
Showing posts with label Buisness Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buisness Coach/Life Coach Certified. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Luciano Santini and VUCA

 I thought today about talking a little about myself. I am a renowned leadership expert, specializing in VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and the Evan leadership style which I created and fits any leader who wants to become a true leader in their current roles. The EVAN style also fits teens that may be thinking of going into a leadership role and be the best. After researching and teaching leadership for over 20 years, with a focus on developing innovative approaches to leadership that are tailored to the ever-changing needs of today's organizations. I am highly experienced in helping organizations navigate the complexities of VUCA, and my Evan leadership style provides a comprehensive approach to leading in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. In the face of VUCA, I am passionate about helping organizations develop the skills and strategies to become more resilient. I have consulted for many leading organizations, and they have featured my research in numerous publications in regard to leadership. I am a speaker and have presented at conferences and workshops on many zoom platforms and have been a guest speaker around the world during the covid-19 era. I will be having an Ebook that I just finished writing on VUCA but needs to be edited and will be ready for sale soon.#covid . #leadership #research #teaching #complexity #EVANleadershipstyle #drlucianosantini #motivationkey

Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Hello my friends and how the hell is everyone going into the Holidays?

My favorite part of this year start December19th because Hanukka begins. I love this part here and of course what follows is Christmas which I also love very much and give thanks for anther year. The next questions I have is what is gaslighting at work? Well I have personally experienced this in the past. it is not fun!!!! A positive work environment should encourage employees to ask questions about what they are supposed to do. If your boss tells you to file papers one way on Monday but then tells you that we should file differently them the next day, it is natural to ask for clarity.
When your boss is gaslighting you, he or she will lash out instead of providing the clarity you are seeking. Gaslighting bosses often feel threatened when you ask questions and retaliate if you challenge what they say.
They might accuse you of overreacting or not listening in the first place. When your company has gone through changes, it is normal to have some confusion about your role during the adjustment phase.
However, if you have held your job for years and you still find yourself unable to define your responsibilities, you might have a gaslighting boss.
Your boss might tell you that you should know what your responsibilities are instead of answering your question. He or she may also mock you and act as if your question is ridiculous.
It is important to know that in a healthy work environment, you should always be able to ask for clarity concerning your
responsibilities, and in the best kind of environment, you will know exactly what they are. It starts with you apologizing for not responding quickly enough to an email. Then, you find yourself apologizing for taking a five-minute bathroom break. Soon enough, you start apologizing for your boss’ mistakes or those of your coworkers. No matter what task you are working on, your boss always finds something wrong with it. Whether it’s the wording of your email or your ideas at a team meeting, they constantly meet you with criticism.
That is such a demoralizing tactic, and you can end up feeling worthless and demoralized.
Your seemingly charming boss is actually a gaslighting expert. Many bosses appear cheerful all the time but are so good at manipulating their staff. (Opex)
These are just some things that happen when you have an incompetent person in a leadership role or the way they are trained. #leadership #email #job #incompententbosses #drlucianosantini #bestleadershiptrainer #evanstyleleadership #evanstyle #lucianosantini #comonsenseconsulting #gaslighting

Monday, January 31, 2022

Things to think about when you mentor someone!!

 Things to think about when you mentor someone!!

 Sometimes it seems like the main source of benefits in a mentorship is for the mentee, but nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, the mentor can be the one who gets more out of the relationship. Let's look at a few of the benefits of being a mentor.
 Makes Everything Feel New Again
 It's kind of like watching a child play in a park. You learn everything new again from their fresh view of life. Butterflies look more colorful, flowers smell better, and everything is a lot more fun. The same applies if you're a mentor for an up-and-coming star in your company, or any company. It's fun to watch them learn and grow, and it feels good to see.
 Improves Job Satisfaction
Mentorships can help you avoid job boredom in your job. You'll feel a lot more satisfied with your job when you realize that someone else would love your job and are in fact trying to become who you are. It feels great that someone will someday take over where you left off.
 Encourages Self-Reflection
 When you work with someone who is hungry, it can help you reflect on yourself and what you're doing in your career. Are you really doing enough? How well do you know yourself? This relationship will help you think about these factors.
 Builds More Professional Relationships
 When you start working with mentees, you're going to build a network of people who like you, know you, and trust you - even when they move on to a new corporation or start a new business. They're going to think of you, recommend you, and want to keep working with you in some way.
 Increases Peer Recognition
 When you are a mentor for others and take care in your mentorships, your peers will respect you for doing it and think of you when it comes to leadership. They're going to see you as more of a leader than others, and that can pay off for you.
 Enhances Learning and Development
 When you're trying to help someone else see their learning deficiencies and improve upon them, you're going to notice yours more too. You're going to want to be a good example by taking more classes, going to seminars, and improving your own development.
 Grows Your Network

