
Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Life Is What You Make Of It"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and how are you doing this beautiful Saturday morning. As for me well guess what making the move to Northern California Santa Barbara County where the weather is cooler and a better quality of life I hope YAY!!! Life is beautiful, I just believe that people in general make if difficult when they believe that they cannot change it when in fact they can at any point they choose to do so.

Well back to business and as a coach I am all about Heart. I love engaging people in general whenever I get a chance, and I find great reward in supporting the people around me as I move through making the change  in whatever solution is needed.  As a  Visionary, I am always looking forward to an inspiring future. 

I seem to have found a gift for seeing opportunity and planning for new situations, and I tend to get excited about what lies on the other side of a change.

I see change coming into my life and that is to help businesses in need that perhaps have never asked for assistance because they were embarrassed for whatever reason and to you my friends and future clients I say be who you are be yourself and just invite me for a cup of hot strong coffee and you will have my attention and we can talk about the future.

Last week I had the opportunity to meet the Mayor of Santa Barbara Helene Schneider a very strong woman whom I have the highest respect for. Helene is all about change and bringing new ideas to to her city of Santa Barbara. I want to say thank you to her for taking the time from her busy schedule to stop by and say hello.


As a Facilitator, I focus on the specific needs of individuals and specific activities they need to support their day-to-day routines  to lead the change. I know the tasks that need to be accomplished to make measurable progress, and for you to succeed to reach your goals and dreams.

 There is always a shortage of people who get the job done on time without excuses or grumbling.

If you really study those who have reached the top of any organization, you will find that they are the people who cheerfully accept challenges, take the initiative, and get the job done. They don’t complain, and they don’t make excuses. Those who never get anywhere in their jobs and careers can’t seem to understand that achievers don’t become achievers after they reach the top. They reached the top because of the way they conducted themselves along the way.

You can easily become one of those individuals who regularly advance in the organization — if you are willing to pay the price. Any good manager will tell you that the type of people who are most in demand are those who can think for themselves, who will take the initiative to do the right thing without being told, and who will stick to the job until it is finished. You can be one of those people if you choose to be. 

Check out this short little video and do not be shy to call me I am here to provide the solutions you need:I have to tell you one of my secrets and that is that everything and I mean every ting whether it is about life or a problem or a project it all fascinates me because I always want to learn something new or try something new!!.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What Kind Of World Do We Live In

Hello my friends and what a beautiful Saturday morning. I believe that life is an adventure and every day is a blessing from all sides of the world and our minds well that is one powerful tool. The mind is one giant muscle because .the more you use it the stronger it becomes.

The other night I fell to sleep and had this strange dream about life,yes it was about my life. I am still picking it apart to find the meaning but so far my only ideal solution that somehow the dream meant to better be prepared: Let me explain. Perhaps just perhaps you have been through a similar situation.

In this dream I met a mentor of mine and he stated to me that I must prepare for this great speech I was to make in a coliseum with perhaps ten thousand people. In this dream I was in a dream in other words a dream within a dream. I woke up in the dream within my dream and started to laugh and stated to myself yea sure ten thousand people OK!!!

Then I find myself sitting in the crowed in the coliseum where I am supposed to speak and I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt!!. I stood up and Zig Ziglar was speaking and as I was walking out to the door I picked up the announcement and list of speakers and guess what my name was in capital letters and gold as the main speaker on life. I ran out the door with paper in hand and I was now walking with my suit and tie over my shoulder to the hotel room.

I placed my clothes neatly on the bed and walked out to see more of the coliseum and suddenly realized that I had half an hour to get ready and be at the podium to speak. I rushed back to the hotel and could not find my room and though I am not a person to panic ever I found myself in a frantic panic. 

I could not find the room so I made the choice to go ahead and look like a fool and get up there in front of the audience in shorts and a T-shirt . On my way up there I totally forgot what my speech was all about.

