
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Obstacles,The Annoying little Voice And Negative Bosses-Luciano The Key Santini- SSDE

Good morning to all my followers and all who continue to support my journey and cause which is to change the world one mind at a time. There are many obstacles that life brings everyday but the truth is that sometimes we create those obstacles which in turn will hold us from becoming the people we want to become. Of course you will have people become obstacles before your eyes simply because of their own insecurities.

You will have those negative people who will always try to discourage you and tell you you will be unable to accomplish your goals. What about those that complain about the smallest things that only makes sense in their mind because in the real world it is no more than an annoyance. Then there are those who never have anything positive to say about anything. I was asked once during a speech on having a positive attitude no matter what. What if it is your boss?

Martin Luther King Speech
 My response was if it is your boss do your job and stay clear from them as much as possible and create as much positivity around you as possible until you find a better job or create your own business.

Bosses like these exist everywhere and in every organization and there is not much of anything that you can do but complain and to be honest you will only upset them more giving them ammunition. They get  some power and they will use it to show their position. I have to say it is a sad way to deal with people simply because they have no skills in people relations but it goes on all the time. 

You hold the key to your success
 Some believe that because they have a mouth and can talk and have a high position they have people skills and well in their little world and believe me it is a little world let them continue to believe yes let them believe. The best way to deal with these type of bosses is to agree and move on doing the best job you are capable until you are ready to move on.

Article by
by Linda Ray, Demand Media

 It’s difficult to build up the motivation to please a boss that you believe can’t or won’t acknowledge the good you’re doing. Employees feel more like victims instead of empowered workers when the boss is constantly critical and won’t communicate when things are going well. 

 Listening to the negativity all day dampens employee morale and motivation. Worse than that, it leaves you and the rest of the staff feeling anxious and stressed; you never know what’s really going on or whether your jobs are at risk. According to the American Psychological Association, employees who feel a loss of control are less motivated to improve and more anxious about their positions.

An example of what I mean is someone or you reading this would like to write a book but that annoying little voice keeps creeping up from way back in your mind and it says "You cannot do this do not even try" How do I know this happens because it has happened to me and I have to tell you that sometimes that little annoying voice wins!! Yes I hate when that happens but the truth is that I allow the voice to win and so it wins. What I do now is that as soon as that annoying little voice starts to creep up I simply tell it to "shut up and allow me to win!!

I have seen people go crazy loose their minds because they allow this annoying little voice win over their minds and over their dreams. You simply have to tell it to "Shut Up and allow you to win"

I would like to talk about being constant in life and fair to those around you especially in business when you know you have consistency with someone in your organization that creates a good vibe for those who work around them but those above them do not see it because they can only see their power of position and creates animosity without realizing it has been created.

As most of you know that Napoleon Hill has been one of my mentors for the last 14 years someone that I have studied very closely. Here is something from him regarding the above written statement.

Constancy of purpose is the first principle of success.

It is critical to your success that you have a well-thought-out plan for your life and that you stick with it regardless of what others may say and the obstacles you encounter. There will always be fault-finders and those who attempt to persuade you that your goals aren’t worth the effort you put into achieving them. Those people will never go far, and they will be the first to ask for your help after you have passed them by. 

Virtually every successful person has considered giving up at some point in his or her struggle to reach the top. And many breakthroughs occurred soon after those same people rededicated themselves to their purpose. There is no known obstacle that cannot be overcome by a person who has constancy of purpose, a Positive Mental Attitude, and the discipline and willpower to succeed.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What Is Empathy And Do We Truly Understand It's Meaning--Luciano The Key Santini--SSDE

Good morning to all my friends and readers oh my readers are my friends. I want to talk about how each one of us are connected in one way or another. I was at a seminar on leadership and you know what I learned was that indeed we are all connected through the universal string of energy. I know we may not understand what exactly means but we are. 

Have you ever been watching a movie or even better yet the Olympics and you see that one person who just won the gold and you either get emotional or you get the chills. That is because we are feeling that human emotion and connection. My question then becomes why is it that some people do not understand empathy and passion and compassion for others, Why? Why? I have done some research and find that people are just being human when it comes to their own benefit. What I mean by this is that when it benefits you the individual you do not think about the impact that the move you are about to make will make on that other person. 

