of belonging among team members, enhancing overall morale and productivity.

A-attitude against all negativity encourages leaders to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations. This attitude can be further reinforced by implementing mindfulness and resilience training programs within the organization. Such initiatives empower employees to cope with stress and adversity, leading to a more positive work environment.

N-nourishment of the mind underscores the significance of continuous learning and personal growth. Leaders can facilitate this by providing learning resources, mentoring programs, and opportunities for skill development. When employees feel supported in their professional growth, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to increased overall job satisfaction.

Promoting Mental Health and Balance:

By combining the EVAN leadership style with the EVAN principles, organizations can create a workplace where employees not only excel professionally but also enjoy mental and emotional well-being. This integrated approach to leadership fosters a positive organizational culture where employees are motivated, resilient, and empowered to reach their full potential. on the next few articles that I will be writing will be on different leadership styles out there and the difference between them and the EVAN leadership style that we developed at Common Sense Consulting.

In conclusion, the EVAN leadership style, enhanced by E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind, offers a comprehensive framework for modern leadership. By embracing these principles, leaders can navigate the complexities of the contemporary world, foster healthy workplace relationships, and promote mental well-being, ultimately leading to a balanced and thriving organization.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Manifesto: Exposing the Fallacy of Rewarding Incompetent Leaders By Luciano Santini (WHY SO SERIOUS!! HUH!!)


Manifesto: Exposing the Fallacy of Rewarding Incompetent Leaders By Luciano Santini (WHY SO SERIOUS!! HUH!!)

Public Speaker Expertise in Leadership/Corporate Training, Motivational & CEO @ Santini Common Sense Consulting

Manifesto: Exposing the Fallacy of Rewarding Incompetent Leaders By Luciano Santini Introduction: We, the disillusioned individuals who have witnessed the detrimental effects of bad leadership, unite to challenge the prevailing system that rewards ineptitude and subservience. This manifesto aims to shed light on the damaging consequences of elevating individuals who prioritize ass-kissing over competence, all while receiving exorbitant salaries.

We stand against this injustice and call for a paradigm shift in how leaders are selected and compensated. Identifying the Problem: It is an unfortunate reality that many leaders today ascend the corporate or political ladder not because of their merit or abilities, but rather due to their ability to curry favor with those in power. This system perpetuates a cycle of incompetence, where unqualified individuals occupy influential positions, leading to disastrous outcomes for organizations, societies, and the world at large.

Consequences of Ass-Kissing Leadership: a) Inefficiency and Mismanagement: Leaders chosen based on their loyalty rather than their skills often lack the competence to effectively manage complex challenges. This results in poor decision-making, suboptimal strategies, and wasted resources, hampering progress and stifling innovation. b) Toxic Work Environments: The presence of ass-kissing leaders creates toxic workplace cultures. Those who genuinely merit recognition and advancement are overlooked, leading to frustration, demotivation, and the loss of talented individuals who could have contributed significantly. c) Erosion of Trust: When leaders are chosen based on their ability to flatter superiors rather than their integrity and capabilities, trust in leadership deteriorates. This breakdown in trust leads to cynicism, employee disengagement, and an overall decline in organizational performance.

The Need for Merit-Based Selection: We advocate for a shift towards merit-based selection criteria for leadership positions. Rather than rewarding sycophantic behavior, we should emphasize qualities such as expertise, vision, integrity, and a track record of achievement. Competency and leadership skills should be the cornerstone of selection processes, ensuring that those in positions of power can truly lead and inspire.

Transparent and Accountable Compensation: The current system often results in disproportionately high salaries for leaders who contribute little of value. We demand greater transparency in compensation structures, with clearly defined performance metrics aligned with organizational goals. Salaries should be commensurate with results and merit, rewarding leaders who bring about positive change and measurable progress.

Promoting Ethical Leadership: Leadership must be rooted in ethics and a genuine commitment to serving the greater good. We call for the cultivation of leaders who exhibit empathy, inclusivity, and social responsibility. Organizations should prioritize leadership development programs that emphasize ethical decision-making, fostering a new generation of leaders who inspire through their actions and principles.

Empowering Employee Voice: To dismantle the culture of ass-kissing, organizations must create platforms for employees to express their opinions and concerns without fear of retribution. Encouraging a culture of open dialogue, feedback, and upward communication enables diverse perspectives to be heard, leading to better decision-making and a fairer system of advancement. Conclusion: We, the proponents of this manifesto, urge individuals, organizations, and society at large to challenge the prevailing system that rewards incompetence and ass-kissing.

