
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership expert trainer.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational Speaker Expert Customer Service and leadership expert trainer.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What is true leadership and being able to really understand the meaning and the science behind the word Leadership!!


What is true leadership and being able to really understand the meaning and the science behind the word Leadership!!
As the world continues to develop, it is important to consider what our future may look like. With rapid technological advances, the world is becoming increasingly unpredictable and complex. This is where the concept of VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – comes into play. Understanding VUCA is essential to preparing for and navigating the future.

The future is likely to be characterized by VUCA. The world is becoming increasingly volatile, with rapid changes in technology, politics, and the economy. Uncertainty is also likely to be a major factor, as the future is impossible to predict. Complexity is also likely to be a factor, as the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Finally, ambiguity is likely to be a major factor, as the future is often difficult to interpret.

It is therefore essential to understand VUCA in order to prepare for and navigate the future. By understanding the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the future, we can better prepare for and respond to changes. We can also develop strategies to help us navigate the future and make the most of the opportunities it presents. Understanding VUCA is therefore essential to ensuring a successful future. #science #leadership #opportunities #technology #economy #complexity #future #drlucianosantini #evanstyleleadership #empathymatters

Sunday, March 15, 2020

We Must Live Our Lives not in fear but in faith.

We Must Live Our Lives not in fear but in faith

I understand the moments we are living because we are literally living in the moment trying to decipher what is going on. Most of us are not wealthy enough to stay home and play it safe and so I tell you just live our lives. Most of us have to work sick or injured to survive for the ones we love. Even if you take the protected route through, life, you may fail.

If you comply with your dreams, you would possibly fail, too. But, you may reap them – and that’s what may change your life forever. I could have been a Psychotherapist but I did not but I did make a safer choice I think (LOL) I am sure most out in this world did as well.

So lets us all be human and help thy neighbor if they need us whether we like them or not because if they cut themselves and we cut ourselves what comes out is the color red. We are all somehow tied to each other by the color red. too much media equals to much fear so follow your gut and do the right thing if and when you have to. Just as a great leader must do which is to do the right thing no matter what even it means standing alone. #leadership #leadershipdevelopmentcoaching #humanbeings #emotionalintelligence #businessleadership #empathy #transformational #feelvalued #psychotherapist #inthemoment

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Work,Promotions and Politics -What Not At Work!!! -Luciano The Key Santini--SSDE

Good morning everyone and thank you for allowing me to be part of your life. Life is and can be a funny thing at times. We are challenged every day and we will always continue to face challenges each and everyday simply because that is life. I believe life would be pretty boring if we did not have the challenges we face each day whether at home or work. The thing is that we must have the right attitude and create a positive one to takes through the rough times in life.

I will ask all those who read my blog as a business owner or a manager it really does not matter who you are but the answer will matter much in my continued research on the subject of leadership;

In a well-managed business, all promotions are self-made. The employer’s only part in the transaction is to check carefully to make sure the promotion was earned. The question is how many time do people get promoted in organizations and all staff roll their eyes way into the back of their heads and say-here we go again.

I find that there is a science and a formula to really and truly destroy the morale in an organization and that is The perfect formula for destroying morale in any organization is to create a working environment that leads employees to believe that the only way to get ahead is by playing politics. The best-managed businesses are those in which every promotion is earned and every qualified person has an equal opportunity to compete for it.

 If you’re a manager, weigh all decisions involving your employees on the basis of fairness. And if you aspire to be a manager, choose to work for a company that is fair in its treatment of workers. When you’ve earned your position through skill and effectiveness, you have the best job security.

Sound character is our greatest asset because it provides the power with which we may ride the emergencies of life instead of going down under them.
Without Positive Mental Attitude, life might be described as long periods of uncertainty punctuated by occasional emergencies that shake you to the very core of your being. The emergencies may be financial, personal, or health related, but each must be dealt with separately and swiftly. The surest way to deal with any crisis is to focus on solutions, not on the probable cause of the problem or who should be blamed for it. 

Conduct a quick damage assessment, take the time to think through the alternatives and their consequences, and then act to implement the best solution. If you deal with life’s emergencies as they occur — on your own terms — you will be a stronger, better person for having looked them in the eye and conquered them. 