Be true to yourself and believe you can actually live by your beliefs and do the right thing

The unfortunate thing is that it exists everywhere, The place where it needs to be erased is that in large organizations it is a prevalent situation and it shows so much more.The unfortunate thing is that Unfortunately one cannot do a thing about it. It is very tiring and more frustrating to see people who seem your leaders become bigots in front of you and all you do is smile because you see who they really are. Well my friend stick on your strong beliefs and try to influence those around you to do the right thing. If I can influence one persons attitude then I have accomplished something.

The other real truth to all of this is that most people are or like to be simple. They only see what is in front of them example unemployment-Need to get a job obvious right!! right.The reasons is because they have not taken the time to learn about what is going on around them or to learn about life in general.They do not learn about politics or economics beyond their scope of comfort.

Reason this often happens is because people become lazy in the way they think and taking learned habits from friends and family and never think for themselves. How many times do you see people create an issue at your place of work and blame others and never take ownership of what they have created and many many times you will see someone else pay for their mistakes. The other issue comes in on leadership some people believe that they are great leaders when in fact they are only mediocre to say the least because they are actually part of the problem.

I have worked and have seen it personally where many fall into this little world of thinking and as frustrating as it is for those that are have self awareness it becomes very very frustrating and have to tolerate this type of behaviors. Reward people for bad behavior because as a supposed leader you have no idea how to create a solution for the situation you have created. I laugh inside when I see this type of leadership and sad at the same time because these people simply fold under pressure and other pay by receiving punishment for doing a great job.

Now ask yourself and write me your comments I'm very interested in hearing from you. What kind of message does this send to the environment and community?

If you are empathetic then you can see the world as a community and try to help others and if you are not then you are the type that if you are in a leadership or management roll and what is worse you manage because of your position and power then you simply exploit others for your own survival and that is one sad way to manage others or what is worst you actually believe you are a leader. 

Another perspective is that you will see many people cry and moan about everything. These are the type that do not see anything past their noses-sad I know but so true. 

You have the leaders who really cannot see past their noses and yet somehow they are managing you. How the hell did that happen!! Well government agencies and some private industries where family members are the heads of operations ha ha ha that is funny. I have to have some humor in all of this Aw Common Laugh a little!!!!!

Share this with your friends and have them read this and have fun and laugh more

I will start by saying that we all need to take a look at our human resources department and see if we have the right people in the right positions to make our business grow. This is a department that most large and small business owners forget about and this out of mind out of sight issue can and will create some big issues in your business if not looked at.

 What can happen is that you will think that you have the right people in the right positions when in actuality you may have all the wrong people in the key positions and well you get the picture where I am going with this so get on it and take a look at your human resources.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Business Coaching and Life Coaching --Luciano The Key Santini--SSDE

Hello to all my friends and followers and to all who are simply passing through and reading my blog postings thank you thank you.
Let us talk about business coaching and what it really is;

The field of personal and professional coaching as well as Business coaching  has grown rapidly in the past 15 to 20  years and, as with most fields and professions that experience this kind of growth, there is many ways to look or think on coaching. I believe that both people and business owners will go along with this definition;
Coaching is about working closely side by side with the clients to provide a solution to their particular problem.
  1. Create a complete  analysis to look at their current state
  2. Create goals and how to achieve them
  3. Create a specific technique to be able to reflect on what they have learned and be able to share their findings
Coaching is especially useful to help individuals, groups and organizations to address complex problems and/or achieve significant goals and to do so in a highly individualized fashion.

 Willing cooperation produces enduring power, while forced cooperation ends in failure.
No civilization based upon the unjust treatment of its people has ever endured. A tyrant may force the cooperation of others for a time, but that power is never sustained. Only when people are accorded the respect they deserve do they willingly create and maintain successful organizations and societies. When you build a company or an organization based on fairness and justice for every member, you have built a power that will long endure.

