
Saturday, February 27, 2016

"I wouldn't mind if I failed because I tried something worthwhile.Siggi Hilmarsson

Hello to all my friends around the globe who continue to support my journey in changing the perspective of life one mind at a time. We go through life making mistakes and that is OK as long as you the individual making those mistakes learns from them. I find personally that in my life I have made mistakes that have cost me dearly from loosing friends and relationships to loosing out on jobs. I have also learned that if you learn from those mistakes you become stronger and a much better person then you were before.

Learning from people is one of the most rewarding times that a great leader can have when they are willing to listen and share their lives with them. many leaders today are missing this ingredient to success and I have to say is that they will eventually fail as leaders.Leadership is not about power and wielding that hammer down when a member of your team makes a mistake it is about listening and teaching the correct way and with a smile. I have studied Napoleon Hill for over twenty years now and I have to tell you that this man had and to this day continues to teach me many things about life,history,mistakes and how to overcome them.

Failure seems to be nature’s plan for preparing us for great responsibilities.

If everything we attempted in life were achieved with a minimum of effort and came out exactly as planned, how little we would learn — and how boring life would be! And how arrogant we would become if we succeeded at everything we attempted. Failure allows us to develop the essential quality of humility. It is not easy — when you are the person experiencing failure — to accept it philosophically, serene in the knowledge that this is one of life’s great learning experiences. But it is. Nature’s ways are not always easily understood, but they are repetitive and therefore predictable. You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being prepared for great achievement. BY Napoleon Hill

Leadership today in many organizations are failing their organizations and their people. The biggest issue is that leadership believe that they know it all and they know what people think and should do when the facts are that most of the time they are so disengaged that they miss opportunities and ideas from people in general. Leaders should set aside any preconceived notions they may have about any topic, and listen attentively and not be a judge towards the words that come from another.
 Quote of of the day:
"I wouldn't mind if I failed because I tried something worthwhile.Siggi Hilmarsson

 According to Glen Llopis: Leaders fail in their primary role and responsibility of enabling the full potential in people and the business they serve because they don’t know the difference between substitution and evolution.   Instead of leading the organization and its people to continually evolve, they get stuck in a cycle of complacency and the substitution of activities associated with it.   

As a result, the company cannot grow or its growth cannot be sustained.These leaders practice substitution over evolution. Substitution is when you believe you are taking a different approach, but in reality it is all too similar to how you have led in the past – and not what the business needs to grow and compete in the 21st century.   This type of leader seeks recognition for maintaining the status quo, rather than seeking to earn respect by identifying constructively disruptive ways of challenging the status quo.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Isolation Never A Way Or Technique To Lead--Dr. Luciano Santini

Hello to all my friends and well another week has passed now and here we are together again and so let us talk about  leadership a bit more because this seems to be an ongoing issue with everyone I speak to.

I believe that what seems to be and keeps coming up is that we have so many baby boomers trying to manage the new generations that are coming into the workforce with their old ways of managing which by the way is somewhat antiquated. Do not by any way think that there old techniques that do not work because the truth is that old way of managing can be good with the right way of training and implementing.

The main issue here seems to be understanding and isolation. What the hell do I mean by isolation you are asking? Well my friend let me tell you that in most cases I have found not only from experience but through research that I personally have done and tests that I have tried with my bosses and tests that I have tested in groups with staff members and I find that the biggest problem is isolation from leadership where they come to work and the only way or times that they will listen to you is if you stand in front of them or in their way as they walk in and they have to say excuse me to get passed you.

They walk into their offices and close the door and then they isolate themselves from having any kind of contact with people.What happens now is that people that you are supposed to lead begin to feel disconnected meaning they will do everything possible to avoid any contact. They will never ever trust you and perhaps start to sabotage the leadership members.People will also begin to feel unsupported and only do what they need to do to get by as far as work performance.

Here are some things people have said regarding leadership:


Three very important keys of being the most effective leader are:
1. Leaders are the most effective when they always investing in strengths.
2. Leaders are the most effective who surround themselves with the right people and maximize their team.
3. Leaders are the most effective who understand their followers needs.

