
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Top Expert Trainer Certified Business Coach/Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Top Expert Trainer Certified Business Coach/Life. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Mind Is Your Most Powerful Asset You Own-- Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and how are we doing today. I hope that this year has started well for both you as the individual and also for your business. I know how difficult it can be trying to get something started whether it is personal or in business. As an individual it is your job to keep a positive attitude at all times and yes it can be challenging of course it all depends on the situation.

As an individual you need to look at whatever the situation is from a perspective of what it is and what it means to you. If you look at the situation in the regard then you can pretty much see the issue and now you can make a plan that works for yourself and fix it. I know what you are thinking sure if it were that simple and guess what I get that it is not an easy thing to do however you must realize one thing and this is extremely important to understand from the beginning. 

One that life is not fair because I hear that almost every time I assist someone with their dreams and goals. You have to understand that the mind does not differentiate from wrong thinking or good thing from a positive attitude to a negative attitude. If you as an individual can see and understand what this means and are able to know when the negativity is setting in then you have won part of the game already.

You have to understand how the mind works at least just a little bit and of course know who you are as a person. You must remember my friends that as a child you felt invincible and were not afraid of spiders per say up until began to grow up and started to see the reality of life that life was not fair. I know you remember saying this to someone at least once in your life or perhaps you say it everyday.. 

As you know I have studied Napoleon Hill for many years and have looked in depth at his way of thinking and I find his wisdom to be a learning experience. Take a look at this tip form him and let me know what you think of it:


Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results.

There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters.

 But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success. 

Read it and re-read it because if you can understand this with what I have written above the you will be to a great start and for sure a great day!!!!.


In the business world it is the same thing with a slight difference and that is that it is no longer just you because now you have staff to help and teach and train and then you have the most important thing mmmmmm oh yes your customers! which can and will make you or break you and your will.
Leadership means to lead through both the hard times and the good times and to be able to understand people and yourself and how to handle both clients and staff. The hard part is when you have to adapt to changes and perhaps you can do that with no issues but what about your staff. They will challenge you and resist. I can tell you right now and here that what I find is that people get fired almost immediately and my question always is why? The answers I get really piss me off to be honest because these people are the leaders operating the organization.

I start out with a few questions to these so called leaders;

Why are you wanting to fire these people?
Answer: Because they have no skills and they are lazy. This is perhaps the number one answer I get from leadership. 

My answer: Perhaps it is not they are lazy or do not have the skills, perhaps just perhaps you the leaders do not have the skills and are to lazy to realize what is happening. Yes they get upset but as a life/business coach it is my job to show you what is happening and sometimes it is not what you want to hear because you are the leader!! I get it and understand but you have to have the skills to understand both clients and people that work for you!! period.

Leaders loose focus and could be because of the pressures of leadership. Leaders cannot communicate and if they know how they do it poorly causing some major issues. Let me tell you one thing that I hope you understand if you are a leader in your company- Leadership is not an easy position it requires continuous training of staff monitoring and motivating which by the way can be the most difficult to do. Leadership must also have the ability to adapt to change and be able to implement any changes needed for the company to survive. 

The last thing that I will let you know is this because sometimes leaders in many organizations believe that what made the company or organization successful 100 years ago will continue to make it successful today and well sometimes what made is successful 100 years ago can bring about it failure today. Time have changed mindsets have changed and well people continuously change we need to adapt and quickly or be left behind.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Diplomacy and Fear--- What!!!!

Hello to all my followers and believers. I say it truthfully if you want to reach a goal in life  be true to who you are and never ever quit!!! Why is it that people believe that they can manipulate others? I believe that manipulation happens all the time but it happens when others allow it to happen. When people get caught doing such things they call it diplomacy. I love the word Diplomacy is a way of lying to get what you want.

 Diplomacy is a way of playing people as pawns in a game of life and to me it is a really bad way to build relationships because they are built on lies yes pretty sad when people in power positions uses diplomacy not in a good way. It also means a way as to attain one's own ends and yet avoid any unpleasantness or opposition. 

I always find that by understanding people just being able to understand people you learn so much from their facial expressions when speaking with them without ever asking any questions to probe into their life. I believe the human mind is the greatest tool ever and we all have one we just do no t use as it should be used. The mind is a powerful tool and will always be a mystery. 

A perplexity of the mind is  why some people who seem to have all the advantages — the right connections, and experience — never seem to reach their potential and have lived an unhappy life within themselves that it makes them sick with envy of others. They have a position of power while others who have had to struggle for everything they have reached incredible heights of success. It hinges on determination and being true to yourself. If you have the will to succeed, you will somehow find a way, regardless of the obstacles you encounter whether they are people who are quote unquote diplomatic and use their power of position for manipulation. 