 I run into my son Quentin and he says ( Dad I have been looking for you and they just called your name and why did you not change) I looked at him and smiled and said Son I have no idea and on top of that I have no idea what my speech was all about) He said WOW DAD! what kind of world do we live in!!

 I said you are a genius that is my speech What kind of world do we live in!! I made my speech on that and then I woke up.

Well my friends in life we will have and face challenges at times that are unexpected and this is a crazy world we live in: High unemployment-Young kids dying and killing themselves families falling apart what a world!!

I guess the moral of this dream is to be prepared at all times for whatever comes your way and deal with the issue at hand and with the truth in mind you will come to a solution and feel like a million bucks doing it. Sometimes we will make fools of ourselves

My son in the dream has always been an inspiration to me ever since he was a child and now as he is growing up I want to be his.Life! what a crazy world we live in!!

Our youth incarcerate why must it be this way when there is always a solution to avoid it. I speak to them from the heart and they understand me and I understand them. Their face of disgust and pain and shame you can see and feel it but if one can come up to me and ask me to help them find that solution to change then guess what I have done my job!!

I have a dream too! To be able to change the world one mind at a time!!!

My friends who own businesses guess what you too will face many challenges may it be in marketing, management, customer service issues, staff issues and guess what there is always a solution for your problems as well: So look me up for your personal needs or your business needs and I am here to serve you that is my business:

My friends connect with me on:

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Find Your Passion And Desires And Reach Your Goals-Luciano Santini

Hello and good morning to all my friends and followers who read my postings.

Examine most carefully the things you desire most.

Far too many people spend more time planning their weekends than their lives. Then they suddenly realize that life has passed them by and they weren’t even aware it was happening. When you intently study what you most desire in life, you begin to focus your mind and concentrate your energy upon that which you wish to achieve.

 One of the great advantages of having a definite goal for your life is that it helps you prioritize your activities. When your major purpose is clear in your mind, it is unnecessary to analyze each individual situation.

 You know automatically whether your actions will move you toward your goal or away from it. You can then use all of your resources — time, money, and energy — to best advantage. 

I have to tell you my friend that challenges come in all colors and all sizes don't they? And business is no different.

What happens when your customers stop buying from you? 
Let us see, I believe most customers stop buying from anyone or stop coming in simply because someone never showed them value!!! or they showed no love towards them meaning no incentives no caring while in your business establishment.

  How do we do that!! Yes there are many theories but the truth is that there are actual techniques and trainings and that is where a great coach comes in with real life experience. One that can think outside the box and perhaps streamline processes to save you money and time.

 What happens when your employees stop working hard for you? 

They stop caring for your customers which is the number one reason to keep them happy. The real question here is why do they stop? Well the main reason is because they have no stability in their positions and you do not show that you care about them because you are to busy trying to figure out how to survive. In so many organizations owners and managers alike pretend to care for their employees when in fact they could care less.

What happens when your  website is not visited anymore?
 Believe or not it is all the same because you never show value to your clients.

Please follow this link and check out this video:

A favorite quote to think about and what it means.
"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau 

I have been faced with many of those situations and times and each time you think you are prepared and yet I found myself never ever prepared. why is that? One reason could be that it is because in your mind you feel prepared and when it happens whatever the situation may be you find that you had no idea it would feel so bad.

What is pain and suffering? A question that I am sure we would all define differently. I will ask my readers and followers to give me some ideas and suggestions. I know I can look some up on Google and find some but what I want is real words real feelings from people that have gone through a hardship or the loss of a loved one that can bring some happiness to those that loose a loved one. 

My friends let me know send me some comments on your thoughts and your memories and how you beat these challenges tho difficult. I look forward to reading them from you.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Luciano ( The Key) Santini Reads ' Wasted Time Poem"

 Hello my friends and here we are again on a beautiful Saturday morning. I would like to dedicate this poem I wrote a while back to everyone who thinks they do not waste time. We all do it we just do not realize it. Take this poem and let me know what your thoughts are after you listen to it. 