By prioritizing merit-based selection, transparent compensation, ethical leadership, and employee empowerment, we can create a world where capable and deserving leaders thrive, organizations flourish, and societal progress becomes a reality. It is time to break the shackles of an antiquated system and forge a brighter future for all.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Hello my friends and haters at the same time. I love you all. I really do and because I feel this way about people in general, I created this great leadership technique. They asked me what it meant and so my answer was the following and this is what they said:

Luciano Santini has created a leadership technique that everyone can implement once trained. The EVAN© technique stands for Empathy, Value, Attitude, and Nourishment of the Mind. This technique is suitable for anyone from a teen to an executive who wants to become a genuine leader.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is important for a leader to be able to empathize with their team members in order to create an environment of mutual understanding and respect. Value is the importance placed on an individual or an idea. A leader should be able to recognize the value of their team members and the ideas they bring to the table.

Attitude is the way a person approaches a situation. A leader should have a positive attitude and be able to motivate their team to strive for success. Lastly, nourishment of the mind is the practice of feeding the mind with knowledge and understanding.

Would you like to learn more o this technique? Let me know and if I can get 20 people to say yes, I will for free give a one hour training on this technique.

#team #success #people #training #share #environment #leader #love #respect #leadership #empathy 

nosantinibestrainer #EVANSTYLE

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Where are your businesses today? THE PAST-FUTURE OR IN THE PRESENT

Well hello again and we of course have been talking about the changes that are taking place every day in the business world along with the changes with individuals all around us all the time. Businesses have to make sure they understand the world around them and the competition that mirrors their own business perhaps it is a larger corporation. I have always stated in business meetings that any type of change needs to happen from the top down in order to work but of course due to old way and resistance to anything new there are many disagreements and thus never takes place and thus failure will occur. When corporations or organizations begin to fail it is because of resistance or simply the incompetency of leadership.

Human resources in every business corporation both for profit and not for profit organizations need to start with what is their definition of a leader running their business.I have found through my research and understanding that in today's world of business corporations and organizations in the government need to be more flexible,creative and efficient to be able to compete with other organizations.

Corporations and government agencies find themselves in a world of technology and innovation moving so fast that they are stuck in the past trying to catch up with the future a future that is already here.The future is here and what do I mean by the future is already here; Take a look at your children at school. This just a simple example of what is going on all around us whether we try to ignore it in business and in our everyday life of course that is a choice that we make. Children before they even step into a class room already know and understand computers better the adults that have been in the workforce most of their lives..
The future is among us and most ignore this fact and this fact will eventually catch up and crush those that do not stay afloat.

Based on an research that Oxford University conducted found that within the next 20 years half the jobs in the United Stated will be lost to computer automation. If that is not a scary future then I have no idea what world we are in. There will be a time when computers and humans will be working as a team to outdo businesses and their competition. Andrew Mcafee author of the book " The second Machine Age" says that there will be a time when chess players (Humans) will team up with computers to beat out commuters and or humans  playing alone alone.

There is far more that is coming and we have to prepared for the changes. Take this for example as it is today there are so many issues in the workforce today due to not understanding the new generation of millennial's. here you have the future already here working with most businesses and only those businesses that have a clear understanding of their world will survive. This of this : By the year 2020 we will be working with five different generations each bringing their own thoughts and expectations and most important their own and new perspective into their jobs. Today the millennial generation represents more than 75% of the workforce. 

This generation of computer savvy personalities not only will bring new ways of thinking but new perspectives on leadership which I assure you will be non-traditional in so many ways and this will destroy corporations and government agencies if they do not come together and collaborate and allow the changes to take place. Both government and non government organizations will lag in innovation and technological savvy if there is no understanding of what is already here in front of their eyes.

New style of leadership is already in the midst among us and most do not know it because they do not understand the new generations and the gap that exists between them. Leadership today is so far behind due to the misunderstanding of the new perspectives that this generation alone brings to the table. Leadership today will need to learn new ways of managing this type of knowledge. Leaders from yesterday which are operating in today's world trying to lead the new generations will lose talent due to just not having the skills to manage knowledge.

