
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What is true leadership and being able to really understand the meaning and the science behind the word Leadership!!


What is true leadership and being able to really understand the meaning and the science behind the word Leadership!!
As the world continues to develop, it is important to consider what our future may look like. With rapid technological advances, the world is becoming increasingly unpredictable and complex. This is where the concept of VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – comes into play. Understanding VUCA is essential to preparing for and navigating the future.

The future is likely to be characterized by VUCA. The world is becoming increasingly volatile, with rapid changes in technology, politics, and the economy. Uncertainty is also likely to be a major factor, as the future is impossible to predict. Complexity is also likely to be a factor, as the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Finally, ambiguity is likely to be a major factor, as the future is often difficult to interpret.

It is therefore essential to understand VUCA in order to prepare for and navigate the future. By understanding the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the future, we can better prepare for and respond to changes. We can also develop strategies to help us navigate the future and make the most of the opportunities it presents. Understanding VUCA is therefore essential to ensuring a successful future. #science #leadership #opportunities #technology #economy #complexity #future #drlucianosantini #evanstyleleadership #empathymatters

Monday, January 23, 2023

What do our teens and young adults know and understand regarding the chaotic world we live in?


What do our teens and young adults know and understand regarding the chaotic world we live in? Chaos is a part of life, but it can be especially difficult for teens to navigate. The world is increasingly unpredictable and complex, and teens are faced with the challenge of living in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and ambiguous) world. 

The term VUCA was first used by the U.S. Army War College to describe the post-Cold War environment, but it can be applied to any situation that is unpredictable and rapidly changing. Teens are particularly vulnerable to the effects of chaos, as they are often still developing the skills and resilience needed to cope with the unexpected. 

It is important for teens to be aware of the chaotic nature of the world and to develop strategies to cope with it. This can include taking time to reflect on their experiences, developing problem-solving skills, and seeking support from family and friends. It is also important for teens to be aware of their own emotions and to practice self-care. By understanding the chaotic nature of the world and developing the skills to cope with it, teens can be better prepared to face the challenges of living in a VUCA world.
#environment #lucianosantini #drlucianosantinibesttrainerever #empathy #teensandVUCA

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The difference between wanna-be leaders and true leaders is the following.

 The difference between wanna-be leaders and true leaders is the following. Wanna-be leaders are those who seek power, prestige, and status, but lack the necessary skills and qualities to lead effectively. They may be charismatic and persuasive, but lack the emotional intelligence and empathy necessary to inspire and motivate others. True leaders, on the other hand, have the skills and qualities necessary to lead effectively. They are able to create a vision and inspire others to follow it. They possess emotional intelligence and empathy and are able to motivate and empower their team members.

True leaders are also able to make tough decisions and take responsibility for their decisions. They are able to delegate tasks and hold their team members accountable. They are also able to recognize and reward good work, and are willing to learn from their mistakes. Finally, genuine leaders are able to build trust and foster collaboration among their team members.

In conclusion, the difference between wanna-be leaders and true leaders is clear. Do you want to be a great leader or just a wanna-be ? #team #leaders #empathy #emotionalintelligence #collaboration

Wednesday, January 18, 2023



Hello, I attended a meeting and the subject of peace or chaos came up and my response was simple as follows;

Peace and love around the world is a concept that is often discussed but rarely understood. It is a concept that is difficult to define and even more difficult to achieve. Peace and love are the opposite of chaos, which is a state of confusion, disorder, and disruption. Chaos is a growing problem in many parts of the world, with violence, poverty, and political unrest rampant in some areas.

Chaos around the world can take many forms, from civil wars to economic instability. It can also manifest itself in the form of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. In addition, human actions, such as terrorism, war, and crime, can cause chaos. In all of these cases, chaos can have a devastating effect on the lives of those affected.

Navigating through peace and love, as well as chaos, in our daily lives and in business is a laborious task. It requires a thoughtful and creative approach to problem-solving. #business #creative #civil #drlucianosantini #evanstyleleadership

Sunday, January 15, 2023

 Hello everyone,

Hello everyone,

I am writing today simply about what is right and what is wrong. We all have our own opinions and beliefs about what is right and wrong, but it is important to remember that everyone’s opinion is valid and should be respected.  People in general work hard and want to achieve, but sometimes that becomes very difficult. This could be due to many factors, such as lack of resources, lack of motivation, or a lack of knowledge. In these cases, it is important to take a step back and assess what is really important. Is it more important to achieve a goal, or is it more important to be happy and content?

The answer to this question will vary from person to person, but it is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone has their own unique set of circumstances and needs to make the best decision for themselves.

We all need a little of the EVAN© leadership style in our lives. Empathy, value, attitude, and nourishment of the mind are the four pillars of this leadership style. Empathy is understanding and being aware of the feelings of others. It is a key quality for any leader to possess, as it allows them to better understand and relate to their team. Value recognizes the importance of each individual and their contributions to the team. A leader should strive to create an environment of respect and appreciation for all team members.

Attitude is the way a leader carries themselves. It is important that a leader has a positive attitude, as it sets the tone for the team and encourages them to do their best work. Finally, nourishment of the mind is essential for any leader. This means taking the time to learn and grow, so that they can be a better leader for their team. Tell me which style do you not see there and why is that? This style took a long time to create and finally it is here. #leadership #team #people #drlucianosantini #EVANleadershipstyle

Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Hello my friends and haters at the same time. I love you all. I really do and because I feel this way about people in general, I created this great leadership technique. They asked me what it meant and so my answer was the following and this is what they said:

Luciano Santini has created a leadership technique that everyone can implement once trained. The EVAN© technique stands for Empathy, Value, Attitude, and Nourishment of the Mind. This technique is suitable for anyone from a teen to an executive who wants to become a genuine leader.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is important for a leader to be able to empathize with their team members in order to create an environment of mutual understanding and respect. Value is the importance placed on an individual or an idea. A leader should be able to recognize the value of their team members and the ideas they bring to the table.

Attitude is the way a person approaches a situation. A leader should have a positive attitude and be able to motivate their team to strive for success. Lastly, nourishment of the mind is the practice of feeding the mind with knowledge and understanding.

Would you like to learn more o this technique? Let me know and if I can get 20 people to say yes, I will for free give a one hour training on this technique.

#team #success #people #training #share #environment #leader #love #respect #leadership #empathy 

nosantinibestrainer #EVANSTYLE

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Luciano Santini and VUCA

 I thought today about talking a little about myself. I am a renowned leadership expert, specializing in VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and the Evan leadership style which I created and fits any leader who wants to become a true leader in their current roles. The EVAN style also fits teens that may be thinking of going into a leadership role and be the best. After researching and teaching leadership for over 20 years, with a focus on developing innovative approaches to leadership that are tailored to the ever-changing needs of today's organizations. I am highly experienced in helping organizations navigate the complexities of VUCA, and my Evan leadership style provides a comprehensive approach to leading in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. In the face of VUCA, I am passionate about helping organizations develop the skills and strategies to become more resilient. I have consulted for many leading organizations, and they have featured my research in numerous publications in regard to leadership. I am a speaker and have presented at conferences and workshops on many zoom platforms and have been a guest speaker around the world during the covid-19 era. I will be having an Ebook that I just finished writing on VUCA but needs to be edited and will be ready for sale soon.#covid . #leadership #research #teaching #complexity #EVANleadershipstyle #drlucianosantini #motivationkey