
Showing posts with label Luciano ( The Key) Santini Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luciano ( The Key) Santini Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

Unveiling the Costly Reality of Incompetent Leadership in the Workplace

 Unveiling the Costly Reality of Incompetent Leadership in the Workplace

In the contemporary corporate landscape, the prevalence of ill-suited individuals in leadership roles is a glaring issue that cannot be ignored. Contrary to popular belief, the impact of incompetence extends far beyond mere inefficiency—it breeds a culture of animosity and resentment among employees, taking a toll on both their mental well-being and organizational performance. Let’s delve into the numbers to understand the magnitude of this problem.

Statistics reveal that a staggering 65% of employees cite poor leadership as a top stressor in the workplace. When leaders lack the necessary skills and qualities to inspire and guide their teams effectively, it creates an environment ripe for discontent and hostility. Consequently, a concerning 72% of employees report feeling undervalued and demotivated under such leadership.

Furthermore, the mental health implications of working under incompetent leadership are alarming. Studies indicate that 76% of employees experience symptoms of stress due to toxic work environments, while 59% report feelings of anxiety and 45% struggle with symptoms of depression. These numbers paint a grim picture of the toll that incompetent leadership takes on the psychological well-being of employees.

But the impact doesn’t stop there. Organizational performance also suffers in the face of incompetent leadership. Research shows that teams led by ineffective leaders are 35% less engaged and 17% less productive than those led by competent leaders. Additionally, turnover rates skyrocket in organizations with poor leadership, with 58% of employees considering leaving their jobs due to dissatisfaction with their managers.

The root cause of this dysfunction lies in the failure to prioritize true leadership qualities over superficial attributes. Leadership is not merely about popularity or bureaucratic prowess; it is about inspiring and empowering others to achieve their full potential. Yet, despite this understanding, a concerning 83% of organizations admit to promoting individuals based on tenure or technical skills rather than leadership potential.

So, what can be done to address this pervasive issue? Organizations must prioritize the selection and development of true leaders through targeted initiatives. Investing in leadership development programs yields significant returns, with companies experiencing a 24% increase in revenue and a 34% higher employee engagement rate as a result. Moreover, holding leaders accountable for their actions is crucial, as organizations with robust accountability mechanisms are 32% more likely to outperform their competitors.

In conclusion, the numbers don’t lie—ineffective leadership comes at a steep cost. By prioritizing true leadership qualities and investing in the development of capable leaders, organizations can mitigate the devastating impact of incompetence in the workplace, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and success. The time to act is now, for the well-being of employees and the prosperity of the organization depends on it.

Top of Form


Friday, October 4, 2019

Never join Hive minded people to promote!!!

Hello, my friends, it has been a little while. 

I was thinking today regarding the checks and balances for those people who think they are leaders because the position was given to them and currently hold. What happens to those below them when they are treated wrong by these guys? 

If they complain they get so much runaround that after a while you start to believe that you are the issue when in reality they have confused you by there training which is bullshit!! When I was told this information from a mentor of mine I was like what? 

But it was recognizing someone who holds you down, your expertise and education to a low regard  for no other reason than their preconceptions about who you are because you are not a yes man when a person is faced with such an issue this will force you to understand that so much popular information is shared only with those who are like-minded or part of what I like to call the hive mentality. 

Why continue to waste your time and energy that you need help with upper mobility when you already know it is not going to happen no matter what you do knowing the fact that there are no checks and balances for these upper so-called leaders and consider themselves untouchable or are they?


Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Mind Is Your Most Powerful Asset You Own-- Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and how are we doing today. I hope that this year has started well for both you as the individual and also for your business. I know how difficult it can be trying to get something started whether it is personal or in business. As an individual it is your job to keep a positive attitude at all times and yes it can be challenging of course it all depends on the situation.

As an individual you need to look at whatever the situation is from a perspective of what it is and what it means to you. If you look at the situation in the regard then you can pretty much see the issue and now you can make a plan that works for yourself and fix it. I know what you are thinking sure if it were that simple and guess what I get that it is not an easy thing to do however you must realize one thing and this is extremely important to understand from the beginning. 

