
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Living A Great Life Does Not Mean Being Wealthy

Good morning my friends how are we doing this beautiful morning. I remember when I was but a young man when I thought about what it would be like to be a motivation for other people. I remember reading so any books starting with The Richest Man in Babylon and few others. Now I was trying to figure it out because I loved to read but cared very little to make sense of it all.

"Living A Great Life Does Not Mean Being Wealthy But Creating Wealthy Could Mean Living A Great Life"--Luciano Santini

Motivating people has to be the most difficult thing to do actually my friends it is the hardest thing to accomplish. There has been many times when I meet someone who is always so negative and I ask them why? They never have a real answer other then they blame everyone else for their misfortune or their current situation.

You see it so much easier to blame others when we find ourselves in a sticky situation. I want to say it is human nature but the truth is that it is a choice we make. It is all about choices.

We all make choices and when they are good we are happy but when we make a bad or wrong choice oh man!! it was that guys fault or he/she made me do it. I love it because it proves that it is all about the choices we make. So simple and yet we do not have a true understanding of it all.

Today started like any other day. Woke up did my yoga and meditations and then wake the kids up get them ready to drop them off and then to work. I arrived at our destination like every morning to find out that we had received the wrong information last week.

I found that the place was closed and not opened like I had been told. I had to call in to work and ask them for the day off due to my kids and of course there was not an issue. I spent the whole day with them.

I took them to the park and played all day long well OK OK three hours straight. It was so much fun. There was some teens playing soccer and asked me to play but because of a groin injury I declined but my ten year old son screamed out well since my day cannot play I will play.

I have to tell you I was so impressed by this ten year old who actually played with these teens and some adults. He played really well.He has impressed me many times before but this time was different I saw a bit of myself in my son and it made me feel really proud. Never give up never surrender. He was pushed around and knocked down but he kept getting up and playing.

In business well I find that sometimes people feel like they have reached their final round in the fight of business and I am here to tell you that that is just the beginning of the journey. I have assisted many businesses and I always seem to find the same problems. What must I be speaking of well let us see;

To much time at work making sure all is well:
Employees do not understand my clients;
My clients are complaining to much;
My employees cannot work as a team;

My friends I am here for you and I am here to serve you whether  as a life coach or a business coach just call me or facebook me or find me on Linkd-in.

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