
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Life Reality Theory Experience Which Will Help You And Your Business To Better Performance--Luciano The Key Santini

Hello and good morning to everyone. I was thinking what will I write about today and well this is what I came up.

Performance appraisals are they fair? Some people might think that this my way of thinking and it is not I do research and talk to many people in high positions in companies and this is how I come up with solutions not theories to help them gain an upper hand in their community or in their lives and if they do think that this is my way of thinking I will laugh and as I always say-I can only control me myself and I and what other people think  or say is all on them and their insecurities.

Well to begin let us take a look at what they should be? Well the truth my friend they should not even exist!. I understand there will always be a need for top managers to have something in place but it could a real conversations with people and the top being CEO'S and so on must be able to have those real conversations with people and be real and authentic. 

I find on my research that most people during interviews regarding their performance reviews are already aware of what they need to do and say and yet be afraid to say the truth about matters in the organizations that might really be troublesome.

Most of the time performance mean nothing to a smart and educated and most important experienced manager or CEO simply because they already know what the outcome is going to be coming from management above them.

Here are just a few of thing that go wrong when upper management sit down with someone who they know has much experience. They already know they are not going to get the outstanding and the great check marks and they accept it for what it is. They the managers who just received this sh!@#$%%^^s will walk out of the meeting laughing to themselves in a WOW! but I am OK and will continue doing my job to the best of my ability.

 Why such a great attitude? When I have done surveys and spoken to so many managers during my research they all seem to say the same thing. I have two choices they are either I continue my job until promotion happen where I can really make the changes where I can or I can leave as soon as something better comes my way.

I also know that there is a central tendency which means upper management will almost always rate employees close to the midpoint of the scale which is always irrespective to their true performance. I want you to think what this does to an experienced person

This will if an inexperienced employee could hurt feelings, bring their self esteem down create an insignificant feeling of fear which really does not exist. This will also cause low morale among that individual. This performance review will also fail nine out of ten time the intended purpose which is supposed to be to develop a person. They are also counter-productive to the organizations values simply because the people giving it does not understand the value of that person.

 In an article by (Tony Juncaj) He says these reviews will fail because the way they are structured will violate the common sense.Do you think a person will commit to something if you force them to do it and hold a gun to their heads or if you invite them to do it? This why we have those conversations in the washrooms because we do not dare say anything that will offend the boss.

A friend who does research specifically on this subject says the following:
Talking about performance once a year is a waste of time. It needs to be a constant, ongoing discussion for habits to change.
 Managers never saw the value in their own reviews. I’ve found that if you don’t have a good experience in a process you’re expected to perform for others, you most likely won’t do a good job yourself. This was certainly true in our situation. I reviewed our supervisors poorly, and they in turn did an even worse job with their direct reports.

 We never saw results. This is the big one. If we had seen a payoff from the time and effort we put into reviews, our management would have been more enthusiastic about the process and more willing to invest the time.
I’m sure there are some companies that have had good results with performance reviews, but I haven’t found any — at least none with fewer than 200 employees. I always thought there had to be a better way, and I think I’ve found it.

In the past two years I have been working a new process that I call persistent  coaching which I will discuss on my next post.

Dan Bobinski

 Show me one person who received useful feedback from his/her performance review and I’ll show you nine people who didn’t. In fact, you are probably one of those nine. According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management, 90 percent of employees say that performance appraisals are not only painful, they just don’t work.
Here are just a few reasons why I think performance reviews are problematic, and more importantly, what you can do differently:
Problem 1: Most reviews are written using generic forms. These forms usually include sections titled “communication,” “punctuality,” “enthusiasm,” “knowledge,” “quality,” “team work,” “growth potential,” “leadership,” “policies and procedures,” etc., etc. Granted, the idea behind generic forms is to create fairness, but the simple truth is that jobs are too diverse for the generic approach to be effective.

