
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Certified Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santini-Self Development Enterprises Certified Customer Service Business Coach/Life Coach. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Never Be Caught Inside The Box Continuously Think Outside The Box

Hello friends and well today I want to thank everyone who follows my blog. It so good to read comments regarding my writing. I really appreciate the great comments and the suggestions. I write to reach many people around the globe and to realize where they are now and where you want to be and how to get there by thinking in a way that is different from the norm. I believe so many people try to hard to stay with the status quo that we create our own issues in life as individuals and huge problems within our business.

Have you ever dealt with a person who starts to talk about you without the facts just words in the hopes some people will believe them?

The funny thing is, when you present the other person with nothing but the facts and they can't win they STILL hold onto their belief stubbornly.  Why is that? I await your comments on this question.

 Me and Santa Barbabra Mayor

Authority.By Christian Knutson We’re most familiar with authority influence – this is positional influence.  The sense of duty or obligation we feel to people in positions of authority. Why do you think advertisers of toothpaste or medicinal products use doctors to front their campaigns?  Or why do you do what your team leader asks?

Job titles, uniforms, and even accessories like cars or gadgets can lend an air of authority, persuading us accept or do what the other person says.  

As a leader, be aware that what you say others will do.  Or at least take to heart.  They’ll also watch you like you’re a fish in a fishbowl.  The leader is never alone, regardless how lonely he/she might feel.  For there are always eyes watching.

Clear Expectations with 10 Day Plan
Remember, the new person has really no idea what you expect from them unless you tell them. For the first 2 weeks or so, the partners or management should be setting up lunches and meetings with various clients, staff, etc. so the new partner can get to know both the business/projects and people that they will be working with.

Here is the where the role of the manager becomes very important. On the first day on the job, the manager should sit down with the new partner and spend time with them going over what they see their role as being within the team, what are their deliverables/measurements, and then work with them to create a 3 week plan. This plan should include description of roles and responsibilities as well as deliverables.

 I have stated so many times that Napoleon Hill has been one of my mentors for many years and yes I know he has not been around for many years but his wisdom and choice of words have shown me so many things that I have utilized in my live and for businesses when I do coaching for staff or executive coaching.

It is a beautiful thing when an entire city celebrates you-Luciano The Key Santini

There always remains an opportunity to make a new start.

Though it may not seem so when you first encounter a serious blow, you can never lose two of the most important assets you have. These are the power of your mind and your freedom to use it. Once you have turned them to understanding what laid you low, you can begin forming new plans. You may not have the money you once had; you may lack the allies you had cultivated. But you still have the benefit of a universe that eventually rewards honest effort, as well as gaining the experience of mistakes you will never make again. Remember, no matter where you are now, whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. 

Making choices: When you need to make a choice remember that you cannot make some one els's choice so why do you allow others to make yours.

Here is an article by  Don Bulmer:

  1. First. It is important to understand the 'core issue' associated with the challenge that you are dealing with and gather as many facts and insights surrounding the issue as possible.   At this stage, it is important to separate ‘facts’ from ‘opinions.’  As a leader, you are often presented with 'facts' that are presented to support a specific argument or point of view - which by default make them adverse.  This is not to say that these adverse or 'position-based' facts are not valid, but they seldom represent a fully informed view of the core issue that needs to be addressed.  
  2. Second.  Ask a lot of questions.  This will help you understand the options on the table as you make sense of the facts and sift through potential agendas/motives of people involved.  Asking the right questions also helps you measure the risk and impact that your decision will have on your business and with key relationships.
 Have you ever thought just how can a leadership influence culture ? By
Whether a leader comes up through the organization or is brought in from the outside to change the organization, there are ways that leadership can have an impact on culture.

 Walk the Talk People observe what you do, not just what you say and the values of the leader, not just what they say, While Enron C.E.O. Kenneth Lay and his management team were stealing from shareholders, many of his traders were laughing how they were going to bankrupt little old ladies for their heating bills. This is the toughest part of leadership. Having worked with people who wrote books on the subject, I can tell you that often times their actions did not match their words and the affect was that a number of people had no respect for them. When you say you are going to do something, you need to follow through and do.

  Communicate clearly
It may sound like an obvious statement but in the absence of clear communication there is unclear and informal communication, i.e. gossip. Gossip can undermine any change and have a negative impact on the culture. People appreciate honest and straightforward communication, even when it is negative. The worst part is not knowing.

Research on the difficulty of debunking myths has not been specifically tested on beliefs about Sept. 11 conspiracies or the Iraq war. But because the experiments illuminate basic properties of the human mind, psychologists such as Schwarz say the same phenomenon is probably implicated in the spread and persistence of a variety of political and social myths.
The research does not absolve those who are responsible for promoting myths in the first place. What the psychological studies highlight, however, is the potential paradox in trying to fight bad information with good information.

