
Showing posts with label Evanstyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evanstyle. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Great leadership is a rare skill


Many people assume that if someone is successful it is because they have good leadership skills. Some people assume that if a business is successful it is because it has good leaders. Leadership isn’t something that is particularly easy to pass on to other people. Sometimes a company is successful because a past leader was very skilled as a leader and the current leader simply has kept things running the same as before.

Great leadership is a rare skill. For most people it doesn’t come naturally. It is amazing how many organizations are successful even though they have only marginally competent people leading them. Many times this is because the structure of the organization helps make up for a leaders short comings. Sometimes it is because a particularly talented staff that makes up for the leaders deficiencies.
Any leadership development training should take into account some of the basic facts, which ought to be made available to the individual concerned for developing his/her leadership skill and techniques.
The training or program must adequately deal with deliberations on leadership, and not limit the understanding of the term to its limited sense. Any reference to conventional typecast leadership should be shunned. The training should also incorporate a comprehensive understanding of leadership virtues as applicable to individual requirements, and highlight the subtle differences between leadership and management.
The program should also take into account the attitude of people towards the individual qualities of the leader. It is imperative that leadership development training should be ideally structured in relation to the advancement of the individuals concerned, instead of looking for strengths in personal qualities.
While great leadership skills can make someone successful, the inverse is not true. Being successful doesn’t make you a good leader. If you are looking for leaders to learn from make sure you are looking for people who actually have good leadership skills and not just someone who is successful. You can’t assume that someone is a good leader just because they have had success. Many times people try to emulate people who have had success and try to follow their leadership styles. While this might be a good thing people often end up mimicking the bad habits of individuals and then end up being a bad leader.
One crucial virtue that such training emphasizes is that potential leaders should have the capability to see how details fit into the big picture. Such training also stresses the need to have the attitude that helps one to view things from the point of view of other individuals, and also able to comprehend in the proper manner the most suitable approach towards them. #leadership #people #people #evanstyle #drlucianosantini # #leadershipdevelopment #training #reference

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How to Enjoy the Holidays With Your Relatives


Hello my friends, as you know if we are honest with each other we all have those family members we really do not like being around for one reason or another. I hope this helps all of us. These few tips for the holidays. Let me know what you think in the comments area.
Here are five simple things that will make the next holiday party enjoyable for everyone.
1) Leave Home Without It
Unless you visit like-minded people, leave your private cause at home. Cover the tattoo, remove the nose ring, take out the tongue stud. Similarly, avoid editorials, lectures, and sermons. Remember: it’s a holiday party. No one comes to be offended.
2) Make Them Special
Let others talk. Be impressed (or at least interested) with what they say. Ask questions to encourage telling more. Find something to praise. Give your complete attention while listening. Appreciation is a gift that lasts a lifetime.
3) Detach
Let others be themselves. Accept what people say, regardless how outrageous. Avoid correcting, criticizing, or complaining. Ignore bait that lures you into arguments. Avoid taking things personally. Just say, “Ah, how interesting,” and move on.
4) Talk Friendly
Offer compliments. Be positive. Be gracious. Be mature. Find diplomatic ways to express your ideas. Avoid negative words, especially “not,” because negative ideas trigger a defensive response. Be a source of solutions instead of complications.
5) Behave
Avoid trick questions (“What kind of idiot would do this?”). Avoid punitive stories that contain hidden insults. Avoid baiting people into arguments. Spend time with people who enjoy your ideas. Realize it is always a bad idea to start an argument. #people #like #familymembers #friendships #bestrong #love #evanstyle

Saturday, March 27, 2021



Hello my friends, would it not be great if a measure that eliminates qualified immunity was done away with for state and government agencies and their so called leadership styles.

What would change?
Do you believe that better leadership would be put in place and changes would be made?
Do you think the manipulation and the bullying would stop?
Do you believe people in general would be treated better including staff? Do you believe the dictators would be removed? (-maybe) In the United States, qualified immunity is a legal principle that grants government officials performing discretionary functions immunity from civil suits unless the plaintiff shows that the official violated "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known". Because of all the vague policies, this leaves plenty of loopholes to hide behind the policy when a high official screws up!! I know many will disagree with this but think about it guys how much of our current leadership would change? Please share!! #leadership #incompetence #politics #humanrights #change #integrity #people #evanstyle #disruptors