One that life is not fair because I hear that almost every time I assist someone with their dreams and goals. You have to understand that the mind does not differentiate from wrong thinking or good thing from a positive attitude to a negative attitude. If you as an individual can see and understand what this means and are able to know when the negativity is setting in then you have won part of the game already.

You have to understand how the mind works at least just a little bit and of course know who you are as a person. You must remember my friends that as a child you felt invincible and were not afraid of spiders per say up until began to grow up and started to see the reality of life that life was not fair. I know you remember saying this to someone at least once in your life or perhaps you say it everyday.. 

As you know I have studied Napoleon Hill for many years and have looked in depth at his way of thinking and I find his wisdom to be a learning experience. Take a look at this tip form him and let me know what you think of it:


Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results.

There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters.

 But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success. 

Read it and re-read it because if you can understand this with what I have written above the you will be to a great start and for sure a great day!!!!.


In the business world it is the same thing with a slight difference and that is that it is no longer just you because now you have staff to help and teach and train and then you have the most important thing mmmmmm oh yes your customers! which can and will make you or break you and your will.
Leadership means to lead through both the hard times and the good times and to be able to understand people and yourself and how to handle both clients and staff. The hard part is when you have to adapt to changes and perhaps you can do that with no issues but what about your staff. They will challenge you and resist. I can tell you right now and here that what I find is that people get fired almost immediately and my question always is why? The answers I get really piss me off to be honest because these people are the leaders operating the organization.

I start out with a few questions to these so called leaders;

Why are you wanting to fire these people?
Answer: Because they have no skills and they are lazy. This is perhaps the number one answer I get from leadership. 

My answer: Perhaps it is not they are lazy or do not have the skills, perhaps just perhaps you the leaders do not have the skills and are to lazy to realize what is happening. Yes they get upset but as a life/business coach it is my job to show you what is happening and sometimes it is not what you want to hear because you are the leader!! I get it and understand but you have to have the skills to understand both clients and people that work for you!! period.

Leaders loose focus and could be because of the pressures of leadership. Leaders cannot communicate and if they know how they do it poorly causing some major issues. Let me tell you one thing that I hope you understand if you are a leader in your company- Leadership is not an easy position it requires continuous training of staff monitoring and motivating which by the way can be the most difficult to do. Leadership must also have the ability to adapt to change and be able to implement any changes needed for the company to survive. 

The last thing that I will let you know is this because sometimes leaders in many organizations believe that what made the company or organization successful 100 years ago will continue to make it successful today and well sometimes what made is successful 100 years ago can bring about it failure today. Time have changed mindsets have changed and well people continuously change we need to adapt and quickly or be left behind.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Luciano ( The Key) Santini Reads ' Wasted Time Poem"

 Hello my friends and here we are again on a beautiful Saturday morning. I would like to dedicate this poem I wrote a while back to everyone who thinks they do not waste time. We all do it we just do not realize it. Take this poem and let me know what your thoughts are after you listen to it. 

 Every thought you release becomes a permanent part of your character.

Thoughts are things. Every thought you release — good or bad — is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. More important, your thoughts affect you. You become what you think about most. If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. 

Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.

I believe that we waste our time and energy on things that we should be aware of and should take a really close look at where we are sending this energy. In life we get caught up on our daily routines and sometimes we loose time and have no idea where it was wasted.

Establishing a clear system for communicating with the boss.
 I have never understood when someone has anything that is vital to a person or an organization and is communicated through an email. I have always trained managers and staff members that if it is a crucial issue that needs to be discussed it must be done either directly over the phone or in person but never on an email.

It is a waste of time and many times over I have seen it where the issue would be brought up again and again in a meeting.

I have one very important question for you my friends. Are you one that counts the minutes of each hour to make sure that you never waste time? I have always trained people to take action and create a sense of urgency all day when action items come their way get them done and over with.

If you would only realize that procrastination has another name
The thief of productivity) you will see the importance of not wasting time.Once you understand this concept you will see that you will accomplish personal goals and you will also get all your work done.

"Wasted Time"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Life Is Only Great When We Choose It To Be Great) Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano (The Key) Santini

First things first
 "Life Is Only Great When We Choose It To Be Great)
Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano (The Key) Santini
Good morning my friends and yes it is Memorial Weekend!! On this day  we at Santini Self Development Enterprises would like to give thanks to all those who served this great country to keep us safe from all those who want to harm us. This is the day we give thanks and remember all those who served and fallen in the past for each one of us to wake up each morning walk outside your door and see the daylight one more time. To give thanks to all those who dies to keep our children safe. Thank you Thank you Thank you one million times and that my friends is still not enough thank yous.