Did you know that a survey of 3300 HR professionals from 106 countries found that Leadership is the second most pressing issues around the world coming second only to employee engagement. This survey was published by Deloitte early this year of 2015. It has been identified that most organizations have only made a small dent on this issue.It has become a world of innovation and technology but importantly all organizations and the leaders that are in place need to either learn the new skills that are needed to manage today or let those that have a clear understanding of both the past and the future and what is needed today to move any organization forward.

A quote from one of my favorite mentors -Napoleon Hill

I believe this and live by this;


When you ask another person to do something, it may help both him and you if you tell him what to do, why he should do it, when he should do it, where he should do it, and how he may best do it.

We are all influenced by our background and experience. We perceive instructions in the context of our education, experience, heritage, the culture of our organization, and a number of other variables. Good managers know this, and they make sure that their instructions are clear, concise, and well understood. 
 They also know that they must walk a fine line between conveying adequate instructions and killing workers’ incentive by not allowing them sufficient latitude to do their jobs. You may strike the right balance between instruction and motivation by encouraging employees to participate in setting objectives for themselves and their teams, by helping them develop plans for achieving their goals, and by making sure that each individual clearly understands the team’s mission and his or her role in achieving it. 
Suggest that team members check in occasionally to report their progress, then get out of their way and cheer them on to victory.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Change Is Difficult When There Is No Purpose-Luciano Santini-SSDE

Hello and good day to everyone around the world who follow me and read my blog posts. It has been a great week. I have spent so much time with family and it is these times that you realize what you have really been up to in life.

I have had this vision of completing this journey for a long long time and it has finally arrived. The vision for whatever you may see in the future whether in a small business or a large organization or in life will arrive as long as you never ever give up.  

I have seen many visions statements framed on real pretty painted walls pushed on to people in fancy workshops on power points and yet something is missing. Well what most miss to provide is real guidance or worse has nothing to do with the real world and how life really works outside of the office of the so called leaders who sat for months thinking up how to write this mission statement and well it simply pisses people off.

I finally completed something special which I will announce in a month or so depending when I receive it. It was a journey in itself and it finally happened and well it has been one of those journeys that at one point I wanted to just give up on it but something inside me kept pushing me forward and to never ever quit until this journey had been completed.

It will be a surprise to many and not so much to others either way I did for me for my own satisfaction that it could be done and that I would be the first in my family to do so.

Many people will say now or in the future what a lucky guy. I have to tell you though that if working harder than a dog day and night and raising a family of four and working two jobs and nearly causing you to loose your entire family because you were never around and either on the road or on the computer studying and writing and calling and constantly in another world until my journey was completed then I guess it was luck but you can be the judge of that my friends.

I have many friends that taught me one thing including never giving up until your journey whatever that may be a small or large goal had been reached. 

 All enduring success is founded upon harmonious human relationships.
Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.” Whether it is in our careers, in our personal relationships, or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the level of success we desire. Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no one we care about to share it? You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them, or you may choose to work against them, but the greatest successes in life come to those who work harmoniously with others. 

When your personal goals coincide with those of another, not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you, but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your individual efforts. Know that friendship freely given and gratefully received is one of life’s greatest gifts. 

Last week during my special moment an old mentor of mine and I were speaking regarding change in life and in business and his response was:  
People are not afraid of change in business or in life they become afraid of change because they see no purpose or feel mistreated by their leaders if they are leaders.

I read that passage from Napoleon Hill above every day and it reminds me of the message that simply one alone cannot accomplish something great you just cannot in both life and business and I believe that is where so many business owners fail specially the smaller businesses but yes of course the larger ones as well due to not understanding human behaviors and relation building; they just do not get it.

A leader must understand people
 I believe that leaders in any organization sometimes get confused because of the positions they may hold and believe that simply by letting people know of any change can make it happen and well it is that easy nor is it correct for top management to believe that but they do every day. In many organizations specially in non profits organizations managers are taught to be responsive to their boss whoever that may be and guess what happens a real popular sport shows up in the offices called boss watching. 

One of the keys to develop people and to create a great office atmosphere is to catch people doing the right things and accentuate the positive at that moment and not let it come to pass!!!


What does this mean? Well it means that people get promoted to positions that they should never hold but it happens all the time. This does not do much for any organization because it does not accomplish their visions because the vision is one thing and the leaders do a totally different thing. At this point all promoted people do is try to protect themselves rather then move the organization in the right direction and never really help their people reach their goals.