 Every thought you release becomes a permanent part of your character.

Thoughts are things. Every thought you release — good or bad — is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. More important, your thoughts affect you. You become what you think about most. If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. 

Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.

I believe that we waste our time and energy on things that we should be aware of and should take a really close look at where we are sending this energy. In life we get caught up on our daily routines and sometimes we loose time and have no idea where it was wasted.

Establishing a clear system for communicating with the boss.
 I have never understood when someone has anything that is vital to a person or an organization and is communicated through an email. I have always trained managers and staff members that if it is a crucial issue that needs to be discussed it must be done either directly over the phone or in person but never on an email.

It is a waste of time and many times over I have seen it where the issue would be brought up again and again in a meeting.

I have one very important question for you my friends. Are you one that counts the minutes of each hour to make sure that you never waste time? I have always trained people to take action and create a sense of urgency all day when action items come their way get them done and over with.

If you would only realize that procrastination has another name
The thief of productivity) you will see the importance of not wasting time.Once you understand this concept you will see that you will accomplish personal goals and you will also get all your work done.

"Wasted Time"-Luciano (The Key) Santini

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"People Believe What They Hear Rarely Do They Believe What They See"-Luciano Santini

Good morning to all my readers and followers. I truly appreciate all of your support and thus do the writing that I do on my blog. It has been a great week so far and now the weekend is upon is once again.

Today I just want to mention some issues that I have been coming across in resume writing. People in general need to have an understanding that anyone can give them advise regarding their resume from the font is not correct to your resume needs to be one page.

I always let people know that they have to try to create your own so the individual gets a good feeling about themselves first. Once that has been accomplished then you  the person can seek out assistance so their resume can be looked at and suggest the changes that need to be made: This is mostly for someone that cannot afford to have a professional resume writer to write it for them which in this economy is most of us.

If you do want a professional to write it for you  find someone that will work with you not only to write it for you but to explain the changes that will be made and the reason why the changes are being made. Many times individuals pay for a resume that the person could have written themselves with nothing more then a little guidance and that has been my past experiences. Good luck and write that resume and get out there and find that dream job!!!!
 Here is something so important and of course it comes from someone that I have studied for the past 14 years of my life.
 The individual who only does enough work to get by seldom gets much more than “by.”
There is a cause-and-effect relationship between your actions and the rewards that accrue to you. When you put more of yourself into your career, your personal relationships, your religious faith, and any other aspect of your life, you get more out of it. If your ambitions are greater than simply “getting by” in life, you will never be truly happy with your company, your job, or yourself unless you do your best every day. Your harshest critic and your toughest competitor should be you. 

The world of management either in a non-profit or for profit are going through so  many changes today due mostly to the changes in funding or economy. Managers are being asked to do more or high turn around on projects with less meaning less people (Staff) or less money. Top managers are doing one thing that really is hard to swallow and more so when it so evident what they are doing. Speaking for myself when you are a top manager in either organization you have to be able to understand people.

 "People Believe What They Hear Rarely Do They Believe What They See"-Luciano Santini

You have to be able to listen to people and most important know their weaknesses and their strengths. If a top manager lacks in leadership skills or management skills they need to step back and look at their staff and find strengths in their staff but never take advantage of them.

Lower managers or lead people may not say anything to their boss, that individual will eventually get tired and know their boss has no idea what they are doing and who manage through fear or position of which personally I am not a fan of but unfortunately many organizations are operated in this fashion.

Leadership has become very complicated in the past few years and far more competitive. Top position holders often become believers of old ways and become stuck in thinking on terms of matrices and competencies and modules which might have worked years ago but no longer is this the case. The simple truth is that to be a leader is to open doors of opportunity for others. To be most effective, leaders need to be opportunity creators.

Opportunity creators that is something that I believe strong on because if one creates opportunities for to them they become self managed and will be far more proficient with their skills thus giving more to any organization.

