
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Luciano ( The Key) Santini Reads ' Wasted Time Poem"

 Hello my friends and here we are again on a beautiful Saturday morning. I would like to dedicate this poem I wrote a while back to everyone who thinks they do not waste time. We all do it we just do not realize it. Take this poem and let me know what your thoughts are after you listen to it. 

 Every thought you release becomes a permanent part of your character.

Thoughts are things. Every thought you release — good or bad — is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. More important, your thoughts affect you. You become what you think about most. If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. 

Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.

I believe that we waste our time and energy on things that we should be aware of and should take a really close look at where we are sending this energy. In life we get caught up on our daily routines and sometimes we loose time and have no idea where it was wasted.

Establishing a clear system for communicating with the boss.
 I have never understood when someone has anything that is vital to a person or an organization and is communicated through an email. I have always trained managers and staff members that if it is a crucial issue that needs to be discussed it must be done either directly over the phone or in person but never on an email.

It is a waste of time and many times over I have seen it where the issue would be brought up again and again in a meeting.

I have one very important question for you my friends. Are you one that counts the minutes of each hour to make sure that you never waste time? I have always trained people to take action and create a sense of urgency all day when action items come their way get them done and over with.

If you would only realize that procrastination has another name
The thief of productivity) you will see the importance of not wasting time.Once you understand this concept you will see that you will accomplish personal goals and you will also get all your work done.

"Wasted Time"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

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