
Showing posts with label Customer Service Buisness Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Service Buisness Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2021

A true leader!!


A true leader!!

You must clearly know your personal values and your organization values to lead effectively. For example, do the answers to these questions come readily to mind?
1. What do you stand for?
2. What is most important to you?
1. What do you stand for?
2. What are you not willing to do?
Quality leaders don't change their values over time or to achieve short-term success. Consistent core organizational value systems form the strong foundation for long-term success.
A simple definition is that your values are the rules by which you play the game. A well-defined value system makes all decisions easier and encourages your team to go where you lead. The issue that I continue to see and find in those so called leaders who hold high paying positions is that they have been jaded for so long that they do not have these simple answers-yes they suck and unfortunately sometimes I am the one to let them know just how bad. #leadership #evanstyle #disruptors #inspiration

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I believe that in many organizations today what is needed are leaders that can actually think on their feet and with their own minds.

They need to be one with their staff and always in communication with their superiors. Great leaders know and understand that there will always be a boss above them but that does not give the (Boss) the right to mistreat or belittle you in any way shape or form.

If they do then they are wannabe leaders and what I call so-called leaders and bullies based on the position of power given to them, not because of skillsets.

I know that these skillsets are not easy to acquire however I can help you get there.

It is all about building relationships and respecting others and treating them with dignity and for so-called leaders this is always a challenge because this means they have to give up power oops!!! they will never agree to do that because that is the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Life,Business And Our Children Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning to all my friends. How are we doing on this beautiful morning? Today is a special day. It will be my son's birthday and we are preparing for his little friends to come over and enjoy a day of fun.

Here I am on my show that comes on every Saturday morning at 10:30 am for a half hour. I mostly talk about motivation because it seems that in these economical times people need to hear some hope. I know that when we feel down on our selves, for what ever reason, we need to hear some words of hope. I believe my show gives that to the world.

We live in a chaotic world do we not? Of course we do; our daily routine is nothing more then a variation of daily chaos. I'm not saying that life is not wonderful, because it truly is. What I am saying to you is that we need to stop and look for the beauty each day of our lives and feel it, enjoy it at every moment that we live.

Remember that we all have something special; you have something unique that no one else has but you. You need to learn what that is and be able to share it with the world. If we can learn to share our thoughts and our unique specialties, the world will surely be a very special place for each of us.

As a Business Coach there is so much to teach business owners, but the problem is simply that every owner feels they know everything about their business. What is the truth? The truth is that they do not. I may know lots of things but I never claim that I know everything because I am always learning something new at every moment in my life.

Life Coaching
This reminds me of a story I read a few days ago;

In 1972, Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel concocted an ingenious experiment involving young children and a bag of marshmallows. He put a marshmallow on the table and told each child that if he (or she) could wait 15 minutes to eat it, they would get a second one as a reward.

Two-thirds of the kids flunked miserably. Some caved in at once; videotapes show others struggling to discipline themselves - some even banging their little heads on the table.

But the surprising results of the study came years later. Researchers followed up on the children to see how their lives progressed. Turns out the kids who exercised forbearance rather than eating the marshmallows at once had SAT scores 210 points higher. They were also more likely to finish college, enjoyed significantly higher incomes, were far less likely to go to jail and suffered fewer drug and alcohol problems.

What does this mean? It means we should love our kids. Our kids should have a good understanding that they need to treat other as they would like to be treated with respect and dignity.But if we really want them to succeed in life, we should also teach them the benefits of working hard and staying focused on their goals and their dreams..

Education takes time and persistence. Professional attainments require concentrated effort. Saving and investing - instead of spending - takes discipline. Successful parenting means sacrifice and commitment.

The world stands aside and makes room for the person who knows where he is going and is on his way.

When you have a vision for what you wish to achieve in your life, not only will others stand aside and let you pass, but they will join you in your quest as well. They will instinctively recognize your enthusiasm and zest for living. 