To be able to provide a solution to a problem corporations pay big money and they want the solution to work. Now one of the best way to find this out is to take a look where any individual is employed. On any given day take a look at the way the big boss runs the operation.

 Do they manage from their office by telling people what needs to be done or do they delegate out tasks but never follow up. These type operate by position -In other words people will do what they are asked to do because of the position the manager holds.

Manage by fear people will avoid eye contact at all times wither their boss but do what they say due to fear of loosing their job or of being removed or being written up for any reason. This is no way to work and operate any organization and expect staff to be happy.

Then you have the person who does not consider themselves a boss or a manager but a leader and guess what everyone knows this and understands and they (staff) will to do just about anything this person asks of them WHY? It is very simple a strategy but powerful simple because these persons never consider themselves as the boss but a leader.

These persons listen to the needs of their staff. These people teach their staff how to be better people. These persons work side by side with their staff when the tough times come. You see there is no need to scream and manipulate people they know you are a leader and they will follow them.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Accountability= Failure is a Success Only If You Learn From It-Santini Self Development Enterprises-Luciano Santini

 On Goals Luciano Explains the key to setting goals in both business and life.

Good morning to all my friends who read and follow my blog postings. Today I want to talk about a touchy subject called accountability. Now let us be honest first of all because sometimes we believe in our minds that we are always accountable for our own actions and the truth of the matter is that yes we think we are but are we becomes the real question.

 "Failure is A Success Only If You Learn From It"-Luciano Santini

I have found that when someone brings up a topic that few people either do not want to talk about or have issues admitting to themselves that perhaps they are not perfect and the other that they do not know everything could and does become a real problem for any individual that really believes that.

What is accountability and what does it mean to each of us?

Accountability is:
Accountability means taking responsibility of one's activity. In public service, the idea of accountability is that the performance of institutions, groups and individuals be judged according to some measurable criteria.
  First, no one has a clear, consistent definition of accountability. Many talk a good game, but few actually know what it means. My second thought is that most often the call for more accountability is really an unspoken desire for more consequences (i.e., reward for achievement and punishment for failure). 

Lets talk about what and how it will affect you as an part of staff or as the manager of operations. I love this article by a friend of a friend of mine who wrote this a while back and I remember clearly when it was first published and thought wow this a real clear definition and broken down to what it means to be accountable.

One needs to understand what this means and how to apply the structure in any organization or any team. If the team does not understand what it means and understand the end result then for sure the team will fail however if the manager or the leader of the team it for that matter any team the project will fail.

People ask me all the time so what is it exactly what you do Luciano?
My short answer is I provide solutions to your problems and if i do not have it then I will find someone who does but I will always find the solution to your problem or issues you as a person or your business is facing that is what I do in a nutshell my friends.

 by Paul Gillard, PhD & Rachel Radwinsky, PhD

What is Accountability?
When shame-faced politicians, greedy bankers or celebrity executives say “I take complete accountability for my actions” at their mea culpa, please-forgive-me press conferences, we generally accept these types of statements as apologies (even when paired with “voluntary” resignations). Is this how someone is held accountable? Accountability is more than a phrase that is part of a scripted apology.
 Accountability quite literally is the ability to account for one’s actions.

So now that the high-level definition is out of the way, let’s fully define and lay out the true meaning of the term, starting with what needs to be in place for accountability to exist:

1. Clear Goals Must Be Established: Quantifiable project objectives should be defined, documented and communicated

2. Adequate Resources and Authority Must Be Granted: Sufficient resources (e.g., financial, technical and human), control and influence must be made available.

3. Specific Consequences Must Be Predetermined: Outcomes for success and failure are established, documented and communicated.
If any of the above are not satisfied the employee is well within his or her rights to question the assignment and address the gaps before proceeding. We realize this is a strong statement, but perfectly legitimate if he or she is to be accountable.