No organization has enough experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to ensure a future, without the cooperation of their people. I find it remarkable in these times of forward technology how businesses believe that because they own it or have the money they can move forward without the help of people, I just find it amazing.I find it hurtful how when you have people who can move your company or department forward and businesses do not allow then to shine and instead hold them back because of personal issues.

These people will eventually leave or do just enough to keep their jobs safe. These type of people know when they are being pushed down and the truth is these people do not allow others to bring them down.
I have lead a few study groups where politicians have used these type of tactics on each other and the one who wins was the one that did not allow the other to bring him down.

Let us move on to FEAR and what is fear?
A very unpleasant or disturbing feeling caused by the presence or imminence of danger;
Some examples are:
  1. Fear … a little like the fear of a lover who realizes that he is falling out of love —May Sarton
  2. Fearcame and went like the throb of a nerve in an open tooth —James Warner Bellah
  3. Fearclutching at his heart … as if tigers were tearing him —Willa Cather
  4. Fearcompressed me like a vise —Aharon Appelfeld
  5. Fear fell [on crowd] like the shadow of a cloud —John Greenleaf Whittier
  6. Feargnaws like pain —Dame Edith Sitwell
  7. Fearing them as much … as a nervous child with memory filled with ghost-stories fears a dark room —W. H. Hudson
  8. Fear is like a cloak which old men huddle about their love, as if to keep it warm —William Wordsworth
  9. Fearlay on me like a slab of stone —Norman Mailer
  10. (In my body is a) fear like metal —Marilyn Hacker
  11. The fear of failureblew like a Siberian wind on our unprotected backs —John Le CarrĂ©

There many kinds of fears and there are many ways of conquering fear as well. If you know yourself and your mind and you can manage your emotions my friends you can beat all your fears.

It’s All About Control

Copyright 2015 Eric Barker. All Rights Reserved

When we feel in control, we’re not afraid. When we have a level of comfort with something, it’s not scary.
Anything that gives you a feeling of control over your situation helps you keep your cool.
Without a feeling of control, when stress gets high we literally can’t think straight.
Amy Arnsten studies the effects of limbic system arousal on prefrontal cortex functioning. She summarized the importance of a sense of control for the brain during an interview filmed at her lab at Yale. “The loss of prefrontal function only occurs when we feel out of control. It’s the prefrontal cortex itself that is determining if we are in control or not. Even if we have the illusion that we are in control, our cognitive functions are preserved.” This perception of being in control is a major driver of behavior.
This is why fear often seems so random and irrational. And why you’re often afraid of all the wrong things.

“Face your fears.” It’s a cliche. It’s vague and unhelpful. But it’s accurate.
You need to spend time with your fears. Get closer to them. Intensify them.
Only then will you stop being afraid.

Take a second. Think about your worst fear. Maybe it’s speaking in public.
So you’re speaking in public and everyone is utterly bored by you and not paying attention.
Hold on that for a second. It stings, but stay with me. Now make your fear worse.

You’re speaking in public and you wet yourself. Everyone laughs. It’s mortifying. But spend a second there.
Now make it even worse.

The whole thing is recorded and gets 3 million views on YouTube.
Stay with it. No, you’re not going to die.
Now relax. Just follow your breathing — in and out — for a few seconds.

You’re on your way to conquering your fear.
Sound overly simple? Nope. This is exactly what’s recommended by Harvard Medical School professor, Ronald Siegel.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Luciano The Key Santini-What Is A Super Business Coach

Hello and good morning to all around the world who continue to follow my posts and always great feedback--most of the time LOL but that is OK I would hate to bore you. This past week well it was a real busy one as I am sure it was for everyone. I hope that everyone in the world who may not celebrate Thanksgiving as it is here in the USA will still have something to be grateful for each and every day. I am thankful each and every day for my family and friends and for every single one of you out there in this world.

This is a fine world for the person who knows precisely what he or she expects from life and is busy getting it.

We are happiest when we are striving to achieve a goal. When we achieve one goal, it’s a natural human tendency to set another, usually bigger, one. W. Clement Stone calls it inspirational dissatisfaction — the letdown one experiences after a goal has been achieved and before the next step toward a new one has been taken. When you begin to experience that nagging feeling, it’s time to get into action! Make sure you have a long-range plan in place so that when one short-term goal has been achieved, there is a natural progression toward the next. 

It is a funny thing to try to achieve goals when we only believe we want to do something and yet it is only inside of our heads and the we sit and wonder why thing s never ever take place. In business it is called ( I have no idea what I am doing) In life it is called procrastination. What is the difference none really because they are both the same thing.

 When a business person procrastinate which means-Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the "last minute" before the deadline.

Once you have eliminated the thought of procrastination you then to think about what it takes to get the to end result. This will will take persistence and resilience on your part. We need to make sure that no matter what the obstacle may be we need to make sure that we have the mind set to continue no matter what that obstacle may be. 