 Bigger problem: Most reviews are written annually.  This requires a manager to reach back into 12 months of memory and try to remember all aspects of a person’s performance. Usually what happens is only the highlights are remembered (be they positive or negative). If the manager and employee are friends, scores are easily inflated. If not, the manager may emphasize the negative and that become the focus of the review. What’s missing? The small service projects, the extra time spent helping a co-worker, or the training classes that were attended on the employee’s own time.

 How can we fix these issues in your company simply give me a call or via linked in or email. Link up with me and we can talk yay!!! Problems will always be there and employees will always present challenges to either themselves or to the employer; The question is who do you go to for true advice not the B!@#$$%%^^&t you hear about or theoretical stuff I know I know we went to college to learn this but the reality is that what you received in school was all theory: THIS IS THE REAL WORLD BABY!!!

  The richest persons are those who give most in service to others.

Financial wealth is only one measure of success. The truly happy and successful individual is the man or woman who is healthy, financially secure, challenged in his or her career, and is making a difference in the lives of others. It isn’t always easy to render service to others. The world is a cynical and dangerous place where others are likely to mistrust your motives. They can be convinced only by consistent, sustained, outstanding service that is enthusiastically and cheerfully offered. In time, even the most cynical individual will come to accept your willingness to go the extra mile if you are sincere in your offers of assistance and in the service you provide.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello and what will the new year bring my way and your way? What a great questions that is. This is a question that will either get us to think about where we are or get us moving pretty quickly depending on what kind of goal we have set for this year.

Is it money? Do you have goals for either yourself or for your business? You see friends it does not matter what it is. This question only matters if you have already set into motion what it is that you want to accomplish this coming year. While it is true that perhaps you are still thinking about what goals you would like to reach this coming year it i snot true that you will reach them if you are simply thinking about them still at this very time.

Now let us get to what we need to really talk about here today OK? Friends what will it take to reach a goal! It takes effort in the right direction it takes the willingness to take some risks! It takes the perseverance to keep moving forward until you get to the point of no return!!! That is what it takes!

It will take a support system either that you build with people that you highly trust or even just one person that can motivate you to never ever give up when it becomes tough for you to continue. You need that one person to hold you accountable that someone who will tell you keep going I believe in you!! It will be an effort of cooperation between you and them or you and that one person who has been yelling and pushing you to reach that goal, perhaps it will be me!!

 People are always asking me; (How do I get really good at this (whatever it may be?) The only answer I have for them and perhaps you as well if you happen to have this question is master the skill you are trying to learn be the best at what it is you love! Business owners ask me questions like; How do I get my employees to help take my business to the next level? 

My answer to them is very simple HIRE ME!!!just kidding!! I say to them that it can be as simple as asking them the very same question. Or hire someone to come in to help them help you the business owner understand the employees and what it is that they need to learn to take the business to the next level.

Here I am playing semi-pro football for the Phoenix a while ago that is me in the beanie hat with a written number 2

I learned that there is an I on team and would speak to the individuals on the team and explained to them what I meant. You see I stands for individual and if that individual does not believe in winning then the team will not win. Longer explanation later on another blog.

My friends when you feel down and discouraged think of this:

 If you become discouraged, think of Helen Keller, who, though she was deaf and blind, inspired her more fortunate contemporaries through her books.

The life of Helen Keller is an outstanding example of the triumph of the human spirit over a physical handicap. Even today, decades after her death, her life stands as a beacon of hope for those who must constantly struggle just to perform routine tasks that most of us take for granted. Whenever you feel fate has been unkind to you, all you must do is look around you and you will begin to appreciate how fortunate you are. 

Make sure your life’s plan includes giving something back to the community without expecting anything in return. Giving time and effort, not just money, reinforces your connections to your community, provides you with concrete proof of the effectiveness of deliberate action, and reminds you of the inspiring power of determination in human endeavor.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do you know and understand you? If you don't neither does anyone else..

Hello everyone out there somewhere in the world. As always I want to say thank you to all my clients and connections here on this rock we call earth. You know I was thinking this morning about what it takes to be successful and to  be honest it takes lots and lots of hard work perseverance and lots and lots of knowledge.