When you speak of your passion in life, your definite major goal, they will see the intensity of your desire, and they will respond with encouragement and assistance or they will stand aside. It will be apparent to all who know you that you will succeed. 

I read this about ten times because it has a such a deep meaning to me and because it is so true. go ahead a read it a few times for yourself my friends.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Luciano (The Key) Santini on CRITICISM


Now how often do find ourselves dealing with someone criticizing you as an individual at one point in your life and yet you ignore the fact and you just keep it internally. Check out my show and you will find some techniques to fight back within yourself.

We all know someone or ourselves have been criticized or have criticized  someone in our lives and then we regretted it later because we know what we did; We always know what we do we just try to justify either by ignoring the fact or blaming someone or something else.

Many times we need to stop before we open our big mouths and think of the hurt that words can cause. As a life coach I can teach techniques to look at words for what they are just words however not everyone can shrug their shoulders and move forward. Certain people really take words to heart and allow themselves to be hurt deeply.

Examples of this is our children. They look up to us as parents and when we say words they stick in their minds like glue and sometimes if we take the time to watch you will see how they react to your words.

Gregg Walker, Dept. of Speech Communication, Oregon State University
Criticism may occur within conflict situations or can foster conflict.  Criticism, or the generation of "evaluative judgments," is often painful or difficult to "give" or "receive."  If handled appropriately by both the person criticized and the person being criticized, critical feedback can promote constructive growth in individuals and relationships.

Constructive Criticism - Some Assumptions
1.  Criticism arises out of interaction, rather than simply action.  Evaluation is important to improvement, but criticism should follow a "two way street."  Criticism is more valid when all parties involved interact both as the "critic" and the "criticized."

2.  Those who criticize need to value and invite criticism.  Criticism can be promoted if the critic first invites criticism of his or her own behavior.  By inviting criticism, a person can create a situation in which her or his criticism of another is perceived as appropriate.
3.  The "Critic" and "Criticized" guidelines t
hat follow are pertinent to all parties involved in "criticism" discussion. 

Constructive Criticism - Guidelines f
or the Critic
1.  Understand why you are offering criticism.  Feel confident that doing so is appropriate to the situation and constructive for the parties involved.  Criticism voiced out of self-interest or competition may be destructive.

2.  Engage in perspective taking or role reversal.  As you develop a criticism strategy or response, try to understand the perspective of the person being criticized.

3.  Offer criticism of the person's behavior, not on her or his "person."  Refer to what a person does, not her or his "traits," or "character." 

4.  Even though criticism implies evaluation, emphasize description.  Before offering any judgment, describe behavior you see or have experienced. 

5.  Focus your criticism on a particular situation rather than general or abstract behavior.  "Index" and "date" your criticism, much like a "journalist": deal with who, what, where, and when.
6.  Direct your criticism to the present ("here and now") rather than the past ("there and then"). 

7.  Emphasize in your criticism your perceptions and feelings.  Indicate what you think and feel about the other's behavior that you have described.  Use "I" statements. 

8.  Invite a collaborative discussion of consequences rather than offering advice.  Form a partnership to deal with problems.  Do not compete with the other party; compete with the other person against the problem. 

9.  Keep judgments tentative.  Maintain an "open door" of dialogue rather than presenting your "analysis" or "explanation" of another's behavior.
10. Present criticism in ways that allow the other party to make decisions.  Do not force criticism on the other.  Encourage the other to experience "ownership."  People are more likely to comply with solutions that they generate. 

11. Avoid critical overload.  Give the other an amount of critical feedback that she or he can handle or understand at that time.
12. Focus criticism on behaviors that the other person can change. 

13. Include in your critical feedback a positive "outlet."  Reinforce positive actions and invite the possibility of change.
14. Invite the other to present criticism of you. 

Constructive Criticism - Guildelines for the Criticized
1.  Recognize the value of constructive criticism.  Such criticism can improve relationships and productivity. 