Once you face the obstacle you then will need to understand that you will not make excuses to forget about it and wait for another day,  My friend you must become resilient to the thinking process because it will hinder you and place you in a place where you do not want to be.

This was a great day
 In business when we feel that we need to move forward to accomplishing a goal be better customer service or leadership skills training for staff or self we sometimes find ourselves lost wondering what needs to happen because your customers hate the service you are giving them. 

I know that this happens because so many times because I deal with start up business owners all the time and find that when they face this dilemma they have the most difficult time asking for help or assistance from anyone. I have talked about this reasoning many time in the past. This is one of those touchy things that as owners we feel we need to manage ourselves because we feel that no one else can manage our responsibilities.

The main thing to do is to train someone to do what you were doing prior to the obstacle coming into play and started to affect the business side. I have worked with many owners that tell me that they will never find someone to run the business the way they do. 

One of the best ways to accomplish this is by appropriately positioning your business will enable enable you to show your clients what your company is all about. This will enable you to communicate a clear message to everyone both internally and externally.

 Many parts need to be in place for a super business coach to be recognized as an expert at business coaching and  most clients are dependent on a known reputation of creating great relationships and creating a  mutually profitable relationship with a customers.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death that's all -William Goldman

Good morning to everyone and I hope that everyone who celebrates Halloween had a wonderful day and took in lots and lots of candy. We took our boys out and well yes they took in a truckload of candy and yes of course we walked around with them and yes it was lots of fun but the most important part was when we have to check candy and of course the technique we use is that the larger candy have to be inspected  because those are the usually the ones the parents like the best :) right yes of course we are right.

I think that in business specially the smaller business owners are a bit afraid to give candy and or promote their business due to all kinds of stuff that could go wrong and yes it is understandable, but sometimes I have also seen small businesses take advantage of such holidays to self promote the heck out of the business. This is a time when you know parents are coming with their kids and what better time to hand out menus or candy with business cards HELLOOOOO!!! this is just one way that I help small businesses promote their products or services.

 I know that sometimes in business specially when one is starting out and you have your heart poured all into it it becomes a daily struggle just to survive and most people just give up or become mediocre with business and in life and thus conform to what they fell is great and plateau there and stay.

"Preantepenultimate" I did not even know this word existed! Holy Sh@#$$!. It means to come in fourth before last! I find that many people give up because they loose sight of life and loose that special push they so badly need to move to the next step but never happens because they have given up. I also find businesses fall into the hole when they feel that all has to be perfect or else failure will creep in. Take a look at these two quotes;

 "Perfectionism has nothing to do with getting it right. It has nothing to do with high        standards. Perfectionism is a refusal to let yourself move ahead." -Jennifer White

   Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death that's all                        -William Goldman

Life is not fair and we all have heard this many many times over and over and over-Well people get over it!! Life is not fair so stop complaining because to be honest with you and in your face! You need to sit back and think about why you are there or in a place you wish you were not. I know from experience that when one does ill to another person no matter how small we might think it is it always comes back and let me tell you I am not perfect by far and so I changed the way I think of others and the way I think of myself.


Yes it took a long time for the stars to align with me but they did and well I worry less about what other say or think and at the end of each day I go into what I call purgatory and take each hour of the day to see if I did anyone wrong and if I did I will call them and apologize and my day becomes so much better. Try it sometime it works. This might sound weird in some ways I am sure of it but what i can tell you is that it does work.

If you are sure you are right, you need not worry what the world thinks. If you are ever to achieve noteworthy success in your life, you must be willing to stand apart from the crowd. Success is something that is achieved by the minority, not the majority, of people. You will also discover as you climb the ladder of success that there are many who, out of jealousy or envy, will belittle your achievements. Nevertheless, if you have the courage of your convictions, nothing can deter you from your course. You develop confidence in your beliefs by doing your own thinking and by constantly testing and revising your knowledge. 

Use W. Clement Stone’s R2A2 Principle to Recognize and Relate, Assimilate and Apply information from any field to help solve your problems and direct your thinking. 

What others think of you is important, as long as it coincides with what you think of yourself. If you are recognized by others as a positive person who always makes an important contribution, you will be in demand, for there are never enough such people in any organization. Your co-workers will value you, your customers will appreciate you, and your boss will recognize and reward you if you stick with it. You may not become an overnight success, but neither will you fail instantly and permanently. Make it a habit to go the extra mile with a Positive Mental Attitude.

A little bit on customer service
I Find that if you deal with clients and people in general you need to have some really great customer service because when they have questions you better have the answers they are looking for if you want them to keep returning so why not find the best person or business coach to help you get there and come up and train the best solutions for your business.