Be aware that when I say knowledge I do not mean book or school I simply mean understanding what you want and where do you want to be and what do you want to accomplish. The know how needs to be about you the individual. Do you know and understand you? This is a very important questions because if you do not know who you are then guess what!! No one else does either.

This becomes like having a well written resume when you are looking for that job that you want to land. There will be questions about you asked during the interview and guess what if you do not know what you have written on your resume because someone else wrote it for you then you will fail in answering any questions.

Think about life!-life is the same way if you do not know or have any idea of what you want and where you want to go then you will fail because you are simply existing. My friends some people think that because they have lots of money they are happy and they may be and they may have a real handle on life and those that do I can tell you from being around many that have lots and lots of money are very well versed in life's experiences.

( Click on Brochure to read clearly)

Those that have lots of money but struggle with every day situations believe that money can fix it all and these are the ones that will fail once again because somewhere along their success they failed at learning the lessons that life has taught them along the way. What!!  WHAT!! of course we all do that at one time or another where we become successful and start to believe that money can fix it all or because the power that we acquire and not from money but from a high ranking position one might hold.

All these beliefs become a problem after a while because people loose their way and end up alone.

The mind grows only through use, and it atrophies through idleness.

Just as the physical body becomes strong through regular exercise, so does the mind require regular use to remain strong. Make sure that your personal development plan includes plenty of mental stimulation. One of the best ways to develop your imagination and visualization skills is through reading. 

As you read, your mind translates the words into images that help you better understand the concepts about which you are reading. Become a voracious reader. Read newspapers, trade magazines, self-help books, and novels; all will contribute to your store of knowledge and to your ability to visualize and more effectively use your imagination. 

I have found through out my life that our imagination is perhaps the most powerful tool that we have been given.Imagination can create and it can also destroy lives. Think about this for a while let sit in your mind and just ponder on this thought and write me your comments on your thoughts.

 I know that everyone in this world at one point or another we feel stuck and this is an awful place to be because you feel dis empowered and beat up because we listen to our past failures and thus making us live our lives in constant fear thus continue to fail in all that we try to do.  You will have to look outside of yourself and find that strength you need from within this will strengthen your being.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Santini-Self Development Enterprises

The Thanksgiving Holiday weekend is here.I want to take brief moment to say Thank You for being part of me and Santini Self Development Enterprises. Because of your Love in my work, I have been able to begin to have an impact on so many people around the world.

 I also know that this is just the beginning of my reach and impact, and I look forward to serving you as we continue on to change the world one mind at a time.

 Whether you are a blog subscriber who reads only a small percentage of my blog posts and take small bits away that you can use, or whether you've gone deeper into my work and we've participated together on any of my live seminar trainings I want you to know how much I appreciate our relationship at whatever level it is.

It is my hope to continue to build that relationship and to serve you and continue to be your solutions provider for you on a personal level or organizational level.

Thanks for being on this ride with me and best wishes for a Happy "Thanksgiving Holiday. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

We may fall short in our quest for our dreams but only when we leave them behind is when we will loose them.

 Good morning my friends and to all my readers and clients. Here we are on a beautiful Saturday and looking forward to the festivities that are coming during this month. I am trying to figure out what I am going to do this year for my birthday  which is coming up on December 25. I cannot believe I will be one more younger (LOL) Yes I am laughing out loud because I know you believe me yea right!!!

He holds the key to managing their mind and control their emotions can make some great changes for the future. The problem of course is if you do not have control over your emotions then what and how do you do it. Well friends good news because I am going to share some ideas. What do you thing about sitting down and making some changes to your mind during times when you are looking at some tough choices. 

What I mean is that it seems when we face some difficult times is when we seem to make the choices that we need to make because other times just seemed normal situations and guess what you are correct.

 We may fall short in our quest for our dreams but only when we leave them behind is when we will loose them-- Luciano The Key Santini

Here you will hear me speak about keeping your mind sharp and ready for changes. My friends tough times are coming for many this year and we need to be prepared simply to survive the chaos of life much less the issues that with a simple life.  we must hold on to our dreams.

