Hello my friends,clients and all who read my blog. I started writing this blog and really try to bring humor and of course some really good business ideas and articles that may help your business or your person grow. This week has been a week of craziness is that a word craziness well yes I believe it is.
When thing get crazy and life begins to throw things at you that are really unexpected you go wow!! What do I do know? You tend to start to question yourself because sometimes things are not black and white. It is a funny thing when things begin to make sense but it is not so funny when the things that used to make sense start to not make sense then confusion sets in.
At this point you start to look for direction but there is no direction only confusion. This will be the time to sit and think up strategies to find a way to see the end result. This is the time find out where you are in life and where you want to go and be in the very near future.
How do we act in a real crisis situation? This is a great question for everyone is it not. You see we all act differently during a crisis or a situation that we have never dealt with in the past. The trick here though is to make sure that we do not panic and yes most people will panic in a state of crisis.
What you need to do is take a few deep breaths and take a really good look at the situation and then look at it from different perspectives and take the best one and simply take action and if that one does not work then go to the next one but you have to stay calm and collected and then just make choices
Organizations are (sometimes) incapable of carrying out the
strategies they have developed. Strategy is (too often) viewed as
something that only senior managers and huge consultancies do behind
closed doors. Strategy planning (often) takes place in a fantasy world, yet strategic action takes place in the real world.
This fits right in with what I have been trying to make a point here.
A most beneficial use of time is silent meditation, while searching for guidance from within.
We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not boisterous and noisy.
We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not boisterous and noisy.
Getting in touch with your spiritual self demands
tranquility and solitude. Make sure you dedicate a portion of every day
to thought and study, to think and reflect upon your life. Choose a time
and place that best allow you to relax your mind and devote your
thoughts to reflection.
Business and Strategies
Calling something “strategic” does not make it smarter. Only smart
strategy is smart. Which leads to two important questions: Why don’t
strategies (sometimes) work in the real world? And how can we make
strategies work (more often) in the real world? by Max Mckeown
If you have ever been to Las Vegas It's difficult to find a clock in the Las Vegas casinos, because those casinos are
designed to separate you from as much of your money as possible -- to make
you a loser. And that is best done by dulling your sensitivity to the
passing of time. The same principle applies to your business life. The surest
way to be a loser is to be casual about time. By Dan
I believe that when life gives us a situation that is out of our control seems to me that the only solution is to play along and come up with resolutions as we face each step along the way. The reason is because number one it is out of our control meaning we did not have any idea what was coming thus we must come up and think quickly on our feet and get our minds wrapped around the situation to be able to make a good or the best decision to resolve the situation.