Let’s explore one in a little more detail.
Establishing Clear Goals
Ambiguity regarding desired outcomes for a given project must be eliminated and great care taken to ensure that all involved share the same definition of success. It does not matter who the leader is, projects that begin without a clear, shared picture of the end goal(s) are doomed to failure. Project goals should be Relevant, Realistic and Reportable.
  • Relevant – goals are aligned with overarching business objectives
  • Realistic – attainable given the known constraints
  • Reportable – performance against the key success metric(s) can be objectively quantified and communicated.
 The employee may physically complete the work, but if the manager controls the decisions/resources, the manager is still the one accountable. When such projects fail, the manager is at fault not the direct report. Or stated more eloquently, when the manager is pulling the strings, he can’t blame the puppet for bad performance.

As A Manager…
As a reminder, setting the expectation and granting the authority are keys to establishing accountability. We would like to place emphasis on the final key – consequences. One of the toughest things a manager has to do is address failure. There is no easy way around this issue – to establish accountability, the manager must meet this challenge head-on. Put clear, meaningful consequences in place, and by all means follow through.

As a Direct Report…
Before accepting a task, look at the accountability structure. If you are not aware of the expectation, do not have the proper authority to act and do not know what the consequences will be at the end of the day, you may find yourself in a bad situation. 

Build a case for getting clarification of goals, assignment of resources and the authority to act and make sure you know the consequences. Finally, be prepared to accept the consequences if you do fail. Do it gracefully. Own up to your behavior and learn from it. That is accountability.

On The brighter side of life let us talk about positivity. We all want to be positive but sometimes life just throws some curve balls at us and we find ourselves stuck in time if you will because we have no idea what to do but break down and sob--boo hoo boo hoo.

Well friends boo hooing is nothing more then an excuse to our behaviour. What do you mean Luciano!!! well friends it is simple when we are around those that are negative move away from them!!!! and find those who think like you do positivity is like a virus once it gets going you cannot stop it and the same goes with once you surround yourself with negativity it becomes very difficult to stop it as well.

Things to remember my friends keep an open mind;
Stay around those who carry a positive attitude.
Find things that gives you or puts a smile on your face.
Go outside tomorrow early before the sun rises and watch it rise.
Do these things and your life will change but you have to be accountable for yourself and your actions if you do not  and remember:

 "Nothing Will Change Unless You Take That First Step"--Luciano Santini

Saturday, June 15, 2013

We All Make Mistakes Learn And Change--Santini Self- Development Enterprises

Good morning everyone and maybe good afternoon in some places of the world for my readers.

Both adults and youth need advice and ways to find themselves and to be able to see different perspectives on life and their environment that they have created. You see my friends we can create our own environment no matter what we choose it to be we can create it it is up to us as individuals to do so  and figure it out.

We all make mistakes believe me!! I know I have made a few in my life but I saw the consequences afterwords and learned from them at a young age. Sometimes we are so caught up with our daily routines that we forget who we are and that is the time to catch ourselves and make the change needed.

You see friends we always want to be the best at whatever we do. The truth is that it takes time to get there it not something that comes overnight. The first is about being and believing that we know everything. Hello we do  not know everything and you must come to terms with that.The most difficult challenges we face each day are the ones we either create ourselves in our mind and need to be cleaned out.

if we want to accomplish anything we need to get better at it whatever that might be because one thing for sure if we are not getting better we are surely without a doubt are getting worse.

 A positive mental attitude is an irresistible force that knows no such thing as an immovable body.
Time and again we hear stories about ordinary people who do seemingly impossible things when they find themselves in an emergency situation. They perform Herculean feats of strength and endurance, things they never dreamed they were capable of doing.

 Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could harness that strength and make it available anytime you need it? You can — if you believe you can. No doubt you can remember a time in your life when you were exceptionally focused on your objective, a time when you achieved more in less time than ever before. Perhaps it was an impending vacation that motivated you to get everything done before you departed, or perhaps it was a “must pass” exam that helped you focus your concentration.

 The intensity that you developed in those situations is always available to you when you have a Positive Mental Attitude.