
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership expert trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership expert trainer. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2019

Never join Hive minded people to promote!!!

Hello, my friends, it has been a little while. 

I was thinking today regarding the checks and balances for those people who think they are leaders because the position was given to them and currently hold. What happens to those below them when they are treated wrong by these guys? 

If they complain they get so much runaround that after a while you start to believe that you are the issue when in reality they have confused you by there training which is bullshit!! When I was told this information from a mentor of mine I was like what? 

But it was recognizing someone who holds you down, your expertise and education to a low regard  for no other reason than their preconceptions about who you are because you are not a yes man when a person is faced with such an issue this will force you to understand that so much popular information is shared only with those who are like-minded or part of what I like to call the hive mentality. 

Why continue to waste your time and energy that you need help with upper mobility when you already know it is not going to happen no matter what you do knowing the fact that there are no checks and balances for these upper so-called leaders and consider themselves untouchable or are they?


Saturday, August 2, 2014


Good morning everyone that reads my sometimes crazy blog postings but hey I say! If I was conformed to the world I think I would be boring and just no fun so then I say never conform and what what you think is the right thing to do and then well just do it!!

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend over a cup of coffee and he said to me you know my friend I really want to be rich and I said yea me too! I asked do you have a plan and he said no. I sad well I do and I will share a portion of it with you. I have written many short stories or many saying from an old mentor who has been gone from this world for a while and yet his words ring true around the world. I seriously want you to read the following words of wisdom and yes create your own vision of what you want and how you want to get there.

Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches. 


In business and in many organizations believe that they have been prepared for change in this world today,however I find that they are not and so when I consult companies large or small I find that they are lost. They are lost because they simply do not have a clear understanding of their vision and or mission. I have seen the visions and mission statements on walls and plaques and yes they look real nice on the wall or their desks.

 I being me I will always ask so what does that mean and wow the answers I get are daunting to my ears because they have no understanding and these guys or gals are the leaders leading the departments.
So You Call Yourself A Leader HUH!

Organizational psychology is the section of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. Often referred to as I-O psychology, this field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related issues such as the physical and mental well being of employees. Industrial organizational psychologists perform a wide variety of tasks, including studying worker attitudes and behavior, evaluating companies, and conducting leadership training. 

The overall goal of this field is to study and understand human behavior in the workplace. The key to all this is simple really but you have to have a clear understanding of human behavior thus UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE AND THEIR NEEDS!!!

  • Employee Hiring: This area involves bringing new employees to the organization with the understanding first that people are looking for a job and second understanding their needs and how they will fit in the department and with current employees and not because they know how to fill out forms and read manuals. 
  • We can teach anyone to read manuals and fill out forms and be precise but what you cannot teach is what I call OT© Luciano Santini OWN Thinking is where an individual is asked a question and he/she answer the question but not the usual conformed answer but an out of the box answer and you the interviewer has no idea where that came from and so you pass this individual for someone else who gives you the conformed answer who everyone would know and answer and because you the interviewer have been conformed you go with it  and hire that person and well six weeks later you see the same cycle and wonder why there are no changes in the department helllloooooo. 
  • Performance Management: This where our fearless leaders are supposed to determine if employees are doing their jobs well.but if the leaders never get out from behind their desks and engage with employees and their clients how in the h@#$@%%@$ll are they supposed to know if their employees are doing well in there tasks.
  • Organizational Development: I believe to always work on how to improve the organizations, often  through taking a good look at how processes have been and how they should be and make the changes through streamlining improving the organizational structure.
Let Us Talk About Your Business
 During my research I found that Our world is in constant change to the extent that most people no longer have an open mind about it. Most people want it to stop. Many organizations when they feel that they are failing they will bring someone new and begin to place new changes and when the new changes begin to fail again well it become easy to blame the staff or outside constraints such as legislature or management.

What about transformational change the results from structural equation modelling reveal that the transformational leadership style influences followers’ attributes of work engagement. The direct relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement was found to be partially mediated by employees’perceptions of meaning in work. This means that if our leaders do not engaged with the clients and the employees their perception then becomes that of not caring and not knowing.

The first transformational change is to influence, which is a leader’s ability to build loyalty and a following without thinking for their own self-interest, however I also find that most people in leadership roles have no idea how to influence rather they lead by power of position which is the worst thing that a leader can do if they want staff to follow. thus staff will not  identify with them. 