2.  Engage in perspective taking or role reversal.  Try to understand the perspective of the person offering criticism. 

3.  Acknowledge criticism that focuses on your behavior.  Attempt to transform criticism that seems directed at your "person" to specific behavioral issues. 

4.  Listen actively.  Even though criticism may hurt, seek to understand accurately the criticism being presented.
    a.  Paraphrase what the other is saying.

    b.  Ask questions to increase understanding.
     c.  Check out nonverbal displays (check your perceptions). 

5.  Work hard to avoid becoming defensive.  Resist any tendency to want to dismiss criticism or retaliate. 

6.  Welcome criticism; use the criticism appropriate to improve. 

7.  Maintain your interpersonal power and authority to make your own decisions.  Criticism, when directed at one's "person," may weaken one's resolve.  Focus the other's criticism on your actions.  Seek ownership of solutions. 

8.  Seek constructive changes to the behavior that prompted the criticism. 

9.  Insist on valid criticism.  Valid criticism: (a) addresses behaviors, (b) is timely, and (c) is specific. 

10.  Communicate clearly how you feel and think about the criticism and receiving criticism.  Use "I" messages.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Focus - what does it mean?

Hello everybody and thank you for joining me here today on this most beautiful day.  Today I want to discuss the concept of what it means to truly focus.

Let me start by saying that we all have focus even if and most especially when we are under pressure and our lives seem chaotic.  You know - those days when it seems like one is lagging behind and we just can't seem to catch up and we get feelings of great anxiety as if one is about to experience a nervous breakdown?  I think we've all experienced those days.  Men and women experience these days as do young adults and yes even children.  Those are the days when "focus" becomes a great asset to us all.

But it's built in.  It's built in to our natural way of dealing with every day events in our lives - one might call it instinct.  Some of us might not be aware but when we are trying so hard to accomplish one thing or another and everything seems to keep falling down around you - that is when a person is really focused - when it seems like no matter how hard you try - things just keep coming back to the same feeling of helplessness and failure.  But I want assure you that this is simply not the case.  It is in these times when one seems destined to fail that we are actually at our best.  Because we are trying so hard - so, so hard to get to where we want to be and all of these obstacles keep popping up and yes these types of situations can be difficult - but guess what?  It's difficult to run the mile a minute faster than yesterday or score more touch downs on Sunday at the park than you normally do.  And yet playing at the park or keeping healthy is something that does not seem to stress us out.  Why?  Because there is no sense of urgency - unless,...unless we put it there ourselves.  It works exactly the same way with any other situations - be it marriage, job, family etc.  Just do what you are happy to do in the first place and everything else will just fall into place naturally.  So if one understands this one also understands that so long as you don't " give up "  you are focused and should remain so until your goals are met; don't let negativity inhibit your success.

Ask yourself - am I putting these extra feelings of insecurity and distress there myself?  Am I running late today because I didn't get up when the alarm sounded?  Is my child asking for things or time that I don't feel I have at the moment because I feel like I'm too busy?  Is my wife or husband angry with me today because I was short with them this morning because I was running late?  Did I miss putting out the trash this morning because I didn't get up in time?  Did I put these feelings of anxiety and distress in my mind myself?  You will find that the answer to all of these questions will undoubtedly be yes.

Yes, we tend to be our own worst critic.

The truth of the matter is that we create our own obstacles.  For example:  Say I want to lose 20 pounds; I go on a diet for a whole month and I only lose 2 pounds and so I feel like I have failed.  In fact I have not failed at all.  I've started to lose the weight but what I did fail to do was set a realistic goal - not because a person can't lose 20 pounds but because my goal may not have been realistic - or maybe I didn't account for external factors such as time - my own rate of metabolism or how other things just seem to have gotten in my way.  So it takes you 10 months to lose 20 pounds - so what?  Take your time, enjoy what you are doing and in 10 months you will see the results that you were looking for.  Do it for yourself - not because you can't be happy if you don't lost 20 pounds in 1 month - it may as well be 5 minutes.  That is definitely unrealistic right?

