
Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Leadership So what happens when you know that your boss is not a boss at all but a bully. This person is noway a leader in their finest day but only someone who is so afraid to have relationships with their staff. what happens when you just want to ask you, so-called boss, the question; why are you so evil towards people. You see my friends the thing is that in most organizations they like to move people through fear because thy really believe this is the only way to get people to do what they want them to and mostly to fulfill their needs and not the needs of their staff. These so-called leaders believe that in order to get people to do things or tasks the must instill fear in them. They miss that most people today have very little fear if any of their bosses and yes this scares the hell out of them. These so-called leaders need their staff to be so dependent on them that they will only make a move after their boss approves it and yes, of course, this so-called boss loves it because they feel they are in power to bully people around.
You see true leaders are an endangered species and they know it, so when one comes along the freak the hell out. You will know if you are a leader because people will follow you. Dr. Luciano Santini

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