The second change is inspirational motivation, which involves a supervisor’s ability to create a vision that appeals to followers and makes them a significant part of the organization what I find here is the it is a proven fact that self motivation is one of the most difficult things to achieve and so if the leader has no self motivation and he/she is expected to make the change it becomes a daunting experience for that individual.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Personal Accountability With A Smile--Luciano The Key Santini -- SSDE

Hello and good morning to all who continue to read and follow my blog. I really do appreciate the comments and the feedback that I receive from people who have new ideas and willing to make the change in their business or life. It is always a real pleasure to see a person make the change to better themselves. It is also the same when you see a business make the changes needed to make a better environment for staff.
 Be assured that you do not need to be the business owner of anything to take on personal accountability just do it with a smile.

Humans make things more difficult then they really need to be!!!
In today's world that we live in we have more and more choice about everything from raising our children to going to the movies. My friends please realize that at the same time we seem to have more distractions as well.
It seems as if the more we want to learn something the more challenging it becomes. The reason behind this is really pretty simple. You see my friends when we look a new challenge or a new process we are not looking at the change we are looking at the why change if you will. When we look at the why change in today's times we involve all of the technology we have thus making things so much more difficult.

Many times we find ourselves in a room with a lock and we cannot seem to find the key to open it and get out. The same happens in our minds open them to new ideas see things from a different perspective and there you will find the key you need to grow.--Luciano The Key Santini

In your business it is the same thing. You see when I coach a business I ask many questions but the first one is what strategies are you using to keep your customers happy?. I find that that most of the time people try to keep up with using the hottest and the most innovative technological innovations out there. There is nothing wrong with that however if we just go back to the basics in customer service and get into what it was like 50 years ago before all the technology we can see that life was simple and yet businesses thrived.

Hey I am just like the next guy I have a current phone and I love technology heck!! my kids have better phones than I do however I ask them to turn them off when we are at the dinner table or in the car why? so they can also learn to communicate face to face and see and feel and learn about others and not confine themselves to a world with no basic skills. Once people in general have mastered their basic skills then we can move on to the next level of expertise.

Take a test with me learn the basics in anything and you will find this to be true in mostly anything including relationships with loved ones and friends,goals in life and in your business.Let us keep it easy for ourselves and everyone else.

Share this with as many friends as possible

Life says, “make good or make room, but don’t make excuses.”

In today’s management parlance, “Lead , follow, or get out of the way.” When you are actively working toward a goal, there are no failures; there are only degrees of success. Choose to be a leader. Take the initiative. When you are faced with a problem or a difficult decision, don’t waste endless hours agonizing over the solution. If you analyze the situation objectively, you will always find an answer. Don’t focus on the problem; focus on the solution. Then get into action. As W. Clement Stone has often said, “The emotions are not always subject to reason, but they are always subject to action!”

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Having A Positive Attitude -Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends and here is a new banner that one of my friends made for my blog. Tell What you think. I think it looks pretty good however I want to hear from you my readers what you think? This past week has been a journey because learning is a never ending focus of mine and it should be your as well.

When we run across an issue or an obstacle we think about how we should face it! Do we  face it straight  on or do we do run from it? These are questions that not only people as individuals but business owners face as well.

The key think to all of this is having a positive attitude. When you have a positive attitude then you will always have an advantage over those that one have no idea what a positive attitude or know what having  one can accomplish but have no idea how to implement it. I have spoken to so many people  and asked them one one on the question. 

What does it mean having a positive attitude? Guess what!!! we all know what it means but some people do not know what it would mean to have one all the time even when things are going rough. I have to admit to you that sometimes it can be difficult and sometimes we as humans are tested in ways that seems like the world was dropped on our shoulders!! I understand that but remember this!!

Individuals with positive mental attitudes are never found in a rut.

Individuals with a positive attitude are those who somehow always manage to find something new and interesting even in the most mundane tasks. They don’t allow themselves to be bored, because they are always seeking ways to do things faster, better, and more efficiently. If you make it a practice to find better ways to do the same old things, you will soon be marked for advancement. You will be supervising others who are performing your old job because you’ve proven that you are a person who can be counted on to take the initiative and do what needs to be done without being told. 

When we want to be successful  we have to have a type of mindset that is unmovable. To be happy  and or successful takes a choice that we have to make.We have to take a real good look at ourselves and find what it would take to be either of the above!! We make the choice every year to start something new and we start with a bang but then a week or two later we slowly forget to finish I know you know what I'm talking about right RIGHT!!!