You can find this photo at

In all reality there will never be words to describe how we grateful we are to each soldier and their families for the ultimate sacrifice they gave. Those that are with us and yet feel abandoned we are here for you. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE GIVEN AND STILL CONTINUE GIVING.

During hard times and obstacles and challenges that we will face each and every day can be difficult but the truth of the matter is that we need to dace any challenge head on and make the best choices to help any situation and the most important thing at this point is to stay positive. Sunday is a day to relax and get all your thoughts together and ready yourself for the coming week.

Business Section:
I cannot miss this from Napoleon Hill
The chances are that your job likes you precisely as much as you like it, but no more.

You are the world’s greatest expert on your job, and you can make it into what you choose. You may have a job description, but there are few jobs in the world that come with detailed instructions. A job description simply provides a foundation upon which you may build the perfect job for yourself. When you give generously to it, a job responds with a full measure of satisfaction, personal growth, financial rewards, and promise for the future. If you are in a job you absolutely hate, and you have considered all the alternatives and decided that you will never like your job, find something else. But if you, like most people, dislike a few things about your work, but on balance believe you have a pretty good position, get busy making it the greatest job in the world. In your career, as in life, you get in direct proportion to what you give. 

Business obstacles and Challenges

 Despite this encouraging progress, a confluence of global environmental challenges is putting more pressure on corporate environmental sustainability strategies to get to scale quickly. Not enough non-profit businesses have integrated with each other into their long-term decision-making. And, as it stands today, existing practices are not enough to protect the resources that society and businesses depend on.

The obstacles facing most nonprofits is to look beyond working with each other—to build sustainable, long-term relation-ships that fundamentally change the way they function as organizations. Statistics show  that nonprofits are exploring mergers, consolidations, and joint ventures with increasing frequency. Each of these options goes beyond the cur-rent definition of working as one. Where working with each other instead of against each other implies coordination of service, strategic restructure-ING requires changes to the corporate structure and, frequently, a change in the organization’s locus of control.
No nonprofit organization can long survive and succeed in advancing its mission while living independent of of other nonprofits. Nonprofits gain information, political power, and personal and professional support from and in concert with other nonprofits. Thus, close working relationships, partnerships, and even joint ventures between nonprofit organizations are a fairly natural occurrence.

In life and especially in business we all have many opportunities to collaborate or partner with others, In In my line of work I've done many, especially with my history of being a speaker/trainer,coach and I have to tell you that when something seems to good to be true let go and walk away. Sometimes all seems great and looks awesome but then again do your research and find that if this is the right company and the right person to do business with.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Integration and Grudges by Santini-Self Development Enterprises

"You Must Be Ambitious In Life To Have What You Want And Have The Burning Fire To Beat The Odds"--Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends and it is a beautiful Saturday morning. I am about to brew some fresh coffee and start to write some great stuff for you to talk to your friends about and simply to think about as a business owner and individual.Let us go ahead and get started.

Hove you ever held a grudge? I am sure you have we all have and those that tell you they never have well they must be special. But let us assume that you have or you know a friend that does. What can this type of behavior do to your well being and psyche? Well this will continue to make your mind wonder how to get even with him/her or them which in turn into negativity. 

I do not about you but for me personally I found that when you carry a grudge for anyone it will eat at you inside and your mind becomes very cloudy and can hinder your way of thinking and the way you look at your future and as a person.

You will waste important space in your mind and in your heart. Get it out of mind and out of sight and this will allow you to receive the wants you  have been waiting for. You must allow the positive become your sword toward victory for life and your heart.Let it go let leave your mind and live a much better life and give your positive energy that you create to those you love and care about.