Schwarz's study was published this year in the journal Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, but the roots of the research go back decades. As early as 1945, psychologists Floyd Allport and Milton Lepkin found that the more often people heard false wartime rumors, the more likely they were to believe them.

The research is painting a broad new understanding of how the mind works. Contrary to the conventional notion that people absorb information in a deliberate manner, the studies show that the brain uses subconscious "rules of thumb" that can bias it into thinking that false information is true. Clever manipulators can take advantage of this tendency.

What this Means for Talent Management

Although difficult, when combined with the studies by Dr. Schwartz on how the brain operates (specifically how our thoughts create neural pathways), we can understand the importance of creating the 'ahas' which signify a new neural pathway and change in the thinking and then providing the organizational structure to support that change. Learning, especially experiential, creates the change by building a detour around the old belief. Like a road detour, traffic (thoughts) are routed through this new pathway and if it is well built it will create the sustainable change desired. By applying a series of organizational strategies (more on that in another article), we can then ensure that the road continues to be used and the learning sticks. 

In other words, through learning and organizational development we can fight the myth and replace it with the good information that will allow us to move and stay competitive both as people and as organizations

Saturday, March 7, 2015



There are so many managers that are and have been on the road to success list every year since the beginning of their career with organizations. They are moved into different roles, taking on different responsibilities and succeeding and getting great results each and every time.

 They are recognized as strong leaders because of their ability to get results create relationships both inside and outside the organization. The one thing that happens is that upper management begins for whatever reasons to either feel or see a threat coming their way and things begin to change. Suddenly everyone begins to ask questions such as:

What is going on? The truth of the matter is that sometimes upper management does not have the skills to manage knowledge and so become afraid of knowledge and of course you will have a clear example of the Peter Principle. Their teams begin to become contentious and morale begins to waver.

 I did a research paper on the Peter Principle in college and what most people do not understand is that this move can be used either to promote someone who has no skills for the promotion or to set someone up for failure who is a great leader but does not have familiarity with a new role thus trying to ruin someone’s career but of course they will be told that this is a great career move for them. 

This is the funniest and worst move when upper management does this to a person who understands both because it will back fire showing upper management’s incompetence to deal with the issues at hand.

What is the Peter Principle you might ask? Well here is the definition?

In an organizational structure, the assessment of the potential of an employee for a promotion  is often based on their performance in the current job ( Great at paperwork)but has no people or management skills or well liked because of special friendships or otherwise which results eventually in their being promoted to their highest level of competence and potentially then to a role in which they are not competent.

This will cause morale issues throughout the organization or department or will have someone else to do their work until either they leave or get demoted but in some cases like nonprofits keep them  because they are ready to retire and nothing can be done due to the structure in place and unions involved is referred to as their "level of incompetence".

 When a great leader is moved or promoted to a new role and has no familiarity nor the skills to deal with a bad situation that has been established either by another incompetent person The employee has no chance of further promotion, thus reaching their career's ceiling in an organization thus becoming black listed for a long time and thus upper management who moved this person into that role can now say that the issues at hand are what they are due to the incompetence of the manager they promoted when in fact it is upper managements incompetence.

 Does this mean that the person who is moved into a new role is no longer a great leader?

Doing a seminar on the Peter Principle
  Of course not!! They didn’t lose their ability to lead.  Their abilities and skills had not just simply vanished but other parts of the situation had changed which was to be moved to a role of no familiarity.

Now of course there ways and techniques to avoid these things from happening that either  the human resource manager if they are competent can do or upper management can do if they are competent and here are a few methods that organizations can use to mitigate the risk associated with the Peter Principle:
  • Refrain from promoting workers based on their current performance without proof of their abilities to succeed in the desired role.
  • Provide in-service training for the desired roles for those being considered for promotion or moved into unfamiliar ground.
  • Provide a parallel career path for good technical staff, possibly with the offer of additional pay, perks or recognition without requiring promotion to management,

Here is a great article written by friend of a good friend of mine who is an excellent leader herself.  

By Edith Onderick-Harvey on March 5, 2015 

I’ve seen five common reasons why a leader who has been effective in the past is now failing.

1. Some critical skills were overlooked before. Let’s talk about the obvious reason first.  Some leaders have not developed key skills that they need to be successful.  Just like brilliant students who breeze through school, sometimes people climb to positions of leadership because they are brilliant marketers, brilliant scientists, or brilliant (put your profession here). But along the road to success, the people around this leader choose to overlook a key skill (or two or three) until it can’t be overlooked any more and causes huge issues.  For example, if we go back to Jessica, throughout her career it was noted in talent reviews that she could be abrasive and often got things done through force of will rather than by building relationships and coalitions.  She thought of herself as ‘results-focused.’  When she moved into her Operations role, it became imperative for her to build relationship with peers in other parts of the organization to get results.  Interestingly, her ‘results-focus’ is what got in the way.

