
Showing posts with label PHD in Leadership and Organizational Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PHD in Leadership and Organizational Psychology. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2016

"Be A Rebel Challenge The Status Quo Change Is Constant"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and here we are  on another day of frustration among our society. I find it to n\be more frustrating among the younger generations due to old school way of thinking and the resistance to change.
I tell to all of you younger people out there go for it and challenge the status quo because I do and yes you will get your hands slapped and perhaps at time loose jobs but the question to always ask yourself is: Would it be worth to challenge my organization to make a change and the answer will always be YES if it is worth fighting for after all-Who are you if you do not fight for what you believe to be the right thing to do?

I love this quote;

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Rob Siltanen
I know that sometimes in life we will always face challenges and sometimes we need to make some vary hard choices as to whether to go forward and challenge. I know and I can tell you from experience and working with bosses that always want to stay conformed to the old way of thinking and resist to change basically will tell you they are all about change and yet their actions of course show otherwise because behind the scenes they resist change. So what do I do well I follow my mentors advise as follows;
 Napoleon Hill says;

The quality and quantity of service you render fixes your wages and determines what sort of experience you are getting.

The only constraints that you have on your income and advancement potential are those you place upon yourself. If you don’t like your position, or if you are unhappy with your salary, do something about it. What can you do to make yourself more valuable to your department or your company? What tasks have not been completed because no one has the time or the inclination to take care of them? Look around and identify things that need to be done. 
Don’t wait to be asked. If you make it a habit to seek out opportunities, to take on new tasks, you will increase your knowledge about the organization and become such a valued employee that your company can’t afford to lose you. 

I agree to try and become as valuable as you can to your organization however if they seem to under value your talents and suggestions for change then you will know what you need to do Yes!! challenge them because that is the only way that change will happen. Will it be scary absolutely it will! but change is constant and guess what change has to take place sometime in every organization and so someone will make the challenge at one point or another it might as well be you!!.
Johnny Cash quotes inspirational bad ass. “

“I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It's still my symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others' ideas.”
Johnny Cash

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Isolation Never A Way Or Technique To Lead--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello to all my friends and well another week has passed now and here we are together again and so let us talk about  leadership a bit more because this seems to be an ongoing issue with everyone I speak to.

I believe that what seems to be and keeps coming up is that we have so many baby boomers trying to manage the new generations that are coming into the workforce with their old ways of managing which by the way is somewhat antiquated. Do not by any way think that there old techniques that do not work because the truth is that old way of managing can be good with the right way of training and implementing.

The main issue here seems to be understanding and isolation. What the hell do I mean by isolation you are asking? Well my friend let me tell you that in most cases I have found not only from experience but through research that I personally have done and tests that I have tried with my bosses and tests that I have tested in groups with staff members and I find that the biggest problem is isolation from leadership where they come to work and the only way or times that they will listen to you is if you stand in front of them or in their way as they walk in and they have to say excuse me to get passed you.

They walk into their offices and close the door and then they isolate themselves from having any kind of contact with people.What happens now is that people that you are supposed to lead begin to feel disconnected meaning they will do everything possible to avoid any contact. They will never ever trust you and perhaps start to sabotage the leadership members.People will also begin to feel unsupported and only do what they need to do to get by as far as work performance.

Here are some things people have said regarding leadership:


Three very important keys of being the most effective leader are:
1. Leaders are the most effective when they always investing in strengths.
2. Leaders are the most effective who surround themselves with the right people and maximize their team.
3. Leaders are the most effective who understand their followers needs.

When Leaders or anyone are without an awareness of their strengths, it’s almost impossible for them to lead effectively.
We all lead in very different ways,based on our talents and our limitations. Serious problems occur when we think we need to be exactly like the leaders we admire. Doing so takes us out of our natural element and practically eliminates our chances of success.

Ajay Kumar Gupta on said:

  Leaders tend to isolate. More they reach up in hierarchy, more they tend to isolate people under. Since there are few people at the top and the responsibility is different, they generally feel to isolate people. And people below also tend to isolate them in routine matter. Leaders can overcome such tendency by remaining connecting with the people. The major problem why leaders or other people get disconnected is the perception of power.

