Thank you to all who support and follow me on this truly a wonderful journey regarding leadership. Leadership is all about being yourself and demonstrating personal authenticity. True leadership is therefore much more than a demonstration of strengths. Real leaders acknowledge their shortcomings and may even make them work for them.
Good leaders always rely on their ability to read situations. They develop a feel for an environment, and interpret soft data without having to be told. They know when team morale is patchy or when complacency needs shaking up.Effective leaders use their differences and move on to distinguish themselves through personal qualities such as sincerity, loyalty, creativity, or sheer expertise. Using these differences is a critical leadership skill. I always say, there is a danger – too much distance makes it impossible to sense situations properly or to communicate effectively.
Genuine concern is difficult because it always involves some personal risk showing some part of yourself and your most strongly held values can seem quite scary. It may also take some detachment the ability to stand back, see the whole picture and sometimes take tough decisions. Leadership never was a popularity contest. #leadership #evanstyle #people #disruptors #respect #inspire