Wise Words  “The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we’ve already achieved them.” -Denis Waitley

Business can be an overwhelming venture for someone who has little or no experience,however sometimes those that no experience have success simply because they do not know the dark roads and thus they take risks. Sometimes we have to take risks and not always follow policies and procedures simply because sometimes policies and procedures are wrong and do not always work.

 I am in no way saying not to follow policies and procedures because they are in place because they do work what I said was that they do not always work and must be changed r tweaked a bit.
Let us talk about why small businesses fail; The first and most common is that people do not take the time to do the research if there is a real need for the service or products they are offering.

This is one of the most common reasons why small business fail; people start businesses because they want to do a particular thing or love a particular product.What is all comes down to is what you love or what you want , it is what your customers want and need so the question is -Do you have the product or the service they are looking for Do your research!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

There is always time to change if you choose to-Luciano The Key Santini-

Good morning my friends. Today starts a short vacation and when I mean short I mean short because I am not really going anywhere but plan out 2014. We have to plan out our days and our future. There will be times that we will just get sick of and tired of doing the same thing over and over and you just need to make a change.

Luciano The Key Santini of Santini Self Development Enterprises
This year my plans are as follows. I will write two books one journal to help you reach your goals through my experiences and others experiences and the other will be a hot short novel about a ???????? that I cannot tell you just yet. I can only tell you that it will be a great novel one for the ages a classic or perhaps it will have a cult following who knows!.

As a businessman I can tell you that if you stop learning and reaching out to folks in your community and your industry well you will not be around for very long. .

I find that many times there are so many little issues that will grow into big issues simply because someone did not follow through or there was a mix up in communication or simply confusion on he said she said scenarios. I want you to always remember one very important thing and that is (You can always make a new start in whatever you want)

There always remains an opportunity to make a new start.
Though it may not seem so when you first encounter a serious blow, you can never lose two of the most important assets you have. These are the power of your mind and your freedom to use it. Once you have turned them to understanding what laid you low, you can begin forming new plans. You may not have the money you once had; you may lack the allies you had cultivated. But you still have the benefit of a universe that eventually rewards honest effort, as well as gaining the experience of mistakes you will never make again. Remember, no matter where you are now, whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. 

One must always remember that we can make a new start at any point in our lives if we so choose to do so. Sometimes we run into issues or concerns that perhaps are to great for us and we may feel beaten up. There is always a way out whether it is through a gathering of friends and talk about it or simply have someone listen to you regarding the change that you would like to make. Change is a good thing sometimes that is all we need a small change in our lives

Communication is a very important component of life and to show my point I will share this quote with you which happens to be one of my favorites.

Robert McCloskey — 'I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.'

I want you to really think about this quote and what it means to you as an individual.

Communication is such a big part of business as well. Think about you  and your business if you have one and if not think about how communication has affected your life either at work or in your personal life.

Will you be able to make the changes in your life for 2014? What is your strategic plan to make it happen? What are you going to do to make sure it goes smooth?

 These questions are or can be real eye openers for someone who does not understand the issues when they come their way. Some issues can be overwhelming but one has to be able to fight through them and see the light at the end of the tunnel.Great success comes to those who have a plan and work it!!!!

We must all have a little something called Integrity-- Integrity is an impressive sounding word, one which people like to bandy about rather carelessly. Unfortunately, very few people really understand what the word means, and even fewer practice it — including, and especially, those who expound on it the most.

Integrity is adherence to your code of moral values. It's one thing to talk about moral values, but quite another to consistently adhere to them. By Robert Ringer

I want to thank you all for making my blog a huge success and would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2014.
Please follow me on face book and send me your comments.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Business Sense And Communication--Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Well hello everyone and here we are on a beautiful morning that I have been waiting for all week.  Last week on Thursday I was asked to speak at a business school. The Santa Barbara Business School in Santa Maria. It was a real pleasure to do so and it was fun.

I find that solely speaking to people in general about a subject and not about their dreams and goals well to me personally show that we as individuals do not care for other human beings. I opened up the class with having the students allow me to ask certain questions about their dreams and goals.

I was so surprised as how they opened up  about their dreams and I said WOW!!! I explained to the students why I do this and of course they asked me why. I asked each one of them- How many times have you been asked about your dreams in the last month or less and for that matter any of you in the class.

Guess what the answer was-The answer was NONE!!!

You see whether as an employer or an employee we need to ask our employees about their dreams and their goals and if we can help that process to get them in the right track then we do it we just do it and it can be as simple as getting them to think about them ( Dreams) 

We then spoke about human resources and the business side of that course. It was a fun class to speak to.