 Lower level people or employees feel powerless and leaders are perceived powerful. And this feeling makes the difference. So, leaders need to create a feeling of equality, caring and approachable. Leaders should create a feeling that employees are not fearful from leaders.
Leaders on the other hands, should be humble and encourage more interaction with the people. They should come out of their cabin and make effective communication. Generally, lack of interaction, communication and interaction by leaders is perceived negatively. People perceived leaders biased. So, communication and visibility is the key.

I believe that when leadership isolate themselves it creates so much chaos and sometimes leaders because they have no idea how to have or create a dialogue with another human being it become difficult to manage anyone.My friends isolation is a killer in business in any business.

One thing we should all know and have a very clear understanding is that people are not stupid!!! They know when you are not a leader.

I hope you enjoy this article and if you do please share with leaders and if you are a leader then read and reread over and over.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Changes In Both The World Around Us And Our Faces--Luciano Santini

Hello my friends and how are we doing this day as we get ready to celebrate Martin Luther Kings Day. There is much to celebrate regarding the changes just in the workplace not to say everywhere else.Here is a little history;
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;

Senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East (both North Carolina Republicans) led opposition to the holiday and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honor. Helms criticized King's opposition to the Vietnam War and accused him of espousing "action-oriented Marxism".[4] Helms led a filibuster against the bill and on October 3, 1983, submitted a 300-page document to the Senate alleging that King had associations with communists. New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan declared the document a "packet of filth", threw it on the Senate floor and stomped on it.[5][6]

President Ronald Reagan originally opposed the holiday, citing cost concerns. When asked to comment on Helms' accusations that King was a communist, the president said "We'll know in thirty-five years, won't we?", in reference to the eventual release of FBI surveillance tapes that had previously been sealed.[7] But on November 2, 1983, Reagan signed a bill, proposed by Representative Katie Hall of Indiana, to create a federal holiday honoring Dr. King.[8][9] The bill had passed the House of Representatives by a count of 338 to 90, a veto-proof margin.[4] The holiday was observed for the first time on January 20, 1986.
The bill also established the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission to oversee observance of the holiday, and Coretta Scott King, King's wife, was made a member of this commission for life by President George H. W. Bush in May 1989.[10][11]

Here I am celebrating Dr. Kings Birthday

OK now regarding business engagement in the workplace. I have found that while many companies continue to spend millions of dollars on developing their staff well most of the time it is a waste of time. Ans while we may ask ourselves why is that? I believe that most companies know the reasons behind the challenges. I believe that most people just do not want to change or they simply are not given the right direction to change.

Most companies believe that the reason their companies fail regarding development of the workforce is because there is a lack of good people when in reality it is the lack of skills. What do I mean by this well let us start by showing some statistics corporate training grew a 15 % between 2013 and 2014 meaning that this is the highest growth in seven years.

According to Brightspace by D2L shows that most people will be leaving their jobs for new opportunities and while it normally takes about 3 to 5 years to fully bring up a professional up to speed or full productivity many millennials have admitted that they will be leaving companies within 2 to 3 years because of development issues.

I found this on Google images and well take a look at this and then take a look at your staff and you better figure out where your organization is at this point and time.
This is a very important issue that organizations need to understand because large organizations are going to loose so many people due to retirement and all that knowledge is going out that door and as soon as that occurs well guess what happens next CHAOS!!!!

Leaders and managers need to come together and talk about their development strategies and how they will implement. Here are some fun facts to ponder upon;

51 % percent of your staff in a large organization actually in any organization are not engaged and 17.5 are actively dis-engaged. It is believed according to statistics and research that 78 million baby boomers will be leaving the workforce in the next 20 years of which 10,000 retire every day. These are astounding numbers so think  about this question! Where is your organization in this number?

Generation Y at over 75 million outnumbered the baby boomers in 2015.You have to agree whether we like it or not that though the generation Y  is the end user in actuality regarding the technology today they are the ones who will catch on faster and able to run with any new technology that may be coming.

This world will become very difficult to operate if people in leadership role do not get off their assets and begin to catch on with the program. Leaders today think that because they are in a leadership role they are immune to what is coming well guess what leaders!!!! You are not and if you do not prepare,learn and teach well then good luck because you will be swallowed up by a much younger,faster technology savvy millennial!!.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Understanding People At Work--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello and a Happy new year to all who continue to follow me and support my dreams which is to bring and change minds  one a time. I have some great ideas for the new year some of which are the following. I will be publishing a life journal which was inspired by my kids. It is a journal of great quotes and how they helped me achieve my goals. 