When Leaders or anyone are without an awareness of their strengths, it’s almost impossible for them to lead effectively.
We all lead in very different ways,based on our talents and our limitations. Serious problems occur when we think we need to be exactly like the leaders we admire. Doing so takes us out of our natural element and practically eliminates our chances of success.

Ajay Kumar Gupta on said:

  Leaders tend to isolate. More they reach up in hierarchy, more they tend to isolate people under. Since there are few people at the top and the responsibility is different, they generally feel to isolate people. And people below also tend to isolate them in routine matter. Leaders can overcome such tendency by remaining connecting with the people. The major problem why leaders or other people get disconnected is the perception of power.

 Lower level people or employees feel powerless and leaders are perceived powerful. And this feeling makes the difference. So, leaders need to create a feeling of equality, caring and approachable. Leaders should create a feeling that employees are not fearful from leaders.
Leaders on the other hands, should be humble and encourage more interaction with the people. They should come out of their cabin and make effective communication. Generally, lack of interaction, communication and interaction by leaders is perceived negatively. People perceived leaders biased. So, communication and visibility is the key.

I believe that when leadership isolate themselves it creates so much chaos and sometimes leaders because they have no idea how to have or create a dialogue with another human being it become difficult to manage anyone.My friends isolation is a killer in business in any business.

One thing we should all know and have a very clear understanding is that people are not stupid!!! They know when you are not a leader.

I hope you enjoy this article and if you do please share with leaders and if you are a leader then read and reread over and over.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

What Is The Image Of Reality In Your World Luciano Santini

Hello everyone and thank you for your continued support on this journey to change the world one mind at a time in business or individual to have the opportunity to see a different perspective either in their life or in business to reach the full potential and or to reach a goal.

One of the few things people love to really talk about is TIME! When I ask leaders why has something that they so wanted to accomplish in the first place has not been started or completed the reaction and the answer is always not enough time. My next questions becomes why not enough time. I then go into explanations on time and why it is so important to manage it wisely

The one thing people especially those that hold high positions and just love to manage by power though they never seem to see that point of their leadership is that if they lead people then they must be able to "decipher the role time fills in that persons image of their reality" not the so called leaders reality and the reason is simply because it is a different perspective and totally different time management styles that need to be understood.

How many times have you worked with a boss that is so domineering and cares very little of other peoples feelings or emotions to the point that sometimes they have to be told to bring it down a notch or two. Then they believe so much in their position of power that they will drive good people away and those people will end up looking for opportunities in other places and at then end they will leave their organization.

 This is just another one of those scenarios where the old saying comes in handy " People do not leave the organizations-They leave their leadership" to be true to every word.

Napoleon Hill of who I have studied and respected his works for so many years states that if you find it difficult to keep an open mind because of previous experiences, remind yourself that you’re dealing with different people, that conditions have changed, or that because you are older and wiser, your chances of success are greater than in the past.

We also need to have an understanding that time is for everyone and yes though we do have 24 hours in a day and yes everyone has the same amount of time however it is not the time but how you the individual chooses to see the reality on how you the end user utilizes the space between each breath you take.

Never tear down anything unless you are prepared to build something better in its place.

This rule applies to both individuals and things. It’s easy to criticize other people thoughtlessly for their shortcomings, and equally easy to find fault in their work or in situations that are not to your liking. It is far more difficult to be a builder of people and to create works of art, useful products, or profitable businesses.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

" You cannot give credibility to people without a record of achievements'-Ken Nissely

Hello my friends and how are we doing this fine day. Today is a great day because it looks a bit cool but clear and great to perhaps do a little traveling. I was just involved in a leadership seminar which was awesome and many questions were asked regarding leadership. One question that was asked was: How do we as staff know we have a leader in  place? My friends you have to understand that some leaders were in the room as well who operate this organization and knowing this myself was crazy but hey! they asked me to come and I told them ahead of time that these type of questions could be asked and to be prepared.

