Good morning my friends and how are we doing on this beautiful Saturday morning perhaps Sunday somewhere else or close to being Sunday. Today I am going to talk about communication and what it means to a corporation when communication fails between staff and management or for that matter between CEO"S.
Let me start with some motivation clips of myself speaking to all people and trying to change the world to a better place one mind at a time;
Before I go on let me share some wisdom with you from a great teacher and mentor.Please enjoy.
A bull may have good qualities, but you will never bring them out by waving a red flag in his face.
Arousing others is easy — if you don’t care what kind of action you inspire. If you wish to create a positive response in others, you do so by example and through the art of gentle persuasion, not by daring them to attack. When you work with others, concentrate on their positive attributes, not on the things they dislike or fear.
When you take the time to get to know your associates, to learn about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, you can determine what motivates them. You can then show them how they can align their goals with yours to work together for your mutual advantage. When you do, everybody wins.
Communication is essential to any business to both clients and staff members
Luciano Santini
When communication fails or lack of it in the workplace can occur in any size company large or small between management and employees, or what about
between individual employees. When people fail to communicate effectively then it often will move to some irrational thinking or conflict. Poor communication will most likely cause some type of failure with any organization and can lead to some serious changes.
When management does not communicate properly new policies or procedures rumors can go out which in turn can create a hostile environment. If management fails to communicate any type of change correctly morale will be affected. The worst that can happen is the employees will begin to go into quiet mode or silence and say or do nothing like completing their tasks or projects.
One of the biggest issues in companies large or small is that sometimes if not all the time is poor training. I have found that when change occurs proper training was never put into action correctly. Inadequate training can result in the worker having difficulty in
adapting to your work environment as well as mistakes while performing a
task due to miscommunication.
Communication issues can and will cause profit loss and morale loss which in turn will cause management headaches galore.