
Showing posts with label Business Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Certified. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making


In the articles that will follow this one, I will delve into some of the most popular leadership styles being used today in organizations. Evolving Leadership is a tricky thing for leaders in general. People can say they are leaders but deep inside they know otherwise.

In today’s rapidly changing world, leadership is no longer just about authority and decision-making. It's about understanding, empathy, and fostering positive attitudes. One of the most prominent leadership styles that has gained traction in recent years is the EVAN leadership style, which emphasizes E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind. Developed by our company's renowned leadership expert Luciano Santini, the EVAN leadership style offers a holistic approach to leadership that not only enhances organizational effectiveness but also promotes mental well-being.

Understanding EVAN Leadership Style:

E - Empathy: Empathy lies at the heart of effective leadership. Leaders who practice empathy actively listen to their team members, understand their concerns, and are sensitive to their needs. By putting themselves in others’ shoes, empathetic leaders create a supportive environment where team members feel valued and understood.

V - Value: Values provide the moral compass for any organization. Leaders who uphold strong values inspire trust and loyalty among their team members. By demonstrating integrity, honesty, and a commitment to ethical principles, leaders create a culture of accountability and mutual respect.

A - Attitude against all negativity: Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges is a hallmark of great leadership. Leaders who confront negativity with optimism and resilience inspire their teams to overcome obstacles and work towards common goals. A positive attitude fosters creativity, collaboration, and a can-do spirit within the organization.

N - Nourishment of the mind: Mental well-being is a critical aspect of effective leadership. Leaders who prioritize mental health create an environment where employees can thrive. Encouraging continuous learning, providing opportunities for personal and professional development, and promoting a healthy work-life balance are essential components of nourishing the mind.

Enhancing EVAN Leadership with the EVAN Leadership Style:

Integrating the EVAN leadership style with the principles of the EVAN leadership style amplifies the positive impact of leadership practices. E-empathy teaches leaders to not only understand their team members’ perspectives but also to empathize with their emotional states. By valuing mental health and well-being, leaders can create policies and programs that support employees' mental health, such as offering counseling services, stress management workshops, and flexible work schedules.

V-value emphasizes the importance of aligning personal and organizational values. Leaders can enhance this by promoting a culture of inclusivity and diversity. By respecting diverse perspectives and backgrounds, leaders can foster a sense of belonging among team members, enhancing overall morale and productivity.

A-attitude against all negativity encourages leaders to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations. This attitude can be further reinforced by implementing mindfulness and resilience training programs within the organization. Such initiatives empower employees to cope with stress and adversity, leading to a more positive work environment.

N-nourishment of the mind underscores the significance of continuous learning and personal growth. Leaders can facilitate this by providing learning resources, mentoring programs, and opportunities for skill development. When employees feel supported in their professional growth, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to increased overall job satisfaction.

Promoting Mental Health and Balance:

By combining the EVAN leadership style with the EVAN principles, organizations can create a workplace where employees not only excel professionally but also enjoy mental and emotional well-being. This integrated approach to leadership fosters a positive organizational culture where employees are motivated, resilient, and empowered to reach their full potential. on the next few articles that I will be writing will be on different leadership styles out there and the difference between them and the EVAN leadership style that we developed at Common Sense Consulting.

In conclusion, the EVAN leadership style, enhanced by E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against all negativity, and N-nourishment of the mind, offers a comprehensive framework for modern leadership. By embracing these principles, leaders can navigate the complexities of the contemporary world, foster healthy workplace relationships, and promote mental well-being, ultimately leading to a balanced and thriving organization.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

What is the best way to lead and how to do it?


What is the best way to lead and how to do it?

I believe that the best way to lead is through understanding unique personalities and respecting the fact that every person is different. As a leader, it is important to recognize that everyone has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and that it is up to the individual to make the necessary changes to become a better person.

Leadership is not about forcing people to do something they don't want to do. It is about providing guidance and support to help people reach their goals. Leaders must be patient and understanding and be willing to listen to different perspectives. This will help create an environment of trust and respect, which is essential for any successful team.

Leaders must also be willing to take risks and be open to trying new things. This will help foster creativity and innovation, which can lead to better solutions and improved results. Ultimately, the best way to lead is to be open-minded and understanding of distinct personalities, and to recognize that each person has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. By doing this, leaders can create an environment of growth and success.