Here is my answer. I stated to the people that asked this question that in order to be able to have and know a leader is in place it would have to be someone that show passion towards people, someone who can inspire the people to follow the vision of the organization and someone who stands by them regards of good or bad choices.Leaders need to have an understanding of their staff in order to have expectations met in any organization due to this issue many leaders will fail.Leadership is not about knowing all the new technology that has reached corporations or about how good they are with paperwork.

People have to believe that the leaders they are to follow have the competency to guide people in the right direction and be someone who believes in their abilities to do the right thing. people must see the leader as being capable and somewhat effective. I believe Ken Nissely of James Expressions put it, " You cannot give credibility to people without a record of achievements'

Then I was asked what that meant exactly. Well I said it means that if a person is in a position of leadership and only leads to what they think and believe is leadership in ways such as "My way or the highway" in other words leads by power of position and not show passion and compassion to people then my friends that is no leader that is a person who somehow reached the top perhaps with good intentions but lost their way throughout the years or simply was not competent.

I have to say that in today's world of business it is becoming well known that the generalist manager and or leader is coming to a close specially in the knowledge of different industries. I see and notice many leaders believe that they are doing the right thing when in fact they are bringing down morale and affecting the organization in so many ways. I tell leaders that operate an organization where services are given may have very little contact with actual clients but in order to be a good leader he/she must have the competency to be a great consultant in that industry.

A leaders must be able not only to show people they can lead them but also to inspire them to reach their potential and also show ways to encourage them during hard times.I find that when people know that their leaders has no credibility or little credibility what happens is the following;

They will do great work when they are watched closely. people are only motivated when money is involved or used as an incentive.They will also react to new policies in a very slow way because they feel unsupported and the big one! unappreciated!.

One thing that most leaders fail to understand is that there is a big difference between having people follow you and receiving support then giving orders from a point of view of the position a person holds
.Maureen Fries says that "Leadership is getting people to look beyond their own job description for ways to improve and challenge the process".

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Business World Needs Positivity

Hello my friends, continuous readers and supporters  of this blog. Today I would like to start out with a big thank you to all who support my cause and read my blog postings and who share what I have to say. I just want to say that what I do write most of the time comes from the suggestions you the readers send me to write about.

Today I received a suggestion regarding building a positive environment in the workplace and I have to tell you that of course it starts with leadership and their efforts to make that happen. I have seen many times where you create one as a leader and here comes your boss and because there has been no drama in a while they must create some just to make it exciting for themselves because it affects everyone else in a very negative way and they do not realize it or they just do not care.

Here is what happens to so many good leaders in many organizations when you try; Many managers leave their leaders because they have no relationship building skills ( The so called leaders).

Here is just one story that seems to ring around many organizations;
 I was qualified, and had done the majority of the responsibilities already, so I assumed the job was mine. Much to my surprise they brought in an elderly women from another store who because she had been around for 20 years leadership assumed that she had the right skill sets. She was really bad at interacting with people, asked my help with everything, and I might mention she was creepy in the way that internal customers cringed when she approached them.

I find the problem to be most of the time that management is very controlling and mostly sits in the office all day watching the employees to see how many minutes they are late.

Here is a great way to start thinking for yourself by Catherine Pratt She explains it this way;

There is an African proverb that says,
"When you cross someone on your path who is more committed to their hatred than you are to your love, then their hatred will take the place of your love.” 

The moral of this proverb is that you need to make the commitment to yourself that you will walk with positive thoughts and have joy for life. Don’t let the negative people bring you down. It’s very easy to get caught in that trap. Step 1 is to be aware of your thoughts and try to focus on the positive. Listen to your thoughts, are they positive or negative? 

 If they’re negative, try to look at the situation from a different angle and make it a positive. This gets easier with practice. Also, just because everyone around you is unhappy doesn’t mean you have to be. This can be tough to do but it’s definitely worth it. If you can train yourself to be positive in these types of situations, you will be able to deal with almost any situation you come across. 

