
Showing posts with label #Leadership#Lifecoach#motivator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Leadership#Lifecoach#motivator. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making


In the articles that will follow this one, I will delve into some of the most popular leadership styles being used today in organizations. Evolving Leadership is a tricky thing for leaders in general. People can say they are leaders but deep inside they know otherwise.

In today’s rapidly changing world, leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making. It's about understanding, empathy, and fostering positive attitudes. One of the most prominent leadership styles that has gained traction in recent years is the EVAN leadership style, which emphasizes E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind. Developed by our company's renowned leadership expert Luciano Santini, the EVAN leadership style offers a holistic approach to leadership that not only enhances organizational effectiveness but also promotes mental well-being.

Understanding EVAN Leadership Style:

E - Empathy: Empathy lies at the heart of effective leadership. Leaders who practice empathy actively listen to their team members, understand their concerns, and are sensitive to their needs. By putting themselves in others’ shoes, empathetic leaders create a supportive environment where team members feel valued and understood.

V - Value: Values provide the moral compass for any organization. Leaders who uphold strong values inspire trust and loyalty among their team members. By demonstrating integrity, honesty, and a commitment to ethical principles, leaders create a culture of accountability and mutual respect.

A - Attitude against all negativity: Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges is a hallmark of great leadership. Leaders who confront negativity with optimism and resilience inspire their teams to overcome obstacles and work towards common goals. A positive attitude fosters creativity, collaboration, and a can-do spirit within the organization.

N - Nourishment of the mind: Mental well-being is a critical aspect of effective leadership. Leaders who prioritize mental health create an environment where employees can thrive. Encouraging continuous learning, providing opportunities for personal and professional development, and promoting a healthy work-life balance are essential components of nourishing the mind.

Enhancing EVAN Leadership with the EVAN Leadership Style:

Integrating the EVAN leadership style with the principles of the EVAN leadership style amplifies the positive impact of leadership practices. E-empathy teaches leaders to not only understand their team members’ perspectives but also to empathize with their emotional states. By valuing mental health and well-being, leaders can create policies and programs that support employees' mental health, such as offering counseling services, stress management workshops, and flexible work schedules.

V-value emphasizes the importance of aligning personal and organizational values. Leaders can enhance this by promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity. By respecting diverse perspectives and backgrounds, leaders can foster a sense of belonging among team members, enhancing overall morale and productivity.

A-attitude against all negativity encourages leaders to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations. This attitude can be further reinforced by implementing mindfulness and resilience training programs within the organization. Such initiatives empower employees to cope with stress and adversity, leading to a more positive work environment.

N-nourishment of the mind underscores the significance of continuous learning and personal growth. Leaders can facilitate this by providing learning resources, mentoring programs, and opportunities for skill development. When employees feel supported in their professional growth, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to increased overall job satisfaction.

Promoting Mental Health and Balance:

By combining the EVAN leadership style with the EVAN principles, organizations can create a workplace where employees not only excel professionally but also enjoy mental and emotional well-being. This integrated approach to leadership fosters a positive organizational culture where employees are motivated, resilient, and empowered to reach their full potential. on the next few articles that I will be writing will be on different leadership styles out there and the difference between them and the EVAN leadership style that we developed at Common Sense Consulting.

In conclusion, the EVAN leadership style, enhanced by E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind, offers a comprehensive framework for modern leadership. By embracing these principles, leaders can navigate the complexities of the contemporary world, foster healthy workplace relationships, and promote mental well-being, ultimately leading to a balanced and thriving organization.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Human Resources and Hiring and Mental Health


Organizations look to hire the best people but, how do you know they are the best. You never know by looking at their degrees. What you need is a person that hires by understanding their emotions and understanding the meaning of emotional intelligence and able to see and hear as they speak to answer questions. Yes it is nice when they come in with a nice degree but if that is all we are looking for, we will run into issues. 

Let me explain why. What will be helpful here is to also to understand the EVAN leadership style developed by Common Sense Consulting CEO Luciano Santini. E-empathy-V-value-A-attitude against negativity and N-nourishment of the mind. How much will hiring the wrong person cost regarding money but our mental health.

I believe I make valid points about the limitations of solely relying on degrees when hiring employees. Emotional intelligence and the ability to understand and connect with others are indeed important qualities to consider in the hiring process. Hiring based solely on academic qualifications can overlook crucial aspects such as interpersonal skills, adaptability, and emotional resilience, which are essential for success in many professional roles.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as to empathize with and relate to the emotions of others. It involves skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. Assessing emotional intelligence during the hiring process can provide valuable insights into a candidate's potential for success in a particular role and within the organizational culture.

Understanding the EVAN leadership style I mentioned, developed by Luciano Santini, can further enhance the hiring process. The EVAN model emphasizes empathy, values, attitude against negativity, and nourishment of the mind. By considering these elements, organizations can identify candidates who possess not only the technical skills and qualifications but also the emotional intelligence and mindset that align with the company's values and goals.

Hiring the wrong person can indeed have significant costs, both in terms of financial resources and the well-being of the organization and its employees. The financial implications include the expenses associated with recruitment, training, and potential turnover. Moreover, a mismatched employee can negatively impact team dynamics, productivity, and morale, which can lead to a decline in mental health and overall organizational well-being.

To mitigate these risks, organizations can implement a comprehensive hiring process that incorporates multiple assessment methods, including interviews, behavioral assessments, and reference checks. These methods can help evaluate a candidate's emotional intelligence, attitude, values, and cultural fit, in addition to their qualifications and experience. Furthermore, providing training and support for hiring managers to effectively assess these qualities can enhance the overall success of the hiring process.