I have a great question for all of you: Why is it that people get so upset when change comes our way why why why seems to be the big question. In life we as people feel that we should know what is happening tomorrow and yet we have no idea no matter we may predict it. I believe that we are wired this way because we are habit forming and we form our own habits may they be good or bad but usually bad. It is here where we let our emotions take over and allow them to run our lives. How do we act to change? here is an article from one of my mentors;


Emotions are sometimes strange, volatile, and unpredictable. They do not always respond to logic and reason. They do, however, respond to action. If you have occasional feelings of loneliness, discouragement, or discontentment, the best way to kill such negative emotions is to work them to death. Almost nothing is as bad as it first seems, and there’s nothing like a hard day’s work to put everything in proper perspective. When you begin to feel negative emotions, dwelling on your misfortunes only makes you feel worse. 

Do your best to put them out of your mind and think about more positive, constructive things. Physical labor can help. Choose a task that doesn’t require a great deal of concentration, and then focus on accomplishing the task at hand.

"I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth, will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy." - 
Og Mandino

Saturday, October 19, 2013

DISRUPTION WHAT IS IT!!--Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Hello and good day to all my friends and follower who read my blog posts. I truly appreciate all of your feedback because it makes me a better writer and am able to bring important issues to light as I am going today. Today I am going to talk to you about disruption.

What is disruption? Well it is a disturbing word to begin with but also a life changing word depending on how you look at a situation;

tr.v.dis·rupt·ed, dis·rupt·ing, dis·rupts
1. To throw into confusion or disorder: Protesters disrupted the candidate's speech.
2. To interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or procedure of: Our efforts in the garden were disrupted by an early frost.
3. To break or burst; rupture.
Imagine you are in what you might think to be in the perfect business or the perfect job or the perfect situation and suddenly your boss throws a wrench into your perfect situation that is a disruption in your life,because now you have to make adjustments in your life and you have to make new adaptations to your daily routines and if you have a family they have to make the adaptations and the changes as well.
Read again the above because the other truth of the matter is that your boss will probably not care about the changes you have to make and guess what that is just the way it is.
 This type of behavior is called changing someone life because you as the boss can make it so simply because you are in a position of power and there is some hidden benefit for them whatever that might be.
Let elaborate a bit more on this subject;
 Managers regularly acquire and use power. They do so deliberately and consciously as well as intuitively and unconsciously. Power-oriented behavior has an impact on managerial career progress, on job performance, on organizational effectiveness, and on the personal lives of employees. It involves the combined topics of power, influence, authority, and organizational politics. By John P. Kotter. AMACOM, 1979
What I have in bold is very important too understand because it really does impact people lives and though most manager do see it or they choose to look the other way and ignore it.
Let us say that you are this type of manager and you have a great relationship with another manager but you are at a higher level of manager and you make a change; The questions to ask are; 
How will this impact me personally and they way I run my organization?
How will this impact our staff? 
How will this hurt the relationship?
How will this change the persons life and his/her family?

When someone makes those type of choices for someone else and in all truth they can talk and gripe but will not be able to change it. You see you also have a choice and that choice is either make the change and adapt or move on, but if you love to do what you do then adapt and make the needed changes for you and your family.

In a business environment it is the same thing one cannot control the changes in the economy or who moves into our neighborhood meaning new businesses and so what do you do well the same thing adapt and make the needed changes that need to be made so that you can survive that simple.

These are called disruptions and so we as individuals must make the needed changes to be able to survive and in business you have to do the same thing make the changes and adaptations whether it means to hire someone with a new skill that you may need to make your customer service better then you do it.

"To Do The Right Thing Takes A Special Person To Do What Others Tell You To Do Is Easy Simply Because You Can Blame Them If It Does Not Work"--Luciano Santini

To throw into confusion or disorder:  (Example)Protesters disrupted the candidate's speech. I like that to throw into confusion or disorder well this goes on and on all the time. Make the changes and adapt and it will pass my friends in both business and in your daily life.

 There is something about truth that makes it easily recognizable by all who are searching for it with open minds.

