
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Luciano Santini Life Can Be A Challenge Only If You Make It So

Good morning everyone and it has a few weeks since I have written on my blog but it has been a crazy month with seminars and speeches on life itself.Here I am on this beautiful Saturday waiting for the sunrise to start so I can go outside and sit with a good cup of coffee and watch the sun rise. 

You should do that make it a habit of doing so if you are not yet. OK so here is what my Zodiac says for today:But first I start with my quotes and short video please enjoy.

"Life Can Be A Challenge Only If You Make It So And If You Make It So Then You Know That You Are Progressing"--Luciano Santini

September 01, 2012

CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)
Creative writing doesn't just describe poems and stories. Anything that involves the written word is open to your special brand of flair, so there's no excuse not to inject your personality into every email, text and memo you write. Choose your words carefully and don't shy away from using humor. People love to laugh, and love people who make them laugh even more! If you have been itching to get closer to someone, the perfect note today might do the trick. 

Studying Napoleon Hill is not an easy task but I will tell you that when you begin to understand what he discovered and wrote about your life begins to change.

 Examine most carefully the things you desire most.

Far too many people spend more time planning their weekends than their lives. Then they suddenly realize that life has passed them by and they weren’t even aware it was happening. When you intently study what you most desire in life, you begin to focus your mind and concentrate your energy upon that which you wish to achieve. 

One of the great advantages of having a definite goal for your life is that it helps you prioritize your activities. When your major purpose is clear in your mind, it is unnecessary to analyze each individual situation. You know automatically whether your actions will move you toward your goal or away from it. You can then use all of your resources — time, money, and energy — to best advantage. 

When I facilitate a workshop or do a seminar I always ask people the same question: Why is it that most people plan out their vacation down to the last cent and yet they do not take the time to plan their lives. Why is that? I always wondered about that myself. I believe that people in general are lost in the midst of the chaos that we live in and we try to facilitate our lives the best we can and yet we find ourselves lost in our insanity we call life.

I believe that if we were to sit down for a few minutes a day and kind of just think about how the day is going we would discover that we need to make changes in our routine every day. Take a few minutes tomorrow and do that and write me your comments and let me know how it went for you. You will discover just how wonderful life can be when you take control of your thinking and your life just do it!!!

I find that we can change our lives by making better choices on a daily basis because this would give you better control of what and how think about your life each and every day. My friends live life to the fullest !! Do not just exist!!

The difference between a success and a failure for many small businesses could be the way we look at the way we manage people and look at our clients or customers at any given time.
 However one of the seldom talked about factors on why a business might fail is because it grows too fast and can’t keep up with the demands that come along with growth. 
The way to take care of this issue is to see a bit in the future. A business coach is your best tool to utilize if this is the case where your business is growing and you have no idea what to do! This will bring failure to your business and to your clients because you will not be able to keep them satisfied with great customer service and your managers will be left behind because they will become overwhelmed.

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