Today I would like to talk about what I call the reality of psychology in organizations. While studying psychology many thought that I was going to be a therapist which is a big no. I am not a therapist though at times it feels like I could be during some of the coaching that I have done to top executives in the hospitality industry

OB or organizational behavior is one of those things that will become very important to understand in the coming years due to all the millennials that are going into management or all millennials coming into large organizations. The leadership in some large organizations like Google, Apple just to name a few have been preparing for the future only because they are so caught up with technology by the minute. 

What is psychology and some may or may not know nor understand what it is. Psychology is a science that seeks to measure explain and sometimes try to change the behavior of people or animals. One major issue that I have found that the leadership in place in most large organizations do not understand what this means.

In most places you will find that most people are disengaged,bored, hate their jobs and last hate their bosses due to lack of understanding of behavior which will always bring up or create issues in the  workplace or with peers due to the lack of understanding on technology. What the biggest issue seems to be most recently is that when millennials are hired they end up leaving quickly.

 I did some research and spoke to over 1000 students that had just graduated from universities or city colleges and had found employment where leadership was 45 years old or older and found that they had a hard time coming to work due to lack of training and simply because they could not communicate with leadership and leadership would write them up because they could not keep up with them and they would blame them and tell them that they were being insubordinate.

What leadership needs to understand that if they do not keep up with millennials they are going to find themselves out of a job real soon. Leadership needs to understand that all these issues come from a lack of training and learning for themselves and because they simply resist to change. If leadership continue to resist then the outcomes will not be good because it could lead to a major deficiency for the organization.

There are three major issue in organization that most leaders have to deal with and they are as follows absenteeism seems to be a big one and that is again because when an employees finds themselves bored or know that there is no way to progress or promote and their leadership do not listen to them then they either will miss work or do just enough to keep their jobs until they find something better.

Another one is productivity, when employees have a clear understanding of who they are and what they can actually contribute to the organization but continue to get shot down on any suggestions then they give their ideas to others and find other positions where they can grow.

Another is the most noticed one which sometimes leadership blame on bad hires when the truth is the the issue is not the hires but leadership the one I am speaking of is TURNOVER OF STAFF!!!!.

I will leave you with this which most leadership lack in most organizations; Have a clear understanding of human behavior, you do not need to be a therapist though that would help but here is the jist of it. The goals of OB is to be able to try to predict,explain and control human behavior--Crazy I know!! but if you want a smooth operation better get a certificate or some classes under your belt or the alternative is to find yourself out of a position.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Tell Them Loudly"Watch me succeed"-Luciano Santini

Good day everyone and how are all my friends doing? I read about Steve Jobs a while back and the creativity this man had in his mind was just incredible. I read article that people would write about him and some were pretty negative and I always wondered why. I found the reason was that those who either were very envious or were afraid of his creativity and mostly his competition. He believed in a great product that changes lives and he followed his dreams, but he would have never ever accomplished it if it had not been for his teams that assisted him create the products Apple is so well known for.

I believe that life is the same way because sometimes you will take risks and hope for the best and yet you will find resistance and the negativity all around and well my friends you have to be able to stand up and say hey " I can do this and just watch me do it and well just go for it despite the negativity"-Luciano Santini 

My friends if you want to accomplish anything in life or in business you just have to take some risks when people challenge you just have to smile and let them know that no matter what happens you make it in life and in business.

Leadership is not an easy task for even the most seasoned people. I find that the better you are as an individual in mind and soul your leadership will come through as long as you do not allow negativity to poison your mind. Let us face reality with a strong stand of mind and allow our minds to grow within ourselves. My friends when we allow others to enter our minds with negativity our minds become vulnerable to failure because we allow our minds to weaken. In business my friends if we allow our competition to takes us down in our minds then we are beaten before they do or say anything.

