
Showing posts with label Certified Business Coach/Life Coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Certified Business Coach/Life Coach. Show all posts

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Obstacles,The Annoying little Voice And Negative Bosses-Luciano The Key Santini- SSDE

Good morning to all my followers and all who continue to support my journey and cause which is to change the world one mind at a time. There are many obstacles that life brings everyday but the truth is that sometimes we create those obstacles which in turn will hold us from becoming the people we want to become. Of course you will have people become obstacles before your eyes simply because of their own insecurities.

You will have those negative people who will always try to discourage you and tell you you will be unable to accomplish your goals. What about those that complain about the smallest things that only makes sense in their mind because in the real world it is no more than an annoyance. Then there are those who never have anything positive to say about anything. I was asked once during a speech on having a positive attitude no matter what. What if it is your boss?

Martin Luther King Speech
 My response was if it is your boss do your job and stay clear from them as much as possible and create as much positivity around you as possible until you find a better job or create your own business.

Bosses like these exist everywhere and in every organization and there is not much of anything that you can do but complain and to be honest you will only upset them more giving them ammunition. They get  some power and they will use it to show their position. I have to say it is a sad way to deal with people simply because they have no skills in people relations but it goes on all the time. 

You hold the key to your success
 Some believe that because they have a mouth and can talk and have a high position they have people skills and well in their little world and believe me it is a little world let them continue to believe yes let them believe. The best way to deal with these type of bosses is to agree and move on doing the best job you are capable until you are ready to move on.

Article by
by Linda Ray, Demand Media

 It’s difficult to build up the motivation to please a boss that you believe can’t or won’t acknowledge the good you’re doing. Employees feel more like victims instead of empowered workers when the boss is constantly critical and won’t communicate when things are going well. 

 Listening to the negativity all day dampens employee morale and motivation. Worse than that, it leaves you and the rest of the staff feeling anxious and stressed; you never know what’s really going on or whether your jobs are at risk. According to the American Psychological Association, employees who feel a loss of control are less motivated to improve and more anxious about their positions.

An example of what I mean is someone or you reading this would like to write a book but that annoying little voice keeps creeping up from way back in your mind and it says "You cannot do this do not even try" How do I know this happens because it has happened to me and I have to tell you that sometimes that little annoying voice wins!! Yes I hate when that happens but the truth is that I allow the voice to win and so it wins. What I do now is that as soon as that annoying little voice starts to creep up I simply tell it to "shut up and allow me to win!!

I have seen people go crazy loose their minds because they allow this annoying little voice win over their minds and over their dreams. You simply have to tell it to "Shut Up and allow you to win"

I would like to talk about being constant in life and fair to those around you especially in business when you know you have consistency with someone in your organization that creates a good vibe for those who work around them but those above them do not see it because they can only see their power of position and creates animosity without realizing it has been created.

As most of you know that Napoleon Hill has been one of my mentors for the last 14 years someone that I have studied very closely. Here is something from him regarding the above written statement.

Constancy of purpose is the first principle of success.

It is critical to your success that you have a well-thought-out plan for your life and that you stick with it regardless of what others may say and the obstacles you encounter. There will always be fault-finders and those who attempt to persuade you that your goals aren’t worth the effort you put into achieving them. Those people will never go far, and they will be the first to ask for your help after you have passed them by. 

Virtually every successful person has considered giving up at some point in his or her struggle to reach the top. And many breakthroughs occurred soon after those same people rededicated themselves to their purpose. There is no known obstacle that cannot be overcome by a person who has constancy of purpose, a Positive Mental Attitude, and the discipline and willpower to succeed.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What Do You Want Your Business To Accomplish-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Hello everyone and how are we doing on this beautiful Saturday morning and I do mean beautiful. I am looking out my window facing trees and they just seem so green this morning and it is just beautiful. I was thinking where I was twenty years ago and to be honest I have no idea well maybe I do but that would be a hell of a story to tell someday.

Let us start with a simple question for all you business people out there.

Do you know what is that you want your business to accomplish?
What do I mean by this well let me start by saying that if I was to stop by your business and ask this very same question; How would you answer it?

Notice that I did not ask what you wanted to accomplish. I asked regarding your business. I can give you the answer but hey my friends let us make it very interesting OK. I would like you guys who read my posting to either post it on Facebook or on Linked in or simply tweet me or email me hell you can call me!!

Is it money we are all looking for or is it peace of mind or perhaps having a great relationship with others!!
You see we always face obstacles mmmm!!! are thy obstacles or are they the excuses we make to make us feel better about ourselves and the choices we make and then justify again and again with excuses.
We will face adversity whether in our private lives or at work. Let me tell about adversity my friends,you can learn an awful lot from adversity.

Your real courage shows best in the hour of adversity.

Some setbacks are so severe that to give in to them means losing the whole ball game. When he assumed command of the Korean War, Gen. Matthew Ridgeway found his forces pushed far to the south, hard pressed by the invaders. Only a determined decision to hold the lines allowed the American forces to keep from being swept into the sea and to eventually regain all the territory they had lost.

When a defeat strikes, you may not have the time to withdraw and contemplate your mistakes without risking further setbacks. Don’t succumb to paralysis. It is important to know at that moment what it is you truly desire and to act to preserve your resources and your hope. If you crumble utterly, you will take a blow to your self-esteem that will be hard to repair. Instead, stick to your principles, and you will know, at the very least, that you have protected the most important thing you have. Your successes in life will far outnumber your failures. 

Speaking to incarcerated youth.
How about when you find someone say your superior at a job or a company or someone who you think is your friend. You need to be able to read the false lines they feed you before you start to believe the lies.
Napoleon Hill says this:
Don’t be fooled by people who attempt to further their own interests under the guise of helping you. Listen to advice from others, thank them for their interest, and make up your own mind about what is best. Follow their advice if it fits with your plan for your life, but don’t hesitate to discard it if it doesn’t. In all the world, there is only one individual who knows what is best for you, and that person is you.  

When you read stories and see the reality of the world from a different perspective then you begin to see the potential of something new and this is when you go after your dreams.

The trick to all of this is a different mind set. We need to have clarity and specificity of what it is we want in our lives.