2. Cultural mismatch. This is a common reason why leaders who have been wildly successful in one environment for a long time, fail miserably in a very short time in another.  The way a person operates and becomes successful in one culture can be very different from another.  For example, a leader may have been very successful in a culture that a valued quick decision making and risk taking.  Put that same leader in an environment driven by consensus and a desire to explore issues from every angle before moving forward and wait for the results.

3. Process and system mismatch. In the 1800’s, some people did very well in the wild, wild west and others went back home to the security of their established communities.  Some leaders are very adept at working in environments with less defined processes and systems.  They either work without them or really enjoy putting them in place.  Others thrive in environments where processes and systems are clearly defined.  Think of the serial entrepreneur who is put into a large, complex organization that has acquired his firm.  Change was a way of life in his entrepreneurial firm but isn’t in this large organization.  Leading change in the former was easy; everyone thrived on it.  In the new organization it takes real work. The processes that exist are meant to maintain the status quo not change it and people in his new organization wonder why he was once perceived as someone who drove change.

4. Lack of management support. Even the most seasoned executive needs people in her corner.  She needs people who support her success.  She may need coaching and mentoring to navigate the new role.  Even the best CEO won’t succeed if the Chairman of the Board decides she is not the person for the job and needs to go.

5. Organization structure. We all have been in situations where roles aren’t clear, responsibilities are redundant, unnecessary internal competition is the norm, resources aren’t available or decision making is lost in layers of management morass.  Leaders can find themselves in the same situations.  I worked for an organization once that routinely pitted leaders against each other by giving them the same issue to address or initiative to lead in different parts of the organization without each leader knowing about the other’s charge.  There could only be one winner in this situation so one of them automatically was going to fail.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Taking Responsibilty is the KEY to life and business-SSDE

Good morning friends and today will be a long weekend for lots of government employees and to all of you I say get out a do something that you are uncomfortable doing and get it done and let me know how you feel after you do it. Just do it an get it out your system and blood flow!!.

With all that said let us talk a bit about your resume for the new year. Is it up to par? Do you have something that catches the eye of that hiring manager? Do you feel that you need some help or changes or hell a new resume!! If you feel like you do let us know and we can connect and get it done for you.

You want to improve that way people think about you and you want that job you so longed for well here are a few tips for you to think about.

Help people when help is needed.
Look for opportunities when they show up.
Give back when someone does a good thing for you.
Remember there is always a cause and affect for everything we do.

You know that by always being aware of new ways to help people a you start a process that will seem difficult at first but trust me people will come looking for you thus starting the process of opportunities.

I know this for a fact and you will go through this as well but have no fear my friends the payback is awesome. What do I mean well when you assist people do not expect anything in return sometimes you will not even get a thank you. Remember that if you do things to get something in return then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

I can tell you from experience that sometimes you might feel like giving up on helping people but at the end it will all be worth it. My friends there is a catch and that is that you must always try to keep a balanced life.

Sometimes in business and in the life of an individual we have to look deep into our souls and unlock the potential we all carry around within each of us that can bring us what we want in both business and life.

There is so much more to running a business and  your life smoothly and that is where. 

Santini Self-Development Enterprises comes in, you cannot simply manage the customer experience and expect to have a great business you need much more than that. You need a business coach that can walk you through processes from a new perspective to find what your staff believe to be the right way to treat your customers.

Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life, not on what you don’t want.
We have just begun to explore the inner workings of the mind, but we have long been aware of the effects of our thoughts. When you focus on not missing the target instead of on hitting the bull’s-eye, the results are often disastrous, for it is impossible to think negative thoughts in a positive way. Ask any golfer who has tried not to miss a putt or a bowler who has struggled not to miss a strike. Make sure your goals are specific and precise. “Making a lot of money” or “earning regular promotions” are wishes, not goals. 

State exactly how much money you expect to earn and when, and the specific promotion you want, how you plan to earn it, and when you expect to do so. As Carlson Companies chairman Curt Carlson once noted, “Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eye off the target.”

The last thing that I will talk about to today is that in order to be successful you need to find the motivation within and the why!! Think about what is your why. Your why will bring the ideas into mind and your mind will start to find ways to get you there but it has to a self motivation journey.

Please enjoy this really short video and let me know your thoughts.

I have found that so many businesses and people as well always find a way to blame a failed business or a failed life to outside sources and never see and I mean never ever see that the person either running the business or the choices people in general make and take responsibility for their action. People business owners and individuals try this little trick and see what it does to your mindset. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and let me know good luck my friends.