Technology is the future and both in life and in business one must be aware of this future. My friends take a look at your children and see how advanced they are with technology. We as individuals cannot allow ourselves to stay behind. Just to give you a look into what and how technology affects both your life and your business; There are over one billion users on Facebook and there is over 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every single minute. My friends think about this and how this could make your business boom or fail as well as your personal life.

There is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat.

Napoleon Hill

There is no such thing as failure, unless it is accepted as such. Every defeat is temporary unless you give up and allow it to become permanent. In fact, temporary defeat often makes us stronger and more capable. Each time we try and fail, we learn something that helps prepare us for eventual success. Only in the classroom is there a single correct answer for every problem. If you try an approach that doesn’t work, try something else. When you view adversity as nothing more than a learning experience, your successes in life will far outnumber your failures.

Please share with someone who needs to build self esteem or their confidence.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Most Intense Issues In Organizations Today-Leadership And Technology-Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello and good morning and well here I am giving a great speech to a church group from juvenile court whom seem to have had some major issues in life. I find that this is a time when a teen goes through literally hell trying to figure out who they are and where they are going. I believe that teens go through the stages of not listening to their parents.

What happens though is that the parents give up on their kids and well the result is they end up in a place where they will never forget and always remember and think about the time when their parents gave up to them. 

I have gone through some of these issues myself as a teen how ever I had a father who was really tough with me and my siblings to the point that if it happened to day my father would have ended up in jail. people have told me that I seem to share to much of my life and well I do! because guess what? You have to be realistic and give people something to think about that they can perhaps resonate with them.

I always give realistic goals depending where people are right now! at this very moment. Once people get to see where they are at that moment and truly realize where they are then and only then will they be able to see that change needs to take place. I have seen seminars and to many workshops to count where the information given is just not realistic and thus people fail.

Let us move over to business now. In business is the same thing when you think about it. You have owners who think they have all the answers and well the truth is they do not and then they fail. In business there are always issues that need to have immediate change but never takes place. There is always times of change constant change.

In business we have to constantly be innovating to allow the business to grow and blossom into what we want it to be. Innovation only comes from Leadership in the organization realizing that change is a constant and that innovation also can come from non-leaders at that the time and to be able to allow them to teach leadership as well.

Technology is probably the most intense issue in today's organizations. Most origination still trying to understand it and yet do not allow the one population to take off with it and teach it to those that have been around forever in the organization. We have a burst of savvy employee to day that could take any organization to the head of the class if leadership would but only allow them to go for it.

In both real life and in business one must know: 

Napoleon Hills

Know your own mind, and you will be as wise as the sages.

When you take charge of your mind, you take charge of your life. When you understand your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires, you can direct them to any end you choose. Wisdom comes from taking the time to study yourself, to know why you are the person you are. Taking charge of your mind is a thoughtful, reflective, solitary process. Only you can come to understand the complex inner workings of your own mind, and you must be willing to spend the time and effort that gaining such insight requires.

One last thing that I will give before I close:Management,Leaderships and Negotiation skills: Harvard Report

Many managers view negotiation as a tool to use outside the organization to deal with customers, suppliers, and creditors. By contrast, inside the organization, their thinking often is, “It’s my way or the highway.” According to conventional wisdom, managing people requires charisma, vision, and a commanding
manner—but not negotiation skills. Real leaders don’t need to negotiate. This is a common mis-perception about the nature of leadership, which can be defined as the ability to cause individuals to act willingly in desired ways for the benefit of a group. In fact, leadership almost always involves negotiation, and
good leaders are invariably effective negotiators.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Be Thankful Specially To All Those Naysayers For They Will Make You Stronger- Dr. Luciano Santini

What a weekend? I hope that all my readers and families had a beautiful and wonderful and full of joy Thanksgiving!!! There are so many things to be thankful for. I talk to so many people who do not realize what they have to be thankful and grateful for but complain about everything.

One has to be happy just to be alive to be able to wake up the next day and say wow! I made it another day. Each day that I awake I am grateful and thankful to spend one more day with my beautiful wife and kids. When I speak to people or clients regarding their attitudes towards others they flinch and well the responses are not very nice: So I ask them why and of course I get every excuse not to be nice, thankful or grateful. My job at this point of course is to bring them back to reality and ask the right questions.