How about at work? I know that sometimes facing issues or conflict can be pretty taunting with some people.
Conflict will happen when you work with people each and every day simply because of the differences we all have. It could be because we call come from different backgrounds or different cultures and we do not have an understanding of that individual.

As a leader on Leadership and Organizational Psychology I can tell you that most people focus on the persons personality instead of the behavior thus for will cause issues because they are to focused on the person and not the event or behavior so say there is an issue state something like next time when this happens and not when you do this! the latter becomes the perspective of someone telling an adult not to do like one would a child thus condescending causing conflict.

Begin with the importance of the issue  and focus on the future and create a plan of action to resolve the conflict.The most important hing to try to accomplish is to keep or create a collaborative attitude of lets make this work.

What about a contingency planning?
Cindy Phillips, Demand Media

First of all what is this plan well it is a  backup plan, activated in the event of a disaster that disrupts a company's production and puts employees in danger. The goal of the plan is to safeguard data, minimize disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible. A company may never have occasion to use a contingency plan, but it is important to have one, keep it updated and train employees what to do if the need arises.You know the old saying if you fail to plan the you are planning to fail.

Minimizes Loss

When a business experiences a disruption, whether it is a power outage or a natural disaster, a contingency plan helps minimize the loss of production. A contingency plan may consist of rerouting data, emergency generators for power, escape routes for employees and supervisory duties for contingency team members. Plans to get production up and running in spite of unforeseen circumstances can be the difference between a company that survives a disaster and one that folds. 

There may be a cost associated with devising a contingency plan and maintaining it, but when measured against the cost of production loss, it will be minimal.

Good communication and leadership skills are essential if you want to be a productive, effective manager. It’s not enough to be knowledgeable about what you do; you must also be able to share your knowledge with the people you manage. Developing your communication and management skills will help ensure that you are providing the type of leadership your employees need to help them succeed. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

"Never let the future scare you simply because you cannot see it but be prepared"-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

 I find that almost every business owner or manager that I train asks the same question: How do I motivate my people so that they can have fun at work and enjoy what they do?

Performance in the workplace and how do we as leaders and managers give our staff members the motivation and the feeling that leaders do care for their well being, One way is by authentically supporting them in areas that contribute to their overall well-being—are based on a set of scientifically validated strategies and tactics and being truthful and realistic with no lies but the truth.

 Organizations both private and non-profit that continuously develop strategies for the well-being of their employees have reduced turnover, achieved greater revenue, and gained higher profits  and creates greater productivity than those that do not.
 Creative self-efficacy relates to a person’s confidence in their ability to think outside the box or outside their comfort zone A person’s creative confidence is important because it directly influences the motivation and ability of a person to get stuck into creative problem-solving tasks.

 Resilience is all about a person’s psychological ability to work out a solution for a stressful situation. People who are high in resilience bounce back easily from disappointments and failures, and can remain optimistic when things are not going their way. I find that people with high resilience are deep thinkers and always looking for the solution needed to solve any issue. Being able to bounce back from rejections is critical to maintaining creativity and enthusiasm.
 Opportunity has a queer way of stalking the person who can recognize it and is ready to embrace it.

It is a curious quirk of human nature that some people can see opportunities, while others only see problems. When you train your mind to seek out opportunities, you will find that every day literally presents you with more opportunities than you can take advantage of. They will be all around you. Instead of your seeking opportunities, they will seek you out. Your biggest problem will be choosing the best ones. 

 The first step in making sure you are ready to recognize opportunities when they occur is to make sure you have a clear understanding of your own core competencies. Realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses as though you were reviewing the credentials of a total stranger. 

Identify what areas you’re best in and those where you need improvement. Work on your weaknesses and build upon your strengths so that when you recognize opportunities you are prepared to capitalize upon them.

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present." - Marcus Aurelius
Someone asked me to define truth and of course I did:

You see my friends the truth can be eye opening if you see it but if you do not see the truth then continue to live in lies. The issue is this!! That as individuals we know whether we like or not know when the truth is being told to us and you know it because something inside of you feels at ease or uneasy. The lies are complicated because a lie is in between the truth and not the truth but a perception of what was stated or seen.

