Good morning to all around the world who continue to motivate me to keep writing my articles. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mostly enjoy reading the feedback that receive on my articles which is great because it makes me want to write every day which I would if I did not have any kids hahahahahahah!!!!!!
Part of life is managing our time to the fullest each and every day which at times can become difficult to do.
I find that sometimes we find ourselves in self pity and guess what happens we get sucked into this black hole of hell? I find that self pity can become like a drug and you can become addicted to it. Have you ever been to the doctor with a severe pain?
I know you have at one point or another and the doctor say well you will have to take these pain pills for a while as needed to ease the pain. The pain continues and the medicine does not work anymore because you have built a tolerance for it thus you will go back to the doctor and he will prescribe a stronger medicine. The same is true with self-pity. The more you let
yourself to live in it, the more you will require.
After a while, self-pity
will create a habit, one so overwhelming that it will rob you of
all the potential you possess.I have found when I work one on on with someone that the issues that have caused the self pity in the first place have been problems created by the same person. I then find that after talking more about the issues the same person becomes the only person to remedy the situation.
Now let speak on Organizational Transformation what it
means to so many out there: To me it means :
Having a leader with a strong character who can communicate a strong new vision
from top to bottom.
First let me start by saying that they are extremely costly. Transforming organizations into proactive entities reduces costs and eliminates duplication and non value-added processes, which is key to improving the bottom line and improving product and/or service delivery at the same time.I have worked in restructuring systems and processes with a few organizations and I have found that the issues is usually never with the vision or the mission but with the people who have no idea how to implement the procedures.
I have found that you have your top management and then your lower level managers and then your supervisors who simply pass along the information and the new processes that need to take place. I find myself laughing inside when they in turn turn around and expect their staff to just have a full understanding on what to do.
One of my mentors once told me a simple way to run an operation. He said to me usually the plan is in lace and usually it is a good plan however what happens during implementation is that they (Top Management) try to re-invent the wheel and you do have to do that just make the wheel roll better-Brian Card.
The techniques to implement vary of course on the needs of any company at the moment but one for sure which should be a given is that employees need to have the proper training by the proper people who actually have a good understanding on the change and is able to convey that information in a way that people do not take it the wrong way such as making them feel dumb-I could have used the word incompetent but let us use simple words which I find much easier to understand myself.
I will however use the word incompetent for top players in any organization and please I do not mean all top level management because I have learned from some great leaders and they are out there.
The problem comes when you have a bright leader who is great in operations and creates some great ideas for change but by the time it gets to the lower managers it becomes a joke because they only read the directions but have no ideas how to implement to their staff so they pass along the procedures and directions but never follow up or pass along specifics.
The other issue is of course the strategic plan and how it pertains to the rest of the company once it has been created. The alignment between the human resources department and the rest of the organization must be aligned with the end results.
Communication with both internal and external customers however I find that it is paramount that the communication with internal customers is clear and specific and should always be the primary concern making sure the understanding of the strategic plan is understood.
I have seen so many strategic plans come and go to staff and they read it and will tell you that they understand it so you can leave them alone because they know that you as the leader have no idea what it means and they know that you will not follow up and so the organization will continue into a down spiral direction until doors close and customers go elsewhere.
Drifting, without aim or purpose, is the first cause of failure.
Without a plan for your life, it is easier to follow the course of least resistance, to go with the flow, to drift with the current with no particular destination in mind. Having a definite plan for your life greatly simplifies the process of making hundreds of daily decisions that affect your ultimate success. When you know where you want to go, you can quickly decide if your actions are moving you toward your goal or away from it. Without definite, precise goals and a plan for their achievement, each decision must be considered in a vacuum.
Without a plan for your life, it is easier to follow the course of least resistance, to go with the flow, to drift with the current with no particular destination in mind. Having a definite plan for your life greatly simplifies the process of making hundreds of daily decisions that affect your ultimate success. When you know where you want to go, you can quickly decide if your actions are moving you toward your goal or away from it. Without definite, precise goals and a plan for their achievement, each decision must be considered in a vacuum.
of purpose provides context and allows you to relate specific actions to
your overall plan.