
Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello and what will the new year bring my way and your way? What a great questions that is. This is a question that will either get us to think about where we are or get us moving pretty quickly depending on what kind of goal we have set for this year.

Is it money? Do you have goals for either yourself or for your business? You see friends it does not matter what it is. This question only matters if you have already set into motion what it is that you want to accomplish this coming year. While it is true that perhaps you are still thinking about what goals you would like to reach this coming year it i snot true that you will reach them if you are simply thinking about them still at this very time.

Now let us get to what we need to really talk about here today OK? Friends what will it take to reach a goal! It takes effort in the right direction it takes the willingness to take some risks! It takes the perseverance to keep moving forward until you get to the point of no return!!! That is what it takes!

It will take a support system either that you build with people that you highly trust or even just one person that can motivate you to never ever give up when it becomes tough for you to continue. You need that one person to hold you accountable that someone who will tell you keep going I believe in you!! It will be an effort of cooperation between you and them or you and that one person who has been yelling and pushing you to reach that goal, perhaps it will be me!!

 People are always asking me; (How do I get really good at this (whatever it may be?) The only answer I have for them and perhaps you as well if you happen to have this question is master the skill you are trying to learn be the best at what it is you love! Business owners ask me questions like; How do I get my employees to help take my business to the next level? 

My answer to them is very simple HIRE ME!!!just kidding!! I say to them that it can be as simple as asking them the very same question. Or hire someone to come in to help them help you the business owner understand the employees and what it is that they need to learn to take the business to the next level.

Here I am playing semi-pro football for the Phoenix a while ago that is me in the beanie hat with a written number 2

I learned that there is an I on team and would speak to the individuals on the team and explained to them what I meant. You see I stands for individual and if that individual does not believe in winning then the team will not win. Longer explanation later on another blog.

My friends when you feel down and discouraged think of this:

 If you become discouraged, think of Helen Keller, who, though she was deaf and blind, inspired her more fortunate contemporaries through her books.

The life of Helen Keller is an outstanding example of the triumph of the human spirit over a physical handicap. Even today, decades after her death, her life stands as a beacon of hope for those who must constantly struggle just to perform routine tasks that most of us take for granted. Whenever you feel fate has been unkind to you, all you must do is look around you and you will begin to appreciate how fortunate you are. 

Make sure your life’s plan includes giving something back to the community without expecting anything in return. Giving time and effort, not just money, reinforces your connections to your community, provides you with concrete proof of the effectiveness of deliberate action, and reminds you of the inspiring power of determination in human endeavor.

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