Do you have food on your table? Yes is the answer. Well there are many who struggle each day. Is your health good? Yes is the answer: There are those who struggle to breath each day. Do you have kids that have good health? Yes is the answer: There are those parents who spent their days in the hospitals around the world next to their kids to make it another day.

The world is not a very nice place people will always say and I say it is  not the world that is not nice but the individuals who live in it and who create the environment around them. There is so much hate,greed and miscommunication that it creates wars around the world and our neighborhoods. People then ask me questions like; Tell me how do you stay so positive.

It is not easy but you have to make the effort if peace is what you want. You have to smile when you should be screaming. You need to walk away from an argument when you feel like punching that person in the face. You need to cry whether you are a man or a woman when something hurts including words.

Be thankful not just for all that you have but also for what you do not have. Be thankful for all those that you love and also for those who hurt you because those will be the ones to give you strength and poise and push you forward while they will live in their negativity and not know it. 

Think about how sad it is for those who try to hurt you and you just smile at them. Think about those who have tried to make you look bad at your company and you just continue to help. Think about those who wish you harm or failure only to find them fail within. I would say be thankful for all of the above.

How many time have you had a great idea and share it only to be taken and used before you had an opportunity to use it yourself. It happens all the time to me and that is why I only share stuff that is old and has been used by me prior and has been published somewhere. IDEAS!

Ideas-Napoleon Hill

Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust. 

Remember, you can place under obligation to you anyone you can induce to accept favors from you.

It is a very basic human characteristic that we tend to respond to others in the same way they treat us. They will always remember the kindness you extended, and someday when you need it most, help will appear from a totally unexpected source. The kindness and courtesies you extend to others need not be large and expensive. 
A kind word, a friendly greeting, or assistance with a favorite project lets others know that you care enough about them to lend a helping hand. When you help another cheerfully and enthusiastically without asking for anything in return, the law of compensation places that person in your debt. You have made a friend who is now interested in your success.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Mind is A Beautiful Thing Learn To Use It--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello everyone, today is a day that I will talk about a few different things. How many times do you either receive or give a performance review? How many times do you feel that what you were given does not come close to your true evaluation?

I have found that so many people are so disappointed when the receive their performance review because what management feel needs improvement doe snot make sense half the time. I did a research on this subject and what I find is that most management in both for profit and non profit organizations are so out of touch from the real world that instead of giving a real performance review what they give is a ready made template.

What does this do to both the organization and to the person receiving this performance review? Well for starters it hurts the organization simply because the person will either feel great or feel like leaving the company and leaves a question in their minds: Does this manager really know what he/she is doing?

My friends this is a failing process because most of the time the leadership do not know how  to improve the persons performance unless they actually place themselves in a position to actually teach the skills needed to improve performance. 

I hear so many times that older people do not function as they should in today  world when the truth is that management focus on the issues and the age instead of actually focusing on the behaviors people show. Leaders need to focus on what the needs are and train and lead by example and give praise when they succeed.

When management sit down with a staff member and give them their review sometimes things are not understood as they were meant to be and people will assume they do understand what they heard.Often, however they fail to check for accuracy of what was stated and thus creates issues in the future. Management need to be able to expand on what they say to staff members making sure that there are no problems with what was written or explained and this is where many will fail

One other issue that I find in many organizations is that management rarely sit down with staff and ask them about any issues they may be having which may affect their jobs. Ok Ok perhaps some do but then they do not follow up and fix the problems and that can sometimes become a bigger problem because then staff will not trust anything you say. if you fix the problems staff informs you then it will show responsiveness and they to will respond to your needs when called upon.

By doing the above shows that you are not only trying to help create a better working environment but actually engaging them and creating a better working team. I have to tell you it is much better to have a team that works as one. On e thing that I always suggest to organizations and their leaders is that when you assist your staff be genuine be a real person even if it mans that you may have to lower your guard a bit.

 leaders are human too and make mistakes like everyone else, however real leaders will laugh at their own flaws and they do not play make believe because they know that it is better to be than to seem to be.

Character is accurately reflected in one’s mental attitude.