I found this quote in my email which is true and pretty cool if you understand the logistics behind it;
On average, one in a hundred cold calls will turn into a sale. When calling referrals, eight out of ten will turn into sales. Where are you spending your time? Hilton Johnson,Coach Trainer

Let us talk a bit about integration and what it means.
  • Integration is the final stage of coming together of parts into which a whole is divided.
Integration is the joint functioning of all the parts of a whole for the highest possible efficiency. 
What does this mean to you as a small business or a large business let us see.
If you have strong leaders they must focus on bringing  as many employees to believe in the mission of your company and make everyone achieve their capabilities as an organization and not as an individual.

 It will be an effort since so many will resist. Managers and employees alike must become flexible to the changes in technology and so many will resist the change and thus for changes must be made possible by  management either in management itself or employees. The changes that will take place as slow as they may be are to give your customers what they need and want.

What most manager fail in understanding is that by creating an integration process and putting in into play it will  improve both employee and customer relations.Most businesses small or large for profit or non-profit face similar issues and challenges such as cost cutting, running business more efficiently and of course the big one limited resources. 

 The main thing that needs to happen is to have an establishes channel of communication between management and employees and get a better understanding of how the organization works as a whole and how it can improve if all believe and understand the need for integration.

In order for integration to work everyone employees and management sometimes need to reorganize the entire company or one department at a time in order to respond to the needs of the customers.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Time Is Never Perfect Do It Now -Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends it has been a while since I wrote on my blog. The reason why is because we have had to move to a larger home due to my boys growing up. It has been a job just trying to make the time between my family and the move and keeping up with seminars and workshops whew!! But it was accomplished.
What I would like to talk about today is simple really. I would like to talk about how I was able to pull the move keep up with my work and family time during the move. You see when I am faced with an issue I welcome it because it is a new challenge that life brings. We can either become idle or do nothing or we can tackle it with vigor and beat it down until it is done.
I am not saying beat yourself down (laughing) what I am suggesting is that you take whatever issue you may be faced with and break it down to smaller goals and get them done one by one. My wife was upset that I did not hire someone to box our stuff and move them for us and I was like what!
I said let us look at this and perhaps a lesson can be learned and taught at the same time. She was opened to the thought so we moved on. We went to places to pick up boxes and took them home and had the boys tape them up to make them stronger.
The boys enjoyed doing this stuff and it was fun for me to actually see them do some work for themselves so there was the lesson for them and gave us something to really appreciate and smile about.
They are 12-7 and 4 years in age but to be honest they were so happy to do these things and help us and of course they were rewarded with some of their favorite dishes and hot chocolate and a few dollars here and there.
When you are faced with a problem that may seem you cannot do because it is to big well break it down to smaller ones and you will reach your goal.
Inn business my friend it is the same way, sometimes we are faced with issues that seem too big to do or face and guess what you take the above steps we talked about during the move and you can break them down into smaller pieces and get the situation or issue resolved. I understand that in business it is a more difficult task but it can be done.
               “Nothing Will Start Until You Take The First Step”-Luciano The Key Santini  

I have talked to so many business owners regarding this issue on facing issues such as customer service which seems to be the biggest issue with most businesses and why well it is simple (not Really) but it can be if the owner would take the time take an  inventory of his talent that he has employed and then make some tough choices that perhaps needed to have been made in the past so it would not affect his future of his business, but they do not do this because it has been to long or they have no idea how to that.
 The end result with not doing anything is that nothing will get done or accomplished and your customers both internal and external will suffer during this situation.
The other issue is how long has this been going on? If has been going on for a while the choices that need to be made become far more difficult because perhaps people have bonded or they have set in their ways and do welcome change. Sometimes one has to make some tough choices when it comes to family and business.

As you can see taking care of business is easy but you have to have a plan and a system in place to be able to figure out your issues and problems and resolve them. It can be and it will be difficult at times but they have to be made. The best way to accomplish this is either to hire a business coach to assist you with a plan or simply to take care of the issue for you.
Perhaps sometimes it can be daunting to capture this way of thinking but if you want your business to flourish then you have to make some tough choices.

We at Santini Self Development Enterprises will bring results to you whether in personal or business life so you can live the enriched life that you deserve.
Give us a call if you ever have a need for either personal or business assistance and let us bring you some results because after all is that not what you want!!
Phone: 818-970-5922 Email:
“Remember that one cannot wait for the perfect time to reach a goal because if you do you may never find the perfect timing but one thing for sure that you will find is the end of time”-Luciano Santini