You hold the key to life if you so choose
 I would like to elaborate a little on having a position in an organization  where the leaders operate because of their title and well it is the most recognized point as well. If you are this kind of person you believe that because your placard outside your office or the title on your business card indicates that you have the power to manage people or command resources. Ken Blanchard's dad says that the best leaders are those who have position power and never have to use it. 

Please Share with all your friends

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Seizing The Opportunity Of Life Or Business-Luciano The Key Santini-SSDE

Good morning everyone and of course it is the weekend and I was wondering how all my readers and followers are doing on this beautiful day. In case you wonder why I always start my blog with a good morning it is because it is morning when I write and yes of course I know that it is evening in some parts of the world so I will say good evening to you.

 It is always a real pleasure to write for you  because it is something that I truly enjoy and of course the most important thing is because I love to hear from people around the world on the their perspective and allows me to see things from a different point of view.

I wrote a short article asking for comments and so I will write here once again:

I had stated last week that sometimes find themselves caught in a triangle between their work family and friends and well a situation such as that can be pretty difficult to work out where everyone stays happy and well the truth of the matter becomes what is most important to you now!!! not in the future but in the now.

You see most people do not live in the now they worry about tomorrow to much when tomorrow is 24 hours away and my question is why worry? You see there is no way of knowing tomorrow. We all know the name of the day that follows but you can only predict what the day will bring but you will never know what will happy only because it is like playing the lottery.

Let us speak a bit about organizations and businesses today. Organizations and businesses are finding that change happens so fast but what they both seem to miss the boat is that they miss the opportunities for growth.

 I find that organizations pretend to understand the rapid changes on the outside but never realize the changes within their businesses or organizations thus becomes a struggle to manage It takes a very skilled leader to be able not only to see the changes outside of the organization but to be able to see the changes within and be able to bring both the outside and mesh with the inside to make it malleable and make it work.

The strength to make change happen and have your clients and staff believe in the vision of any strategic plan is to teach goal intentions. This was a paper we had to read while in college for business class and was an eye opener. It is all about understanding who you are as a leader and yes while because of life and chaos sometimes we as individuals are not in positions to make the changes and if you try you might get knocked down simply because others do not understand change.This process is defined as by;

 Peter M. Gollwitzer
New York University/Universität Konstanz Paschal Sheeran
University of Sheffiel

Goal intentions can be defined as the instructions 
that people give themselves to perform particular
 behaviors or to achieve certain desired outcomes.
The question becomes how do you teach this to staff 
members in organizations so they can follow you as 
their leader and have high expectations of themselves
--Luciano Santini

Why do people often fail to translate goal intentions into 
goal attainment? According to the model of action 
phases (Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987), forming an intention
 to pursue a particular goal is only the first step on the 
path to goal attainment; to attain the goal the person must 
also effectively regulate actual striving for the goal 
(i.e., implement their goal intention successfully). 
Realizing one’s goal intentions can be difficult because people often confront problems en route to goal attainment 
(Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006). In the context of health goals, two self-regulatory problems appear to offer the greatest challenges to effective goal striving—failing to get started, and getting derailed along the way.Failing to Get Started with Goal Striving Remembering to act. Three factors seem to be involved in failures to get started with goal striving. 
The first problem is remembering to act, and is encapsulated
by the title of a recent paper by Einstein, McDaniel
and colleagues, “forgetting of intentions in demanding situations
is rapid” 
(Einstein, McDaniel, Williford, Pagan, & Dismukes,
2003). That is, dealing with many things at once or being engrossed in a particular task make it difficult to remember to act on one’s goal intention. Indeed, people spontaneously explain their failures to enact their intentions in terms of‘forgetting’ (e.g., 70% of participants who intended to but did not perform breast self-examination. 
Another explanation; Orbell, Hodgkins, & Sheeran, 1997).
Seizing an opportune moment to act. Even if one remembers 
to act, there is a second problem that needs to
be solved, namely, seizing an opportune moment to act
This problem is especially acute when people are faced
with tight deadlines or small windows of opportunity. 
These circumstances, people may fail to initiate goal striving because they do not notice that a good time to get started has arrived or because they are unsure about how they should act when the opportunity presents itself. 
For instance, Sheeran and Orbell (2000) found that 31% of a sample of women who were invited to attend for cervical cancer screening failed to seize this opportunity (by making the necessary appointment) despite strong intentions to be screened (M = 4.60 on a 1-5
Share with all your friends. Come with me on this journey to change the world one mind at a time.