 Remember, most of the time environments are all in how you think about them. If you think it’s a horrible place to be and there’s no hope, that’s exactly how it will be. If you look at it as a learning experience and a challenge to come up with meaningful solutions, you will be able to find the answers. 

 Whether you love your job or hate it is really going to depend on how you view it and what you’re willing to do about it. You have much more power than you may think. Instead of feeling like it’s hopeless, view it as a challenge to actually make a real difference in your workplace. You’ll appreciate the results as will your co-workers. You definitely have the power to change a negative environment into a positive, fun place to be. You can do it.







Only the highway of useful service leads to the city of happiness.

Psychologists who study human behavior have concluded that we are happiest when we are striving to achieve success. It is the act of striving, not the successful completion of the task, that provides the greatest psychic rewards. When you strive to achieve success through service to others, you multiply the benefits to yourself, and you ensure that whatever road you choose in life will ultimately lead you to success and happiness.
 There is no occupation or profession that will not benefit from a concerted effort to better serve others. But the greatest benefit will be to you, in the form of the self-satisfaction that comes from knowing that you made a difference, that without you others would never have received the service you provided.

I hope you really enjoy this posting and please feel free to send me more suggestions regarding what you would like to read about or send suggestions. I am open to anything!!


Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Mind Is Your Most Powerful Asset You Own-- Luciano The Key Santini

Hello my friends and how are we doing today. I hope that this year has started well for both you as the individual and also for your business. I know how difficult it can be trying to get something started whether it is personal or in business. As an individual it is your job to keep a positive attitude at all times and yes it can be challenging of course it all depends on the situation.

As an individual you need to look at whatever the situation is from a perspective of what it is and what it means to you. If you look at the situation in the regard then you can pretty much see the issue and now you can make a plan that works for yourself and fix it. I know what you are thinking sure if it were that simple and guess what I get that it is not an easy thing to do however you must realize one thing and this is extremely important to understand from the beginning. 

One that life is not fair because I hear that almost every time I assist someone with their dreams and goals. You have to understand that the mind does not differentiate from wrong thinking or good thing from a positive attitude to a negative attitude. If you as an individual can see and understand what this means and are able to know when the negativity is setting in then you have won part of the game already.

You have to understand how the mind works at least just a little bit and of course know who you are as a person. You must remember my friends that as a child you felt invincible and were not afraid of spiders per say up until began to grow up and started to see the reality of life that life was not fair. I know you remember saying this to someone at least once in your life or perhaps you say it everyday.. 

As you know I have studied Napoleon Hill for many years and have looked in depth at his way of thinking and I find his wisdom to be a learning experience. Take a look at this tip form him and let me know what you think of it:


Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results.

There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters.

 But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success. 

Read it and re-read it because if you can understand this with what I have written above the you will be to a great start and for sure a great day!!!!.


In the business world it is the same thing with a slight difference and that is that it is no longer just you because now you have staff to help and teach and train and then you have the most important thing mmmmmm oh yes your customers! which can and will make you or break you and your will.
Leadership means to lead through both the hard times and the good times and to be able to understand people and yourself and how to handle both clients and staff. The hard part is when you have to adapt to changes and perhaps you can do that with no issues but what about your staff. They will challenge you and resist. I can tell you right now and here that what I find is that people get fired almost immediately and my question always is why? The answers I get really piss me off to be honest because these people are the leaders operating the organization.

I start out with a few questions to these so called leaders;

Why are you wanting to fire these people?
Answer: Because they have no skills and they are lazy. This is perhaps the number one answer I get from leadership. 

My answer: Perhaps it is not they are lazy or do not have the skills, perhaps just perhaps you the leaders do not have the skills and are to lazy to realize what is happening. Yes they get upset but as a life/business coach it is my job to show you what is happening and sometimes it is not what you want to hear because you are the leader!! I get it and understand but you have to have the skills to understand both clients and people that work for you!! period.

