
Showing posts with label Expert Customer Service and leadership trainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expert Customer Service and leadership trainer. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives


Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being. Here are some ways emotions affect us:

  1. Decision-making: Emotions can heavily influence the choices we make. Our emotional state can impact our judgment, leading us to make impulsive or irrational decisions. Being aware of our emotions and learning to regulate them can help us make more balanced and rational choices.
  2. Relationships: Emotions shape our interactions with others. Positive emotions, such as joy and love, enhance our relationships, while negative emotions, like anger or sadness, can strain them. Developing emotional intelligence, which involves recognizing and managing our own emotions and understanding others' emotions, can improve our communication, empathy, and conflict resolution skills.
  3. Productivity and performance: Emotions can impact our productivity and performance levels. Positive emotions, such as motivation and enthusiasm, can enhance our focus, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Conversely, negative emotions, like stress or anxiety, can hinder our performance and lead to burnout. Learning to manage stress and cultivate positive emotions can improve our overall productivity and effectiveness.
  4. Mental and physical health: Emotional well-being is closely linked to our mental and physical health. Chronic negative emotions, such as prolonged stress or sadness, can contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Moreover, research suggests that long-term emotional distress can have adverse effects on physical health, including weakened immune function and increased risk of chronic diseases. Taking care of our emotional health through self-care, stress management techniques, and seeking support when needed is crucial for overall well-being.

Now, let's discuss how implementing the EVAN leadership style (E-empathy, V-value, A-attitude against negativity, N-nourishment of the mind) can benefit our lives and mental health:

  1. Empathy (E): Practicing empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others. It fosters better relationships, communication, and collaboration. By empathizing with others, we create a supportive and inclusive environment, which promotes positive emotional experiences for everyone involved.
  2. Value (V): Recognizing and aligning our actions with our personal values promotes a sense of purpose and fulfillment. When our work and daily life are in line with our values, we experience a greater sense of satisfaction, authenticity, and overall well-being.
  3. Attitude against negativity (A): Adopting a positive attitude and mindset helps counteract negativity and adversity. It allows us to approach challenges with resilience, optimism, and a growth-oriented perspective. By focusing on the positive aspects and learning opportunities, we can manage stress more effectively and maintain a healthier mental state.
  4. Nourishment of the mind (N): Taking care of our mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Nourishing the mind involves engaging in activities that promote self-care, personal growth, and mental relaxation. This can include practices such as mindfulness, meditation, regular exercise, pursuing hobbies, seeking learning opportunities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By prioritizing mental nourishment, we reduce stress, enhance cognitive function, and promote overall mental well-being.

Implementing the EVAN leadership style can have positive effects on our lives and mental health by promoting self-awareness, empathy, positive mindset, and personal growth. It encourages a supportive and constructive environment where individuals can thrive and maintain a healthier work-life balance. However, it's important to note that mental health is complex, and it may require professional help or additional strategies for those facing more severe challenges.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Great leadership is a rare skill


Many people assume that if someone is successful it is because they have good leadership skills. Some people assume that if a business is successful it is because it has good leaders. Leadership isn’t something that is particularly easy to pass on to other people. Sometimes a company is successful because a past leader was very skilled as a leader and the current leader simply has kept things running the same as before.

Great leadership is a rare skill. For most people it doesn’t come naturally. It is amazing how many organizations are successful even though they have only marginally competent people leading them. Many times this is because the structure of the organization helps make up for a leaders short comings. Sometimes it is because a particularly talented staff that makes up for the leaders deficiencies.
Any leadership development training should take into account some of the basic facts, which ought to be made available to the individual concerned for developing his/her leadership skill and techniques.
The training or program must adequately deal with deliberations on leadership, and not limit the understanding of the term to its limited sense. Any reference to conventional typecast leadership should be shunned. The training should also incorporate a comprehensive understanding of leadership virtues as applicable to individual requirements, and highlight the subtle differences between leadership and management.
The program should also take into account the attitude of people towards the individual qualities of the leader. It is imperative that leadership development training should be ideally structured in relation to the advancement of the individuals concerned, instead of looking for strengths in personal qualities.
While great leadership skills can make someone successful, the inverse is not true. Being successful doesn’t make you a good leader. If you are looking for leaders to learn from make sure you are looking for people who actually have good leadership skills and not just someone who is successful. You can’t assume that someone is a good leader just because they have had success. Many times people try to emulate people who have had success and try to follow their leadership styles. While this might be a good thing people often end up mimicking the bad habits of individuals and then end up being a bad leader.
One crucial virtue that such training emphasizes is that potential leaders should have the capability to see how details fit into the big picture. Such training also stresses the need to have the attitude that helps one to view things from the point of view of other individuals, and also able to comprehend in the proper manner the most suitable approach towards them. #leadership #people #people #evanstyle #drlucianosantini # #leadershipdevelopment #training #reference