Cookie mogul Wally Amos is fond of quoting the saying, “The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when opened.” When you open your mind to the possibilities, objectively analyze information, and refuse to allow your personal preferences and biases to influence your judgment, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. A closed mind, though, will cause you to miss out on some of life’s greatest offerings. If you find yourself disputing the facts, or if you keep attempting to revise them to support your beliefs, ask yourself, “Why am I so unwilling to accept this information? Am I being logical, or am I simply allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment?” The worst mistake you may ever make is trying to persuade yourself to accept a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you fool yourself, disaster is sure to follow.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Santini-Self Development Enterprises How Do We Act During A Real Life Crisis

Hello my friends,clients and all who read my blog. I started writing this blog and really try to bring humor and of course some really good business ideas and articles that may help your business or your person grow. This week has been a week of craziness is that a word craziness well yes I believe it is.

When thing get crazy and life begins to throw things at you that are really unexpected you go wow!! What do I do know? You tend to start to question yourself because sometimes things are not black and white. It is a funny thing when things begin to make sense but it is not so funny when the things that used to make sense start to not make sense then confusion sets in.

At this point you start to look for direction but there is no direction only confusion. This will be the time to sit and think up strategies to find a way to see the end result. This is the time find out where you are in life and where you want to go and be in the very near future.

How do we act in a real crisis situation? This is a great question for everyone is it not. You see we all act differently during a crisis or a situation that we have never dealt with in the past. The trick here though is to make sure that we do not panic and yes most people will panic in a state of crisis. 

What you need to do is take a few deep breaths and take a really good look at the situation and then look at it from different perspectives and take the best one and simply take action and if that one does not work then go to the next one but you have to stay calm and collected and then just make choices

Organizations are (sometimes) incapable of carrying out the strategies they have developed. Strategy is (too often) viewed as something that only senior managers and huge consultancies do behind closed doors. Strategy planning (often) takes place in a fantasy world, yet strategic action takes place in the real world. 

This fits right in with what I have been trying to make a point here.

A most beneficial use of time is silent meditation, while searching for guidance from within.

We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not boisterous and noisy.

 Getting in touch with your spiritual self demands tranquility and solitude. Make sure you dedicate a portion of every day to thought and study, to think and reflect upon your life. Choose a time and place that best allow you to relax your mind and devote your thoughts to reflection. 

Business and Strategies

Calling something “strategic” does not make it smarter. Only smart strategy is smart. Which leads to two important questions: Why don’t strategies (sometimes) work in the real world? And how can we make strategies work (more often) in the real world? by Max Mckeown

If you have ever been to Las Vegas It's difficult to find a clock in the Las Vegas casinos, because those casinos are designed to separate you from as much of your money as possible -- to make you a loser. And that is best done by dulling your sensitivity to the passing of time. The same principle applies to your business life. The surest way to be a loser is to be casual about time. By Dan Kennedy

I believe that when life gives us a situation that is out of our control seems to me that the only solution is to play along and come up with resolutions as we face each step along the way. The reason is because number one it is out of our control meaning we did not have any idea what was coming thus we must come up and think quickly on our feet and get our minds wrapped around the situation to be able to make a good or the best decision to resolve the situation.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Life Is What You Make Of It"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and how are you doing this beautiful Saturday morning. As for me well guess what making the move to Northern California Santa Barbara County where the weather is cooler and a better quality of life I hope YAY!!! Life is beautiful, I just believe that people in general make if difficult when they believe that they cannot change it when in fact they can at any point they choose to do so.

Well back to business and as a coach I am all about Heart. I love engaging people in general whenever I get a chance, and I find great reward in supporting the people around me as I move through making the change  in whatever solution is needed.  As a  Visionary, I am always looking forward to an inspiring future. 

I seem to have found a gift for seeing opportunity and planning for new situations, and I tend to get excited about what lies on the other side of a change.

I see change coming into my life and that is to help businesses in need that perhaps have never asked for assistance because they were embarrassed for whatever reason and to you my friends and future clients I say be who you are be yourself and just invite me for a cup of hot strong coffee and you will have my attention and we can talk about the future.