Napoleon Hill

Without a strong foundation built on positive character traits, success will not long endure. It is virtually impossible to fake good character. Phonies are quickly spotted because they haven’t the substance and determination to maintain the charade. Developing good character begins with a positive attitude. Your desire to be a good, decent, honest, considerate person must first take place in your mind. When you make the decision to become a person of character, you will also find that you are much more willing to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Will To Learn New Technology And Be Ready To Accept Innovation Equals Great Leadership-Dr. Luciano Santini

Here we are once again and of course I will continue to talk about leadership in this world today. In many organizations I find and have found in the past when I had to do research that every company wanted the best of the best to work for them but somehow never had the best of the best and the question I always asked them was WHY?

There answers were really not good or specific but disturbing. Some would say that it was because they were always getting the wrong people or people in general lied regarding their skill sets. I would ask again and again why? and What do you think the problems is? Again the reasons were always the same and never specific.

In order to get the best of the best for your organization you will have to take risks with some people and yes you will make mistakes but have a process in place in case you do make mistakes and of course most organizations do not have any type of process in place.

The key to acquiring the best of the best is that your leadership within the or any organizations is to have great leadership that will know who they are interviewing. The problem that I have found over and over is that leaders end up in positions not understanding their competition nor the trends on hiring which will always fail because trends are always changing as I always have said change is inevitable.

One thing that is hurting our economy is that today the need to fill positions in every industry is growing fast but the real issue is that the talent cannot be found.In order to know the trends you have to do your research and most leaders today which come from the directive/control era do not have the knowledge to do the research and the people they have working for them do not either simply because of resistance to change.

The issue is growing that most of today's leaders have no idea of what is coming. You have to learn to stay ahead of the game and look for the talent to assist specially the millennials. The millennials have the knowledge and the skills to move your company. The organizations must be able to understand that innovations are needed with every step that any company wants to take.Another issue is the that the technology available today can break and ruin a company and today's new workforce understand that and they can assist in making things right that have gone wrong.

I will say this again and again that the direct and control management styles do not fit well in today's world of Leadership or management these have to change but time after time they stay the same.Organizations like staff agencies will always tell organizations that they have the best of the best talent for them but let us be honest they have a hard time finding talent due to companies wanting the best of the best and guess what; If they are the best they do not need a head hunter or an agency to find them employment they will use technology and knowledge.

By finding smart and motivated people, you begin to change into a place where they drive themselves harder than any boss could. Excellent employees are continually raising the bar on themselves; any mediocrity will be obvious. That’s when positive attrition begins to kick in, similar to a sort of exponential “top grading” — you inevitably end up with an entire team of excellent workers.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Bang Your Head Hard Enough ideas Will Come"-Dr. Luciano Santini

Wise persons are those who think twice before speaking once.

Napoleon Hill

Perhaps the greatest quality in a leader and the most valuable skill in building relationships is the ability to think before you speak. If you have a tendency to speak hastily in anger and regret your actions at leisure, the childhood admonition to count to ten before speaking will still serve you well. When you pause — if only for a moment — to consider the consequences, you may think better of what you were about to say. And if you must speak strongly, it’s a good idea to sugarcoat the words — just in case you have to eat them later. 

This is something that I truly believe when you have a leader that you are working with. I have seen so many so called leaders open their mouth thinking that either people do not see their incompetence or that their staff are blind to their mistakes when it comes to people. So called leaders just do not understand people in general and so they will say things in front of people like little stabs thinking that people do not understand what is happening. So -called leaders have no idea when they stick their foot in their mouth and it is pretty sad to see it happen right before your eyes.

It is no wonder these so called leaders have no idea how to build a team. It is difficult enough to get people to come together but it is more difficult to live with a team that does not ever come together and the so called leaders turn their face away and simply avoid the real issues. One thing i teach and train leaders to do is to continuously visualize a positive end result as a team.

The leadership must always use the 70-20-10 rule which is 70 % listening 20 % to inquire with just the right amount of advocacy of course most leaders do not know or understand what this means.One of the most important things that a leader needs to learn is to always  put other people's needs to express his or her agenda ahead of their own. The biggest issue is that most leaders care about their agenda and suggestions then other people's ideas and what they do is shut them down.

One thing that I see across the board in both private industry and non profit but mostly in government jobs and positions is that leadership are not capable of getting the job needed for success done because they are afraid to remove people who are failing to help them build success instead these that stop success and others from moving forward will be rewarded simply to get them out their hair and thus avoid the real issues.