Sunday, October 28, 2018


In life, we deal with our own issues and we try so hard to hide away the pain we go through. 

You see my friends the truth is and yes we can pretend to ignore real issues and turn the other cheek and yes many do this very thing. The other day a really good guy was fired from his job because he was actually a threat to the new so-called supervisor.

 You see some organizations do not want real leaders instead they place people they know are cowards! hypocrites, liars and of course kiss a@#$%^. 

These are the people that are placed in positions of power. 

The so-called leaders will always judge and will never like you but apparently will always have the time to watch you or monitor what you do. 

They do this because they know you know they are cowards! hypocrites, liars and of course kiss a@#$%^ to keep their jobs HAHAHAHAHAH!!! If what I say is not true then write me some comments below please and or if you agree to write some comments below.

 You see fear has two meanings; 1) Forget everything and run like a coward. 2) Face the cowards! hypocrites, liars, and rise!!! which are you!!! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

This is who I am !!!--Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Hello and good afternoon everyone a little late but hey better late then never right so it said hahahahahahahaha.

Well the reason why is because I went and entered a singing contest at a local casino the Chumash in Santa Ynez CA and well we will know if I move on to the next round by tomorrow morning. So that is the reason why I am somewhat late in writing my blog but I love all of you who follow me and read my postings and have inspired me to keep going on my journey to change peoples perspective in life,business and their potential discovery.

This is who I am !!!

  • Tenacious and enthusiastic- A drive for success with an entrepreneurial mind and soul.
  • A vibrant professional with an eagle eye focus on results.
  • Spirit to build and lead highly paced teams & Businesses towards achieving business objectives.
  • I started from a young age o and worked my way through hard work and education to eventually where i am today.
  • I'm a proud father and friend to my sons and daughter, Who are the balance of my world and everything I do and create. My children are my passion and my drive to succeed for greatness in life and living.

On the radio talking about passion and potential.
I believe the below wisdom will stand the test of time yes I do believe it will.

 The habitual procrastinator is always an expert creator of alibis.
If you are so inclined, you can always find dozens of reasons why something can’t or shouldn’t be done — and precious few why it should or could. It is far easier to rationalize that it’s too difficult, too expensive, or too time-consuming than to accept the idea that if we are willing to work hard enough, smart enough, and long enough we can accomplish anything. Instead of making a commitment, we make up an alibi. If you find that you frequently invent excuses for why you didn’t do something or have a million reasons why something didn’t work out as planned, it’s time for a reality check. Stop explaining and start doing! 

“A core characteristic of successful psychotherapy is the patient’s assimilation of the fact that he or she is a member of the human race, somewhat ordinary and somewhat special, but not categorically inferior or marginal.” Nancy McWilliams

 Live-On-Less Happiness Advantage. — Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. — Mark Twain.

All these quotes are part of who I am and have created the deep intention of change within me as they can in each of us. There will be a time or a moment in each of our lives when we say enough is enough and the change will happen but you as the individual will need to be prepared for the change.

Let us talk about communication skills in the workplace.
By One of my mentors
Authors: Lawrence Robinson, Jeanne Segal, Ph. D., and Robert Segal, M.A. Last updated: May 2014.