 The best way to secure the commitment and unending cooperation of others is through the simple application of the Golden Rule. It is the most successful and long-lasting management theory ever developed. When you treat others as you would like to be treated were you in their situation, you will inspire loyalty and enthusiastic cooperation. Set high standards for yourself and others, treat them well, let them do their jobs, and they will perform miracles for you. 

Let us talk about what is really a crisis:
 What Really Constitutes a Business Crisis?
© Copyright Michael Nayor

There are many types of issues facing businesses, but what counts as a true crisis?
It’s not always immediately apparent when your organization is in the initial stages of a crisis. To this effect, I am pleased to bring you a guest blog submission by Michael Nayor, founder and CEO of crisis consulting firm The Rhodell Group, that investigates “What Really Constitutes a Business Crisis.”

What is a Business Crisis?

A business crisis can be anything that can negatively effect a company’s reputation or bottom line. Many events at first blush may not appear to be serious. HP’s firing of Mark Hurd and the subsequent entanglement with Oracle was not a big deal in the scheme of things, even though internally it must have been a shocker. 

However, the death or resignation of a key person in any organization could very well be serious for any company depending on just how key that person really was. Natural catastrophes, product recalls, labor disputes, computer data losses. The list is endless. Some are temporary. Some can cause the demise of a company. Most can be handled with honesty and the realization that it may be necessary to absorb losses over the short haul in order to achieve a long and healthy business life.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Resist Or Not Resist That Is The Question-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

 Good morning to all who continue to read my blog and also believe in my journey which to change the world one mind at a time. This Journey has grown in numbers and in the new way to think and look at all perspectives in regards to life and business. I have learned that each individual can if they choose to change their lives at will. I will say that it is not an easy task and the reasons why are these;

People in general will resist change. When I say change think about the following. When you take a new job or a move: What happens is that our minds will resist any type of change because as individuals we are comfortable where we are. We look at the change as bad because we do know what is good and what is bad until we make the move or the change. What we have to do is that we need to look at all angles in other words all possibilities of the good and not the bad.

Once you have identified what the change will bring then you make a move towards that change and take the journey. I have to tell you that sometimes that journey will have many obstacle and perhaps somewhere along the way you will just want to give up. We have to remember that when we give up we are not just giving up the change but perhaps the dreams or goal that we have been working on for a long time and perhaps it involved others and we are also giving up on them.

I would like to start saying to all my clients a few words.

My loyalty is to my clients. My clients want  to become successful at running their business because they have worked hard to build and  took risks to start. They also have families and outside responsibilities to look after.  My services must always provide my clients with the all possible resources, answers, and advice, while also being realistic. 

I will always tell my clients what they need to hear,and sometimes the most important thing to hear is what no one has said the things you did not want to hear or have avoided.

Let us talk about business and the changes that sometimes we need to make as owners and believe me sometimes these changes are so difficult that can cause chaos and involve not just the business itself but people such as loved ones OUCH!!!!
Remember my friends to share this  with others because if you do you are truly helping both business people and individuals reach their goals.
The climb upward will be easier if you take others along with you.
When you take the initiative, you become a de facto leader whose success will depend in large measure upon your ability to inspire others to work with you. They will follow your lead when they have confidence in you and when they know they will share in your success. Few of us are good enough or lucky enough to achieve great success completely on our own. We need others to help us. When we give more in return than we ever ask of our friends and associates, not only will we be able to accomplish much more in life, but it will also make the entire experience much more enjoyable. 
In business there are so many things to take into consideration and then you also have to think about the reality of others meaning -TO DO LISTS  you might have somewhere in the back of your mind but the reality is this; We begin our days unfocused and unsure of who we are as individuals and if that is the case what do others think of us when we interact with them. The other reasons can be that  perhaps we start something and we are simply not ready unprepared if you will. 

When we start this way guess what happens!! we and our business will fall apart!!
My friends this the true reality for so many business owners and individuals who want to reach their potential.

It does not have to be this way because you can change and be mentored and guided in the right direction if  you ask for help. I continue to tell individuals when I have those one on one's that there is no shame in asking for help one must forget the past and ask or reach out for help from someone who can say of course I am here to serve and help you reach your potential because sometimes all we need is a different perspective.