Last week I had the opportunity to meet the Mayor of Santa Barbara Helene Schneider a very strong woman whom I have the highest respect for. Helene is all about change and bringing new ideas to to her city of Santa Barbara. I want to say thank you to her for taking the time from her busy schedule to stop by and say hello.


As a Facilitator, I focus on the specific needs of individuals and specific activities they need to support their day-to-day routines  to lead the change. I know the tasks that need to be accomplished to make measurable progress, and for you to succeed to reach your goals and dreams.

 There is always a shortage of people who get the job done on time without excuses or grumbling.

If you really study those who have reached the top of any organization, you will find that they are the people who cheerfully accept challenges, take the initiative, and get the job done. They don’t complain, and they don’t make excuses. Those who never get anywhere in their jobs and careers can’t seem to understand that achievers don’t become achievers after they reach the top. They reached the top because of the way they conducted themselves along the way.

You can easily become one of those individuals who regularly advance in the organization — if you are willing to pay the price. Any good manager will tell you that the type of people who are most in demand are those who can think for themselves, who will take the initiative to do the right thing without being told, and who will stick to the job until it is finished. You can be one of those people if you choose to be. 

Check out this short little video and do not be shy to call me I am here to provide the solutions you need:I have to tell you one of my secrets and that is that everything and I mean every ting whether it is about life or a problem or a project it all fascinates me because I always want to learn something new or try something new!!.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Common Sense Is no Longer common Sense --Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano Santini

Good afternoon to all my friends who follow me and read my blog postings, I thank every single one of you and you are greatly appreciated.

Today I was busy early this morning and thus not able to post early so sorry for that but here is my post better late then never right right. Today I would like to talk about management. Why is is that certain people believe bad manage by power. What do I mean by that well let me explain.

I find that people who are very insecure about their position and in all honesty do not have the skills to manage efficiently will manage by power of position meaning that they are in a higher position then the staff members and thus will push them to do their will. I believe that this type of people should never have a position of any power at all. 

There are so many organizations who will promote persons who have no idea how to manage people at all and yet they get the positions why is that?

The answer is simple really: It is because the person placing the next person in charge can be manipulated by the higher ups WOW makes all the sense in the world!! great you understand and now the problems that could and will eventually arise from this are;
1) Staff becomes rigid and hard to to work with.
2) Staff will give everyone a hard time regarding work issues.
3) Management becomes micro management teams.
4) Managers in charge have no idea how to deal with their staff.
5) Managers become angry and seek revenge.
6) Managers begin to hinder work environment. ETC............. and it goes on until the business is ruined.

When is there value by making small choices

 Sometimes as small business owners we get caught in trying to make large choices and we so many mistakes, instead we should break those big choices into smaller ones and eventually get to our end result which will be that big goal we started with in mind if not many times we will fail.

If you go and ask the successful businesses in your area you will find that that is the only to to success.
If they decide to teach and train you: You will see that they never get excited over any changes that might come their way.


Today Napoleon Hills says:
Don’t blame children who are bad. Blame those who failed to discipline them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” Although children doubtless do not recognize it at the time, they crave discipline, particularly during their formative years. Discipline defines boundaries for them, provides security, and is an active expression of a parent’s love. Most important, it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. 

If your childhood was less than perfect, you are in good company. Most of us have experienced difficulties at one time or another, and we all make mistakes from time to time. 

The good news is that while your environment as a child will have a profound influence upon the person you become, it is not the sole determinant. The person you choose to be is entirely up to you. Only you can decide who and what you will become in life.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Leadership is an art that can be learned if you are willing to adapt--Santini-Self Development Enterprises

Good morning everyone and it has been a week again my my how time goes by when you are having so much fun!! I have to tell you that lately time has escaped me. I feel as if time has taken over my life! Oh yea it has LOL!! What I mean is simply this my friends.

 Leadership in small business is what I compare to a piece of fine art , because when you are operating a small business you have better have what it takes to survive and adapt at a moments notice to any changes in the economy or staff or politics WOW politics. if you are good at this art then your business will do well but if you do not have this art to a science or at least recognize it then find someone in the community who does or who can train you and your staff to move forward.