Think about the statement:  In my way.  That is a funny statement is it not?  What is in my way?  Well lets see,...nothing.  Nothing, unless I put it there.  Sure a roadblock might make me drive to the next street, but I do know how to get to the next street right?  So it isn't really a roadblock is it?  It's just a new route.  And that is how we should deal with any obstacle that may be blocking our path to attaining our goals.  Simply create those new routes.  That's what we do naturally every time havoc comes into our lives.  We naturally and instinctively create new routes.

In the middle of a hectic situation one realizes that they are light headed because they haven't had lunch and it's close to 3:00 and your stomach is growling and your stress jumps even more now because you know you have to stop to eat and you have somewhere you have to be at 3:30 and you make a stop so that you can eat something.  So it seems like you are failing or will fail in the end.  That feeling - as though you are failing or that you will fail in the end is the only obstacle in your path and guess what?  You put it there.  True we can't change what happens in the world, but we can most certainly limit how it affects our minds, our feelings and definitely our determination.

We put things in our own way all the time - we create obstacles which make normality seem like chaos in our own minds.  We inhibit what all of us already do in a natural and instinctual way.

Focus.  Don't think that because things are tough or you seem to be falling behind that you are failing.  Because in fact, you are at your best.  And you are very, very focused.  Just stay on track and drop the feelings of negativity - because that is the only thing in between you and your happiness and thus the only making you feel like a failure.  As long as we don't give in and give up to any obstacle - be they in our minds or in our world, we cannot fail.  Just focus!

Thank you for stopping by and have a very nice day.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Know your own mind, and you will be as wise as the sages.

I love starting with a wise quote of my own or from some of my favorite people that I have studied for so long.

Know your own mind, and you will be as wise as the sages.

When you take charge of your mind, you take charge of your life. When you understand your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, you can direct them to any end you choose. Wisdom comes from taking the time to study yourself, to know why you are the person you are. Taking charge of your mind is a thoughtful, reflective, solitary process. 
Only you can come to understand the complex inner workings of your own mind, and you must be willing to spend the time and effort that gaining such insight requires.

 You see what this quote means to me is the following:
It means that if you truly take the time to know and understand who you are as a person then you can understand and be able to make better choices in life. These choices can be life changing .

There will be time in our lives when we have to make choice against our better judgement because of necessity or because we just do not know what the future may hold for us.

I have made choices against my better judgement in the past and has cost me money and time. Money can be made again and again with the right choices and better judgement, but time my friends will never be given back to you.
You see my friends as a Life Coach I try to teach techniques that will actually work for the individual I am working with as opposed to techniques that are from a cookie cutter if you will. Cookie cutter techniques are all over the internet and in books and people continue to buy and do  and use such techniques. 

I am not saying that some of them do not work they do but which ones that is the question.
There are many benefits to taking up a coach for so many reasons and here are just a few to thing about on your journey of life.

Here is an article I found on the internet that pretty much spells it out for you. I love this article.

Contrary to popular belief, life coaching isn't therapy. Instead, a life coach is someone who provides encouragement and tips to help you achieve your goals. You can think of life coaches as a combination of a supportive cheerleader and a wise old friend you turn to for advice. By investing in life coaching, you can be part of a team that's focused on improving your life.

But how do you know if you can benefit from it?

See if any of the following 4 statements sound like you. If they seem a little too familiar, a life coach may be able to help you work wonders!

1. You're too wrapped up in your work.

Sure, everyone wants to move up the corporate ladder or get ahead in business, but doing so shouldn't be the focus of your entire life. A life coach can help you balance your professional life with your personal one and help you focus more on your friends, your hobbies, and your family.

2. You're under too much stress.

Whether you've got a nightmare boss, a marriage that's on the rocks, or are under too much pressure trying to make ends meet, life coaching can help you calm down. In fact, a good life coach can help you come with ways to relax and take some time for yourself so you don't succumb to stress.

