
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Employee Engagement And Satisfaction-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

Good morning and here we are on another beautiful Saturday morning. On Friday I had a short webinar which included a section on people engagement and why is it that so many people are not engaged at work. I was asked if I knew the percentage and my answer was yes and no. It all starts at the top of the food chain.
Engaging the audience with a smile

Honestly it begins with the who ever is operating the organization or company. The percentage is about 70% of the people who work do not like their job or their bosses and so they do as little as possible or just enough to get by and keep their job which then makes the top people think they are trying to do their job. How sad is that? Pretty sad if you ask me so I will share a few techniques to get that going .

First you need to know and understand or have some understanding of your employees who they are and what they like. Motivation will play a huge part in this. As an organization and as their manager or supervisor you must understand what makes your team shine. Managers must know or simply ask the employees; what is it that motivates them? 

I have your attention now!!
  One technique is that there must be participation from everyone even if it is just a little bit they must participate.As a manager you must come up with a goal to achieve and then draw out a plan with participation from the employees with baby steps to achieve the goal.

You need to develop some kind of a routine whatever it is you decide to have all employees be part so the change of engagement starts. So many time as managers and supervisors only tel people what to do and never ask for suggestions or involve employees on decisions. This will start some type of motivation.You also need to make the change fun so that everyone is part of the change and everyone will want to participate in the new activities. Here is a short article that I found that really makes a point please enjoy;

Please understand that the following would seem to be important as well; I have found that in order to really have both engaged and satisfied employees organizations must a find a way to give and insure more of the following;
  • Job-specific training

  • Organization's commitment to professional development

  • Career development opportunities

  • Career advancement opportunities

Keys for Improving Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

Contributors to Employee Job Satisfaction

Employees identified these factors as their top 10 most important contributors to their job satisfaction.
  • Job security: 63%, for the fourth consecutive year, as the top most important determinant of job satisfaction. (67% of employees are very satisfied or satisfied with their job security.)

  • Opportunities to Use Skills and Abilities: 62%. (74% are satisfied or very satisfied in their workplace.)

  • Organization’s Financial Stability: 55%. (63% are satisfied or very satisfied.)

  • Relationship with Immediate Supervisor: 55%. (73% are satisfied or very satisfied.)

  • Compensation: 54%. (61% are satisfied or very satisfied.)
Satisfied Employees means better bottom line

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Truth,Trust and Communication-Luciano The Key Santini SSDE

The truth WOW such simple words and yet so sought out for everywhere. What is it about truth that amazes human beings? Let us start with business partners in any organization. If one cannot be honest to the other disaster will surely follow. 

I have found out in my years of practice training and coaching executives that when I ask the question;Tell me what truth means to you? The stories I hear are crazy to me because a partnership in a business is like a marriage.

Many experts agree that trust is perhaps the most important element of a harmonious, synergistic and efficient work environment and personal relationships. 

 Organizations that have trust among employees are usually successful, those that don't frequently are not.
So, management often asks, "how can we build trust in the workforce, and how can we avoid losing it?" Well, it all starts at the very top, since trustfulness - and trustworthiness - can exist only if top management sets the example, and then builds that example into every department and unit.

The ingredients are as follows;

If anyone of those three are missing the relationship in business should end sooner then later simply because there is no trust or truth and somewhere down the lone it will end anyway and perhaps in a very unfriendly way.

If you look at organizations successful of both today and yesterday, we find their leaders fostered these three principles of creating trust. Look back at some of past histories leaders(Augustus Caesar, Oliver Cromwell and George Washington),  These great leaders built trust,truth and great communication among their superiors, peers and subordinates, and it was this that spurred success and greatness for themselves, their units, alliances and companies. 

Now of course lets go into one of my favorite mentors that I have studied for over  fourteen years now;

There is something about truth that makes it easily recognizable by all who are searching for it with open minds.
Cookie mogul Wally Amos is fond of quoting the saying, “The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when opened.” When you open your mind to the possibilities, objectively analyze information, and refuse to allow your personal preferences and biases to influence your judgment, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. A closed mind, though, will cause you to miss out on some of life’s greatest offerings. 
My son what an inspiration of truth and trust
 If you find yourself disputing the facts, or if you keep attempting to revise them to support your beliefs, ask yourself, “Why am I so unwilling to accept this information? Am I being logical, or am I simply allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment?” The worst mistake you may ever make is trying to persuade yourself to accept a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you fool yourself, disaster is sure to follow. 

 Here is a short video that will help you reach your goals. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Having A Positive Attitude -Luciano The Key Santini

Good morning my friends and here is a new banner that one of my friends made for my blog. Tell What you think. I think it looks pretty good however I want to hear from you my readers what you think? This past week has been a journey because learning is a never ending focus of mine and it should be your as well.