 In today's world of businesses and the changes that organizations expect from managers can leave them feeling helpless because of what the expectations are, such as ROI-driven objectives. Yet,  with the right people and correct training we can have those who can elicit unwavering support from their teams, completing  projects, and getting the best work from staff with increasing workload orders.

Sometimes we get so busy in our businesses that we loose track of time yes or no and of course the answer is yes!. You see we get so caught up within our business that we loose track of ourselves not of time. People will always tell you that they loose track of time but in all reality what they loose is not track of time because time is a constant.

I really want you to think about this because it is important that you understand this. What we loose is track of ourselves, we loose our awareness if you will and this is where we loose or feel like we loose time. We need to focus on our business and ourselves at the same time.

The universe knows that you deserve a relationship that is based on mutual respect and cooperation --  between clients and staff members and you do, too. The time will come in the future if has not already for some of you out there that might be struggling with yourself. My friends it time to make the changes that will get you where you want to get. 

You see in all of us there are two people within us the one we are now and the one we can become or strive to be. My favorite guy says the following and I agree of course.

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.
For an achiever, perhaps the most dangerous, most destructive habit of all is procrastination, for it robs you of your initiative. When you put things off once, it’s easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken. Sadly, the effects of the habit of procrastination are also cumulative. 

Its cure is obvious — action. You’ll be surprised how quickly you begin to feel better about yourself and your situation when you get going on something — anything. As British prime minister and author Benjamin Disraeli said, “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” 

 I will leave you with this and of course I always welcome your comments and suggestions:

When it comes to successfully leading  your organization or for that matter any organization the one question that keeps coming up is: Do you as a leader have the ability to lead change and manage it successfully?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"No Challenges No Progress"--Luciano The Key Santini & Santini Self-Development Enterprises.

Hello my friends and it has a been about a week now since I wrote on my blog and the reason being is simple just have been really busy in my new position and well it has been a bit challenging but as I always say 

"No Challenges No Progress"--Luciano The Key Santini & Santini Self-Development Enterprises.

You see when we have no challenges then there is no progress some people will agree and of course those that have no goals and are in their comfort zone and afraid for change well of course they will disagree with me and my simple rule YAY!!!! I love it!!!

 Sometimes in life we feel that the challenges that come our way are way to harsh to understand and difficult to get through but let me just say that nothing is going to change until you make it change and stick with whatever change that may be. Sometime we need to just take a look at any situation from a different point of view and say that is it and take the bull by the horns and make the change that is needed to make a better life for yourself.

 Business for Everyone who is a leader

Take a good look on how you are leading.  If you are a leader and you are not constantly improving  your skills there is almost no chance that you will increase efficiency in your organization or business small or large.You have to be able to do an analysis on yourself as a leader. 

Many questions one needs to ask and perhaps one needs to make changes such making changes with people and moving them where they can do the most.
If you feel that you are not an effective leader then two things must take place one learn them and implement as quickly as possible or let someone else lead.

You must take a good look at the procedures that are in place. One must take a close look at what procedures are working and which are not and make the changes asap or fall behind and play catch up every day. Take a close look at the processes that are outdated and only exist because they have always been done that way.

 Use your imagination for your good customer who believe in what you do. I always say to never ever assume that because you see you clients today they will return tomorrow. The winners will be the ones who are always looking for way to be more efficient and more focused.

Capabilities of your people and your organization
If you as organization is counting on the capabilities of your staff to build your business and to get noticed you will find yourself fighting an uphill battle and unable to look into the future with confidence.
Living without a definite major purpose promises nothing but a scant living.
You may get by in life without a Definite Major Purpose, but you will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Financial goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable. You should know what you plan to earn, by when, and how you plan to do so.

 The greatest advantage of financial security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, whatever challenges life brings, you are equipped to deal with them. You will be better at whatever you choose to do because you can focus on opportunities instead of struggling to eke out a living.