 For every mentee you work with, your network is going to grow by not just one but probably five to ten people due to the people you'll meet through them, and the people you'll meet for them when you look for people to help them.
 If you want to garner these benefits of being a mentor, it's important to seek to be a great mentor by learning about the skills needed, taking your mentorships seriously, and putting a lot into it. You get out of it what you put into it, just like everything else in life. #leadership #EVAN STYLE #career #people #leader #work #network

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How to Enjoy the Holidays With Your Relatives


Hello my friends, as you know if we are honest with each other we all have those family members we really do not like being around for one reason or another. I hope this helps all of us. These few tips for the holidays. Let me know what you think in the comments area.
Here are five simple things that will make the next holiday party enjoyable for everyone.
1) Leave Home Without It
Unless you visit like-minded people, leave your private cause at home. Cover the tattoo, remove the nose ring, take out the tongue stud. Similarly, avoid editorials, lectures, and sermons. Remember: it’s a holiday party. No one comes to be offended.
2) Make Them Special
Let others talk. Be impressed (or at least interested) with what they say. Ask questions to encourage telling more. Find something to praise. Give your complete attention while listening. Appreciation is a gift that lasts a lifetime.
3) Detach
Let others be themselves. Accept what people say, regardless how outrageous. Avoid correcting, criticizing, or complaining. Ignore bait that lures you into arguments. Avoid taking things personally. Just say, “Ah, how interesting,” and move on.
4) Talk Friendly
Offer compliments. Be positive. Be gracious. Be mature. Find diplomatic ways to express your ideas. Avoid negative words, especially “not,” because negative ideas trigger a defensive response. Be a source of solutions instead of complications.
5) Behave
Avoid trick questions (“What kind of idiot would do this?”). Avoid punitive stories that contain hidden insults. Avoid baiting people into arguments. Spend time with people who enjoy your ideas. Realize it is always a bad idea to start an argument. #people #like #familymembers #friendships #bestrong #love #evanstyle

Saturday, January 4, 2020


What happens when so called upper management rolls down a new policy regarding downsizing?

 Let me see now, distrust comes into my mind then it reduces cooperation from people and eventually there is no collaboration. This actually inhibits learning,communication and of course any type of upper mobility. 

These upper top so called leaders jump into action to build new focus groups because they have no idea how to fix it “Surprise there” The groups will begin to tell them what is wrong. 

Top management in turn will block any real learning and communication to stop any kind of real change because they do nothing to encourage individual accountability and tend to reinforce the mindset of that only top management can bring about real change which in turn is the biggest joke ever!! 

This brings about distrust and eventually people start to leave simply because of politics and people in positions that they never should have been given to them. 

People do not have to agree with me but if you do then speak up or continue to suffer. It is up to you to continue feeding into agendas that will never benefit you or your families. There is always a solution to benefit everyone involved. 

One just needs to find the right person to help and be realistic just ask me!!#management #mind 

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Hello it has been a little while my friends,
 I believe always in doing the right thing. What is leadership and what it stands for; 
1) Leadership is defined as “a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more coherent and cohesive.” A good leader is one who is always three steps ahead of the others. He looks out for the people before himself not the other way around which most do-go ahead and prove me wrong! 
 2) “A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. ... Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than them. The ones who are afraid and keep the good ones down and away from becoming shinning stars!! Why!! 
3) My friend Faydeyi Femi says that; Humanity will remain endangered if it fails to understand the concept of leadership well which is akin to servant hood and servitude.A good leader must be a good servant in deed and in act.Any leader that fails in being a good servant has failed woefully and it can be concluded that such a leader has misconstrue the concept of leadership as a tool of oppression. hashtagleadership hashtaghumility hashtagrights