Tips for effective listening

If your goal is to fully understand and connect with the other person, listening effectively will often come naturally. If it doesn’t, you can remember the following tips. The more you practice them, the more satisfying and rewarding your interactions with others will become.
  • Focus fully on the speaker, his or her body language, and other nonverbal cues. If you’re daydreaming, checking text messages, or doodling, you’re almost certain to miss nonverbal cues in the conversation. If you find it hard to concentrate on some speakers, try repeating their words over in your head—it’ll reinforce their message and help you stay focused.
  • Avoid interrupting or trying to redirect the conversation to your concerns, by saying something like, “If you think that’s bad, let me tell you what happened to me.” Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk. You can’t concentrate on what someone’s saying if you’re forming what you’re going to say next. Often, the speaker can read your facial expressions and know that your mind’s elsewhere. 
  • Avoid seeming judgmental. In order to communicate effectively with someone, you don’t have to like them or agree with their ideas, values, or opinions. However, you do need to set aside your judgment and withhold blame and criticism in order to fully understand a person. The most difficult communication, when successfully executed, can lead to the most unlikely and profound connection with someone.
  • Show your interest in what’s being said. Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and make sure your posture is open and inviting. Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like “yes” or “uh huh.”


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Let Me Know What You Think!!!! Luciano The Key Santini-SSDE

Good morning my friends and how are we doing on this beautiful day. I was given a comment regarding my good mornings. The comment read that I should not use a good morning or afternoon because sometimes when they read my postings it was in the middle of the night. I agree and well I will still bid all my readers a good morning because that is when I am writing LOL!!.

I appreciate all who read and follow my blog. I understand we may live in different time zones but hey sometimes I have to wake up at 1:00 am to get on a a call and that is OK because sometimes if not most times it is worth it and so I hope that what I write is worth your time.Sometimes we need to talk about things that matter most in our lives and sometimes we just talk to talk about whatever is on our minds at that moment.

So let us talk about something that has been on my mind  for the last few hours. The thing is that I have an issue with profiling. An Examples of racial profiling are the use of race to determine which drivers to stop for minor traffic violations (commonly referred to as "driving while black or brown"), or the use of race to determine which pedestrians to search for illegal contraband. 

I hate this and yet it happens all the time. I know from experience because it happened to me yes to me can you believe it!! Yes I can. You see I like to wear a beanie hat after work and I take off my suit jacket and tie and well I do not drive the top of the line automobile. I see this as an issue and also not a very good police officer model for kids.

I believe the next few paragraphs make a difference in people lives if they read the gems and implement them as well.

 We all have within us the potential for greatness or for failure. Both possibilities are an innate part of our character. Whether we reach for the stars or plunge to the depths of despair depends in large measure on how we manage our positive and negative potential. It is doubtful that, if left unchecked, your virtues will rage out of control. Unfortunately, the reverse is not true about your faults. Left unattended, faults have a way of multiplying until they eventually choke out your good qualities. The surest way to control your faults is to attack them the moment they appear.Napoleon Hill

 Living without a definite major purpose promises nothing but a scant living.

You may get by in life without a Definite Major Purpose, but you will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Financial goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable. You should know what you plan to earn, by when, and how you plan to do so. The greatest advantage of financial security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, whatever challenges life brings, you are equipped to deal with them. You will be better at whatever you choose to do because you can focus on opportunities instead of struggling to eke out a living.

There are so many things that we can do to become better people in this life and perhaps even change the world. As I have stated many many time over and over that my journey is about trying to change the world one mind at a time. This bring one very special question to mind and that is; How aware are you of who you are? Let me explain awareness;
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
.Gilbert Ross says that Awareness is fundamental to all human activity. It is the basis of all our mental states and processes, creativity, perception, knowledge and culture. Everything starts from awareness. It is the portal between consciousness and the world around us.

The different phases of awareness:

You are aware of all that you do like when you walk around, prepare coffee, look for your keys, drive home, read, etc, there is always awareness going on otherwise you do not operate. However, many of these tasks happen on a subconscious level rather than on a conscious one.

When you start learning to ride a bike or drive a car, you are conscious about all your steps and movements. Once you learn the task, it starts becoming more automatic and subconscious. You are no longer conscious of every thing you do while you are driving but you are still aware at some level (obviously so, otherwise the roads would be a catastrophe everyday). This type of awareness however is not very thick and focused.

There is another level where your awareness is more focused.  For example, when you are interested in something, you start paying attention to it which means that you slightly focus your awareness on the object or event. It is all about understanding who you are from inside out and what is real and what is not.

Let me know what you think!!!!