After all, stress isn't just an emotional problem; it can also be a physical one. The last thing on earth you want is for all of that stress to take a toll on your health!

3. You feel lost.

Maybe you're out of work. Maybe your kids just left for college. Maybe you just got divorced. No matter the reason, it's perfectly normal to feel a little "lost" whenever you're dealing with major life changes. However, a good life coach can help you come up with a plan to move forward.

4. You don't know how to make decisions.

Should you head to a traditional four-year university or culinary school? Should you buy a house or rent another apartment? Should you move to a new town or stay where you are?

If you're indecisive, it can make your entire life come to a screeching halt. Instead of going nowhere - and just remaining paralyzed by your inability to make a decision - life coaching can provide you with tips and techniques to make decisions you're comfortable and confident about.
Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of an amazing website that'll take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step down Wallace D. Wattles' proven path to wealth, health, success, happiness, and love. Check it out now at:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fears Are Really Our Obstacles

Hello my friends around the world!!

Today is all about how to beat your fears:

Do not forget to look me up on Facebook and subscribe to me or follow me on my blog.

I can tell you that our obstacles come from the fears that we have learned from somewhere at one point or another during our lifetime and we need to face them head on. This is the only way that we will be able to win the battle within!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hello friends and how are you on this fine day Monday morning. Well as for me I am just completing some yoga and yes I know it sounds weird for a guy to be doing yoga huh? not!! 

I love to exercise an do yoga to relax and prepare for the day to come. I used to write every day but found that it takes so much of my time and in between  clients and family which are equally important but in different outlooks of course.

I believe that sometime we go through life not knowing just how much we mean to this world. I find that sometime people tend to forget who we are as human beings and who we are as individual which is far more important. 

You see sometimes we seek outside of us when in all reality what we seek is deep within us ourselves. I will be starting a one to two minute videos  on Facebook with some great inspiration for you to follow me and make your day great.

I will be doing a seminar on business in March through the Heights Of Greatness Institute. I will be part of this seminar and I will be talking about operations and customer service. It will be great information that will give small businesses and those stating a new venture the tools to compete.

My friends just a $25.00 investment that can change your business!!!!!! what a deal!!!!
It will at the Chimbole Center 38350 Sierra Highway Palmdale CA. from 9:30am-12pm.

call to RSVP 1-800-673-9780 and when you call let them know that Luciano invited you and then Facebook me so I know you are coming.

As a motivational speaker I love to help people see life from different perspective which can change a life or two and I accomplish this then I have made a difference.

You see there some great benefits to bringing in a motivational speaker into your company to help your staff or perhaps you as the business owner.

Sometimes I can assist anyone in overcoming personal obstacles and fears.
Sometimes is just simply assisting staff to overcome sales fears and obstacles.
It can also help with customer service such as understanding clients.

As a business coach there are some different but almost the same kind of benefits.

Identifying the fears within your company.
Training management skills that work.

Understanding both internal and external customers.
Understanding sales and techniques that work.

And so much much more.....


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Once I Find Your Mechanisms Then We Have Found

Success is no accident.
Let me help you unlock both your mind and your potential.

"Once I Find Your Mechanisms Then We Have Found The Key To Your Personal Success In Life Or Business"--Luciano Santini

Hello my friends: DO you know that to  motivate yourself is the hardest thing to accomplish as an individual. Do you realize that though we live in the most affluent society in the world we are still learning that in life we stay behind because we do not know how to motivate yourself. I wonder sometimes what would happen if we actually learned something new to change our lives.

You see in life we can either propel ourselves or hinder ourselves depending on how we look at our situation whatever that might be. Do you know that 80% of new businesses fail why is that: Simple really because sometime business owners feel they always know everything about their business and the truth is they do not.