Share with friends to help the journey reach the world and make the change one mind at a time.  

Together  we can look at all perspectives and find the keys you need in your business to become more successful and take it to the next level; The question is are you ready to see all other perspectives!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Simplicity Sometimes Explains Best-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Good morning my friends and my loyal followers. I truly appreciate your support and your great comments on my journey to change the world one mind at a time. Motivation cannot be taught or given and it can be learned but you have to put in the effort and the willingness to allow yourself that action to take place. I hope this makes sense.
Help me get 100 follower to add to my blog viewers  this month by sending this to all your friends. Thank you

I was seriously thinking about how my mind has grown since I started this journey many moons ago and while on this journey I have read many many many books as well as learned from some of the greatest motivators and have had the opportunity to meet face to face with them though sometimes it was simply shaking their hand and saying thank you has really put a print on my way of thinking and looking at all that I do from different perspective.

The mind grows only through use, and it atrophies through idleness.

Just as the physical body becomes strong through regular exercise, so does the mind require regular use to remain strong. Make sure that your personal development plan includes plenty of mental stimulation. One of the best ways to develop your imagination and visualization skills is through reading. 

As you read, your mind translates the words into images that help you better understand the concepts about which you are reading. Become a voracious reader. Read newspapers, trade magazines, self-help books, and novels; all will contribute to your store of knowledge and to your ability to visualize and more effectively use your imagination. 
Please scan and send to all your friends or business partners that may need my services. Let me know if this works via emails or messages or comments.
  To be an effective leader there are so many things one has to do and to really accomplish the results one wants.Take a look at the following issues that are a must to accomplish the end results that are needed to take your business to the next level and yes Santini Self Development Enterprises can do just that. 

Engage your staff, and increase the impact of your message 
Command higher productivity from both managers and staff giving customer better service 

Differentiate yourself from all your competition 
Have more fun by teaching your staff how to love what they do and make more profit 

Get more people to talk about the great service and products that you offer

One of my all time favorite quotes 

“It is simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences.”

A little on motivation for today:
 Sometime you will either see or meet someone who seem authentic and we may call them great individuals and we ask ourselves just; How do they manage to accomplish that?! Don' we? Oh yes we do and yes you do it as well. We have to ask because my friends we all need some guidance to reach our goals and to find ourselves because it is not an easy task when we face so many challenging tasks on our daily life.

My friends have a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend. Remember I am here to serve both your Individual and Business needs to reach all your goals.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Your Solutions Provider In life and In Business -Luciano Santini SSDE

Good morning everyone and how are you folks doing on this day?
Your Solutions Provider In life and In Business
Hello Everyone
 Thought I would say hello personally. Let us talk politics and business and let me hear your comments.
There is old saying that goes round and round in every business and it goes something like this; Politics I do understand politics very well  both in organizational aspect and of course as we all know it politics and candidates.
Never Ever  Ever Sleep with the enemy because sooner or later it shows up somewhere or someone will say something to someone and oh man can it get ugly.

It does not mean literally jumping into bed with the enemy,well sometimes I guess it literally means that. What it means is that one does not need to give up ones morals and ethics to get what one needs or want. 

When I see this happen many many times is when someone is desperate and is reaching out for the last resort and when that does not work simply because it was so predictable what that person or organization is doing then those individuals will just give up and end up loosing the battle. Many time not a pretty sight OOPS!!

It is important for you to realize that no lens, or perspective, is better than the others. I have had much experience with both private and non-profit organizations and have learned that the more perspectives that I was able to get from both staff and clients  about an issue in your organization, then I can create solutions much better and much more effective to address that issue.Integration comes to mind why is it so difficult for so many to make it work.

Often, the most difficult phase in managing change is this phase when leader's work to sustain the momentum of the implementation and adjustment of plans. Change efforts can encounter a wide variety of obstacles, for example, strong resistance from members of the organization, sudden departure of a key leader in the organization, or a dramatic reduction in sales.

 Strong, visible, ongoing support from top leadership is critically
important to show overall credibility and accountability in the change effort.Adapted from “Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development”This book was actually used in my business school really really good book.