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (who spent 17 years of a 19-year reign at war) with the simple line:

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

I would seriously ask all my readers to really take some time and think about this quote and tell me what it really means to you

I have dream are words embedded deeply in our minds and you see my friends we all have dreams the real question is: Are we going to go for it and realize them! I have a dream to change the world one mind at a time by opening the minds to reality and to a different perspective of the individual that is searching to find who they are. Please share with as many of your friends and their friends and help me reach the world one mind at a time.

Send to all you possibly can and help change the world for a better tomorrow.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Change your environment change your life-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

 Before I start saying anything I want to wish all the Fathers in the world-Happy Fathers Day.  What is fathers day well let us see: For me it is the inspiration that I get from them every day.
From Wikipedia Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days. Father's Day was created to complement Mother's Day, a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood.

Good morning everyone and here we are again on a another day before Fathers Day and for some another year older ooohhh did I say something wrong OK OK another year wiser. I sometimes wonder where time has gone people have asked me during a coaching session on life and so of course I must ask questions as well.

The first question I ask is: What kind of people have you surrounded yourself with in the past year? What does that matter they ask? Let just say to all of you that it matters a whole lot.Then I say if you feel that your life in the last year has not been productive you really need to take a real close look at who you have been hanging out with. 

If you have been surrounded by people who have messed up live the tell me: Do you really expect your life to be good? It is human nature that it is virtually impossible for one individual to have a real positive influence upon people with a  negative attitude. Normally it is the reverse. You cannot keep up  a positive, productive attitude if you spend all your time with negative people.

People who have messed up lives will always find a way to blame others for their misfortunes . I always tell people to stay away from negative people and if you are at work and you have to work with these type of people and I know you have some in your company simply do your job and speak to them only about work and never involve yourselves with their negative conversations. If you do get caught up be able to recognize it and walk away because if you stay and get caught up you will eventually find that you will walk away with a tight stomach feeling down.

I also find people will do just about anything to stay in their comfort place and always afraid to change whether life or work they resist !! One must try to do better by learning how to discipline ones mind. When you learn to take accountability seriously and discipline for the mind you will be able to see the picture.

We all have regrets at one point or another but we must learn from those regrets. We will only have regrets if we do not try to change. We must learn to adapt and stop resisting change.One will always be measured by results in real life and at work though no one will tell you to your face you are always measured by results only.Sometime we just need to be a little more careful then we we normally are to avoid harmful regrets.

Every step we take in our lives will take on a new version of who we are or who we will become. The quality of our friends and who we surround ourselves with will give us a great picture of our future.The Law of Acceptability: Whatever becomes acceptable becomes inevitable-good or bad.

Always Speak the truth no matter what. Many people will play the political game and always at one point the truth will show itself and guess what happens next? People will loose credibility and respect form others.

We all want to be great and not fail at whatever we are trying to accomplish right!! But the truth is and always will be the same thing over and over--No one wants to do the work!! It will take hard work to reach a goal!! There are many reasons for this but remember that there is a reason why only a few groups reach greatness because they do the work.

Please share with your friends and help change the world one mind at a time.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Bus Must Have A Great Driver To Reach The Final Destination -Luciano The Key Santini-SSDE

Good morning to all those who continue to support and believe in my abilities to change both your internal thinking and or your business operations to reach the potential you are capable of. Sometime I write things that perhaps do not make sense at first sight but you see it is not about what you see but it is about what you do not see and believe me my friends we all have these blind spots in both our business and in our minds.

One must try to be consistent always

Our thinking can cloud clear thinking and our eyes can lie to us.  If you have either a small or a larger organization what constitutes change and how and when does change happen? We will all have a different answer but let us start by saying that what Jim Collins said makes so much sense and here is what Mr. Collins stated" Get the right people on the bus,get the wrong people off the bus before you start to drive the bus".

 Sometimes as owners or executives we need to make some major choices and those choices are not simple because you are not dealing with ghosts you are dealing with real human beings.

How do you make these changes well you have to take a real good look at who is driving the bus first of all.
Your drive must be someone who can deal with change real change because with real change comes a different type of responsibility. Different people coming on board different types of resistance  and the big one entitlement. 