Do not get me wrong there many owners who do know their business well, however there is always something new to learn because technology is moving at a rapid speed and leaving many behind.
You see in business there is only a one time to impress your clients and customers yes only one time and that is all it will take whether you will make it or not due to the clients talking to other people. Will they talk respectfully of you or not.

I  find it amazing how when I speak to owners and ask them if they ever bring in a motivational speaker to motivate their staff to a business coach to help coach their business in regards to customer service or management skills as well as conflict resolution. Their answers have been such as Oh! no we do this in house.

I look around and see no customers and think to myself aha OK.

The second thing I notice is that the owners are working from opening to closing and once again AHA!!! OK!!

As a business coach here are some of the benefits:

Some of the most important topics in business: 
Remember if you hang out with losers then you will become a looser but if you surround yourself with positive people the you will begin to thing success.

  1. How Productive and effective is your staff with your business?
  2. How well do your leaders plan each day?
  3. How well does your sales and marketing team sell your vision?
  4. How well does your leadership team work together?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Nothing Ever Happens Until you Take That First Step"--Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and I just literally walked back into my house from watching and inviting the new year and prosperity into my life. WELCOME 2012

A new year special go to EBAY and get my DVD for not $39.95 but $15.95 and start the year with a new outlook on life.
A few are left take advantage now.
I look forward to seeing old friends and making and working with both new and old friends. Thank you for last year and making life easy and successful. As always I take criticism and learn from it and make my teaching techniques and programs better for the people that I serve.


This year will be one of those years where once believed to have been the end of humanity and well that has been debunked as of last night. I saw the ball fall in NY city Time Square what a beautiful sight. My friends this year will be a good one for you, Just follow your dreams and never ever give up. 

There will be pitfalls like always but we learn and move forward each and everyday towards our goals until we reach them.

I will be starting an internet live show in February and through out the year every Saturday at 10am till 11am only a half an hour and you will be bale to call in and well I look forward to touching lives around the world.


"Nothing Ever Happens Until you Take That First Step"--Luciano Santini

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to me


Good morning and well Happy Birthday to me that is correct today is my Birthday. Because it is my birthday I will talk about something very special which is family.

My family is all over the world and well we get together once in a blue moon but we do always keep in touch via email or social media means always.I always think about old movies we used to watch as kids and all the fun we really had.

I remember as children we were not afraid to try anything anywhere. We were champions of the world and we were always there for each other. What changed? is my question. Do you feel like thing shave changed in the family. it usually does. 

Does this mean that we as individuals have to change no of course not but the reality is that we do. People change they will always change sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst.

I find that sometimes if not always people in general are afraid to try new things and because of those fears we tend to hinder ourselves from learning anything new. Since we become afraid to learn then we find ourselves short of living life the way it was meant to live which is full of joy  and happiness.

This time of the year well it is the best time to sit down and think and ready oneself for the next year because if not then we will find that we tend to follow last years and the years in the past rituals and we continue doing the same thing hoping for change and guess what!!! 

no change will ever take place because we have stayed in a comfort zone and there will be no change so if you are doing the same thing again and again expect the same results because no changes are coming any time soon.

I am here to serve you this year and last year and in the future. My clients and friends I wish you the best new year ever and a Very Beautiful Christmas Day.

Here are some things to think about:
  • Improve Leadership Skills – Business coaches can assist professionals develop leadership skills very effectively and also help them reach their careers goals. Once the coach discovers your own weaknesses 
  • and strengths, he can work to improve your weaknesses and make you more competitive. Improving leadership skills is one of the main benefits of business leadership coaching.
  • Improve Employee and Manager Productivity – A good manager can improve employee productivity without giving out money or losing them. These are some of the reasons that a business leadership coaching can do for you.
  • Increase Profitability – We all know that bottom-line is very important in any company, whether it’s a small, medium or big business. Customer retention is also another thing that a coach can help you with, once you have a relative number of loyal customers, then you can be assured of increased profit over a period of time.