Now let us talk a bit about business and how sometimes creating requirements instead of meeting the needs of clients become an issue.Oftentimes those who develop requirements for collaboration platforms aren’t the same people who are going to be using them. Requirements are usually put together in the form a big list which someone can go down and check off. 
The problem with this is that it is created but never tested or tried out before implementing.
Then if any issues arise in the future such as employees not using the tools, those who developed the requirements can say, “we checked off everything you asked for, it’s not our problem.” I have seen this before and well the creators brush it off and just blame others when in fact it was created by top management individuals.

This is a situation I have seen many times and the problem is that many of those responsible for these initiatives aren’t looking at the big picture, they are purely focused on the  requirements instead of actually understanding the problems that these ideas need to solve and how employees are going to use them.

 When top management does not communicate the issues to employees to inform them of any new developments then they are kept in the dark thus causing resent and resistance. 

Communication is crucial.

In other words when something is created without in put of the actual people who are the front lines OOOPS you are on your own that will be the answer you will get from top management.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

If you have no idea what you want to achieve what do you think you will achieve--Luciano Santini

Good morning my friends and clients. This has been a great week. I have done some great speaking events that has given me the opportunity to create some great relationships.

 “The greatest thing about being in the speaking business is that it’s not over until you die”

This was a motivation speech on how to motivate your employees for the Economic Advisory Council in Santa Maria California. It was great turn out and the questions were awesome straight from business owners both small and large. To have such an array of people from different businesses and asking some questions that I had not ever thought of was an awesome experience and yes I am very grateful for giving me the opportunity to learn from them all.

If you don’t know what you want from life, what do you think you will get?
The great majority of people in the world drift through life, never realizing that their future will be the one they create for themselves. The minority who achieve great success are people who know what they want and have a plan for realizing their objectives. They know what they want and how they are going to get it. 

Your goals should be specific, they should be measurable, they should have a deadline for their achievement, and they should be divided into manageable pieces. Know exactly what you plan to achieve, when you plan to achieve it, and how. Review your progress regularly, correct your course when necessary, and never, ever give up. 

I spoke a bit about how to turn your dreams in to reality and how to bring them into your individual world so that you can begin to create them in front of your eyes. People still have to learn how to do just that. We as individuals believe we know it all. I find that when I challenge someone either in my personal life whether one of my children a friend or a perfect stranger I find that we believe we have it all figured out and guess what the world will figure us out before we figure the world out!!.

The great thing about understanding human behavior is that we are not all the same. We have different values some better than other and we do not come from the same cultures and we have different ideas of the world and what it should be.  As human beings we are strange and weird. people always tell me that I am somewhat weird and I sat WHAT!!! me no way and then I listen to my speeches and think to myself where in the world did that come from! I guess I am weird ha ha ha.

Let us talk about business. In business yes it is very important to keep your employees happy and create a culture they not only want to work in but want help create themselves and continue to create. Many owners believe that everyone they hire is a great hire WHEW!! I wish that was the case but the truth we make mistakes don't we and the answer is of course we make them all the time.

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." - Stephen Covey 

Normally I do not like to say these things but today I believe we all need to hear it. The fact is, no one can do more than one thing at a time. Multi-tasking is a bunch of B.S. You can either choose to accept this or you can forever put yourself at the mercy of that "feeling" that tells you you should be getting MORE done at any one moment than you are. 

We have to understand this because if we do not we will end up in a mess. Learn to do one thing at a time but do it right so that you do not have to go back and re-do it again. If you have to go back again guess what you have been wasting your time HELLO.

Have you ever noticed how a person reacts to something that happens and comes out of nowhere? How do they react to the action or situation. Believe me I know what that feels like but I stay calm and collected and think before I react. I have seen many people loose it in different types of situations and I have to say that most of them have been pretty ugly, I guess the point that I am trying to make here is that when something pops up and puts you in an awkward position stay calm and collected and think before you react.

Your Solutions Provider and remember I am here to serve you.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The unorthodox way!!By Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning to all who read my blog and thank you for all your inspirational comments you make on my postings. It is always a great pleasure to write for all of you.
Today I will start with some great wisdom from of course Napoleon Hill;

The quality and quantity of the service you render, plus the attitude with which you render it, determine the amount of pay you get and the sort of job you hold.