You are a bus driver the leader of this office-region entire organization . The bus is obviously the organization or company. The problems are ongoing the responsibility is to much what do you do!!! Well you have to get the bus moving but just moving you have to get it moving in the right direction. Then once you get it going you have to decide which direction and once you get it going the most important part of this change is who is going with you in order to get to the final destination and that my friends is the most important piece of this formula.

Many leaders begin driving their organization in what seems the right direction however while driving you find out that you have all the wrong passengers but the bus is moving HELLOOOO!!! a little to late well not really but now it will however become more difficult to make any changes now you will be dealing with the unions and or longtime employees who really were just on for the ride meaning people who did just enough to collect that paycheck OUCH!!!!!!

My friends change is ongoing phenomena and you have to have the right people in the right places why you might ask simply because when you have to make a right turn and some want to go to the left you r organization will be in trouble yes it is that simple. When you have the right people making that turn becomes so much easier because all will lean in the same direction.

You see when you have an executive who cannot make the right choices that executive needs to be removed. When that manager cannot make choices that manager needs to be removed not rewarded. When that employee cannot do his or her job that employee needs to be removed not rewarded. We all know and understand change is hard and we all know there is always fear involved and as owners or executive believe those are the reasons why people do not want to lean in the right direction. The truth is we believe that but what we believe is sometimes not the truth ooops! but a justification on the issues our organization is going thru.

I have heard that great leaders always have a long to do list but where is their stop doing list Oh YEA that right I said it where is your stop doing list;

A: Stop rewarding people for doing a half-@#$% job
B: Stop giving out satisfactory performance reviews when it is not even mediocre
C: Stop telling yourself it will get better and turn the other way.
D; Stop complaining and start doing the right thing.

And the list can go on and on and on.

When I teach clients this it is like such an eye opener but funny at the same time. I had a baseball game last weekend and one of my sons team was shot one player and they were going to forfeit the game and these were the 8-10 year old. I walked up to the coach and said hey coach have an extra team shirt and he said yea. I said alright then put in my 5 year old in he plays a little. The coach agreed to do so.

I walked up to my son who plays T-ball and told him you are the key to this game are you ready and he looked up at me and he said yes I am. He went up to bat and he looked at me and he smiled and as the ball was pitched to him he smacked that ball and he ran all the way to 2nd base.

The point that I am trying to make here is that sometimes we have to make some unrealistic choices and they are unrealistic only because we cannot see past of what seems real and difficult. The coach could not believe how well he could hit not once but three more times after that. The coach said to me not only could he hit but he was consistent. A true leader must try his or her best to be consistent always.

Politeness usually begins at home or it doesn’t begin at all.

Politeness to others is usually born out of respect for the individual, which you learn as a child. When you are treated with respect by other members of the family, you learn to respect them as well. The self-esteem that results from being recognized as a unique person by the people who matter most to you helps you develop the confidence necessary to succeed later in life. Politeness and consideration for others are habits that — once developed — usually stay with you for a lifetime.

 While common courtesy may seem relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it is a reflection of more basic values. More important, if you develop the habit of respecting others, you are likely to command respect from them. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Simplicity Sometimes Explains Best-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Good morning my friends and my loyal followers. I truly appreciate your support and your great comments on my journey to change the world one mind at a time. Motivation cannot be taught or given and it can be learned but you have to put in the effort and the willingness to allow yourself that action to take place. I hope this makes sense.
Help me get 100 follower to add to my blog viewers  this month by sending this to all your friends. Thank you

I was seriously thinking about how my mind has grown since I started this journey many moons ago and while on this journey I have read many many many books as well as learned from some of the greatest motivators and have had the opportunity to meet face to face with them though sometimes it was simply shaking their hand and saying thank you has really put a print on my way of thinking and looking at all that I do from different perspective.

The mind grows only through use, and it atrophies through idleness.

Just as the physical body becomes strong through regular exercise, so does the mind require regular use to remain strong. Make sure that your personal development plan includes plenty of mental stimulation. One of the best ways to develop your imagination and visualization skills is through reading. 