When we run across an issue or an obstacle we think about how we should face it! Do we  face it straight  on or do we do run from it? These are questions that not only people as individuals but business owners face as well.

The key think to all of this is having a positive attitude. When you have a positive attitude then you will always have an advantage over those that one have no idea what a positive attitude or know what having  one can accomplish but have no idea how to implement it. I have spoken to so many people  and asked them one one on the question. 

What does it mean having a positive attitude? Guess what!!! we all know what it means but some people do not know what it would mean to have one all the time even when things are going rough. I have to admit to you that sometimes it can be difficult and sometimes we as humans are tested in ways that seems like the world was dropped on our shoulders!! I understand that but remember this!!

Individuals with positive mental attitudes are never found in a rut.

Individuals with a positive attitude are those who somehow always manage to find something new and interesting even in the most mundane tasks. They don’t allow themselves to be bored, because they are always seeking ways to do things faster, better, and more efficiently. If you make it a practice to find better ways to do the same old things, you will soon be marked for advancement. You will be supervising others who are performing your old job because you’ve proven that you are a person who can be counted on to take the initiative and do what needs to be done without being told. 

When we want to be successful  we have to have a type of mindset that is unmovable. To be happy  and or successful takes a choice that we have to make.We have to take a real good look at ourselves and find what it would take to be either of the above!! We make the choice every year to start something new and we start with a bang but then a week or two later we slowly forget to finish I know you know what I'm talking about right RIGHT!!!

Wise Words  “The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we’ve already achieved them.” -Denis Waitley

Business can be an overwhelming venture for someone who has little or no experience,however sometimes those that no experience have success simply because they do not know the dark roads and thus they take risks. Sometimes we have to take risks and not always follow policies and procedures simply because sometimes policies and procedures are wrong and do not always work.

 I am in no way saying not to follow policies and procedures because they are in place because they do work what I said was that they do not always work and must be changed r tweaked a bit.
Let us talk about why small businesses fail; The first and most common is that people do not take the time to do the research if there is a real need for the service or products they are offering.

This is one of the most common reasons why small business fail; people start businesses because they want to do a particular thing or love a particular product.What is all comes down to is what you love or what you want , it is what your customers want and need so the question is -Do you have the product or the service they are looking for Do your research!!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Life,Circumstances and Consequences--Luciano Santini--SSDE

Hello everyone and how are we doing on this beautiful morning? I hope you are doing great and if not then lets turn it around!!

We are a self development company and you might be thing there a dime a dozen and guess what you would be 100 % correct but what makes us different you might ask.

Well sometimes you get companies that teach you what you can learn from a video or from a book but the difference is real experience. The type of experience that money cannot buy. 

These types of experiences are the ones that one learns through mistakes and then trying again and not making them again. You see life can teach a person many things but what I find is that most people want to avoid the same mistakes but they continue making them over and over again and my question is why?

Well it is because most people do not know or understand who they are to begin with and simply because that circumstance they continue making the same mistakes in life. Example; Let us take a look at  someone who does not believe in who they are. They will know that they made a mistake and they will try to correct it however the ingredient that is missing here is the know how!! What does this mean? 

Well simply to understand not only that you have made a mistake but to understand why it was made and not understood that it was wrong to begin with thus for people will continue making the same mistakes over and over.

Here is something to thing about:

The next time someone comes to you and says they're motivated to make money and will do anything, assign a project to them that demands thinking, memorizing and practicing. That way you'll find out what you've really got.

Hilton Johnson

I love this quote because it show so much in a person. Think about it for a bit. We all want to do better or not make mistakes and be motivated to accomplish our goals and this takes thinking memorizing and practicing do you have what it takes to do it!!!!--Luciano Santini


A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreams are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition. 

It is a curious fact of nature that somehow our minds find a way to transform into physical reality the things we think about most. If you expect to fail, you can be sure that you will, and if you find something negative in every opportunity, nothing will ever work out positively for you. 

I was explaining to a friend that one needs to be real careful when we think in a negative way because that is exactly what we will get in return not a good thing my friends.
I hope some of you who read this takes it to heart and put some of this into action for the future.

Let us talk about the affects a negative attitude has on a business

Negativity in the workplace takes on many forms including lying,slander, deceit, selfishness and pessimism. When a negative workplace is allowed to persist, it can begin to affect everyone in the company. 

You need to learn to identify the effects of negativity in the workplace so that you can take the steps necessary to combat it if it crops up in your workplace.

This is what I do I am your solutions provider I will provide solutions to the issues your company is facing.