One of the biggest mistakes is that when an organizations decided to change a system or go and try integration is that upper management treat their staff like children as if they know nothing and the reality is that they know more then upper management because upper management is so far off the trenches that they can only see the WHAT IF"S!!!! and not the truth HELLO!!! While not only treating staff like children but expecting them to act like adults WOW!! and guess what it happens all the time


Faith is the element, the “chemical” which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.

I am talking about faith in the regular way most people believe in faith no! I am talking in having faith in your self.
What about believing in what you do and your will. What does having a strong will mean? Well lets take a look at what the dictionary says:

 Dictionary definitions of ‘will’ include: the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action; exertion of control; making something happen by exertion of mental powers – as in, “he willed himself to…”
Synonyms are: resoluteness, doggedness, tenacity, and strength of character. 

There will be many many times when things just do not go your way and you quickly will either blame others for your failure or simply give up because OTHERS just did not pull their weight right. WRONG!! you see my friends we have to stand up and take responsibility for our actions and be accountable for the consequences yes that is correct be accountable for the consequences.

Business is like having a second wife or having an affair one must keep both away from each other or it will destroy your mind and everything in between. I apologize I use these metaphors to keep it real and simple to understand. I know there will be many out there that will cringe at this blog today but you know what? We need to be real about the world we live in and the we must be real to ourselves.

We can lie to the world and we can lie to ourselves as long as we do not start to believe our own lies because that will be the beginning of the end of any business.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What Do You Want Your Business To Accomplish-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Hello everyone and how are we doing on this beautiful Saturday morning and I do mean beautiful. I am looking out my window facing trees and they just seem so green this morning and it is just beautiful. I was thinking where I was twenty years ago and to be honest I have no idea well maybe I do but that would be a hell of a story to tell someday.

Let us start with a simple question for all you business people out there.

Do you know what is that you want your business to accomplish?
What do I mean by this well let me start by saying that if I was to stop by your business and ask this very same question; How would you answer it?

Notice that I did not ask what you wanted to accomplish. I asked regarding your business. I can give you the answer but hey my friends let us make it very interesting OK. I would like you guys who read my posting to either post it on Facebook or on Linked in or simply tweet me or email me hell you can call me!!

Is it money we are all looking for or is it peace of mind or perhaps having a great relationship with others!!
You see we always face obstacles mmmm!!! are thy obstacles or are they the excuses we make to make us feel better about ourselves and the choices we make and then justify again and again with excuses.
We will face adversity whether in our private lives or at work. Let me tell about adversity my friends,you can learn an awful lot from adversity.

Your real courage shows best in the hour of adversity.

Some setbacks are so severe that to give in to them means losing the whole ball game. When he assumed command of the Korean War, Gen. Matthew Ridgeway found his forces pushed far to the south, hard pressed by the invaders. Only a determined decision to hold the lines allowed the American forces to keep from being swept into the sea and to eventually regain all the territory they had lost.

When a defeat strikes, you may not have the time to withdraw and contemplate your mistakes without risking further setbacks. Don’t succumb to paralysis. It is important to know at that moment what it is you truly desire and to act to preserve your resources and your hope. If you crumble utterly, you will take a blow to your self-esteem that will be hard to repair. Instead, stick to your principles, and you will know, at the very least, that you have protected the most important thing you have. Your successes in life will far outnumber your failures. 

Speaking to incarcerated youth.
How about when you find someone say your superior at a job or a company or someone who you think is your friend. You need to be able to read the false lines they feed you before you start to believe the lies.
Napoleon Hill says this:
Don’t be fooled by people who attempt to further their own interests under the guise of helping you. Listen to advice from others, thank them for their interest, and make up your own mind about what is best. Follow their advice if it fits with your plan for your life, but don’t hesitate to discard it if it doesn’t. In all the world, there is only one individual who knows what is best for you, and that person is you.  

When you read stories and see the reality of the world from a different perspective then you begin to see the potential of something new and this is when you go after your dreams.

The trick to all of this is a different mind set. We need to have clarity and specificity of what it is we want in our lives.