One other thing that I find is that employee\s today are hungry for real life training that will actually teach them something. Ineffective legacy training programs are so costly and actually under serve the organization's learner's. In this scenario about 40 % of training will fail and yet knowing this organizations continue to bring in this type of training for their employees. you have to understand as a true leader that when you bring in the right kind of training and at the right time and in the correct way your staff will respond stronger.

According to the five most important key values most people specially the new era employees such as the millennials are as follows;
Development- meaning  Hunger for learning the correct way.
Meaning- Have training and learning that matters and will make a difference in their lives.
Autonomic- Most people hate micromanagement and micro managers.
Efficiency- Train in a way that will always show a better way and be open to new ideas and suggestions.
Transparency- As leader you need to share information so employees know and understand the why.

'We need to believe that we can lives through information and the correct way of training so people can learn what and why the changes must take place'-Dr. Luciano Santini

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Generational Gaps In The World And Understanding Them

Hello to all and well here we are on another beautiful day. It is of a concern to me and would love to share this concern with the world out there. Times are changing all around us at home,work with relationships. The world is changing at a pace that most people cannot keep up.

The changes that are happening at work are of a concern due to leadership not being able to understand how to manage knowledge. You have so many generations that are going to have be able to learn from each other making difficult to understand the difference. Running an operation takes more then just having the position of power it takes more knowledge which many leadership are lacking in today's corporations.

Every generation  has made its own commotion as they start going into the workforce and what is the one thing that is common with all generations?" They say they do not get or understand us"

Let us take a look at this chart to get a better understanding of differences of the generations most organizations are involved with.

Personal and Lifestyle Characteristics by Generation

Baby Boomers
Generation X
Generation Y
Core Values
Respect for authority
Extreme fun
Latch-key kids
Merged families

A dream
A birthright
A way to get there
An incredible expense
Rotary phones
Write a memo
Touch-tone phones
Call me anytime
Cell phones
Call me only at work
Internet, Email
Picture phones
Dealing with Money
Put it away
Pay cash
Buy now, pay later
Save, save, save
Earn to spend
Work Ethics
Hard work
Respect for Authority
Duty before fun
Adhere to rules
Work efficiently
Crusading causes
Personal fulfillment
Desire quality
Question authority
Eliminate the task
Want structure and direction
What’s next
Goal oriented
Work Is…
An obligation
An exciting adventure
A difficult challenge
A contract
A means to an end
Leadership Style
Command and control
Everyone is the same
Challenge others
Ask why
Interactive Style
Team player
Loves to have meetings
In person
Voice mail
Feedback and Rewards
No news is good news
Satisfaction in a job well done
Don’t appreciate it
Title recognition
Sorry to interrupt, but how am I doing?
Freedom is the best reward
Whenever I want it, at the push of a
Meaningful work
Messages That Motivate
Your experience is respected
You are valued
You are needed
Do it your way
Forget the rules
You will work with other bright, creative people
Work and Family Life
Ne’er the twain shall meet
No balance
Work to live
*As this group has not spent much time in the workplace, this characteristic has yet to be determined.    http://ww/ Winter/Spring 2005

I believe that the way we manage people will either make the organization stronger or break the people down and ruin the organization. I like this chart because it makes it much easier to understand where you are as a leader and gives you a guide on how to more or less manage people. However I have stated before that we are in an age where it requires constant change and just telling people and expecting them to know via directive, command or control well it is a waste of time and you will be challenged if you are this type of leader and the of course you will not like it and frustration will set in.

Have you ever thought about the impact regarding traits and biases from different generations. If leaders have a better understanding of this and the diversity they face today they will have to implement tools within their organizations to be able to adapt to the changes quickly enough to be able to compete.

As leaders move forward with the new shifts regarding generational gaps without having the tools of understanding and having the skills to implement change then you might as well hang up the gloves and look for another job because you will be so frustrated with yourself because you will be dealing with a new type of risk that come with generation gaps. 

Each person that is hired has a different background and they will affect our thoughts and behaviors and ultimately outcomes that will result the way leaders manage them.

In order to survive the changes that are coming you as a leader must understand the changes when you see them and be able to implement change and be able to implement the tools for adaptation to take place within your organization.