Think about this a persistent negative attitude in the workplace stifles creativity. When negativity takes over, people tend to stay with proven methods for fear that something new may not be effective. 

A negative atmosphere counteracts the feeling of innovation that can help a company to create new products or develop more efficient ways of doing the work they are currently have. When the workplace becomes antagonistic in nature, people do not feel the need to share ideas with each other. New ideas are not circulated, and the company does not move forward.

This might sound simple right!! and yet it is a difficult task to manage.

Let me know your thoughts on this subject.Have a wonderful weekend.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Taking Responsibilty is the KEY to life and business-SSDE

Good morning friends and today will be a long weekend for lots of government employees and to all of you I say get out a do something that you are uncomfortable doing and get it done and let me know how you feel after you do it. Just do it an get it out your system and blood flow!!.

With all that said let us talk a bit about your resume for the new year. Is it up to par? Do you have something that catches the eye of that hiring manager? Do you feel that you need some help or changes or hell a new resume!! If you feel like you do let us know and we can connect and get it done for you.

You want to improve that way people think about you and you want that job you so longed for well here are a few tips for you to think about.

Help people when help is needed.
Look for opportunities when they show up.
Give back when someone does a good thing for you.
Remember there is always a cause and affect for everything we do.

You know that by always being aware of new ways to help people a you start a process that will seem difficult at first but trust me people will come looking for you thus starting the process of opportunities.

I know this for a fact and you will go through this as well but have no fear my friends the payback is awesome. What do I mean well when you assist people do not expect anything in return sometimes you will not even get a thank you. Remember that if you do things to get something in return then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

I can tell you from experience that sometimes you might feel like giving up on helping people but at the end it will all be worth it. My friends there is a catch and that is that you must always try to keep a balanced life.

Sometimes in business and in the life of an individual we have to look deep into our souls and unlock the potential we all carry around within each of us that can bring us what we want in both business and life.

There is so much more to running a business and  your life smoothly and that is where. 

Santini Self-Development Enterprises comes in, you cannot simply manage the customer experience and expect to have a great business you need much more than that. You need a business coach that can walk you through processes from a new perspective to find what your staff believe to be the right way to treat your customers.

Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life, not on what you don’t want.
We have just begun to explore the inner workings of the mind, but we have long been aware of the effects of our thoughts. When you focus on not missing the target instead of on hitting the bull’s-eye, the results are often disastrous, for it is impossible to think negative thoughts in a positive way. Ask any golfer who has tried not to miss a putt or a bowler who has struggled not to miss a strike. Make sure your goals are specific and precise. “Making a lot of money” or “earning regular promotions” are wishes, not goals. 

State exactly how much money you expect to earn and when, and the specific promotion you want, how you plan to earn it, and when you expect to do so. As Carlson Companies chairman Curt Carlson once noted, “Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eye off the target.”

The last thing that I will talk about to today is that in order to be successful you need to find the motivation within and the why!! Think about what is your why. Your why will bring the ideas into mind and your mind will start to find ways to get you there but it has to a self motivation journey.

Please enjoy this really short video and let me know your thoughts.

I have found that so many businesses and people as well always find a way to blame a failed business or a failed life to outside sources and never see and I mean never ever see that the person either running the business or the choices people in general make and take responsibility for their action. People business owners and individuals try this little trick and see what it does to your mindset. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and let me know good luck my friends.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hello everyone and here we are once again to exchange words and perhaps some great ideas to grow your mind or your business. I have been writing for a few years on this blog and it has been so successful  and for that I thank all my supporters  and all my readers. I love what I write and I love to write for all of you.

I have a question to ask all of you; What do you think when you see a beautiful flower? I think it is all about perspective. You see one may see a beautiful flower and another may see a poisonous plant. My friends life is what we make it  and if yo have a business it also is what you make of it. Though in business you might need some assistance and one time or another.

 The greatest of all success rules is this: do unto others as you would if you were the others.

The Golden Rule is more than a principle of ethical behavior; it is a dynamic force that can work good in the lives of untold numbers of people. When you make it a practice to treat others as though you were the others, you spread goodwill among people who, in turn, may be moved to do the same. By their actions, they influence still more people, who generate goodwill among even more people. This force for goodwill increases exponentially and will return to you from totally new sources. The benefit you receive from a good deed performed today by a total stranger may have been a chain reaction from long ago when you observed the Golden Rule in your own dealings with another.

It is a new year now so how do we start it? Well my friends the real question becomes what will you as an individual make this year to be. My friends in business sometimes we look for something that is not there and thus we make it worse because of the stories we tell ourselves or the stories that we allow our minds to create.