In summary, while academic degrees are valuable indicators of knowledge and capability, it is essential to look beyond them when hiring. Assessing emotional intelligence, values, and attitude, as well as employing the EVAN leadership style, can help organizations identify the best candidates who will not only contribute to the company's success but also positively impact the mental health and well-being of the entire team.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

How precious is a life of a father? How precious is a life of a mother? Extremely!!

 How precious is a life of a father? How precious is a life of a mother? Extremely!! Fathers and mothers are the cornerstone of a family, providing unconditional love, support, and guidance to their children. They are the ones who sacrifice their own needs and desires to make sure their children have the best life possible. Fathers and mothers are the ones who are there to pick up the pieces when life gets tough and to celebrate the successes. They are the ones who are always there, no matter what.

How precious are their lives to each other? Fathers and mothers share a unique bond that cannot be replicated. They are each other’s best friend and confidant, and they are the ones who understand each other’s struggles and joys. The ones who have been through it all together are still standing strong. They are the ones who know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and are always there to help each other out.

How precious are their lives to the children and friends? Fathers and mothers provide a sense of security and stability to their children and friends. The ones who are always there are the ones who listen and give advice. They are the ones who are always willing to lend a helping hand and offer support. They are the ones who are always there to celebrate the successes and pick up the pieces when life gets tough.

Do we think about these lives while we are all together or until it is too late? We often take these precious lives for granted until it is too late. When it is too late, we don't think about how precious their lives are. We don’t think about how much they do for us until it is too late. We don’t think about how much they mean to us until it is too late. We don’t think about how much we need them until it is too late.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

We all face daily life challenges


Hello everyone!

We all face daily life challenges, and we all know what it's like to have a boss - some are great and some are not-so-great. Every morning, I wake up with a positive attitude and a determination to make the most of the day, no matter what. I refuse to let anyone else define who I am because I know my own worth. Remember, gaslighting is everywhere as well and one needs to be careful and see it when it arrives. #development

It is important to inspire those around us and to treat them with respect, love, and dignity. We live in a VUCA world, and it is up to us to create a path to becoming a great leader. We have to be brave, take risks, and be willing to learn from our mistakes. We must also be willing to support and encourage those around us, so that they can reach their full potential.

Leadership is not easy, but it is a necessary part of life. We must strive to be the best version of ourselves, and to make a positive impact on those around us. With a little bit of effort, we can all become great leaders.

"Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge." -Simon Sinek

"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence." -Sheryl Sandberg

"The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." -Harvey Firestone

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren Bennis

"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

#leadership #love #leader #respect #like #drlucianosantini #EVANleadershipstyle #lucianosantiniexperttrainer #lucianosantinicoachonlife #lucianosantinitrueleader #leaders

Saturday, January 28, 2023

What is the best way to lead and how to do it?


What is the best way to lead and how to do it?

I believe that the best way to lead is through understanding unique personalities and respecting the fact that every person is different. As a leader, it is important to recognize that everyone has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and that it is up to the individual to make the necessary changes to become a better person.

Leadership is not about forcing people to do something they don't want to do. It is about providing guidance and support to help people reach their goals. Leaders must be patient and understanding and be willing to listen to different perspectives. This will help create an environment of trust and respect, which is essential for any successful team.

Leaders must also be willing to take risks and be open to trying new things. This will help foster creativity and innovation, which can lead to better solutions and improved results. Ultimately, the best way to lead is to be open-minded and understanding of distinct personalities, and to recognize that each person has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. By doing this, leaders can create an environment of growth and success.

#drlucianosantini #evanstyleleadership #understandingothers #leadership #success #growth #people #leaders #environment #creativity #leader #respect

Monday, January 23, 2023

What do our teens and young adults know and understand regarding the chaotic world we live in?


What do our teens and young adults know and understand regarding the chaotic world we live in? Chaos is a part of life, but it can be especially difficult for teens to navigate. The world is increasingly unpredictable and complex, and teens are faced with the challenge of living in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and ambiguous) world. 

The term VUCA was first used by the U.S. Army War College to describe the post-Cold War environment, but it can be applied to any situation that is unpredictable and rapidly changing. Teens are particularly vulnerable to the effects of chaos, as they are often still developing the skills and resilience needed to cope with the unexpected. 

It is important for teens to be aware of the chaotic nature of the world and to develop strategies to cope with it. This can include taking time to reflect on their experiences, developing problem-solving skills, and seeking support from family and friends. It is also important for teens to be aware of their own emotions and to practice self-care. By understanding the chaotic nature of the world and developing the skills to cope with it, teens can be better prepared to face the challenges of living in a VUCA world.
#environment #lucianosantini #drlucianosantinibesttrainerever #empathy #teensandVUCA

Wednesday, January 18, 2023



Hello, I attended a meeting and the subject of peace or chaos came up and my response was simple as follows;

Peace and love around the world is a concept that is often discussed but rarely understood. It is a concept that is difficult to define and even more difficult to achieve. Peace and love are the opposite of chaos, which is a state of confusion, disorder, and disruption. Chaos is a growing problem in many parts of the world, with violence, poverty, and political unrest rampant in some areas.

Chaos around the world can take many forms, from civil wars to economic instability. It can also manifest itself in the form of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. In addition, human actions, such as terrorism, war, and crime, can cause chaos. In all of these cases, chaos can have a devastating effect on the lives of those affected.

Navigating through peace and love, as well as chaos, in our daily lives and in business is a laborious task. It requires a thoughtful and creative approach to problem-solving. #business #creative #civil #drlucianosantini #evanstyleleadership