Leaders loose focus and could be because of the pressures of leadership. Leaders cannot communicate and if they know how they do it poorly causing some major issues. Let me tell you one thing that I hope you understand if you are a leader in your company- Leadership is not an easy position it requires continuous training of staff monitoring and motivating which by the way can be the most difficult to do. Leadership must also have the ability to adapt to change and be able to implement any changes needed for the company to survive. 

The last thing that I will let you know is this because sometimes leaders in many organizations believe that what made the company or organization successful 100 years ago will continue to make it successful today and well sometimes what made is successful 100 years ago can bring about it failure today. Time have changed mindsets have changed and well people continuously change we need to adapt and quickly or be left behind.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Changes In Both The World Around Us And Our Faces--Luciano Santini

Hello my friends and how are we doing this day as we get ready to celebrate Martin Luther Kings Day. There is much to celebrate regarding the changes just in the workplace not to say everywhere else.Here is a little history;
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia;

Senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East (both North Carolina Republicans) led opposition to the holiday and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honor. Helms criticized King's opposition to the Vietnam War and accused him of espousing "action-oriented Marxism".[4] Helms led a filibuster against the bill and on October 3, 1983, submitted a 300-page document to the Senate alleging that King had associations with communists. New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan declared the document a "packet of filth", threw it on the Senate floor and stomped on it.[5][6]

President Ronald Reagan originally opposed the holiday, citing cost concerns. When asked to comment on Helms' accusations that King was a communist, the president said "We'll know in thirty-five years, won't we?", in reference to the eventual release of FBI surveillance tapes that had previously been sealed.[7] But on November 2, 1983, Reagan signed a bill, proposed by Representative Katie Hall of Indiana, to create a federal holiday honoring Dr. King.[8][9] The bill had passed the House of Representatives by a count of 338 to 90, a veto-proof margin.[4] The holiday was observed for the first time on January 20, 1986.
The bill also established the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission to oversee observance of the holiday, and Coretta Scott King, King's wife, was made a member of this commission for life by President George H. W. Bush in May 1989.[10][11]

Here I am celebrating Dr. Kings Birthday

OK now regarding business engagement in the workplace. I have found that while many companies continue to spend millions of dollars on developing their staff well most of the time it is a waste of time. Ans while we may ask ourselves why is that? I believe that most companies know the reasons behind the challenges. I believe that most people just do not want to change or they simply are not given the right direction to change.

Most companies believe that the reason their companies fail regarding development of the workforce is because there is a lack of good people when in reality it is the lack of skills. What do I mean by this well let us start by showing some statistics corporate training grew a 15 % between 2013 and 2014 meaning that this is the highest growth in seven years.

According to Brightspace by D2L shows that most people will be leaving their jobs for new opportunities and while it normally takes about 3 to 5 years to fully bring up a professional up to speed or full productivity many millennials have admitted that they will be leaving companies within 2 to 3 years because of development issues.

I found this on Google images and well take a look at this and then take a look at your staff and you better figure out where your organization is at this point and time.
This is a very important issue that organizations need to understand because large organizations are going to loose so many people due to retirement and all that knowledge is going out that door and as soon as that occurs well guess what happens next CHAOS!!!!

Leaders and managers need to come together and talk about their development strategies and how they will implement. Here are some fun facts to ponder upon;

51 % percent of your staff in a large organization actually in any organization are not engaged and 17.5 are actively dis-engaged. It is believed according to statistics and research that 78 million baby boomers will be leaving the workforce in the next 20 years of which 10,000 retire every day. These are astounding numbers so think  about this question! Where is your organization in this number?

Generation Y at over 75 million outnumbered the baby boomers in 2015.You have to agree whether we like it or not that though the generation Y  is the end user in actuality regarding the technology today they are the ones who will catch on faster and able to run with any new technology that may be coming.

This world will become very difficult to operate if people in leadership role do not get off their assets and begin to catch on with the program. Leaders today think that because they are in a leadership role they are immune to what is coming well guess what leaders!!!! You are not and if you do not prepare,learn and teach well then good luck because you will be swallowed up by a much younger,faster technology savvy millennial!!.