We are a self development company and you might be thing there a dime a dozen and guess what you would be 100 % correct but what makes us different you might ask.
Well sometimes you get companies that teach you what you can learn from a video or from a book but the difference is real experience. The type of experience that money cannot buy.
These types of experiences are the ones that one learns through mistakes and then trying again and not making them again. You see life can teach a person many things but what I find is that most people want to avoid the same mistakes but they continue making them over and over again and my question is why?
Well it is because most people do not know or understand who they are to begin with and simply because that circumstance they continue making the same mistakes in life. Example; Let us take a look at someone who does not believe in who they are. They will know that they made a mistake and they will try to correct it however the ingredient that is missing here is the know how!! What does this mean?
Well simply to understand not only that you have made a mistake but to understand why it was made and not understood that it was wrong to begin with thus for people will continue making the same mistakes over and over.
Here is something to thing about:
The next time someone comes to you and
says they're motivated to make money and will do anything, assign a
project to them that demands thinking, memorizing and practicing.
That way you'll find out what you've really got.
Hilton Johnson
I love this quote because it show so much in a person. Think about it for a bit. We all want to do better or not make mistakes and be motivated to accomplish our goals and this takes thinking memorizing and practicing do you have what it takes to do it!!!!--Luciano Santini
A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition.
It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to
transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you
expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something
negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively
for you.
I was explaining to a friend that one needs to be real careful when we think in a negative way because that is exactly what we will get in return not a good thing my friends.
I hope some of you who read this takes it to heart and put some of this into action for the future.
____________________________________________________________________________________I hope some of you who read this takes it to heart and put some of this into action for the future.
Let us talk about the affects a negative attitude has on a business
Negativity in the workplace takes on many forms including lying,slander, deceit, selfishness and pessimism. When a negative workplace is
allowed to persist, it can begin to affect everyone in the company.
need to learn to identify the effects of negativity in the workplace so
that you can take the steps necessary to combat it if it crops up in
your workplace.
This is what I do I am your solutions provider I will provide solutions to the issues your company is facing.
Think about this a persistent negative attitude in the workplace stifles creativity. When negativity takes over, people tend to stay with proven methods for fear that something new may not be effective.
A negative atmosphere
counteracts the feeling of innovation that can help a company to create
new products or develop more efficient ways of doing the work they are currently have. When the workplace becomes antagonistic in nature, people do not feel
the need to share ideas with each other. New ideas are not circulated,
and the company does not move forward.
This might sound simple right!! and yet it is a difficult task to manage.
Let me know your thoughts on this subject.Have a wonderful weekend.