
Friday, October 4, 2019

Never join Hive minded people to promote!!!

Hello, my friends, it has been a little while. 

I was thinking today regarding the checks and balances for those people who think they are leaders because the position was given to them and currently hold. What happens to those below them when they are treated wrong by these guys? 

If they complain they get so much runaround that after a while you start to believe that you are the issue when in reality they have confused you by there training which is bullshit!! When I was told this information from a mentor of mine I was like what? 

But it was recognizing someone who holds you down, your expertise and education to a low regard  for no other reason than their preconceptions about who you are because you are not a yes man when a person is faced with such an issue this will force you to understand that so much popular information is shared only with those who are like-minded or part of what I like to call the hive mentality. 

Why continue to waste your time and energy that you need help with upper mobility when you already know it is not going to happen no matter what you do knowing the fact that there are no checks and balances for these upper so-called leaders and consider themselves untouchable or are they?


Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Leadership So what happens when you know that your boss is not a boss at all but a bully. This person is noway a leader in their finest day but only someone who is so afraid to have relationships with their staff. what happens when you just want to ask you, so-called boss, the question; why are you so evil towards people. You see my friends the thing is that in most organizations they like to move people through fear because thy really believe this is the only way to get people to do what they want them to and mostly to fulfill their needs and not the needs of their staff. These so-called leaders believe that in order to get people to do things or tasks the must instill fear in them. They miss that most people today have very little fear if any of their bosses and yes this scares the hell out of them. These so-called leaders need their staff to be so dependent on them that they will only make a move after their boss approves it and yes, of course, this so-called boss loves it because they feel they are in power to bully people around.
You see true leaders are an endangered species and they know it, so when one comes along the freak the hell out. You will know if you are a leader because people will follow you. Dr. Luciano Santini

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Hello it has been a little while my friends,
 I believe always in doing the right thing. What is leadership and what it stands for; 
1) Leadership is defined as “a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more coherent and cohesive.” A good leader is one who is always three steps ahead of the others. He looks out for the people before himself not the other way around which most do-go ahead and prove me wrong! 
 2) “A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. ... Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than them. The ones who are afraid and keep the good ones down and away from becoming shinning stars!! Why!! 
3) My friend Faydeyi Femi says that; Humanity will remain endangered if it fails to understand the concept of leadership well which is akin to servant hood and servitude.A good leader must be a good servant in deed and in act.Any leader that fails in being a good servant has failed woefully and it can be concluded that such a leader has misconstrue the concept of leadership as a tool of oppression. hashtagleadership hashtaghumility hashtagrights

Sunday, October 28, 2018


In life, we deal with our own issues and we try so hard to hide away the pain we go through. 

You see my friends the truth is and yes we can pretend to ignore real issues and turn the other cheek and yes many do this very thing. The other day a really good guy was fired from his job because he was actually a threat to the new so-called supervisor.

 You see some organizations do not want real leaders instead they place people they know are cowards! hypocrites, liars and of course kiss a@#$%^. 

These are the people that are placed in positions of power. 

The so-called leaders will always judge and will never like you but apparently will always have the time to watch you or monitor what you do. 

They do this because they know you know they are cowards! hypocrites, liars and of course kiss a@#$%^ to keep their jobs HAHAHAHAHAH!!! If what I say is not true then write me some comments below please and or if you agree to write some comments below.

 You see fear has two meanings; 1) Forget everything and run like a coward. 2) Face the cowards! hypocrites, liars, and rise!!! which are you!!! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I believe that in many organizations today what is needed are leaders that can actually think on their feet and with their own minds.

They need to be one with their staff and always in communication with their superiors. Great leaders know and understand that there will always be a boss above them but that does not give the (Boss) the right to mistreat or belittle you in any way shape or form.

If they do then they are wannabe leaders and what I call so-called leaders and bullies based on the position of power given to them, not because of skillsets.

I know that these skillsets are not easy to acquire however I can help you get there.

It is all about building relationships and respecting others and treating them with dignity and for so-called leaders this is always a challenge because this means they have to give up power oops!!! they will never agree to do that because that is the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

So- Called Leaders

Hello, my friends.

I have a question for all of you who follow and support me. What do you do when you trust your leader and you are loyal to them only to find out they use you and your talents because they are actually incompetent.

Then you also find out that at their last management meeting they took what you worked so hard on only to take credit for work they never did and not have any idea how to implement. This happens all the time so do not expect them to be loyal to you and definitely do not trust them.

I would rather have someone tell me they have no idea what to do or how to do it and give me the choice whether to do it or not do it and whether I want to innovate and create oh wait!! this kind of leadership will not allow you to shine lol!!.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Truth

Do you have leaders who are really wannabe leaders and you know it, but never say anything instead you continue to suffer under these type of so called leaders. Well here is why it is so hard to tell the truth to anyone. “ We the people do this because we would rather live with the long-term idea of lying to ourselves and others than face the pain of the truth and what it might reveal.” Yes it is so true. If you want to have true leadership you have to be clear,humble and not afraid to say: " yes you are correct I am not a true leaders" admit and learn to be one. Thank you and share