The people who are promoted to the best positions in the company are those who make it a practice to go the extra mile, to do more than they are paid to do, and to do it willingly and cheerfully. You take the first important step toward determining your own future when you make the conscious decision to approach every task with a positive outlook and to stick with the job until it is done. 

If you find this attitude difficult at first, you’ll discover it eventually becomes part of you. And after you begin to realize the benefits that accrue to you because you are known as someone who always gives a little extra, you wouldn’t consider doing things any other way. 

I truly believe that when you find your passion for whatever you have discovered life becomes an open book for you because you will see what you want and what you believe to be your destination. Life is not an easy journey to make but it can be very manageable and very interesting when you start to see things from a different angle.

"Life Becomes An Open Book Once You Realize Your Passion"-Luciano The Key Santini
I will say to all of you that life is what you make of it. There is one thing for sure that I am absolute about and that is that in order for you to be successful at whatever your passion is that you will have to roll up your sleeves and work hard. The words I use when I facilitate a seminar or workshop is this:

No one can guarantee anyone's success or define your success only you the person that desires success can create the road or plan to accomplish and reach that end result.

One thing I will also inform you of and that is that once you have decided your passion and ready to go after it then you have to start to realize that this will not be an easy road because once you commit you have made that commitment to yourself and no one else so in a nutshell my friends once you have committed then it is time to run with it and never stop when obstacles come your way but push on through the fog until you begin to get a glimpse of that goal and see till the end and that is how you win!!!.


We as humans beings sometimes find ourselves in a conformed situation and become afraid to o make any type of change to reach our goals. You need to ask yourself some serious questions in regards to what it is you really want and some of these questions should be:

What do I want to change?
Am I willing to make the efforts for the changes?

These are just a couple of questions that we need to answer in order to start the process of reaching our dreams. When we decide to make a change we also need think about how it is going to affect those around us. Sometimes in life we need to make some drastic changes that perhaps we are not ready to make but make because we believe they are the right ones at that moment.

There will always be moments in our lives when we make the wrong choices however we need to look at all the wrong choices and believe me I have a made a few myself ! The key is to make sure that we learn from the wrong and in the future when we try it again we have a learned a lesson from them.

A few tips on business the unorthodox way!!By Luciano The Key Santini

Ok You want to start a business---Then do it!!
You need License--Then go get one!!
You need Experience--Then take risks!!
You need money--You only need enough to start!!

You need a coach--Find someone who is already there!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Management and how it has changed over the years

Good morning my friends and how are we doing this beautiful Saturday.It has been a wild ride for so many people that have been living through this economic roller coaster. 

Faith is a combination of thoughts and actions.

When you apply your faith in yourself, your faith in your fellow man, and your faith in God, the result is a positive course of action that when persistently followed will almost always lead to success. When you believe in your ideas and in your abilities, and you trust in the Infinite Intelligence of the universe, you know that your thoughts and deeds will ultimately lead to a successful conclusion. You cannot fail. 

Let us talk about management and how it has changed over the years. I have had many conversations with managers from different industries and I have to say the stories they have told me have made me cringe and laugh at the same time.

The job of a supervisor or manager is to create an environment that brings the best out of your employees. The best managers to be honest with you believe me the top managers above the lower level ones know who is good at their job and perhaps sometimes they will not admit to themselves for whatever selfish reasons they may have but who cares!! As long as you do your job well.

 These managers should utilize and let them solve their issues. You should allow your people to open up their minds and teach them how to find solutions on their own and once you allow them to do so they will flourish.

How  and when do you encourage people? When you are a true leader and I am not talking  about a manager, I am talking leader and leading. If you are a true leader then your job should be to assure your lower level managers and staff members that their energy is placed in the right direction to assist your organization  achieve the goals.

Today’s top level managers simply must absolutely be great leaders and the truth is that they are not most of them were placed in their positions because they have been with an organization for many years and well hello!! they hinder other to achieve.

What are true management skills simply put find a way to get the job done and sometimes you have to bypass the BS and red tape which means trying to make others feel important or make them feel useful although they are useless in the process of getting the job done!!!

How many of you out there have dealt with this kind of management COMMON BE HONEST with yourself!!!

Raising the bar is something many organizations must do regarding the standards work ethics that are accepted. Too many so called leaders  enable mediocrity.

I’ve seen many organizations and their leaders who believe they know and understand operations avoid trying to raise the bar on standards out of the fear of his or her inability  to teach or train their staff appropriately to rise to the new standards.

Leave me your comments.