Hello my friends and how are you? It has been a while and well to be honest I truly miss blogging for my supporters and followers. I want to thank you everyone for following me and supporting me.
Here is a new poster that we Created for the business side of my life. Tell me what you think?
"Remember Serving People Is An Art To Be Discovered It Cannot Be Taught"--Luciano (The Key) Santini
Today is one of those days when I am really looking forward to seeing my son who left for a week to a camp and well I'm not used to sending my kids off like that even though I understand that it is a great learning experience so I am OK with that.
You see sometimes we have to encourage those that are afraid to try new things even I find myself stuck and that is when I need to step back and make some changes in my life.
Sometimes making changes can be difficult because sometimes you have to let go of old habits and learn new ones and that can be hard in the mind due to past experiences or simply learned behaviors.
"Old Habits Are Hard To Break But Sometimes Needed To Change The Way We Think And Change The Direction Of Our Lives"--Luciano Santini
I would like to ask you to visit my website which is very helpful and has lots of information;
As a life coach I try to help people see life from different perspectives and challenge them to find out who they are and what it is that they want to accomplish in life.
As a business coach I do the same thing but from a business perspective. Business is a little more tricky and one has to really see and know your competitors and figure out where your business is right now and what needs to happen to move it forward and yes there are many techniques to teach and learn from knowing your competition and to knowing and understanding the people that work for you.
From Napoleon Hill
Success requires no explanation; failures must be doctored with alibis.
The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures.
The surest way to achieve acceptance in any organization or in any line of work is to be successful. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. No matter how carefully you study a subject, no matter how rationally you make decisions, no matter how well prepared you are, you will occasionally make mistakes. Human beings always do. The important thing is to realize that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures.
Successful people recognize that we all experience temporary setbacks
that require us to reevaluate our performance and take corrective action
to achieve success. They know that adversity is never permanent.