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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Luciano Santini and VUCA

 I thought today about talking a little about myself. I am a renowned leadership expert, specializing in VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and the Evan leadership style which I created and fits any leader who wants to become a true leader in their current roles. The EVAN style also fits teens that may be thinking of going into a leadership role and be the best. After researching and teaching leadership for over 20 years, with a focus on developing innovative approaches to leadership that are tailored to the ever-changing needs of today's organizations. I am highly experienced in helping organizations navigate the complexities of VUCA, and my Evan leadership style provides a comprehensive approach to leading in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. In the face of VUCA, I am passionate about helping organizations develop the skills and strategies to become more resilient. I have consulted for many leading organizations, and they have featured my research in numerous publications in regard to leadership. I am a speaker and have presented at conferences and workshops on many zoom platforms and have been a guest speaker around the world during the covid-19 era. I will be having an Ebook that I just finished writing on VUCA but needs to be edited and will be ready for sale soon.#covid . #leadership #research #teaching #complexity #EVANleadershipstyle #drlucianosantini #motivationkey

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Business Is A Way Of Bringing The World Together You Just Need To Have The Vision To Make It Happen"--Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends on this wonderful Saturday morning. I always ask if it is OK to call you friend and well I believe it is OK because I am writing the blog so yes it is OK (I Am laughing to myself now) I consider everyone a friend . I always to thank you for reading my blogs as well because sometimes I think OK if I was reading this blog is it interesting and yes it most of the time.

I find some great articles on the internet and this one here really hit the spot this morning and it might hit the right spot on you this morning;

 Get ready to hear some very good news today -- all the good karma you have been putting out into the universe is coming back to you, plus interest! This positive energy will help you leap over any unpleasant (yet inevitable) obstacles that block your path later in the day, and keep you focused on the things in your life that really matter. Bring a close friend or your sweetie into the glow of happiness. Share your news and plan a celebration together!

We all have obstacles but we have to see them from a different perspective and well just take a look read it a few times and make your choice on how your day is going to turn out.

Business is a tricky thing

Let us talk today about role clarity in companies and organizations. What is role clarity? I will tell from experience that sometimes we just make it difficult to understand when the fact is that it is really simple but the trick is not the simplicity of what role clarity is but how do we as owners make it clear to understand to our employees.

Role Clarity is simply making sure that employees understand their role in the company clearly. The owners and managers need to make sure that once an employee is hired that person is set up for success by making sure that they understand their role and what are their expectations via the company or the owner and managers.

So what Am I saying here,well let us see now: I can tell you that sometimes as a manager or an owner we forget to train our staff properly thus for they have no idea what the expectations are. I believe that everyone wants to do a good job and turn out good satisfying work for their employer. I also understand the employees side of the role as well example:

As an owner see the potential of an employee and understand their talents and perhaps this employee has a better understand on their job and knows how it works and really is a smart and professional person. A project is given to the manager to complete but that manager is not very knowledgeable but accepted the project anyway.

The manager will then seek out his talented employee and start to tell him that he will be leading a project but the manager will be overseeing making sure it is completed on time. (The manager will tell him/her employee) how great they are and that is why they ere chosen to lead. Perhaps this has happened to you or know someone that has gone through this. The employee will get it done and do a great job. 

The manager will then take the finished product turn it in and take all the credit for the completion of the project. Then awards are to be given and the employee is told that they will be attending the ceremony and then at the end find out that the budget was cut and there was only enough money for the management team to attend!! What do you think just happened to that employees moral? That employee will feel used and worse feel unappreciated.

I have seen it happen so many times in the corporate world that when it happens elsewhere it just makes me sad to see the employee feel that he/she were used. This happens when managers are given the position and they are not completely incompetent but have a poor understanding of people relations and have poor communication skills.

What will happen now is conflict and it could get ugly between employees and managers. This why it is so important that there is always clarity on an employees job description and a managers role to manage and understand their role and be able to communicate with employees with an open mind.

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What will happen as well is that there will be stress on both managers and employees and manager must know how to manage this by speaking to individuals involved and put a stop immediately or else there could be chaos.

Another solution can be to address the stress levels between employees and managers by informing employees that the project was for the benefit of the entire staff and thank the employees publicly and give them their due credit this will pacify the employees involved long enough so that you can have a one on one crucial conversation.

"Business Is A Way Of Bringing The World Together You Just Need To Have The Vision To Make It Happen"--Luciano The Key Santini