As you read, your mind translates the words into images that help you better understand the concepts about which you are reading. Become a voracious reader. Read newspapers, trade magazines, self-help books, and novels; all will contribute to your store of knowledge and to your ability to visualize and more effectively use your imagination. 
Please scan and send to all your friends or business partners that may need my services. Let me know if this works via emails or messages or comments.
  To be an effective leader there are so many things one has to do and to really accomplish the results one wants.Take a look at the following issues that are a must to accomplish the end results that are needed to take your business to the next level and yes Santini Self Development Enterprises can do just that. 

Engage your staff, and increase the impact of your message 
Command higher productivity from both managers and staff giving customer better service 

Differentiate yourself from all your competition 
Have more fun by teaching your staff how to love what they do and make more profit 

Get more people to talk about the great service and products that you offer

One of my all time favorite quotes 

“It is simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences.”

A little on motivation for today:
 Sometime you will either see or meet someone who seem authentic and we may call them great individuals and we ask ourselves just; How do they manage to accomplish that?! Don' we? Oh yes we do and yes you do it as well. We have to ask because my friends we all need some guidance to reach our goals and to find ourselves because it is not an easy task when we face so many challenging tasks on our daily life.

My friends have a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend. Remember I am here to serve both your Individual and Business needs to reach all your goals.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Your Solutions Provider In life and In Business -Luciano Santini SSDE

Good morning everyone and how are you folks doing on this day?
Your Solutions Provider In life and In Business
Hello Everyone
 Thought I would say hello personally. Let us talk politics and business and let me hear your comments.
There is old saying that goes round and round in every business and it goes something like this; Politics I do understand politics very well  both in organizational aspect and of course as we all know it politics and candidates.
Never Ever  Ever Sleep with the enemy because sooner or later it shows up somewhere or someone will say something to someone and oh man can it get ugly.

It does not mean literally jumping into bed with the enemy,well sometimes I guess it literally means that. What it means is that one does not need to give up ones morals and ethics to get what one needs or want. 

When I see this happen many many times is when someone is desperate and is reaching out for the last resort and when that does not work simply because it was so predictable what that person or organization is doing then those individuals will just give up and end up loosing the battle. Many time not a pretty sight OOPS!!

It is important for you to realize that no lens, or perspective, is better than the others. I have had much experience with both private and non-profit organizations and have learned that the more perspectives that I was able to get from both staff and clients  about an issue in your organization, then I can create solutions much better and much more effective to address that issue.Integration comes to mind why is it so difficult for so many to make it work.

Often, the most difficult phase in managing change is this phase when leader's work to sustain the momentum of the implementation and adjustment of plans. Change efforts can encounter a wide variety of obstacles, for example, strong resistance from members of the organization, sudden departure of a key leader in the organization, or a dramatic reduction in sales.

 Strong, visible, ongoing support from top leadership is critically
important to show overall credibility and accountability in the change effort.Adapted from “Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development”This book was actually used in my business school really really good book.

One of the biggest mistakes is that when an organizations decided to change a system or go and try integration is that upper management treat their staff like children as if they know nothing and the reality is that they know more then upper management because upper management is so far off the trenches that they can only see the WHAT IF"S!!!! and not the truth HELLO!!! While not only treating staff like children but expecting them to act like adults WOW!! and guess what it happens all the time


Faith is the element, the “chemical” which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.

I am talking about faith in the regular way most people believe in faith no! I am talking in having faith in your self.
What about believing in what you do and your will. What does having a strong will mean? Well lets take a look at what the dictionary says:

 Dictionary definitions of ‘will’ include: the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action; exertion of control; making something happen by exertion of mental powers – as in, “he willed himself to…”
Synonyms are: resoluteness, doggedness, tenacity, and strength of character. 

There will be many many times when things just do not go your way and you quickly will either blame others for your failure or simply give up because OTHERS just did not pull their weight right. WRONG!! you see my friends we have to stand up and take responsibility for our actions and be accountable for the consequences yes that is correct be accountable for the consequences.

Business is like having a second wife or having an affair one must keep both away from each other or it will destroy your mind and everything in between. I apologize I use these metaphors to keep it real and simple to understand. I know there will be many out there that will cringe at this blog today but you know what? We need to be real about the world we live in and the we must be real to ourselves.

We can lie to the world and we can lie to ourselves as long as we do not start to believe our own lies because that will be the beginning of the end of any business.