The most important thing to remember is that we need to stop thinking about  our failures and pour past and focus more in the now!! This is one of the hardest things a person can do and why may you ask. Well friends it is because most people live on what I call routine everyday doing the same thing over and over, You know people say that doing the same thing over and over will eventually drive you to insanity.

So let us talk more personally my friends! What will it be or better yet what is it that you want this new year!!!! It will be all about what you as a person have in mind and what it is that you want to accomplish. This will also take you into a new area of your life because you are making a choice and remember that we are where we are because the choices we have made.


In business this will also be a choice will it not. Of course it will be simply because we are making the choices as well. In business it is no different simply because we will hire the right or the wrong people though at times we may not know who we hire because we do not know them.

Our goals can sometimes become pretty difficult to figure out, however they can be repaired before they become monster in our lives by either taking a step back and looking real closely to where we are going.
We can also change our course by hiring someone to assist us in coaching us to make better choices or just to look at our business from a different perspective.

Here a few tips for you that I found just for small businesses.

 You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or whatever---you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship."Some of the things you can and should do include protecting yourself from expenditures made on sudden impulse. 

We've all bought merchandise or services we really didn't need simply because we were in the mood, or perhaps in response to the flamboyancy of the advertising or the persuasiveness of the salesperson. Then we sort of "wake up" a couple of days later and find that we've committed hundreds of dollars of business funds for an item or service that's not essential to the success of our own business, when really pressing items had been waiting for those dollars.If you are incorporated, you can eliminate these "impulse purchases" by including in your by-laws a clause that states:

 "All purchasing decisions over (a certain amount) are contingent upon approval by the board of directors." This will force you to consider any "impulse purchases" of considerable cost, and may even be a reminder in the case of smaller purchases.If your business is a partnership, you can state, when faced with a buying decision, that all purchases are contingent upon the approval of a third party. In reality, the third party can be your partner, one of your department heads, or even one of your suppliers. 

Remember that everything is about understanding your customers and though you as a business owner may understand it and what it means the real question you need to ask yourself is: Do your employees understand what it means? here is an old video but the content is awesome. check it out.


Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

"Remember Life Begins When You Decide To Take The First Step To Live It"-Luciano The Key Santini

Hello and what will the new year bring my way and your way? What a great questions that is. This is a question that will either get us to think about where we are or get us moving pretty quickly depending on what kind of goal we have set for this year.

Is it money? Do you have goals for either yourself or for your business? You see friends it does not matter what it is. This question only matters if you have already set into motion what it is that you want to accomplish this coming year. While it is true that perhaps you are still thinking about what goals you would like to reach this coming year it i snot true that you will reach them if you are simply thinking about them still at this very time.

Now let us get to what we need to really talk about here today OK? Friends what will it take to reach a goal! It takes effort in the right direction it takes the willingness to take some risks! It takes the perseverance to keep moving forward until you get to the point of no return!!! That is what it takes!

It will take a support system either that you build with people that you highly trust or even just one person that can motivate you to never ever give up when it becomes tough for you to continue. You need that one person to hold you accountable that someone who will tell you keep going I believe in you!! It will be an effort of cooperation between you and them or you and that one person who has been yelling and pushing you to reach that goal, perhaps it will be me!!

 People are always asking me; (How do I get really good at this (whatever it may be?) The only answer I have for them and perhaps you as well if you happen to have this question is master the skill you are trying to learn be the best at what it is you love! Business owners ask me questions like; How do I get my employees to help take my business to the next level? 

My answer to them is very simple HIRE ME!!!just kidding!! I say to them that it can be as simple as asking them the very same question. Or hire someone to come in to help them help you the business owner understand the employees and what it is that they need to learn to take the business to the next level.

Here I am playing semi-pro football for the Phoenix a while ago that is me in the beanie hat with a written number 2

I learned that there is an I on team and would speak to the individuals on the team and explained to them what I meant. You see I stands for individual and if that individual does not believe in winning then the team will not win. Longer explanation later on another blog.

My friends when you feel down and discouraged think of this:

 If you become discouraged, think of Helen Keller, who, though she was deaf and blind, inspired her more fortunate contemporaries through her books.

The life of Helen Keller is an outstanding example of the triumph of the human spirit over a physical handicap. Even today, decades after her death, her life stands as a beacon of hope for those who must constantly struggle just to perform routine tasks that most of us take for granted. Whenever you feel fate has been unkind to you, all you must do is look around you and you will begin to appreciate how fortunate you are. 

Make sure your life’s plan includes giving something back to the community without expecting anything in return. Giving time and effort, not just money, reinforces your connections to your community, provides you with concrete proof of the effectiveness of deliberate action, and reminds you of the inspiring power of determination in human endeavor.