
Sunday, September 1, 2013

The unorthodox way!!By Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning to all who read my blog and thank you for all your inspirational comments you make on my postings. It is always a great pleasure to write for all of you.
Today I will start with some great wisdom from of course Napoleon Hill;

The quality and quantity of the service you render, plus the attitude with which you render it, determine the amount of pay you get and the sort of job you hold.

The people who are promoted to the best positions in the company are those who make it a practice to go the extra mile, to do more than they are paid to do, and to do it willingly and cheerfully. You take the first important step toward determining your own future when you make the conscious decision to approach every task with a positive outlook and to stick with the job until it is done. 

If you find this attitude difficult at first, you’ll discover it eventually becomes part of you. And after you begin to realize the benefits that accrue to you because you are known as someone who always gives a little extra, you wouldn’t consider doing things any other way. 

I truly believe that when you find your passion for whatever you have discovered life becomes an open book for you because you will see what you want and what you believe to be your destination. Life is not an easy journey to make but it can be very manageable and very interesting when you start to see things from a different angle.

"Life Becomes An Open Book Once You Realize Your Passion"-Luciano The Key Santini
I will say to all of you that life is what you make of it. There is one thing for sure that I am absolute about and that is that in order for you to be successful at whatever your passion is that you will have to roll up your sleeves and work hard. The words I use when I facilitate a seminar or workshop is this:

No one can guarantee anyone's success or define your success only you the person that desires success can create the road or plan to accomplish and reach that end result.

One thing I will also inform you of and that is that once you have decided your passion and ready to go after it then you have to start to realize that this will not be an easy road because once you commit you have made that commitment to yourself and no one else so in a nutshell my friends once you have committed then it is time to run with it and never stop when obstacles come your way but push on through the fog until you begin to get a glimpse of that goal and see till the end and that is how you win!!!.


We as humans beings sometimes find ourselves in a conformed situation and become afraid to o make any type of change to reach our goals. You need to ask yourself some serious questions in regards to what it is you really want and some of these questions should be:

What do I want to change?
Am I willing to make the efforts for the changes?

These are just a couple of questions that we need to answer in order to start the process of reaching our dreams. When we decide to make a change we also need think about how it is going to affect those around us. Sometimes in life we need to make some drastic changes that perhaps we are not ready to make but make because we believe they are the right ones at that moment.

There will always be moments in our lives when we make the wrong choices however we need to look at all the wrong choices and believe me I have a made a few myself ! The key is to make sure that we learn from the wrong and in the future when we try it again we have a learned a lesson from them.

A few tips on business the unorthodox way!!By Luciano The Key Santini

Ok You want to start a business---Then do it!!
You need License--Then go get one!!
You need Experience--Then take risks!!
You need money--You only need enough to start!!

You need a coach--Find someone who is already there!!!

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