
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Persisting in what you believe which should always be to find the good in all people-Quentin Santini 13 Years Old

Hello and good morning to all who read my blog I truly appreciate your comments and suggestions because it give me a much better idea regarding what to write next or any specific subject thank you thank you.

Did you know that most sickness and ill hearten thoughts come from a negative way of thinking. The negativity will perform ill thinking and before you know it you are a sick person.If you constantly think negative you will become sick. Something to really think about today.

Today I would like to start with some motivation for yourself and something you may share with anyone that might need a lift in life. In life I know from experience that because of what we want and what we are searching for always seems to be to make more and more money. The question I have is why is that? I believe it is because we are always wanting what others may have and that to makes a miserable life to be living in. 

I would like you to think about this because it is a reality check for yourself and I know it was for me. I have made the thousands and thousands of dollars and I have had some great and high paying positions but one day came a realization that I needed to stop focusing on money and begin to focus on what was really important which was my family.

We need to look at life from a perspective of what has real meaning for me!! This is more then finding your purpose finding purpose is looking for why you are here on earth. Finding meaning means looking inside of yourself and meshing with what is outside of you and bring that together to a realization of who you are;

Written on wiki;
Some people find religious belief more than adequate to fill their lives with meaning. Being a "True Believer", however, will only result in giving up your identity for the identity of the collective. Conflicts and mid-life crisis inevitably arise when the adopted concept of self conflicts with the true self. If you are inquisitive and trusting of your own intelligence, the first step is to find your true self. Self revelation is not for the squeamish. Take the time to let go of societal and personal preconceptions, letting your identity emerge without construct.

My son is one of the most loving kids I have ever known because of the passion he has found in skateboarding

 He brings me a new way of thinking and seeing things from a different point of view I had never seen before which is; Persisting in what you believe which should always be to find the good in all people-Quentin Santini

When he made that statement to me it blew me away! I simply went WOW!!

The truth is that we will all have a different take on what we find to be meaningful but we have to find who we are and once we do well things will begin to fall into place in our paths of life.I like to believe that all people are rational and loving but is that the case. In my mind that is the the case I want to believe that however reality has shown me otherwise and well when I face that obstacle I change my way of thing for that moment and move on but never stay stuck thinking for one moment that all people are that way.

 Falsehood does evermore have a way of publishing itself.
It is virtually impossible to conceal the truth forever. It is the natural order of things that the truth will eventually come out. This single fact is the foundation of our judicial system and the basis on which all human relationships are formed. A business, professional, or personal relationship built upon a lie cannot long endure, but one that is founded on truth and equality of benefit for the participants is unlimited. 

Make it a practice to tell the truth in all that you do — even when it doesn’t matter — and you will form a habit of truthfulness. You will know instinctively that it is better to tell the truth and face the consequences than to launch a falsehood that will eventually make itself known to the world.

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