Hello my friends and here we are once again dealing with a world where everyone is freaking out because of the voting going on and who will be our next president and on and on with the chaos all around us. I always say to people live each day with a smile and let those crazy things around roll off your shoulders and I say this only because you cannot change the world but you can sure make a change within yourself and who are at any time that you choose to do so.
It is difficult enough trying to make it in this world much less having to deal with those people close to you or those you have to work with on a daily basis. I always look for my mentors whether they are still walking this earth or not to guide my thought when my thought are all over the place. They bring me back to reality and to a sigh of relief.
Your job will never be any bigger than your imagination makes it.
Daniel Burnham, the turn-of-the-century architect and civic planner whose plan for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair had an enormous influence on contemporary civic design, was quoted as saying, “Make no little plans.” He knew that to achieve great things we must have grand ideas. If you can imagine it, you can create it. And if you can create in your imagination the job that you would like to have, it is possible to create it in the real world.
I find that so many people are always rushing to get to work or to the store or wherever they need to get to and once they arrive they do nothing but take their time doing what a little while ago was paramount--WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!!!
I have no idea but what I can tell you is this that if you need to get somewhere and you are in such a hurry that you might hurt someone or yourself along the way then my friend you!! need to take a big breath and relax because at the end of the day you will realize that it was not that important
Some people in this world think and believe that if they hurry something that it will get done faster and it might but the thing to think about is at what cost! You see people will try to make you think that you are wrong or that you do not understand certain things like policies or procedures in their world and so they will try to manipulate your mind and you as a person.
If this ever happens to you then dig into what they are telling you that you are wrong about and then smile back at them because you will find that they are just people that have low self esteem and insecure.
people who try this on other people will eventually be seen for who they really are and well you can look at them with sad eyes and smile and let them know that you have always known who they are and what they tried to do but because you have a strong mind you will win the bullying fight and they will be crushed and then they will slowly crawl back into reality.
These type of people are every where perhaps in your own family. These people will only try to isolate you from who you really are that special and smart person whom they have known all along but you made them afraid and thus they will try to crush you and your dreams.
In many organizations they have these type of people who will try to keep you in a box as they say "Out of sight out of mind" meaning the longer they keep you away from the real action well then people will tend to forget what you have done whether great or small they eventually will forget.